Underlands RP!!!

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Underlands RP!!!

Underlands RP!!!


It's you first day of school in Canyon City. You hear the trees rustling, the birds singing, and as you are leaving your house, you say bye to your parents, grab a map and leave the house. You're waking down the road, going over the mental list of things you need, and looking at your map. Suddenly, a hole opens up beneath you. You tumble into the blackness below.

You wake up in a bustling building. Where are you? A skeleton sitting at a desk in the center of the building greets you. 

"Welcome, newly deseased, to the Underlands!"


This is basicly an RP where you and all of the people who have just moved to Canyon City are dead, and you have to find out who killed you and why. But there is a problem. You are unauthorized to leave the Underlands. So you will have to work it out from down there. You have the coice to be:

1) A skeleton (only 3)

2) A zombie (only 3)

3) A ghost (only 2)

4) A (object) spirit (only 3)

5) Something else I haven't thought of! (only 4)

You all begin in the hall of records, but the other areas are:

1) The Snowlands (Snowy Tundra)

2) The Wastelands (Baron Desert with Lava Geysers)

3) The Castlelands (Old castle ruins)

4) The Junglelands (Jungles. Duh.)

5) The Cavelands (Massive Cave System)

Here's the Charrie sheet!


Age (12-18):




Special Power (Must be related to the Species):

Must See Underland (Which one they most want to see) :


I will post my charrie after the first person posts.

Have Fun! (I know I will)

and see you in...




submitted by General Waffleson, age -457, The Nexus of All Reality!
(January 21, 2017 - 5:42 pm)


i mean...if that's okay with you.......

submitted by Curio, Thundersnail
(February 21, 2017 - 2:39 pm)

I'm too tired to think of an Undertale top right now, so TTTTOOOOOOOOPPPPPPPPP


This will have to do for the moment

submitted by CuriTOP
(February 23, 2017 - 12:26 am)

I cannot say 'top' enough times.


It smells like Top (and sushi).


A. Enough                  B. 3 Gazillion

C. Not Enough            D. JUST TOP!

Is your RefrigeraTOP running?

I've been doing a TOP of work lately.

A skelleTOP.

submitted by General TOPPleson, age TOP!, GO!TOTPTOTPTOPTOTPOTOP!
(February 25, 2017 - 12:30 pm)

Despite everything, it's still TOP.

Undyne TOPs a huge boulder, just because she can.

They told me I was too young. They told me I needed more training. I told them to TOP dead.

...How ironic.

*it's a beautiful day outside...

*birds are singing, flowers are blooming...

*on days like this, threads like you...


Koda says hbbp. Rude, Koda! No blowing raspberries at me!

submitted by CuriTOP
(February 25, 2017 - 4:45 pm)

*There's a blue TOP sign.

Elena says wavf.  What do waffles have to do with Topping puns?


submitted by Lucy B., age 12, California
(March 6, 2017 - 12:29 am)

Word had been spreading for months about a cemetery where dead things TOPped.

Undead things.

The clan elders dismissed it as "just rumors." Called my investigation a "fool's errand."

They told me I was too young. They told me I needed more training.

I told them I was already dead, so what's the worst that could happen?


(In other news, I got the NecroDancer DLC, or couldn't you tell? XD)

submitted by Curio
(March 7, 2017 - 10:11 pm)

Is this thread dead? Or is this thred still ALIVE? I doesn't know.





|  Kill  |               |  Mercy X|

submitted by General Waffleson, age -457, The Breakfast Kingdom!
(March 22, 2017 - 3:56 pm)