Warriors Cats Role

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Warriors Cats Role

Warriors Cats Role Play...

If you like warriors cats we have 2 do a role play!


1. No real characters, make up own warrior cat!

2. You must all be from Thunder Clan, it's easiest and more fun [ and best clan!] 

3. Fillout sheet..

Rank of cat:

She cat? Tom cat?: 

First part of cat name: 

Second part of cat name: 

Pelt of cat:

Eyes of cat:

Personality of cat:

Backstory of cat:



Rank: Warrior

Tom Cat 

1st part: Whisker

2nd part: Heart

Pelt: Black-and white

Eyes: Amber

Personality: Snappy, loyal, dedicated, protective

Back Story:  No littermates, mom helps in nursery, dad cat died in battle.


Good Luck!!!!!! 





submitted by Jayfeather, The Lake, Thunderclan
(January 20, 2017 - 12:38 pm)

I'm totes joining!

RANK OF CAT: Medicine cat

SHECAT? TOM?: She-cat



PELT OF CAT: A kind of reddish brownish, tortiseshell pattern with hints of tan.

EYES OF CAT: Greenish hazel color with brown specks in the pupils. 

PERSONALITY OF CAT: Down to earth and understanding 

BACKSTORY OF CAT: Used to be a rogue called Red but kept having dreams of cats with stars in their fur and went to the forest to seek advice. When she came to the forest, she found the clans, joined Thunderclan, and became their medicine cat.


submitted by Random Person, age 1-100, Somewhere
(January 21, 2017 - 2:54 pm)

YES! I was hoping someone would make another one of these. Can I make more then charrie? Like a litter of kits and their mother? I'll make the charries and if its not alright I'll choose one.

Oh and, *cough, cough* Shadowclan and Riverclan way better then Thunderclan. 

1st charrie!

Rank: kit

Gender: Tom

First part of name: Bat

Second part: kit 

Pelt: Dark brown with red tints around the neck, paws, and muzzle. Faded black tabby stripes on his hide and down his tail. Large ears with black tips. Meidium fur lenght.

Eyes: Large icy blue eyes with a blue haze over the puiples (he's blind)

Personallity: shy, doesnt share his fealings often, doesnt really play with other kits, feels adbandoned sometimes. Selfless, and loyal, though no one gives him a chance to show this.

Background: Has two littermates, dad died in battle (unless anyone wants to be the dad) 

And yes, that was a kit I did from the last Warriors RP. I changed somethings up though, like his apperance and personallity.  


2nd charrie!

Rank: kit

Gender: She-cat

First part of name: Firefly

Second part: kit

Pelt: A tannish gold pelt with a cream-white muzzle and underfur. Her legs turn to white at her ankles, and the tip of her tail is white. Has a long pelt and a long, silky tail.

Eyes: A deep honey amber color, like the light a firefly gives off.

Personallity: sweet and kind, but can be a bit stuck up at times. Loyal and defencive of her blind brother. If you say anything about him, you meet her claws.  

Background: same as her brothers


3rd charrie!

Rank: kit

Gender: Tom

First part of name: Ember

Second part: kit 

Pelt: a faded tan pelt with faded gray tabby stripes down his back, tail, legs, neck, and forehead. His paws are gray and tips of ears. He looks as if he's covered in a cloud of mist. Medium lenght hair. Stronge build, like his father. 

Eyes: one amber eye and one hazle eye (changes between ice blue and brown basied off his mood).  his puiples are red. (this is caused by a lack of dark pigment, also why his pelt is so light)

Personallity: Stronge, loves to show off. Always out there, energetic, loud. His eyes are a delicate matter, most think his eye color is a sign of evil from Starclan. A warrning of some sort. He's always very curious, and will do anything to fit in.

Background: same as Batkits


And lastly....

Rank: Warrior Queen

Gender: she-cat

First part of name: Dove

Second part: heart

Pelt: A light golden pelt with brown and black patches of fur on her right shoulder, mid back, left back leg, and right paw. Her face is white with a golden spot around her eye. Her ears are tipped black and so is her tail. Long pelt with a long and silkly tail.

Eyes: Ice blue

Personallity: Sweet and kind, but determened to always do whats best for her clan. Loyal, but doenst really like fighting.

Background: She wished to be a medicen cat, but a different apprintance beat her to it. (if you want it can be her sister/brother) So instead of fighting, she tryed to catch the most prey of every apprintace (and sucseeded), and became a queen moons after she became a warrior. Determained to find another mate (if no one wants to make the kit's father) and scared to become a warrior again. Will try anything to stay in the queen's den, even if it means her kits have to waight longer to become apprintinces. 



Again, if this is too much, I'll only choose one to RP. But if you dont mind I would like to keep all of them as background charries, or someone else can RP them if it is too much. 

submitted by Claaws
(January 21, 2017 - 3:38 pm)

Thunderclan 4 evs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I need, like, a Lionblaze to back me up here.

Also, plz choose one of your characters, thx.

Tongue out

submitted by Jayfeather, The Lake
(January 22, 2017 - 12:49 pm)

Rank: Warrior

Tom Cat

1st Part: Night

2nd Part: Thorn

Pelt: Gray all over except for a black ear and a black tail tip. Scar on back.

Eyes: Dark gray and gloomy. 

Personality: Dark, untrusting, harsh temper. Seems to hate everything and everyone. If he ever got to like someone he would be very incredibly protective. Self concious, sarcastic, and really hard to get on his good side. He can be nice in his own awkward ways if he tries to. He's pretty awkward in general.

Backstory: His original mate, Wind feather, died in a fight. He has been sad and untrusting ever since. (I'll probably make in fall in love with someone later o-o) 


submitted by NightThorn
(January 21, 2017 - 4:50 pm)

I'm going to make a list of all the herbs medicine cats use.

