Chatterbox: Inkwell



Yes, I'm bring back Whisper Stone RP! No one really joined the first time, and I'm hoping more will, and continue out with it. 

Whisper Stone RP

Since my last one went down in purple flames....*starts singing purple rain*

Here is my new one! But trust me, this will be fun! We can figure out each CBers Whisper stone!

Now what is a whisper stone? A whisper stone is what describes your personality. It guides your future, whether you should be trusting or wise, strong or quiet. The Whisper stones are also shaped like animals. Each animal represents something different. And in this RP they are chosen by the ancestors, spirits of the people in this RP. But really, we will decide each other's Whisper stone and when we start RPing we will say the spirits chose it. Kapeshe? Kapeshe. The different Whisper stones are;

Falcon of wits

Beaver of determination

Bear of love

Owl of wisdom

Wolf of loyalty

Elk of patience

Deer of kindness

Moose of bravery

Fox of trickery

Cougar of unyielding

Squirrel of faith

Song bird of truth

Goose of defence

Ant of teamwork

Butterfly of change

Woodpecker of justice

Mammoth of sympathy

Saber-toothed tiger of fierceness

Dodo of openmind

Fish of obay (following others)

Stark of observing

Egal of leading

Hawk of Tolerance

Mustang of hope

Badger of creativity

Lynx of beauty

Racoon of humor

Skunk of humility

If I'm forgetting a trait, please add it in! And no, don't decide each other's Whisper Stones on the animals. Pick what traits you think is best for them!

Plot: You got your Whispertone chosen. You either love it, or hate it. But then you do something terrible on purpose or not, and the spirits change something. They either change your stone, change your personality, or change your appearance. Whatever they do is to teach you a lesson. But the lesson doesn't always work.

You were fine for the changes until they started backfiring (losing friends, they don't recognize you, won't accept you, caused you brother's death, etc.) You must reach the top of Electric peak to change back. On the way you meet the others like you, all from different tribes. Together you journey to the Electric peak, where the ancestors will touch down and change you back. But that is extremely far away, weeks, if not months of walking. Will you change your ways on the long journey? Or will the spirits not accept you?

Charrie sheet, please don’t fill all of it out now, we will redo the charrie sheets once everyone has found their Whisper Stone. The once with the * by it please don’t fill out until we find your Whisper Stone:

Name (CB plz!):

Age (16-17):

*What they changed (personality, Whispertone, appearance (not big changes but for appearance you can be changed fully into your Whisper Stone animal):

Before they changed (what the thing they changed was before Whispertone, personality, appearance) you can just write your appearance and personality:

*Whisper Stone (We can start naming each other's Whisper Stones right away and will end up voting on each other's Whisper Stones a little ways in) PEOPLE CAN HAVE THE SAME WHISPER STONE:

*Personality (after they changed):

*Appearance (after they changed):

Tribe (mammoth tribe, fishing tribe, etc. This factor doesn't really matter) you can be from the same tribe, but only 2 or 3 people per tribe:

*Background (what did you do that changed whatever the spirits changed? What drove you from your tribe?)


Name: Claaws

Age: 16

What they changed:

Before: Was a short tan girl, with grey-green eyes and dark brown silky hair to her midback. Her personality was, Shy at first, but once she gets to know you, sarcastic, and can be snappy if you get on her nerves. Bold. You know the saying "if your friend jumps off a cliff would you follow?" She would be the friend who jumped off the cliff. And for the record, that's called cliff diving.

Whisper stone:

Personality (this is after the changes):

Appearance (after the changes):

Tribe: Wolfpack tribe


Other?: N/A

Please join guys! I know it looks a little long, but please read through most of it to reduce further confusion. I really hope this one goes better then the first...

submitted by Claaws
(December 10, 2016 - 4:39 pm)

Yay! Sorry typosm, i'm on a laptop=(


I wake up groggily. What happened? I slowly try to get up, but the world spins around me and I topple to the ground. Ugh. I slowly turn my ead. I appear to be on a nowy mountain. I feel like I can see really well. Weird. Suddenly i smell omething. I instinctively know it' moose. Weird. I lowly turn my head to see and I see-a moose. Wow, that was unexpected, I think. I notice a pool, convenentley placed where I can see myelf.

I look intoit and see a raccoon. Wait wait wait. How can I not see myelf? Am I inviible? Okay, this i getting surreal. All I see is a grubby raccoon looking puzzledly into the warer. Then, just for fun, and not really procesing any of it, I raie my hand. The raccoonraies its hand. Hmm. I shake my head, and the raccoon does the same. What? Im slowly starting to get the feeling there an obviou anwer to thi puzzle when I notice the raccoonha my Whispertone.

