Warriors Cats Role

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Warriors Cats Role

Warriors Cats Role Play...

If you like warriors cats we have 2 do a role play!


1. No real characters, make up own warrior cat!

2. You must all be from Thunder Clan, it's easiest and more fun [ and best clan!] 

3. Fillout sheet..

Rank of cat:

She cat? Tom cat?: 

First part of cat name: 

Second part of cat name: 

Pelt of cat:

Eyes of cat:

Personality of cat:

Backstory of cat:



Rank: Warrior

Tom Cat 

1st part: Whisker

2nd part: Heart

Pelt: Black-and white

Eyes: Amber

Personality: Snappy, loyal, dedicated, protective

Back Story:  No littermates, mom helps in nursery, dad cat died in battle.


Good Luck!!!!!! 





submitted by Jayfeather, The Lake, Thunderclan
(January 20, 2017 - 12:38 pm)

Warriors fans FOREVER!!

Rank: Warrior


First part of cat name: Dew

Second Part of cat name: Spirit

Pelt: mostly gray with bluish-gray flecks

Eyes: deep blue, the same color as the lake.

Personality: trusting, brave, curious, courageous, kind, sometimes creative, hats ShadowClan.

Age:16 moons

Backstory:was found as a kit at the ThunderClan-WindClan border reeking of ShadowClan. Since she was only about a week or two old, she was taken in because she was to weak to care for herself.  Granted, anything that's a week old can't care for itself, right? She remembers nothing of that rainy night she was found, but some of he elders think that she got her raindrop-like spots from the rain; she had none when she was found. 

submitted by Lucy B., age 12, California
(January 22, 2017 - 12:50 pm)

Nightthorn can mentor Darkpaw.

submitted by NightThorn
(January 22, 2017 - 3:51 pm)

I'm going to start RPing.

Claaws, can Dovehearts rouge name be dove? It makes sense.



I slowly creep through the undergrowth, my eyes fixed on the big, fat, mouse, nibbling on a leaf. Suddenly, the mouse lifts it's head and sniffs twice. That's when I pounce. "Gotcha!" I cried. After I make sure the mouse is dead, I grab it in my jaws and head back to me and my denmate, Dove's, den. I drop the mouse at the entrance to a thicket of bushes and slide it through a tiny opening. I then go to the far end of the thicket and squeeze through a little hole between a tree andthe edge of a blackberry bush. My sister is waiting for me there. "Good catch." she said. I nod. We then look over our days catch: one mouse, two wrens, and a fat rabbit. It will be sufficient for about two more days. I then pick up the rabbit and me and Dove share it. After our meal, I go out to find moss for our nest. It's my turn to find moss. I quickly find a clump of moss and grab it in my mouth.

Red's dream-

I writhe in my nest. I put in too much bracken. I finally fall asleep. My dreams are troubled. A tabby tom with stars in his pelt appears. "You must go." he says. "Go where?" I ask. "To the clans." he replies and then his voice fades away. I wake up to Dove staring at me. "So? Are you going to get up?" she says. I tell her about my dream. "If you're going to find a bunch of clans or whatnot, I'm going with you." she announced. I nodded my head. There was no turning back. I pushed through the blackberry bush and set off with my sister. We soon came to a lighting-struck tree and passed it. An unfamiliar scent went through my nose. "Hold it. What do you think you're doing?" a gruff voice asked. A gray and black tom pushed out of the bushes with two other cats. "Looking for the clans so I can join them." I say. "Well then you better come with us. We're Thunderclan." I'm surprised. I follow them wordlessley to a clearing.

Red becomes Maplefur-

I step out onto the high rock. Nightstar announces, "By the powers of Starclan, I give Red her medicine cat name, Maplefur!" I touch noses with her as the other cats cheer, "Maplefur! Maplefur!" I then retreat to the medicine cats den and review the herbs in there.Burdock root, catmint, goldenrod, mouse bile, everything. Hmm. It seems there isn't any cobwebs. I'll just have a apprentice fetch it tomorrow. I quickly get into bed. I review the day's events. Dove became Doveheart! Before I finish my thought, I am fast asleep.   


submitted by Random Person, age 1-100, Somewhere
(January 22, 2017 - 7:19 pm)

Also, NightThorn can take the role of deputy if you want. However, if anyone wants to be deputy more I wouldn't mind! We could also make the deputy just some random cat. 


I watch the ceremony with bored eyes. Leaning my head against my paws, I twitch my ears to the whispered conversations.

"Two rouges?" 

"Should we be trusting our clan with rouges?"

"Our clan is soon going to be filled with kittypets and rouges."

I growl under my breath. Like we can trust our clan with any cat here. As the ceremony ends, I stretch my legs and pad over to the warrior den. I yawn, and lay onto the ground.

