Zodiac RP!!!

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Zodiac RP!!!

Zodiac RP!!!

At the beginning of time, the Zodiac hosted 13 Houses. Cancer, Libra, Gemini, Aries, Taurus, Leo, Virgo, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, and Ophiuchus. As the years passed, the ruler of House Ophiuchus became jealous and bitter towards the other Houses and attempted to overthrow them to gain complete control over the Zodiac. Ophiuchus failed, and his House was reduced to a vague memory. 

Now, thousands of years later, strange things have been happening, causing unrest within the Zodiac. Over the past several years, the Guardians of each House have been dying prematurely of freak accidents, illnesses, and strange occurences. Now, the young new Guardians, chosen by the stars, have finally come of age to take on the immense responsibility of leading their House. What no one knows is that these 12 new Guardians are different from all previous ones. These 12 are gifted with the powers that only the original 12 had. They are direct descendants of the first Guardians of the Zodiac. And they will have to form an unlikely team in order to find out who or what is causing the unrest within the Zodiac.

The twelve Houses have been divided for over 100 years. In order to overcome this looming threat, these 12 young people must learn to trust in each other, and convince their Houses to unite as one Zodiac. Not 12 Houses.


Alright, so this RP is based off of a book I read a little while back called Zodiac.

The powers that you have are based off the Zodiac signs.For example,  Cancer might have something to do with water. Also, a side note- Gemini is techincally ruled by twins, but for the purposes of having 12 people, let's just pretend that there was only one new person chosen. You can make up to 2 charries, but you can't have both of them be Guardians. You are allowed to be someone related to a Guardian, or one of their advisors, or something if you want. It would be great if all 12 main charrie spots get filled!

Okay, charrie sheet:





Guardian or not:

If not, what is your connection to a Guardian?

If yes, what is your power?



My Charrie:

Name: Rowan (Rho) Hail

Gender: Female 

Age (15-20): 16

Personality: Kind, empathetic, diplomatic, loyal, fierce, trusting. Further developed in the story.

Appearance: Dark brown, almost black hair with deep, berry red highlights, falls down to mid-back. Crystal clear, strikingly sharp, arctic blue eyes. A little on the tall side for her age, lithe, athletic figure.

House: Libra

Guardian or not: Yes

If not, what is your connection to a Guardian?

If yes, what is your power? Can control air.

Other: Can we get a good love triangle or two?

submitted by Kestrel, With my own...
(November 16, 2016 - 1:23 pm)
submitted by 3 MORE SPOTS OPEN!!!, TOPTOPTOP!!!
(November 22, 2016 - 2:30 pm)
submitted by Can we start & have, age later?, the other charries comein
(November 22, 2016 - 4:41 pm)
submitted by Yeah, sure. I, age TOP!, don't want this to die!
(November 22, 2016 - 8:48 pm)
submitted by T O P T O P T O P , age TTOOOOPPPP, toptoptoptoptoptoptoptop
(November 23, 2016 - 9:07 am)

Name: Eudora Torell

Age: 19 

Personality: Easily frustrated, power hungry, developed futher in story

Appearance: Light, icy blue eyes, and long, platinum hair with short bangs.  Her height is about 5'6, and her usual clothing consists of a long, bright white coat and crystal blue flats.

House: Ophiucus

Guardian or not: Sort of

If not, what is your connection to a Guardian?  I am Ophiucus reincarnated.

If yes, what is your power? Well, I'm trying to get my power back by bringing up an army.  I can also freeze time for a small amount.

Other: Nothing I can think of right now

submitted by autumnbellss, lost in darkness
(November 23, 2016 - 10:26 am)

I'm going to change my charrie's name to Celaena Ashryver (Nickname: Aelin) 


My head is spinning. The stars chose me. Boring, insignificant, me, Celaena, to be the new Guardian of House Libra. Opening my eyes, I see that the boy chosen to be my advisor, Rowan, is still awaiting my answer. I meet his eyes, deep turquois meeting arctic blue. Drawing in a breath, I say, "I accept. I will protect and love this House just as the previous Guardian did, and I promise to do the best I can to lead it."

Rowan nods, and turns to lead me out to the port. Casting one last look over my shoulder at the home I know and love, I step into the ship that will take me to the main planet of House Libra. The starship that will take me to my new life. Nothing could have prepared me for what my Guardianship really means.