I blink. It doesn't disappear. I close my eyes and hake my head. I take a peek in the water and the raccooni still tere. This..... has to be a dream. But it doesn't FEEL like a dream. In dream I can feel stuff,but in a surreal way. But thi i sharp, lear,vivid. I slowlyu touch the water. Yep,wet very wet. Then I slowly prosses thatr thought and inert the word paw. Hmm.... Wait. A paw? I examine it. It looks like a lightly dirty raccoonpaw. Comepletelyordinary but very, very not supposed to be there.

Okay. I slowly realie that that raccoonis ME. Okay. Weirder things have happened. I quickly shove aside the fact. Now,the real quetion is not am I a raccoon,but WHY am I a raccoon. Well.... I flinch, remembering holding the knife and plunging it and red lood. Okay. Tat's why. Now, how do I get back to the way I was?

My thoughts are intturrupted by a peircing scream. 


I turn and ee the moose, half crawling and yelling at the human, I udden;ly realie that there are a lot of human ere. Why did I only jut notice that? Mutve been groggy. Well, that moose seens exceptionally angry. Hmmm. Now why would a moose be angry? I quickly pad over to it and ay: "I dont think tey understand you,Moose." The moose stops creaming and looks and me. I notice it ha a Whisperstone shaped like a mooe. "Did you just-no, wait,that's cliche' AND a stupid question. You just spoke, right? Wait, that's a stupid question as well. Hmm.... How about, why are you here?"

I tense up. I dont want to ay... "Oh,well, I,uh, did something bad and I think got turned into a raccoon." The mooe eyes me warily,it's giant antlers sharply outlined before the sky. "How do I know youre notlying?" It asks. "Good question. Becaue a real raccoonwould probably run away, and not do a suicidal thing such as walk up to a pre-historic moose." The moose nodded. "Okay. Whats you're name?"

"Chinchilla." "What? You can't be named Chinchilla, thats dum." I bristle, literallyfor te first time in my life. "SSure I can. What' your name?" The moose raie it's head proudly and says: "Claaws." i snort. "Yeah right. Someone cant be name Claws." Now its the mooes turn to bristle. "Sure I can. And its pronpounced Claaws." "Okay. Having trouble standing up?" I ask, noting its half-crawling position. "Kind of.... but I dont need help."

"Okay." I sit down,finding it slightly ard until I jut let the body take over. "Its kind of like crawling except your knees arent bent-" "I don't need help." The mooe ays. "Okay." I ay. It's not smart getting into an argument wit a twenty-ton moose. I, in the meantimes, try testing out this new body. Its relatively tin and wiry, very agile,and I can climb  up a tree with no branches no problem. I have excellent hearing and smell, and I even have hands. I could get ued to this. Sure, I like being human, but hey,in this body I'm faster and Im still, hopefully,mart. My body is,now,on the whole, a lot better, I think. Plu, you know, I can troke my whikers wisly. It really fun. 

submitted by Chincilla
(January 3, 2017 - 4:59 pm)
submitted by TOP
(January 3, 2017 - 2:51 pm)


submitted by Chinchilla
(January 5, 2017 - 4:34 pm)


submitted by Chinchilla
(January 5, 2017 - 4:35 pm)


submitted by Chinchilla
(January 5, 2017 - 4:36 pm)
(January 5, 2017 - 10:37 pm)
submitted by WE'VESTARTED
(January 5, 2017 - 10:42 pm)

The Riddler~

My eyes snap open. Why am I so tired? What's happened? I sit up groggily and look around, confused. There are a random assortment of people and animals strewn about the clearing, asleep. Wait, clearing? Huh? There's also a moose, talking to a racoon by a clear, reflective lake. Whatever. I'm probably dreaming. I close my eyes to go back to sleep. A minute later, I open my eyes. Everything is still there. Tiredly, I stand up and walk over to a group of people. Suddenly, a wave of anger passes through me. I scowl at the group of people as I walk up. They look over at me aprehensively. "What're you looking at?" I snap.

"Jeez, what are you so angry for?" one of them asks.

I glare at them and go to sit up against a rock, fuming. I vaguely remember being a much nicer person a few days ago, but I don't care. I look at my whisper stone. The deer of kindness. How ironic. I certainly didn't feel like a kind person anymore. And I definitely don't feel like being one now. 


So yeah, sorry I didn't rewrite my charrie sheet. I changed personality to being really mean and angry all the time. 

submitted by The Riddler
(January 6, 2017 - 11:11 pm)

Alrighty! Thanks for posting, Chinchilla and Riddler! Wonder where everyone else went...


