Zodiac RP!!!

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Zodiac RP!!!

Zodiac RP!!!

At the beginning of time, the Zodiac hosted 13 Houses. Cancer, Libra, Gemini, Aries, Taurus, Leo, Virgo, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, and Ophiuchus. As the years passed, the ruler of House Ophiuchus became jealous and bitter towards the other Houses and attempted to overthrow them to gain complete control over the Zodiac. Ophiuchus failed, and his House was reduced to a vague memory. 

Now, thousands of years later, strange things have been happening, causing unrest within the Zodiac. Over the past several years, the Guardians of each House have been dying prematurely of freak accidents, illnesses, and strange occurences. Now, the young new Guardians, chosen by the stars, have finally come of age to take on the immense responsibility of leading their House. What no one knows is that these 12 new Guardians are different from all previous ones. These 12 are gifted with the powers that only the original 12 had. They are direct descendants of the first Guardians of the Zodiac. And they will have to form an unlikely team in order to find out who or what is causing the unrest within the Zodiac.

The twelve Houses have been divided for over 100 years. In order to overcome this looming threat, these 12 young people must learn to trust in each other, and convince their Houses to unite as one Zodiac. Not 12 Houses.


Alright, so this RP is based off of a book I read a little while back called Zodiac.

The powers that you have are based off the Zodiac signs.For example,  Cancer might have something to do with water. Also, a side note- Gemini is techincally ruled by twins, but for the purposes of having 12 people, let's just pretend that there was only one new person chosen. You can make up to 2 charries, but you can't have both of them be Guardians. You are allowed to be someone related to a Guardian, or one of their advisors, or something if you want. It would be great if all 12 main charrie spots get filled!

Okay, charrie sheet:





Guardian or not:

If not, what is your connection to a Guardian?

If yes, what is your power?



My Charrie:

Name: Rowan (Rho) Hail

Gender: Female 

Age (15-20): 16

Personality: Kind, empathetic, diplomatic, loyal, fierce, trusting. Further developed in the story.

Appearance: Dark brown, almost black hair with deep, berry red highlights, falls down to mid-back. Crystal clear, strikingly sharp, arctic blue eyes. A little on the tall side for her age, lithe, athletic figure.

House: Libra

Guardian or not: Yes

If not, what is your connection to a Guardian?

If yes, what is your power? Can control air.

Other: Can we get a good love triangle or two?

submitted by Kestrel, With my own...
(November 16, 2016 - 1:23 pm)



Personality: Very Funny, athletic

Apperence: CHINESE GIRL, blACK hair down to wast, but Usally in ponytail, Hazel eyes very pale skin. Looks like an athlete.

House: Scorpio 

Guardian: Yes

Power:  Fire, and immortal (Can I be immortal? If not I am fine with it.)

Other: Has three silver daggers on a strap on right leg.

This is pretty cool, oh and if Scorpio is taken I am guardian of Aries. 


submitted by Zen, age 13, China
(December 4, 2016 - 3:20 pm)
submitted by Sorry, but there are, no guardian spots left!
(December 4, 2016 - 4:36 pm)

Are there people with powers? Or immortals? If there are immortals can I be one?? Also if there are people with magic I reserve Fire powers. Oh is there mythical creatures!? If so I will be a horse human some on with horse body but human stomach and face. 


submitted by Zen, age 13, China
(December 4, 2016 - 7:17 pm)

I'm sorry, but all of the pwers spts have been taken. You may be a friend of a Guardian, or have some relation with them, but you can't have any magic or immortality, etc.

submitted by TOP!
(December 5, 2016 - 8:24 am)

You can be Tollie, Leda's adviser if you like. If you do want to be him I can make a charrie sheet how I think of him, or you can do it.

submitted by Impunity Jane
(December 5, 2016 - 7:52 pm)

Ugh, the least I can do is do that. Either way sure. I will start off now


Being an adviser is terrible. Leda, the garidian thinks I am a coffee girl, "Go fech me some punch, Tollie!" I am sick of her! Yeah I will give you a punch I think in my mind. The advisor is soppused to help the leader make the right choice! Not fech some punch! I am about ready to run away!! Maybe I should! Anyway should would find me and punish me. Anyway I have a TERRIBLE LIFE!!! Undecided 

submitted by Zen, age 13, China
(December 10, 2016 - 1:23 pm)

Two comments.