I look over to the side of my moss pile. Windfeather. Shaking my head, I try to go back to sleep. 

submitted by NightThorn
(January 22, 2017 - 9:31 pm)

How about her name was Wing before? Maybe the torteshell spots on her back sort of looked like wings? 

Also, Doverheart's mate either died in battle or sickness, if no one wants to create a cat to be her mate. Or maybe her mate was a rouge that left her, and she was carrying kits when she arrived to Thunderclan with her sister? Actually, I like that idea. 


I'm shocked. "You mean, youre seeing the fabled Starclan warriors from the clans in your dreams? Does that mean...theyre real?"

"Well, I will have to ask the clans first." Red responds.

"Im comming with you if youre leaving." I struggled to stand up, my stomic heavy with my yet-to-be-boren kits. "And you cant stop me." I added as she gave me a look.

She sighed. "Well, I did promis to help take care of your kits. I cant brake a promis to my sister, or leave you alone here. Common, let's go before the sun sets."

We travled into the clan's territory's quickly. I struggled to keep up with my nimble sister, but didnt lag too far behind. Soon we were met with a bunch of warriors. They challenged us, and we told them our reasoning. "Well, we'll take you to see our medicen cat. And you, you probably need to rest after this long journy." 

We were lead back to their camp. Red met with the medicen cat, and they comfermed it was Starclan, a sign. A few moons past, and I grew to the point where Red had to lay my prey down in front of my nose.

And after much dessision, the leader agreed to give us warrior names and welcom us to the clan. But one thing fell short. As she was anouncing this to the clan, my litter came. "Red! Red!" I yowled as the leader's words echoed across the clearing. "Theyre coming!"

We had to wait one more night, and Red proved her medicen cat skills by tending for my kits and treating me with all the needed herbs. I was jellous, because her job seemed so peiceful, and fighting wasnt my thing. I wished we were still loners, then my kits lives wouldnt always be in jepordy. But, having a bunch of cats to defend yoj is a lot better then just your sister. Espessially if there was a fire, or a fox.

Red was named her warrior name that night as I tended for my kits. Then she brought me out, kits and all, and I was given my warrior name to everyone. Doveheart. I was hoping to atleast keep some of my name in my warrior name, but a wing is part of a dove, so I guess it would do. Though Red still calls me Wing, and I still call her Red, even thiugh her warrior name didnt have Red in it. Maplefur.

She stayed with me all night. "What are you going to name them?" She asked again, probably for the millionth time.

"I think Ive decided...." I started, week with all the effort of earlyer on. "Bat, Ember, and Firefly."

I licked each one as I said their names. "Batkit, Emberkit, and Fireflykit." Red repeated. "Beautiful names."

I looked over at her. "Will you be sad that you cant have kits?"

She looked at me for a second, thinking. "No," she finally responded. "Ill share your kits."

I smiled, leaning into my sister. Soon I was fast asleep.


Three moons later, my kits eyes finally opened. "Red!Red! Its happening!" I yowled. She rushed in, out of breath, some sort of herb still coating her paws. 

We watched as the kits eyes opened, one by one. They looked up at their mother and aunt, crawling around on their small paws. But something was wronge. Batkit still didnt look as if he could see. He could hear perfectly fine, but some sort of haze was over his eyes and he faced the other kits blindly. And Emberkit, his eyes were red.

"What could it mean?" Red whispered. "A kit boren with red eyes. Is this a sign from Starclan?"

I looked worridly at Batkit. "I-is Batkit blind?" I whispered. Red watching him inteantly for a second. Then waved her paw over his eyes. His ears privked as if he senced something, but his eyes were unblinking.

"Yes." Red whispered sadly. "Im sorry, Wing." She was no longer worried about Emberkit.

How coukd Batkit fir into this clan if he was blind?

The leader stepped in as we were thinking what could happen. She saw the truth of Batkit soon enough. "Is he blind?" She asked. We nodded. "Fireflykit's eyes look just like a...well...firefly." She remarked without another say on Batkit. "And Emberkit...." she was taken aback as she saw his eyes. "Its a sign." She whispered. She looked at Red. "Its surley a sign from Starclan! This kit will be trouble! Evil! Or he is a sign that other evil is coming..."

She stepped out of the den, calling a clan meeting emidiatly. Red stepped out of the den. "Im sorry, Wing." She whispered.

I sighed. "Starclan isnt even real. Just a fabled tell the elders.  tell to the kits. Well im no kit." 

submitted by Claaws
(January 22, 2017 - 11:31 pm)


Well, at least I have a proper mentor now. Even if she was simply a rouge. Not to discount her, rouges often have the best medical knowledge...