"Chinchilla." The racoon states proudly.

"What?" I snicker. A racoon named Chinchilla?! "You can't be named Chinchilla. That's dum."

The racoon bristles, and she looks at her fur like it feals really weird. "Sure I can. What's your name?"

I pause for a moment, before desiding to answer with my real name, proudly. "Claaws." 

The racoons snorts. "Ya right. Someone can't be name Claws."

Hipocrit. I bristle, the spicky fur fealng weird on my shoulders. "It's pronounced Claaws."

"Fine." It pauses. "Having trouble standing up?" It pointes a racoony clawed finger to my half standing postion. 

"Yes. But no. I dont need any help."

"Okay." It sits down. "its kind of like crawling except your knees aren't bent-" 

"I dont need help." I repeat, my teeth slightly clenching.

"Alright." The racoon says, sitting down. 

I struggle to get up, the weird knees locking in weird angles and the frail legs shaking under my broad front. Finally I give up and sit down heavily. The racoon snikers. "Need help now?"

"NO!" I roar. Everyone, who had just been waking up, turned to stare. I shifted my weight on my knees.

The racoon though, didnt seem bothered by the sudden atenchion. "So, why are you all here?" It asks. The humans are unresponcive. "I was a human...but I got turned into a racoon. Same animal as my whisperstone. Ironic." 

I tilt my head. "Really? I was a human also. And...I got turned into my whisperstone."

Something flashed before my eyes. "Whisperstone!" I realized. "This has something to do with our WHisperstones!"  

submitted by Claaws
(January 7, 2017 - 5:18 pm)

Urgh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have just rewritten my post for the--- not first. Not second. The FIFTH TIME. And then my stupid school issue Chromebook runs out of charge and turns off, therefore deleting all of my writing AGAIN. I am sorry for not posting before. I've been very frustrated. Alright, I'm going to try again for the last time. Hopefully, I'll have better luck this time...


I am jerked awake by the sound of someone shrieking somewhere very close by. My eyes pop open, as I am immediately fully alert. When I try to leap out of bed, I simply collapse in a tangle of limbs. Suddenly, my situation comes into focus. I am not lying in my bed. I am not even in my home. I don't even think I am truly myself. Tilting my head, I feel off balance. As if there is extra weight atop it. Seeing a mirror-like pool a few feet away from me, I move as if to go towards it. And fail. Again. I realize that I am no longer a two legged human. I am some sort of animal. With a snort--wait, what? A snort?-- of frustration, I close my eyes to collect myself. Whilst my eyes are closed, I hear an argument between a moose and a raccoon. For some odd reason, I don't stop to wonder how I can understand them and identify them by voice.

"It's like crawling, except your knees aren't bent," the raccoon says, clearly holding back a laugh.

After that, I tune out of the conversation. But I do take the advice, and soon I am on my feet and walking around easily. I walk over to the mirror-pool and look into it, nearly stumbling backwards in shock.

I am a beautiful white stag. Complete with huge, branch like, ivory antlers. My fur is a thick, long frosty white coat, finished with a vaguely triangular patch of pale gray on my chest. I have extremely sharp, titanium-coloured hooves and my eyes are a crystaline, strikingly sharp midnight blue. Almost as if complete the look, attached by a simple braided black piece of rope, is my Whisperstone. The Deer of Kindness. I am unable to tell if my scars remain, but I pray to the gods that they do not. That is one of the many parts of myself that I do not wish others to know about.

I breathe a small sigh of reverence. I have become my Whisperstone. Or at least, a species of it. Shaking my head, I turn to survey the clearing, which is scattered with a variety of animals and humans. The moose and raccoon seem to have finally backed off from each other. I decide to go speak with the moose, hoping our close relation in animal type can help me with helping the moose, who appears to still be stuggling.

"Hello," I say, walking up to him, "I'm Kestrel. Who are you?" 


I know that a stag is technically a male deer, but that doesn't matter, 'kay? Thanks! By the way, I basically just described a white stag, which is extremely rare in real life. :)

submitted by Kestrel
(January 7, 2017 - 8:10 pm)

Cool! That's really interesting! Just one thing. Please please please please please PLEASE remember that I try not too be mean. However, I MIGHT snicker a little bit. That may be true. I mean, I've never really SEEN  moose have trouble standing up but it might be really funny actually. Hmmm.