Alder bark- eases tooth pain

Beech leaves- carries other herbs

Bindweed- fastens sticks to broken legs to keep them in place

Blackberry leaves- eases swelling of bee stings (chewed into a pulp)

Borage leaves- produces better milk if eaten and brings down fever if eaten (chewed into a pulp)

Broom- makes a poultice for broken legs and wounds

Burdock root- lessens pain of rat bites and prevents infection of rat bites (chewed into a pulp)

Burnet- keeps cats' strength up

Catchweed burrs- stops pultices from being rubbed off

Catmint- best remedy for greencough and whitecough

Celandine juice- soothes damaged eyes

Chamomile- strengthens the heart and soothes the mind

Chervil juice- for infected wounds and bellyaches

Chickweed- treats greencough

Cobwebs- soaks up blood

Coltsfoot- eases breathing and sore pads

Comfrey root- repairs broken bones, soothes wounds, used for wrenched claws, soothes itching, soothes stiff joints, eases stiffness on wrenched shoulders, used for burns

Daisy leaf- eases pain of aching joints (chewed into a paste)

Dandelion- juice heals bee stings, leaves can be chewed up to act as a painkiller

Dock- soothes scratches and sore pads, eases pain of wounds

Fennel stalk juice- eases hip pain

Feverfew- reduces body temperature for cats with fever, especially good for soothing headaches

Goatweed- eases anxiety and grief

Goldenrod- heals wounds (chewed into a poultice)

Heather nectar- used to sweeten herb mixtures

Honey- soothes infections, sore throat, and coughing

Horsetail- treats infections and stops bleeding (chewed into a poultice)

Juniper berries- gives strength, helps bellyaches, helps troubled breathing (chewed)

Lavender- cures fever and chills, used to hide the scent of death

Lungwort- cures yellowcough

Marigold- stops infection (chewed into a poultice)

Mouse bile- dabbed on ticks to get rid of them

Dried oak leaf- stops infection from setting in

Parsley- stops a queen from producing too much milk

Poppy seeds- soothes sleep, shock, and distress

Rasberry leaves- eases pain and stops bleeding

Rush- binds broken bones in place

Sorrel- builds up appetite

Sticks- used to distract cats from pain

Stinging nettle- seeds are eaten by cats who have swallowed poison, induces vomiting and brings down swelling

Tansy- cures coughs, wounds, and poison

Thyme leaves- calms nervousness and anxiety

Willow bark- eases pain

Willow leaves- stops vomiting

Yarrow- extracts poisons from wounds, softens and heals pads, will make a cat vomit up poisons




Foxglove seeds

Holly berries

Deadly nightshade

Water hemlock 

submitted by Random Person, age 1-100, Somewhere
(January 21, 2017 - 5:02 pm)

Thanks, you know even more than I do about this and I have read the whole series 2-3 times!!!!! Are u training to be a medicine cat, lol...

submitted by Jayfeather, The Lake
(January 22, 2017 - 12:51 pm)

I think we should decide who has who as a mate beforehand. Being a medicine cat, I, have no mate.

submitted by Random Person, age 1-100, Somewhere
(January 21, 2017 - 5:05 pm)

Hey, do you think Maplefur and Doveheart could be sisters? Like, Maplefur saw dreams of cats with stars and convinced Doveheart to go with her to the clans (or she didnt want Doveheart to go with her but she did anyway), and they both ended up joining Thunderclan? And maybe Doveheart wanted to be a medican cat because she had witnessed a battle the clans had had before and didnt want to fight, but Maplefur was aperently 'chosen' by Starclan and became medicen cat. She's maybe been jellious ever since, but glad she was able to have kits. Are you alright with all this? 

Oh, and Doveheart's rouge name was Pride? Or maybe even Delicate? 

submitted by @RandomPerson, Claaws
(January 21, 2017 - 6:02 pm)

Sure Claaws! Maybe Doveheart's rouge name was Dove? Or maybe Bird? 

submitted by Random Person, age 1-100, Somewhere
(January 22, 2017 - 1:17 pm)

Here is what we have so far: 

Leader: Nightstar (-Leeli

Duepty: N/A

Med. cat: Maplefur (-Random

Apprintance: Fernblossom (do you want the end to be 'paw' or does the she-cat already have her warrior name?) (-Inktail

Queens: Doveheart (-Claaws

Kits: Batkit, Fireflykit, Emberkit (Doveheart's) (-Claaws

Warriors: Whiskerheart (-Jayfeather

Nightthorn (-Nightthorn 

Apprentances: Darkpaw (mentor unknown) (-TF 


submitted by Claaws
(January 21, 2017 - 6:13 pm)

OKAY. Next person, create deputy, or queens, or warriors, or medicine cat mentor [should maplefur be warrior, med cat?

New question: Who's Doveheart's mate, did I miss something?

Also, Nightthorn can mentor the apprentice is you wanting 2?

submitted by Jayfeather, The Lake
(January 22, 2017 - 12:55 pm)

Maplefur is the medicine cat.

submitted by Random Person, age 1-100, Somewhere
(January 22, 2017 - 6:53 pm)

Hey, if anyone wants DewSpirit to train an apprentice, I'd be happy to- Become the deputy!  Of COURSE I would! Yeah. What she said. So yeah. DewSpirit is willing to become the deputy.  

submitted by Lucy B., age 12, California
(January 22, 2017 - 12:57 pm)

So am I part of this or not? Yeah. Am I? Cuz I really want to be. 

submitted by Lucy B., age 12, California
(January 23, 2017 - 12:52 am)

Well, I was thinking she already had her name, but it really depends on how old this generation if Clans are.

submitted by @Jayfeather@Claaws
(January 23, 2017 - 3:59 pm)