Warriors RP, hope

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Warriors RP, hope

Warriors RP, hope you'll join...

Sound familiar, anybody? 

This is a reboot of my (and a lot of my Gen's) firt RP, courtesy of moi. I'm gonna make some tweaks, like the plot needs a lot of help. To read up on the origianal thing, go to:


There are two Clans, SunClan and MoonClan. Here are the spots open for both Clans:




Medicine cat: 

Medicine cat apprentice/second Med. cat: 

7-10 Warriors, Queens and Deputy count, ask for more Warrior spots.

Apprentices vary according to how many warriors there are.


There can be any amount of Queens, but keep in mind that they count for Warrior spots, as well. I suggest 1-3. A Queen cannot have an apprentice until she is out of the nursery, and if they have an apprentice at the time they move into the nursery the apprentice goes to a different mentor.




Medicine cat: 

Medicine cat apprentice/second Med. cat: 

7-10 Warriors, Queens and Deputy count, ask for more Warrior spots.

Apprentices vary according to how many warriors there are. 

There can be any amount of Queens, but keep in mind that they count for Warrior spots, as well. I suggest 1-3. A Queen cannot have an apprentice until she is out of the nursery, and if they have an apprentice at the time they move into the nursery the apprentice goes to a different mentor.


I encourage you to have two charries, and also may at least one be male? Kits are a package deal with their mother, and they must be younger than six moons, 'cause that's when they become an apprentice.

Here's the charrie sheet:


Age (in moons):








Here are my charrie's sheets:

Name: Beetlepaw

Age (in moons): 7

Gender: Male

Rank: Warrior apprentice

Personality: He is energetic, excitable, and bouncy, but around his crush, (female med cat apprentice, please?) he becomes more quiet and a bit shy.

Appearance: Short ginger fur, a light gash on his nose,white belly fur, and a white muzzle.

Relationships: Anybody can make parents, a sister, and his crush. (and his mentor!)

Other: N/A

I've got to go, I'll make my queen and her kits later.

submitted by Coconut the dog, age I forgot, In the bed
(October 27, 2016 - 6:59 pm)


I finish sorting the herbs as usuial beetlepaw gives me a shy clance though noone could tell i wink at him i know its not allowed but its love nothing could be more natural. I am torn between my love for beetlepaw and my loyalty. What should i do if i have kits then it will only be one time right? I mean I can still love later in the day i see bumblepaw talking with beetlepaw of cource they always argue about what i have no idea...



"We wont have kits" beetlepaw responded calmly

"SHE WOULDNT LIKE A WIMP LIKE YOU." bumblepaw snarled back



@clouded lepord

plz have bumblepaw as a darkforest app like u train 2 apps >:) 

submitted by Lea
(November 8, 2016 - 3:52 pm)

@Daisy, sorry. I don't know either . . .


I watch with narrowed eyes as Mistkit "visits" with Soulpaw.

"Of course. I'll tell the others you said hi, okay?" I hear Mistkit say. Humph, I think. Soulpaw's a medicine cat, for StarClan's sake! They can't have a . . . relationship. It's not allowed! And not fair! I turn away for a moment and pretend to be infinetely interested in a ball of moss that young kits like to play with. 

I hear Mistkit bound away from Soulpaw.

"How's Soulpaw?" I ask, not wanting to seem jelous. Even though I am. 

"Fine. She just doesn't want to see me." Mistkit replies.

I can't help but grin.

"She didn't want to see me then becasue she was doing . . . um . . . medicine cat stuff." Mistkit adds hastily, seeing my grin.

I start to reply, but just at that moment Sprucekit chooses to butt in.

"Mistkit, me and Batkit are six moons old today, because the gathering's today. You won't be for another day or two." He gloats.

I glare at him. I'm going to be six moons in a few days, too! Nobody notices, and I'm just about to voice my thoughts when Frostflower and Ravencry come running out of the nursery and into the medicine cat's den.

