Chatterbox: Inkwell



I was watching ninjago (please don't kill me I didn't have anything better to do.)

anyway, all of the contestants at the time had powers that aren't actually elemental, Fire is not an element, it's a type of energy release. Earth is comprised of lots of different elements, electricity is technically not even made of atoms.

so I thought that I would create a tournament which actual elements. pick an element from the periodic table an fill out the charrie sheet!





power: (nothing too OP)




here's mine!!

Name: jack

gender: boy 

age: 12

Element: astatine 

power: able to melt anything no matter what, if I consentrate hard enough. Also able to kill less complex life forms. (Plants, small rodents, etc...) immunity to radiation 

description: small, coal black eyes, brown hair, t shirt and jeans.

personality: withdrawn, sort of creepy.

other: BEWARE!!!! Radiation levels get abnormally high when he gets annoyed or angry.

submitted by Nondescript hobbit , age 11ty1, Rivendale
(January 11, 2017 - 1:09 am)

@Lucy B. I was thinking of doing arsenic, before I settled on bromine

submitted by Embers in the Ashes
(January 14, 2017 - 7:12 am)

I did arsenic because I wanted to be crazy and creative. . . I didn't think that anyone would want a poison

submitted by Lucy B., age 12, California
(January 20, 2017 - 9:42 pm)
submitted by TOP N' START!!!!
(January 16, 2017 - 2:30 am)
submitted by Top!
(January 17, 2017 - 2:21 pm)

Pleeeeease start! Pleeeeease! I has plot ideas here:

What if about halfway through the tounament, one of the contestants overhears a conversation and finds out that the tounament was actually a trap to find the most powerful beings on the planet and steal their powers and create an army of super soliers to CONQUER ALL! BWAHAHAHAHA! 

Also, can the tounament be sponsered by a company called Shirewing and their boss be Chang Shirewing? Pleeease? Also  TOPPPPPP!!!!!!



See? even that means start somewhere in the world!

submitted by General TOPPleson, age -457, TOP Nexus of All Reality!
(January 21, 2017 - 1:23 pm)

That CAPTCHA of yours is a lot smarter than you think.... Look 'yuzg' up and you'll see why.

submitted by elementgirl18917
(January 21, 2017 - 7:46 pm)
submitted by Don't You..., age thread, Forget 'bout this
(February 26, 2017 - 2:59 pm)