The day after the other rouges kits were born, I happened to walk past the den. "It's a sign," I heard Nightstar hiss. I stepped put of the way, trying to look casual as our leader burst out of the den, calling for a meeting. I watched as Doveheart poked her head out, rolling her eyes. Maplefur comforted her by laying her tail across her shoulders before walking out and nearly running into me. 

She narrowed her eyes at me, but said nothing. I widened my eyes. Great StarClan, this cat was fierce! Whipping my tail, I walked past her and joined the crowd at the base of the Great Rock. 

submitted by Inktail
(January 23, 2017 - 4:07 pm)

I'm sorry for not posting the charrie sheet earlier. Life is difficult at the moment. Note: My charrie is not based off of Firestar at all. The name that I enter is the nickname of my favourite charrie in ToG.

 Rank of cat: Currently rogue, but will be a warrior.

She cat? Tom cat?: She cat

First part of cat name: Fire

Second part of cat name: Heart

Pelt of cat: Depends on the light. When in sunlight, it looks more on the pale golden side, but in the moonlight, it appears to be silver. Has a set of 3 scars on her flank, which she typically refuses to talk about.

Eyes of cat: Bright turquoise.

Personality of cat: Very passionate about many things, and especially so with the people whom she loves. When she cares for someone, she cares for them deeply, and has experienced enough loss in her life to never want to feel it again. Her passionate nature also often extends to her interests. She feels things both strongly and deeply. While she is often teasing, witty, and carefree when she is happy, her most immediate reaction when angry or sad is to channel her darker emotions into a barely-contained rage or killing calm. This gets her into trouble more often than not. Also has a strong moral compass.

Backstory of cat: Vaguely remembers having a sister. Parents were lost to her from a young age. She was taken in by RiverClan, but never really fit in, so she left and went rogue for some time. Sometime early in the story, she'll join ThunderClan.

submitted by Kestrel
(January 24, 2017 - 9:00 am)

Could I please join? I hope I'm not too late...

Rank of cat: Warrior

She-cat or tom?: Tom

First part of name: Lightning

Second part of name: Tail


Pelt: He has a cream-colored pelt, that can appear white in moonlight and a golden-honey color in bright sunlight. His fur is long, though not Angora-long, but it is thick and keeps out the cold. His build is tall and bulky, with long hair.  

Eyes: Flint-yellow with flecks of gold. 

Personality: Lightningtail is friendly, brave, and perservering. He enjoys fighting and training apprentices, and he likes to sit and stare at the sky. Sometimes a bit daydreaming, and gets distracted fairly easily. He has a deep and calming purr. He's empathetic, though sometimes to the point of naïveness. 

Backstory: His father was a rogue called Copper, and since then it's alienated him from some of his Clanmates. Despite that, he tries to put on a brave face for the rest of the Clan, but he's very sensitive on the subject. Maybe, though, if there was a she-cat he could grow close to... *hint hint someone*

submitted by Clouded Leopard
(January 24, 2017 - 7:29 pm)

I feel like my charrie might find him annoying at first, but later develop an attachment, since they have somewhat similar backgrounds. Plus, his personality could balance out her dark side...

So, I am willing to be said she-cat, if you wish.

submitted by Kestrel
(January 25, 2017 - 9:19 am)

Yesh CL! I volenteer! (Well, Foxwing does.)

Also, Im changing Dovehearts name to Foxwing, i tried doodling her and her color looks more like a fox then a dove. So ya....


Also, i may be able to post tommaro. Its currently like, 10:30 and my dads yelling at me to get off. Chow! 

submitted by Claaws
(January 24, 2017 - 11:58 pm)


Well, of course I wouldn't admit that I didnt beilive in StarClan to these cats. My sister's clan. To be honest, I wouldn't really admit this to my sister either. If I had when she started having those dreams, then we wouldnt be here in this safe place, now would we?

I didn't really think of any of these cats as my 'clanmates' either. Ever since I've gotten here, I've been getting strange and angry looks. Not even Red had really been accepted yet. But, I'll stay here for her, and nothing could ever change what I'll do for her. I don't even know if I would rather give up my kits for her, well, we'll have to see if that happens when the time comes.

I stayed behind at the entrance to the nursery, my kits cradled in my tail, purring softly as they slept. I curled around them, daring anyone to challange me. The she-cat that helps out in the nursery, I forget what they caled her, (Jayfeather, what's your mother's name in this RP?) came out beside me and reached out to grab the kits so I could go to the meeting. I hissed at her, I never let her lay a paw on my kits before, so I wouldn't now. My claws unsheilded and my ears flicked back. I probably looked more feirce then I wanted to be. It was just a habbit, I guess. Protecting myself and the ones I care about from other cats. She flicked her ears back and drew away from me, hissig quietly. Then she walked fowards to join the clan meeting, about my kits.