Thornkit tries to ask what in all of StarClan was happening, and then he saw the black pelt of Batkit in Ravencry's mouth. We all do. We freeze and watch, astounded, as they retreat into the medicine cat's den. I close my eyes. I'm confused. What--why--what?

Sprucekit whimpers.

"What's happening?" I ask to no one in particular, opening my eyes again.

No one answers me. "Is Batkit . . ." Doekit starts, eyes round, "Dying?" She ends with a whisper.

"No," Mistkit sounds uncertain.

"Let's go back into the nursery, 'kay?" Thornkit suggests, way too casually. No one argues, but no one moves either. 

~~~~Later, into the evening~~~~

I watch the apprentice ceremony sourly. It's not fair! I protest in my thoughts as Littlestar says "Mistkit, step fowards." Mistkit looks back towards us, then jumps up past the crowd of gathered cats, to the leader.

Littlestar adresses him.

"Mistkit. You are six moons old today, and have helped the elders and medicine cats as much as you can. Owlwings, step foward." The Owlwings steps forwards, with excitment in her eyes.

"Do you wish to be young Mistkit's mentor?" Littlestar asks her.

"Yes." She whispers.

"Then I, under the eyes of StarClan, give Mistkit his new name."

Mistkit, you will now be known as Mistpaw. Owlwings, teach the warrior code and the wonders of the forest to this young apprentice, and maybe you will even learn some things yourself."

Owlwings walks up and touches noses with Mistpaw. Mistpaw then turns to Littlestar, and licks his shoulder as Littlestar rested his head on Mistpaw's. Mistpaw pulls away and bounds over to the base of the highrock.

"Sprucekit, step foward."

The Sprucekit's eyes light up with excitement and without a hesitating bounds to the front of the clearing, almost skidding into Littlestar.

"Sprucekit. You are also six moons old today, and have also helped around the camp, which cherishes your sparky but quiet self. Moonbeam, step foward. You were brave today, fighting the fox and killing that rogue earlier on." 

"You alright, Ravencry?" I hear Frostflower whisper.

"Fine." Ravencry hisses back, sounding completely not fine.

"Do you take younge Sprucekit as your apprentice?" Littlestar continued. 

"Yes." Moonbeam gasps in excitment.

"Then I, under the eyes of StarClan, give Sprucekit her new name. Sprucekit, you will now be known as Sprucepaw. Moonbeam, teach the warrior code and the wonders of the forest to this young apprentice. Maybe you will sharpen your discipline in doing so."

Moonbeam walks up and touches noses with Sprucepaw. Sprucepaw then turns to Littlestar, and licks his shoulder as Littlestar rests his head on Sprucepaw's. Sprucepaw puls away and bounds over to the base of the highrock next to her brother and his mentor. Moonbeam follows close behind her.

"Batkit, step foward."

Batkit was going to become an apprentice! I hadn't expected that to happen . . . the entrance tunnel rustles and Nightstalker walks through. She glances around and bares her teeth at the gathered cats before settling down off to the side.

I don't like her. I think, momentarily distracted. Batkit stumbles foward, the warriors helping lead him towards Littlestar. He stops, blindly facing Littlestar.

"Batkit. You are also six moons old today, and have done your best to fit in. If it wasn't for Nightstalker, you wouldn't be turning into an apprentice today. Nightstalker, step forward."

Nightstalker looks around smugly at the awaiting cats and walks up to stand by Batkit, her tail swishing back and foward in anticipation. "Nightstalker suggested herself as your mentor. Since I wasn't planning to make you an apprentice today, she was the only option for you, Batkit. Do you take him as your apprentice, Nightstalker?"

I hear Ravencry hiss, and Littlestar gives her a look.

"Well, duh." Nightstalker replies rudely.

Batkit looks in her direction with a thankful expression. I wouldn't want her as a mentor! I think, then I also think Well, she's not my only option, at least. 

"Then I, under the eyes of StarClan, give Batkit his new name. Batkit, you will now be known as Batpaw. Nightstalker, teach the warrior code and the wonders of our forest to this apprentice. Maybe you will learn more respect in the process."

