Chatterbox: Inkwell
I was watching ninjago (please don't kill me I didn't have anything better to do.)
anyway, all of the contestants at the time had powers that aren't actually elemental, Fire is not an element, it's a type of energy release. Earth is comprised of lots of different elements, electricity is technically not even made of atoms.
so I thought that I would create a tournament which actual elements. pick an element from the periodic table an fill out the charrie sheet!
power: (nothing too OP)
here's mine!!
Name: jack
gender: boy
age: 12
Element: astatine
power: able to melt anything no matter what, if I consentrate hard enough. Also able to kill less complex life forms. (Plants, small rodents, etc...) immunity to radiation
description: small, coal black eyes, brown hair, t shirt and jeans.
personality: withdrawn, sort of creepy.
other: BEWARE!!!! Radiation levels get abnormally high when he gets annoyed or angry.
(January 11, 2017 - 1:09 am)
Top! Love this idea! Will post a charrie tomorrow (after rereading the entire periodic table)
(January 11, 2017 - 4:12 pm)
(January 12, 2017 - 3:19 pm)
name: Curly, dark red hair, the same color as her element. Brown eyes the color of mud and fair skin. Ears double pierced with gold studs and hoops. Tall, slim. Wears a dark red t-shirt, jeans, and combat boots. Wears special leather gloves to shield her powers.
gender: F
age: 12
element: Bromine
power: She can burn human skin with her touch, thanks to a natural oil on her hands. Doesn't seem to be affected by fire.
description: Frankly, scared of herself. While her touch isn't exactly deadly, it's kind of a horrible gift. Doesn't want to make friends because she's afraid of what could happen to them. Doesn't know the full extent of her powers yet. Clever.
personality: Secretive, guarded. Once was a carefree girl, but that's changed. Is actually a very caring person.
other: Her fear just makes her powers more deadly, although she doesn't know this.
(January 12, 2017 - 4:35 pm)
(January 12, 2017 - 4:37 pm)
(January 12, 2017 - 6:28 pm)
someone else please join
(January 13, 2017 - 5:42 am)
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FINALLY SOMEONE WHO UNDERSTANDS ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Name: Felicity
Age: 13
Gender: Girl
Element: Uranium
Power: Shape- shifting. Uranium can actually turn into other elements.
Description: Long, red hair, green eyes
Personality: Smart, stubborn, determined to win
Other: You better watch out... Because you know what the atomic bomb was made out of...
(January 13, 2017 - 7:36 am)
i reserve a spot!
(January 13, 2017 - 10:29 am)
Oh my gosh, my brother would love this rp. He's obsessed with all things science. Right now he's trying to memorize the whole periodic table.
Name: Chiara
Gender: girl
Age: 13
Element: Hydrogen
Power: can become invisible, fly for a few minutes at a time, and when she gets angry, literally blow up the area around her (only in a 5-feet radius though). Is this too op?
Description: shoulder length dirty blonde hair, dark blue eyes, a bit tall for her age
Personality: not super friendly, cool-headed, smart. Easy to annoy, she can be critical of others. She's more of a close circle of friends person than an outgoing one.
Other: She knows how to use her powers
(January 13, 2017 - 1:41 pm)
So is this gonna be like the Hunger Games or something?
(January 13, 2017 - 4:31 pm)
I join too!
Name: Tempura Sashimi (Tem for short)
Gender: Male
Age:16 years, three months, and 23 days
Element: Tellurium
Power: Can absorb solar power to magnify his own abilities (running, jumping, strength, etc.).
Description: Long, spiky, black hair, large eyes, looks like he just came out of an anime. Wears a green hoodie, and a blue shirt underneath.
Personality: Comedic, joking, but can get very angry if someone starts to get on his nerves, suffers from multiple personality disorder.
Other:Has two personalities, and is a great sushi chef, descended from great sushi chef.
Personality #2!
Name: Futomaki Sashimi (Maki for short)
Age: see above
Description: Long, flat black hair and small, blue-rimmed glasse.
Personality: Silent, laid back, bookish, tends to cool down a hot situation.
Soory bout the Sushi names. Oh. Wait. No I'm not. Sushi's awesome!
Jamie (AECAPTCHA) says baub
Blue angle under Bond?
(January 13, 2017 - 8:39 pm)
I already have, XD!
(January 13, 2017 - 5:49 pm)
name: Vira
gender: girl
age: 15
element: Carbon
power: Carbon makes up all living lifeforms so if she concentrates really hard she can freeze people by controlling their carbon atoms. Never for more than 30 seconds though. she is able to fully controll lower life forms though such as plants and bugs.
description: Tall with dark skin and spiky black hair.
personality: Quiet and crafty. she sill do anything to win.
(January 13, 2017 - 7:36 pm)
This isn't exactly the hunger games, it's a tournament. Everyone is staying at a five star hotel and are participating in a sort of martial arts tournament.
(January 13, 2017 - 7:39 pm)
Heya! If there's still room, I'd love to be part of this!!
Name: Ari Nisso
Gender: girl
Age: 15
Element: Arsenic (sorry, I know this can be a demonic element - it's the most lethal poison know to man. . .)
Power: She can poison people on command. . . And if she's not careful, if she really hates someone.
Description: Amber eyes, green hair (don't judge it's her natural hair color), black lipstick; a nod to her element, freckles, deep tan, small nose, about 5'8", surprisingly agile.
Personality: Oddly nice for a lethal poison, extremely competitive, creative, mentally strong, guarded, scary when she's mad.
Other: She can never be within 20 feet of anyone except if they are a metal elemental because she, due to her competitiveness, can and may poison them.
(January 13, 2017 - 7:50 pm)