Chatterbox: Inkwell
Yes, I'm bring back Whisper Stone RP! No one really joined the first time, and I'm hoping more will, and continue out with it.
Whisper Stone RP
Since my last one went down in purple flames....*starts singing purple rain*
Here is my new one! But trust me, this will be fun! We can figure out each CBers Whisper stone!
Now what is a whisper stone? A whisper stone is what describes your personality. It guides your future, whether you should be trusting or wise, strong or quiet. The Whisper stones are also shaped like animals. Each animal represents something different. And in this RP they are chosen by the ancestors, spirits of the people in this RP. But really, we will decide each other's Whisper stone and when we start RPing we will say the spirits chose it. Kapeshe? Kapeshe. The different Whisper stones are;
Falcon of wits
Beaver of determination
Bear of love
Owl of wisdom
Wolf of loyalty
Elk of patience
Deer of kindness
Moose of bravery
Fox of trickery
Cougar of unyielding
Squirrel of faith
Song bird of truth
Goose of defence
Ant of teamwork
Butterfly of change
Woodpecker of justice
Mammoth of sympathy
Saber-toothed tiger of fierceness
Dodo of openmind
Fish of obay (following others)
Stark of observing
Egal of leading
Hawk of Tolerance
Mustang of hope
Badger of creativity
Lynx of beauty
Racoon of humor
Skunk of humility
If I'm forgetting a trait, please add it in! And no, don't decide each other's Whisper Stones on the animals. Pick what traits you think is best for them!
Plot: You got your Whispertone chosen. You either love it, or hate it. But then you do something terrible on purpose or not, and the spirits change something. They either change your stone, change your personality, or change your appearance. Whatever they do is to teach you a lesson. But the lesson doesn't always work.
You were fine for the changes until they started backfiring (losing friends, they don't recognize you, won't accept you, caused you brother's death, etc.) You must reach the top of Electric peak to change back. On the way you meet the others like you, all from different tribes. Together you journey to the Electric peak, where the ancestors will touch down and change you back. But that is extremely far away, weeks, if not months of walking. Will you change your ways on the long journey? Or will the spirits not accept you?
Charrie sheet, please don’t fill all of it out now, we will redo the charrie sheets once everyone has found their Whisper Stone. The once with the * by it please don’t fill out until we find your Whisper Stone:
Name (CB plz!):
Age (16-17):
*What they changed (personality, Whispertone, appearance (not big changes but for appearance you can be changed fully into your Whisper Stone animal):
Before they changed (what the thing they changed was before Whispertone, personality, appearance) you can just write your appearance and personality:
*Whisper Stone (We can start naming each other's Whisper Stones right away and will end up voting on each other's Whisper Stones a little ways in) PEOPLE CAN HAVE THE SAME WHISPER STONE:
*Personality (after they changed):
*Appearance (after they changed):
Tribe (mammoth tribe, fishing tribe, etc. This factor doesn't really matter) you can be from the same tribe, but only 2 or 3 people per tribe:
*Background (what did you do that changed whatever the spirits changed? What drove you from your tribe?)
Name: Claaws
Age: 16
What they changed:
Before: Was a short tan girl, with grey-green eyes and dark brown silky hair to her midback. Her personality was, Shy at first, but once she gets to know you, sarcastic, and can be snappy if you get on her nerves. Bold. You know the saying "if your friend jumps off a cliff would you follow?" She would be the friend who jumped off the cliff. And for the record, that's called cliff diving.
Whisper stone:
Personality (this is after the changes):
Appearance (after the changes):
Tribe: Wolfpack tribe
Other?: N/A
Please join guys! I know it looks a little long, but please read through most of it to reduce further confusion. I really hope this one goes better then the first...
(December 10, 2016 - 4:39 pm)
UGGG IT DELEATED! *crys* Oh, I wasn't that far in anyway. From the top!
I'm so sorry Starbringer that I snaped at you! I totally get it! (with finals in all) I'm so glad you found time to join, though! Yes we will start soon, once the Whisperstones are decided and agreed apon. Speaking of which...
Starbringer (your name sounds like a WoF name. Are you a WoF fan? I am! ;) ;P ;)- Maybe Elk of Pacence or Deer of Kindness. Or Hawk of Tolorance. From what I've seen, your super nice and pacent! And have a great tolorance level. ;)
Kestrel- Deer of Kindness or Squirl of Faith. Your kind, and have a lot of faith in people.
TB and Ember in the Ashes, do you want to join? I saw that you two kept topping this, and looking back I saw you didn't post a charrie sheet or anything! I would be glad if you joined, you may have joined the last one, and not realized that this was a different verion.