As soon as I arrive, I'm ushered to my new living quarters, where I am introduced to my staff. Along the way, I am introduced to higher ranking nobles of the court, my Zodai (basically like guards), and anyone else I may need to know. My Scan (each House has their own special technology, Libra happens to have something called a Scan which is implanted in their left iris and acts as a mental computer, of sorts) catalogues each name and face so that I can commit them to memory later. After a few hours of introduction after introduction, Rowan decides that I've had enough. He calls out for everyone to leave the room, then leaves himself. Finally, a moment alone to register what's going on.

With a sigh, I flop onto my bed, a large four poster with beautiful whispy curtains in Libra colours.

Within moments, I am asleep.


I'm going to just write a list of each House's technology, to prevent confusion.

Libra: A star shaped chip embedded in their left iris called a Scan. There is a storage unit inside of their brains, which is embedded at the age of twelves, that allows them to store unlimited information.

Aries: Earpiece-- functions similarly to a computer, only its images aren’t projected as holograms: They’re screened inside the person’s mind, where no one else can see them.

Taurus: Blotter—a credit card-like device that projects holographic data and messages.

Gemini: Tattoo, a device that is emblazoned on the palms of their left hands, which they can use to call up information and communicate with others. Each Tattoo is unique—in appearance and function—because each Geminin designs and programs his or her own.

Cancer: Wave, a small golden device shaped like a clam. The Wave provides an interactive way of recording, reviewing, and sending information; and the moment it’s opened, holographic data blooms out and streams all around: news, messages from friends, updates, and more.

Leo: Lighter, when flicked on, a flame-like holographic menu blazes into the air

Virgo: A book-like digital device called a Perfectionary, with which they rarely part. The Perfectionary stores schedules, notes, photographs, diary entries—everything that has any value to Virgos—and it even has an opening for users to insert samples of soil, seeds, fertilizers, etc., for later analysis. 

Scorpio: A fingertip device called a Paintbrush to design holographic blueprints of their latest innovations. The device can also be used to record, review and send information. 

Sagittarius: A computer-like device called a Tracker. Since they’re such nomadic souls, the Tracker is a flint wristband that projects holographic data and doubles as a locator for their family.

Capricorn: Sensethyser, which they use to capture and create holographic versions of anything new they stumble across, in addition to sending messages and searching the Zodiax database. When pointed at an item, the Sensethyser digests every detail and creates a holographic replica that is simultaneously downloaded in a terminal of the Zodiax for review and classification.

Aquarius: a Philosopher’s Stone, a computer-like device encased in a lead pendant that hangs from a silver chain around their neck. Use it to access holographic data or send messages to others. 

Pisces: Yarrot, which is a way of using and controlling mental energy. All Houses practice and teach it in school, but Pisces depend on it the most. The more you practice Yarrot, the higher connection with the stars you have, and the more clearly you can read the messages they are sending to you. 

submitted by Kestrel, STARTING!!!
(November 23, 2016 - 10:27 am)


A ship lands near my home. This is my destiny? Did they
pick wrong? Sure, it's the opportunity of a lifetime, but me? I feel
so... small. This is nerve-wracking. The soil of my home breathes, We'll miss you, we'll miss you. Be proud, Areti... do well..... My brother hugs me goodbye. I make him promise to take care of our parents. He nods. Be proud.... Maybe nature spirits could look after my family. They promise to do so. Take care. Be safe. With one last llok at the green, lucious earth, I board the ship. 

The girl chosen to be my advisor is nice, but very serious. She looks to be about 22 years old. Beckoning, she leads me to the library of the ship. I am to read as much as I can about my new home. 

After about a day, the starship lands. The new planet is mostly bare of life. As my eyes adjust to the brightness, I see that it has a large, looming forest. And in that forest, my new home. These spirits welcome me, but are quit, unlike the whispering forests and plains of my home.

The girl, Beth, shows me around my new home. I meet all the people who will help me, and then, after about an hour, am allowed to wander around myself. Everything is pretty in my new home. My room has a nice, springy hammock bed, and most of the room is windows. A large waterfall is visible from my window. 

I remember an ancient lullabye, from a book that was writen a millenia ago.

"If only, If only the woodpecker cries,

The bark on the tree were as soft as the skies,

the wolf waits below, crying to the moo-oo-oon,

If only, If only."