1) Tollie is a boy.

2) Leda isn't like that! She sweet and she's friends with Tollie. 

I'm sorry if I'm being picky. 

submitted by Impunity Jane
(December 10, 2016 - 7:20 pm)

(I'm supposed to be working on my essay due tomorrow hehe hehe)



Darn, that girl.  My eyes were watering even within the jelly-like pod I was confined to.  I look over to my right and make out the body of Ingrid, the beautiful redhead curled up into a ball.  The poor thing, she was only thirteen and the seventeenth guardian of Capricorn.  Her skin had paled drastically since before Eudora had come again for another lovely visit.

I pulled myself into a position where it seemed like I was laying down, though my legs were somewhat bent and my head was leaning forward.  For twenty-eight years I was stuck in here; though I really had no idea how long it had been, I hadn't seen the beautiful sunlight in forever!  The Guardian Planet had been a long journey from here, and even so, Eudora had made the effort to foresee I would be living in this death-like pod.  The other guardians seemed to be recovering, though I could tell they didn't have much of their spirit left in them.  It was no secret.  Alistair Reid was the only other guardian of my time, but he seemed pretty alright at the moment.  Our progenitors from recent times have had their life blood drained long before us, and not many of the precedents were left.  But then there was me, alive and kicking.  But not necessarily.

My attention was drawn to the small but noticeable crack right in front of me.  How did I do it, I wasn't quite sure.   But it's given me a new hope.  

Give me another few months, and I might as well prove Eudora wrong. 

submitted by autumnbellss
(December 4, 2016 - 5:00 pm)

You have an essay due tomorrow? So do I! What a coincidence! (I finished mine, though~)

submitted by Scylla
(December 4, 2016 - 7:25 pm)

So I was lurking around the internet and I found a picture that somewhat resembles how I thought Mausumi would look.  I know Cricket wants you to post your own photos, so I heavily edited it to make it look like Mausumi.  Hope you like it!

large (1).png
submitted by autumnbellss
(December 4, 2016 - 6:39 pm)


In just twelve hours, something amazing was going to happen.  The celebratory meeting of the guardians, an event that only happens so many times in a lifetime.  

Of course, this would also be their last time.

As I sat on the stone wall, nearly a mile away from the guardian planet,  I wondered of the different possibilities of someone to sight me sitting here.  The same location that I invite myself to every ceremony.  Today no gentle breeze was here to brush through my strands of golden hair.  My bangs were unmoving on the side of my face.  There was something interesting going on with the houses.  I rested my chin on my palm.  I was going to get rid of them soon.  Once my army builds, generations of the guardians will no longer exist.

submitted by autumnbellss
(December 5, 2016 - 6:45 pm)

"My name is Leda." I shake my adviser's hand as he says
"Tollie. Pleasure to meet you."

"The pleasure is all mine." We keep talking and in less than five minutes I can tell that I'm going to get along with him. Good. I was a bit worried that I wouldn't like my adviser. 

"So pretty much the first thing you'll do as guardian is go to the meeting with the other guardians." Tollie says. He starts filling me in on the meeting.

"I warn you, I'm probably going to forget your names" I say. The past couple minutes have been a blur of names. I sit down and sigh. I don't dislike socializing, but I don't like meeting lots of people at once. I can feel my hand getting hot. Oh not now! Please not now. I know I can't stop it, but I can control it a bit. Instead of of having my hand burst into flames, I concentrate on making one tiny really hot flame that I can hide in the palm of my hand.

"Leda!" Some one says.
"What? Oh, sorry, I wasn't paying attention." I shake my head to clear it and start listening to the conversation.
~End rp~
I'm getting all my names from one book and if anyone knows what it is we should be friends. 
submitted by Impunity Jane
(December 5, 2016 - 7:49 pm)
submitted by TOP!, Post please!
(December 7, 2016 - 8:05 am)

I'm waiting on other people, i've posted quite a lot

submitted by t o p, DON'T LET THIS DIE
(December 8, 2016 - 12:21 pm)
submitted by TOP! PLEASE POST PPL
(December 10, 2016 - 8:59 pm)