Also, the Cheeta of Passion is not one. This is taken place in the forest and in anceint times. SO there are no cheetas up where we are. There is though the Bear of Love and Beaver of Determination, which are clarifications of each of the meanings that Cheeta of Passion could mean. Here are the final Whisperstone counts and Whisperstone that one for each CBer.
Riddler: Deer of Kindness (3) Beaver of Determination (1) Wolf of Loyalty (1) Badger of Creativity (1) Raccon of Humor (1) Falcon of WIts (1) Ant of Teamwork (1) Mammoth of Sympathy (1) Woodpecker of Justace (1)
Riddler's Whisperstone is....Deer of Kindness! What it looks like-
A limestone colored stone cared in the shape of a doe's head on a leather deer-hide rope. The doe has large carved eyes and large ears that are tied to the leather strap. It is looking foward, and it's chest has a fur-like appearance.
Brooklin Newsie: Cougar of Unyeilding (1) Beaver of Determination (1) Badger of Creativity (3) Dodo of Openmind (2) Elk of Paceince (2) Lynx of Beauty (1)
Brookyn's Whisperstone is....Badger of Creativity! What it looks like-
A Gravle multie-colored stone (grays tans blacks whites) carved in the shape of a badger's head with two light stripes going down the face and down its eyes. Also facing front. Large eyes, small ears, chest has a thick-furred apperance. Narrow snout. The ears are attached to a leather rope made of badger hide. Though it looks crummbly, it will not crummble.
Daine: Skunk of humility (1) Squirl of Faith (3) Fish of Obay (2) Songbird of truth (3) Wolf of Loyalty (2) Ant of Teamwork (2) Mammoth of Sympathy (2) Dodo of Opendmind (1) Stark of Observation (1) Elk of Paitence (1) Deer of Kindness (1) Owl of Wisdom (1)
Daine's Whisperstone is...oh wow. It's actually a tie. You are either Squirl of Faith or Songbird of Truth. Now its up to you! Or anyone else really. Should Daine have the Squirll of Faith or the Songbird of Truth?
Chinchilla: Squirll of Faith (2) Goose of Defence (1) Raccoon of Humor (3) Woodpecker of Justace (2) Butterfly of Change (1) Deer of Kindness (1) Dodo of Openmindedness (1) Bear of Love (1) Beaver of Determination (1)
Chinchilla's Whisperstone is...a Chinchilla! No just kidding. You're the Raccon of Humor! What that looks like-
A grey sandstone carved in the shape of a raccon's head. The cheeks has fur-like carvings at the edges. The strip in the sand stone goes across the eyes and to the cheeks, like the markings on a raccon. It is facing fowards, and the chest has a thick fur-like markings like the cheeks. The small ears are connected to a raccon-hide rope.
Starbringer: Bear of Love (1) Goose of Defence (1) Hawk of Tolorance (2) Badger of Creativity (1) Skunk of Humility (1) Elk of Paceince (1) Deer of Kindness (1)
Starbringer's Whisperstone is....the Hawk of Tolerance! What that looks like-
A hawk head carved from brown agate with wings connecting to a thin rope made from hawk hide. The hawk is facing fowards and has smallish eyes and sharp beak. Wings connect to chest, short neck with feather-like carvings. Chest ends where the base of the wings end.
Kestrel: Falcon of Wits (2) Beaver of Determination (1) Deer of Kindness (3) Cougar of Unyeilding (1) Moose of Bravery (2) Woodpecker of Justace (1) Wolf of Loyalty (1) Stork of Observing (1)
Kestrel's Whisperstone is...Deer of Kindness! What it looks like-
A limestone colored stone cared in the shape of a doe's head on a leather deer-hide rope. The doe has large carved eyes and large ears that are tied to the leather strap. It is looking foward, and it's chest has a fur-like apperance.
Claaws: Egal of leading (2) Fish of Obay (1) Wolf of Loyalty (1) Saber-toothed Tiger of Feircness (1) Moose of Bravery (3) Beaver of Determination (3) Cougar of Unyeilding (1) Wolf of Loyalty (1) Falcon of Wits (1) Mustange of Hope (1)
Oh gosh, another tie! Moose of Bravery and the Beaver of Determination! Which one do you think I should have?
Alright, that's it for now! We can start when we figure out the winners of the ties!
(December 21, 2016 - 6:11 pm)
I vote squirrel of Faith for Danie. For you, I vote Beaver of Determination.
Yay! I'm actually very happy with my Whisperstone. I have an idea of how I could work with this...
(December 21, 2016 - 9:20 pm)
I'm voting for Moose of Bravery.