Nightstalker growls in Littlestar's direction, then walks up and touches noses with Batpaw. Batpaw then turns to Littlestar, but Nightstalker stops him before he can preform the tradition. Hesitantly, he turns away, following Nightstalker's tail by his whiskers. Littlestar snorts angrily and dissmisses the meeting. 

What have I just seen? I was right about Nightstalker. She's not a cat to cross. And apparently she doesn't care about StarClan. 

Nightstalker catches me staring at her. She hisses and amkes a swipe at me. I jump away, startled. "Don't forget me, young one." She snarles at me."Someday I will" she gives a brittle laugh "haunt your nights, if you're not careful." 

I stare after her angrily. I won't forget about you, or this! Someday I'll be such a great warrior that I'll defeat you with one twitch of my whiskers! 


submitted by Coconut the dog, age I forgot, In the bed
(November 8, 2016 - 4:38 pm)

Oh wow Scylla thanks for that wonderful complement! *Insert sumg look* It was getting long, okay? So I may have rushed through the end a bit. AND yes THAT WAS THE DAWN PRATROL if you didn't read EVERYONE ELSE'S POSTS ON THAT Littlestar is fighting the foxes. SOOOOOOOO ya. Thats all I have to say. Well beside's this-

~Batpaw (I put Batkit and halfway through I realized that I had been typing his name wronge ;D

Cats came and congradulated us, starting with chanting our new names; as tradition. I got lots of congradulations, and I could practically feal the sympathy for me in their voices. I was never supost to become an apprintance. They know that.

If it wasn't for Nightstalker...

"Congradulations, Mistpaw!" I heard a voice purr nearby. It was no doupt Soulpaw. "I was just waiting for this day to happen."

"When Mist and Soul become one, the plain has begun.." I whispered, the phrophocy still echoing in my head. No, not a phrophocy. I nightmare.  

"What was that?" I heard the voice of my mentore behind me and I swivled my ears.

"Nothing." I responded quickly, flicking my tail.

"Congradulations, Batpaw!"

I looked blindly in the direction of the voice. "Thanks Shadepaw. We'll be denmates again!"

"Ya..." Shadepaw responded.

"Hey Sprucepaw! Congradulations! Aren't you so exited! You're an apprintance now!"

I felt Shadepaw bound away to congradulate my sister. I couldn't stiffle a snarle. Then my face drooped. I felt issolated. Forgaten. Well, I can't remind anyone that I still have  fealings. They'll ignore me or sneak past to avoid talking to me. Eventhough I can't see, I can still feal, smell, and hear. I'm not deaf.

"Fealing issssolated....?" Nightstalker whispered in my ear. I nodded. "Come with me, my apprintance. Into the woods, to start your battle training."

"Battle training? But even I can sence that its dark out."

"Shhhh. Secret training. None of your friends or siblings will know."

That tempted me. "Alright."

I followed her tail as she lead me from the camp, and int the wilderness full of stanger smells and sounds, of which I had never dreamed of actually hearing or smelling.

And it was all thanks to her. 

submitted by Claaws
(November 8, 2016 - 8:36 pm)



"Alright, Shadepaw, head to your nest. I swear, you'd go until your paws gave out," I say sternly, nudging Shadepaw towards the apprentice's den. He glowers at me momentarily, his dark brown tail twitching, but he just shook his head and headed for the den, pawsteps heavy. I shook my head, exasperated with my difficult apprentice. Sometimes Shadepaw can be a real pain, but he is quite a clever cat if you can ignore his bitter outer shell. I'm about to head to the warrior's den as well, feeling quite tired after a day of training, when two cats slid into camp, one small and with misty blue eyes and the other, the other orange, black and white-speckled. I narrow my eyes slightly as Nightstalker and Batpaw enter the camp, the former looked half-annoyed, half-bored and the latter discombobulated. I pad over to the two, intercepting their path. 

"Hello, Naightstalker," I say coolly.