Areti is 16


submitted by Pepper Star
(November 23, 2016 - 4:39 pm)

Pepper Star have you read/seen Holes?!?!? That lullaby thingy was in it!

submitted by The Riddler
(November 24, 2016 - 4:35 pm)

yeah. I read it when I was six.

submitted by @The Riddler, Pepper Star
(November 30, 2016 - 8:23 pm)

Unless Aries has been taken,

Name: Leda

Personality: *Copies and pastes Aries' traits from another tab* Courageous, determined, confident, enthusiastic, optimistic, honest, passionate

Appearance:Shoulder length black wavy hair. On the tall side. Black loose pants, red and black sweater.

House: Aries

Guardian or not: Yes

If yes, what is your power? Umm... Fire? That what my one random website says Aries element is.

Other: She can be part of the love triangle if you want.


submitted by Impunity Jane
(November 23, 2016 - 11:39 am)

I had reserved Aries. You can be an other one.....


submitted by Zen
(December 4, 2016 - 3:37 pm)

What does the sensethyser look like? And are they being sent to a place where are the Guardians are staying together? If not, how will they get together? 


"I knew it!" Elisha cries as she runs toward me. 

I was allowed a few minutes of good-byes with my best friend, only after Elisha begged for quite a while. 

I smile wryly, "Of course you did." 

"You're the most suited one on the whole planet to be the guardian, Roxy," She laughs playfully, jumping back as I try to swat her arm. 

"Do not call me that!" With anyone else, I could be much angrier, but it was just hard to be angry at playful Elisha. 

She laughs, wrapping me in a hug, "You'll be a great leader. I'll miss you." 

"I will, too." 

"It's time to go," A new voice interrupts us. The voice of my advisor, Arx.

Elisha makes a face at me, and I roll my eyes, whispering, "He's nice enough, but just so plain." 

She nods, "Exactly. They should've found a better advisor."   

"Times up," His voice comes again, and Elisha darts toward me one last time, "Good luck!" 

I nod, turning toward my advisor, who's already walking toward the ship that will take me to the main planet of House Capricorn. 

I walk in, watching Elisha wave crazily at me, getting smaller and smaller... 

The ship lands with a small bump, and I get out, immediately being led to my room, where I'm introduced to all my staff. I examine all of them with my sharp eyes, and my advisor introduces me to them all. 

After all the introductions, they leave my room, and my advisor looks at me like he's expecting me to say something, "Just follow them out." 

He nods, and scurries away, as I walk over to the window seat and sit down, looking out the window at the planet. Elisha was right when she said I would be a great leader. I already am. But a Guardian? That's different. 

I sigh. I can only hope that I'll be a great Guardian for House Capricorn.  

submitted by Alexandra
(November 23, 2016 - 3:26 pm)

A Sensethyser looks like a small, round, handheld mirror. It's colour can vary based on the owner's preference, as can the more complex aspects of it, such as design, etc.

The Guardians each have a palace of sorts on the main planet of their House. But, the Zodiac has a single uncaimed planet in the centre where the Guardians, Zodai, and anyone they bring with them can meet and discuss stuff in person. The new Guardians are required to meet each other within a day or two of being selected, so that's when they'll first meet. The issues with Ophiuchus and stuff should probably start sometime between meetings, which can happen as little or as often as the Guardians decide, and that's when all the drama will start.

Also, at their first meeting, the Guardians each recieve a ring that allows them to communicate diectly with each other, as well as pull up star maps, and participate in a forum type thing where someone can pose a question, and anyone who owns a Ring can answer and debate it and stuff. When your in the in between world of the Ring, you see whoever your talking to as a holographic figure. 

submitted by Kestrel
(November 23, 2016 - 5:59 pm)

By the way, I love the way you captured the idea of the RP. It's like you read my mind!

submitted by Kestrel
(November 23, 2016 - 6:01 pm)


Name:Ellis Millenia


Personality:Silly, Reckless, Brave.  Lots of people think she is selfless.

Appearance:Brown hair in a pixie cut, Light brown eyes, tall, about5'8," VERY SKINNY


IF not, what is your connection to a guardian?

If yes, what is your power?: Can read minds

Other:She is very gullible and weilds a bow and arrow.  She is very opinionated about a lot of things. 

cll=====> Lucy B. signing OUT!

submitted by Lucy B., age 12, California
(November 23, 2016 - 6:19 pm)