(December 22, 2016 - 11:57 am)
(December 23, 2016 - 11:59 am)
Daine's Whisperstone is....the Squirl of Faith! What that looks like-
A carving made of shinny wood. Its the carving of a squirl's head, with the top of the tail behind to the left. The tail curves from behind the neck of the squirl, to connect to a squirl hide rope that attaches to the squirls right ear. It has small ears, a big nose, lines that look like whiskers, and large eyes.
Alright, mine is still a tie! One last sugestion and we can finally start!
(December 23, 2016 - 4:15 pm)
I vote Beaver!!!!!!! And Claaws, it's completely fine!!! There's nothing to worry about, you didn't snap at me at all, it was just one of those I'm-going-to-go-hide-in-my-room-for-a-million-years-because-I-just-made-a-really-dum-mistake moments that I tend to make a lot and I felt bad about it. So no worries!!!!! It was my fault really for not reading the thread, so I think I deserve a good dose of yelling (not that you would ever yell at someone, you're way too sweet). I think it's kinda funny that I got the Hawk of Tolerance....... But oh well, it certainly gives a goal to strive for!!!
Now I think this question that I'm going to ask will answer yours, Claaws. What does WoF mean? I initially connected it to Wow (World of Warcraft) bc I play that a lot, and I was thinking along the lines of World of Fire, World of Fortune, etc. But other than that, I have no idea. I even tried searching it, but google only gave me a bunch of business acronyms. So, no, I did not get my name from there, I'm actually not sure where I got it.... Maybe that week where I watched the new Star Wars, then Star Trek, then Guardians of the Galaxy (along with a lot of other movies)? That certainly was a week that I'll remember for a long time....
(December 24, 2016 - 2:11 pm)
Oh, Starbringer, I think it stands for *Suddenly has a cape blowing heroically in the wind with the words emblazened on the sky above her*
WINGS OF FIRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I. Love. That. Series. In fact it's the only one I've ever read, excluding Harry Potter.
"chuc!" What? Chuck it? Chuc-inchilla? OH! Wait............Do you mean? YES? YES! Let's sing that thing together, Frederic!
*Holds hands with Frederic*
Oh, I love doing that.
(December 27, 2016 - 3:24 pm)
As you may have already guessed this entire post is about how happy I am-Merry Christmas-and hopefully this will start soon! I'm not complaining, after all, I actually like the way everyone here is just thinking everything through, testing the ideas and creating the setting, characters and etc.!
Also, my appearance now in the RP:
Saber-tooth-hide pants and pre-historic-squirrel-fur long-sleeve shirt. Plus a raccoon-hide belt with a bone buckle and two of those there teeth-daggers.
(December 24, 2016 - 3:12 pm)
(December 27, 2016 - 9:23 am)
since I am already in an outrageous amount of Rps, I am not joining this one. PLus it sounds SO confusing. But cool. Definitely cool.
I'll keep tabs on the story and cheer you guys on!
(December 27, 2016 - 6:11 pm)
Here is basically a stone for everyone who joined. At least, what I think you would be good for.
Claaws: Saber-toothed tiger of fiercness
Riddler: Goose of defense
Brooklyn: Badger of creativity
Danie: Skunk of humility
Chinchilla: Wolf of loyalty
Kestrel: Butterfly of change
Starbringer: Racoon of humor
(December 28, 2016 - 12:22 pm)
WAIT, WAIT, WAIT. I thought I was the Raccoon of humor, someone (Claaws? I'MSOSORRYIHAVEBADMEMORY) posted deciding who's Stone would be who's. However, I could be wrong. {=)
(December 28, 2016 - 3:09 pm)
Can I still join? Please say I can still join.
Name: Random Person
Age: 17
What they changed:
Before they changed: Silly, smart, quite loyal, may sometimes get lost in her creating of creations, loves to create things. Has black hair with hints of bleached brown in between, with sepia colored eyes, tanned skin, and a mischeivious smile
Whisper stone:
Tribe: Frost tribe
Background: N/A
Other: N/A
(December 28, 2016 - 12:29 pm)
Oh, so sorry I haven't been on lately! Here, i already posted everyone's Whisperstones, Random Person was just tryng to contribute. But since the contributions had already been acounted for, it didn't count. But you can still join! Can we call you Random or RP in the well...RP? And my Whisperstone has been decided! It is....I think I actually counted wrong the first time....Moose of Determination? Its still tied...ONE MORE VOTE PEOPLE. Either Beaver or Moose, your choise..all up to you...
Random Person: Badger of Creativity, Beaver of Determination
Guys, one last vote! (and Random Person here also needs some suggestions)
(December 28, 2016 - 9:53 pm)
I'd say Random Person is Beaver of Determination because they were determined to join this RP at the last second, not knowing whether they would get in or not.
(December 30, 2016 - 4:41 pm)