Red was sitting at the base of the rock, her ears pricked and facing to the sides of her head, in not a friendly guester but a warning sign that read 'dont challange me'. She was ready to defend my kits. She loved me and my kits more then this clan. 

Well, that's a good sign, right?

Then the leader begain, her eyes sparkling in the setting sun, with an expretion nearly every roughe cat I knew has never worn publically before.  



Alright, maybe someone else could continue this speech? Like maybe whoever is the leader or the dupty. Or anyone, really. 

submitted by Claaws
(January 26, 2017 - 6:45 pm)


I watched as the rogues stood near each other. I could tell from their body language that they only cared for each other. I know disloyalty when I see it.

Flattening my ears, I turn as my leader begins a speech. I can almost see fear etched on her face, and the emotions beneath. What has happened? Is it about the rogues?

I recall the feeling of slight dread I have felt in the past moon. Is it something to do with the rogues? Or is something more hunting this Clan, something that only I can seem to feel?

submitted by Jayfeather, The Lake
(January 28, 2017 - 2:05 pm)

Queen Name is Hollyshine...

submitted by Jayfeather, The Lake
(January 28, 2017 - 2:07 pm)


Tonight is the night I go to the moonstone. I quickly call for Fernblossom to come with me and then we silently pad off into the night. When we reach the sacred moonstone cave, the other medicine cats are already there: Wheatstalk, Sparkeyes, and Sparrowflight with their apprentices. "Oooh! I'm so excited!" one of the apprentices yells. "Hush Goldenstream, Riverclan would disapprove of the future medicine cat yelling." shushed Sparrowflight. We then touched our noses to the moonstone and felt the coldness spread through us. I wake up in a hot fire with embers burning my pelt. Wait, embers...burning I think. Emberkit will burn down the clan? At least, that's what I think it means. I turn my head and see Rain, the wisest rouge of the rouges in front of me. "Find what is in the shadows and embrace it, for only it can clear the Thunder." he said and faded away. I think that is a prophecy. I turn to Fernblossom after the sharing and ask if she had the same dream. She nods and then only do I know that Emberkit can destroy Thunderclan if we can't find a special cat. 

submitted by Random Person, age 1-100, Somewhere
(January 28, 2017 - 4:37 pm)


"Good thing our medicine cats are going to the moonstone tonight, they can ask our ancestors if this is a sign, or maybe even told a phrophocy." Her eyes flashed with more fear, as she looked over at me. "Let's hope that it's just a coinicidence and this sign is not ment for our clan." She cast another glance at me. "Meeting dissmissed."

She leapt off the cliff and went over to talk with Red. I watched with my eyes narrowed and ears pricked, my kits still curled in my tail. I didn't catch much of their conversation, but I did hear this from Red, "I'll see what Starclan has't to say.....I value my clan....Foxwing...." Then she saw me staring at them, nodded at the leader, summoned her apprintace, and slipped out of the camp. 

I snarled under my breath before getting up and gently leading my kits back to their nest. I curled around them once they had gotten situated, and was soon alseep.

Fire. Fire was everywhere. Embers burned my coat, and I swear I could actually feal it. Then a figure emerged from the haze of smoke. Rain. My sister and I respected her and were close with her before we decided to go to the clans. "Rain?" My whisper echoed through the smoke and faded away. "Are you..."

She dipped her head, a simple responce answering my unfinished question. I swallowed hard, greif welling in my throat. "Find what is in the shadows and embrace it, for only it can silence the Thunder." She whispered. "If you fail, the storm will rule the forest, and only Embers will burn in the ashes." She started to fade away, stars and burning embers glimmering through her pelt. 

"Wait!" I called. "Is it true? Will my kit destroy this clan?" She just looked down on me, her grey-blue pelt glimmering with stars, like rain in a night sky, her exprestion stoic. 

The fire rose around me, and the sky crackled with thunder. Lightning struck the ground, and I jolted awake. 

A gasped, my eyes flying open. I painted, my coat hot with anxity. I looked down at little Emberkit, my heart twisting with worry. "It was only a dream." I whispered to myself, curling back up and closing my eyes. "Only...a...dream..."

I let blackness ingulf me and had a peacful no-dream slumber untill dawn. 


So I was thinking, what if Emberkit and the other rouges are actually the good ones, and maybe the whole of Thunderclan turns evil without knowing (but not the rouges), and maybe even Windclan and Riverclan, and they want to rule the forest and get rid of all the rouges or something (but if they're not stopped they will end up destroying the forest, and only Emberkit and a few others will be left), but Shadowclan are the ones who must stop them, with the help of the rouges? How does this sound, plot wise?

submitted by Claaws
(January 28, 2017 - 11:14 pm)