I watch as a beutifully, lightly built white stag appraoches Claaws and me. I've always been amazed at how slender a deer's legs are, like small, fragile twigs. It walks up to Claaws and says; "Hi. My name's Kestrel. Who are you?" Claaws slightly raises her head and answers; "Claaws." Then she immediately goes back to trying to stand up. It's probably pretty hard to stand upright when you're a really tall animal, I guess, plus a weight on your head is probably pretty off-balancing. But I have a slight suspicion that as soon as these stags and moose figure out their legs, I will very probably be left in the dust. I don't like being ignored and frankly, being alone is even worse. I..... hate too feel lonely. It just makes me feel listles. Well, at least the humans aren't really that fast, but it doesn't really comfort me...after all, I mean, if your appearance doesnt change, then would your personality?

Hmm.... What Claaws said might be true. After all, I notice a moose/stag head Whisperstone hanging from the stag's neck, and I turned into my Whisperstone animal, and so did Claaws. Hmmmmm..... I wonder... could tis be somekind of test? Or..... punishment......? I think back to anything bad I've done.... hmm.... nothing really-except......

A flash of blood and a knife and it was an accident and the blood poooling with the sun glinting off of it and the stricken face and the betrayment and confusion and blood and-

I shake my head vigorously and firmly take the memory and dump it in my metaphorical trash can. I notice the stag looking at me and I quickly say: "What? Sorry, I wasn't paying attention." The stag cocks her head but says; "I was just asking you your name." "Oh? My name is Chinchilla."  "Oh. That's an..... interesting name."  I shrug and quickly scamper-The first time I ever did it literally-to the other people. I see a grumpy-looking human with a Whisperstone, but it (Oh my gosh I forgot your name, grumpy person I am so sorry) quickly hides it. "Uh, hi, what's your name? Im Chinchilla." The person gives me a glowering look and I step back a few steps. "Dum raccoon. Go away." He/she says, and then turns away. I immediately remember that humans can't understand me.

I look back to see Claaws taking a few tentative steps and Kestrel nodding. I can't hear what they're saying, but obviously Kestrel did a better job of helping Claaws then me. I feel slightly unhappy for some reason, and thoughtfully examine the feeling, realizing with a small pang of shame that it is a blend of slight jealousy and a little anger that Claaws let Kestrel help and not me. I guess she thought I was laughing at her. I sigh and turn to look at the oter people.


Sorry if I got slightly dramatic there, but I did want it to sligtly resemble Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome. Except in a much smaller scale, of course.

submitted by Chinchilla
(January 9, 2017 - 5:23 pm)
submitted by TOP!
(January 8, 2017 - 8:04 pm)

Ugh sorry I haven't been posting, Kyngdom got really active really fast. Struggling to keep up. ;) anyway, no your fine Chinchilla, drama is always a good thing in stories like these. ;) 


The stag nods in approval. "I thought you could get it." It says, shaking its large head with glimmering horns. The raccoon comes up right then, with a panicked look on her face.

"I think I just figured it out. The spirits want us to Change our wrongs, and journey to Spirit Peak to change back. This happened before in my tribe. To a girl with the Saver toothed tiger of feriousity. I didn't think they would change people all together like this, then put them together." 

"What could it mean? Putting us all together?" The stag whispered. 

"Maybe it means we have to work together." I answer, my knees stating to shake.

"But the humans can't understand us!" The stag interrupts.

"He has a point." I turn to the raccoon.

"Excuse me, but I am a girl!" The stag clicks it's teeth at me angerly. 

"Well Excuse me but you're a stag, stags are guys." I responded. 

"Well, female moose don't have horns, do they?" We stared at one another for a long moment.

"Get the humans attention." I direct the raccoon without rating my gaze from the stag.

The raccoon scampers off. A moment later I hear leather rip and a protesting human. Chinchilla returned with the Deer of Kindness whisperstone, and an angry human behind her. The other humans were slowly getting up to investigate. "How do we communicate to them?" The raccoon asked. "I mean, how do we tell them when we're thinking?" 

I thought for a second. Then an idea hit. "With cave wall paintings!" I bellowed trumphetingly. "We show them through a story we paint on a cave wall!" 

Suddenly the raccoon lept onto my back. I was about to protest when I saw the human running angrily over. Pointing at her whisperstone. I took a step foward to a dress them and get them to follow us, but almost instantly my knee buckled and I fell heavily onto my side. I felt the raccoon jump off of me, and the stag whinned with no way to help me, and I started sliding down the mountain. 

The angry human had the unluckyness of standing behind me and reaching for her whisperstone. As she saw me fall, she had tried to jump out of the way, but the only way to jump was down. 

I twisted as I slid closer and closer to the cliff. My hooves raked the air, and my antlers carved deep gouged in the earth.

But soon I felt the ground leave me, and I was twisting in mid air, reaching for land long gone. I landed with a heavy splash in the crisp lake we had been looking into. It was shallower then I thought, up to my ankles, so the fall hurt like I had called onto pebbles. And on top of that I was wet. "Are you alright?!" The stag called. 

I saw the raccoon with the humans whisperstone still dangling in her paws. I groaned in response, and as I did the water moved to reveal a soaking wet human laying inches from me. She was cradling a shoulder, be used maybe even broken. Or dissociated. "What do you think you were doing moose! You filthy animal!"


submitted by Claaws
(January 9, 2017 - 11:02 pm)

Omigosh, I'm so sorry everybody!!!!! I was banned from Cricket (no explanation), and haven't been on for almost 2 weeks.


Snow... Cold... A big animal near me.... Wait, a big animal? I sit up straight. Oh my whisperstone, it's a big furry thing... and it's heading towards me.... My paralyzed mind takes a moment to register before.... I scream. Really loudly. But I don't care, at least it stopped that huge, terrible, monster from coming any closer- wait, is it coming back? It is, I realize with another wave of terror,  crawling forward with those hideous long legs. I scream again, frantically crawling back. The thing stops, looking almost... surprised. Then it starts forward again. I scramble to my feet, shrieking madly. It stops, finally, regards me with a puzzled look, as if something that monstrous could feel puzzlement, and retreats. I sink to my knees in relief. I can't believe this. I'm in a nightmare. Am I usually this scared of moose? Then another question hits me. Where am I? I push myself quickly to my feet again and almost faint. I'm standing on a cliff!? I teeter on the edge for a second before sheer instinct pulls me back. I stand there for a moment, completely frozen with fear and shock. The world feels like it's pressing in on me. Gathering what courage I have, which is not a lot (shouldn't I be braver?), I tiptoe to the edge of the cliff and peer down. A wild-looking girl stares back at me in surprise. I narrow my eyes. I feel like I've seen this person before. She definitely doesn't look like someone I'd talk to. Her hair is tangled and almost sticking out of her head, and her eyes look... shattered. Someone that I'd definitely stay away from. The girl hasn't moved the whole time, scrutinizing me with wide, scared, eyes. A cold wind suddenly sweeps past me, and I raise my hand to brush back the hair swept in my face. The girl mimics my actions, and when I look at her, she glares back. Surprised, I step back. She does too. Another breeze suddenly whips past. When I look back, the girl has dissolved in a rainbow of ripples. A reflection... I turn around, scanning for her. No one's there except the moose, a little striped creature and a group of shocked people huddled in a group behind them, none of which look like the person I saw. She would have to have been standing right next to me. I think, surprised. I turn back. The girl is still reflected there, now looking at me in confusion. After a moment, I slowly raise my hand. She does too, down to the nervous twitch of my pinky. I stand there, unable to take in what I'm seeing. That's not me!! I think, heart rate speeding up frantically. That's not what I look like!!! I whip around. Everyone else seems to be going through the same thing. The animals are clearly having trouble walking, something a real moose, deer or raccoon would have mastered a long time ago. Have we really all changed? My thoughts are suddenly interrupted by the moose tripping and sliding down the mountain side. A human, a very angry looking one, tries to jump out of the way but somehow end up rolling down too. They both splash into the lake at the bottom. The girl manages to stumble to her feet, dripping wet and furious. She's holding her shoulder, and beneath the fury, her face is taught. Arm's probably broken. But as soon as she gets her breath back, she's yelling.

"What do you think you are doing you filthy animal!!!! She hisses at the moose, still floundering helplessly in the water. "And where is my Whisperstone!!!" A striped flash suddenly barrels down the hill, landing in the water with a splash. The raccoon, grinning, jumps onto the girl's shoulders and dangles her Whisperstone, the Deer of Kindness, in front of her face. The girl twists around, wildly snatching at it. The raccoon just evades her reach, dancing backward. She chases after it. The moose watches in amusement as the raccoon retreats, still dangling the necklace, followed by the raging girl. After a minute of going in circles, it starts to lead her away from the lake, past the cliff. The moose, now on its feet, follows. The group of people starts to walk after them too. After a second, I start to slowly trail them, keeping a distance away. Who knows what kind of people they are. And what's happened to us all. 


Claaws, no offence meant to your character. It's really just what the charrie would be thinking and acting like (scared of everything basically). I'm so sorry I couldn't post before!! 

submitted by Starbringer
(January 10, 2017 - 9:00 pm)
submitted by top
(January 11, 2017 - 9:02 am)