"What do you want, Jaydreamer?" Nightstalker hisses back, trying to push past me. I can't help it, and I feel the fur on my back ripple.

"It's Jaydream, Nightstalker, and you'd do best to not forget that. You may think you can mouth off to any cat in the Clan, but I gurantee you'll be hunting for the elders for a moon if Littlestar or me hear one more disrespectful mew out of you." Nightstalker looks taken back, though not cowed. 

"Yeah, yeah," she says, stepping around me and heading quickly for the warrior's den, disappearing inside with a flick of her orange tail. I watch the den for a second, not willing to forgive her easily, when I feel something bump into my leg. I look down and see Batpaw there, shaking his small, black head confusedly. My heart momentarily softens as I nudge the newly-made apprentice in the direction of his den. "Come here, Batpaw--" I freeze as my muzzle brushes against his ear and I taste the sharp tang of blood, smeared and dried around a notch in it. 

"Batpaw," I say firmly, stopping him. "What exactly did you and Nightstalker practice today?" He balks, shrinking into his pelt. 

"Oh, I mean just some battle training, n-nothing much, really..." I frown, not fully believing him. "Well... move along, I suppose. Get some rest." He nods, skittering off towards the apprentice's den. I sigh, knowing I have to follow his steps. The second I flop down in my nest I fall into a deep sleep, lured on by my exhaustion. 

But it doesn't last for long. My eyes blink open to find myself in a shady forest, where the air smells of crow-food and the grass underneath my paws feels soft and spongy. "Where... am I?" I murmur out loud, confused. Suddenly, a cat with a pelt as silver as the moon slides out of the trees, her eyes bright. 

"Hello, deputy Jaydream," she purrs, her voice sultry.

"Who are you? How do you know my name?!" I growl, my pelt bushing in suspicion. She flicks her tail in irritation, though it's almost unnoticable.

"You're in my training grounds now," she replies, gesturing to a clearing, filled with scrapping cats, claws flashing and jaws snapping. What is this place? I think, horrified. Who are these cats? "I came to you because I saw your skill in battle, the prowess you hold yourself with, the vigor with which you fight. I've come to offer you a position training these cats, helping them home their own fighting spirit." She starts to walk towards the fighting cats, beckoning me to follow her, but I hold my ground. 

"Who are you?" I repeat, steadfast. She turns towards me, pelt rippling in the watery moonlight.

"My name," she purred. "Is Moonstar." My world seems to spin around me. No... it can't be... The Moonstar? No! NEVER! I back away, my paws shaking, my claws unsheated. Moonstar turns and looks at me, her expression contorting into a snarl. "Where are you going, Jaydream?"

"NO!" I yowl, my voice echoing around the clearing. "I won't! I refuse to help you or any of your traitorous cats!" The clearing goes silent as each cat turns to me, the woods suddelny full of low growls and sharp, shining claws. 

"Well, if you won't join us," Moonstar hisses, her eyes black as night. "You'll just have to take another trip. To StarClan." With that, all the cats launch themselves towards me. I immediately spin and flee into the woods, though not before seeing a strangely familiar tortoisehell pelt. The dark trees whirl around me as I blindly attempt to dodge each one. Moonstar's yowls fade away, but before I know it I'm lost. I don't recognize anything around me, and it's silent enough to send chills down my spine. 

"Hello?" I call in the darkness.



So my idea is that Jaydream is lost in the Dark Forest, which means she's essentially in a coma in the real world. The thing about this is that she knows that Nightstalker is in the Dark Forest, and probably a lot of other Clan cats she saw too, but has no way of telling the rest of the Clan. Unless a cat could find her... (hint hint at Claaws and Batpaw's sight...) 

submitted by Clouded Leopard
(November 8, 2016 - 10:22 pm)

Wow ... that's an amazing idea.

submitted by Cho Chang
(November 9, 2016 - 2:10 pm)

Ok... I'm gonna mess this up... but I'll try. 



Returning from patrol, I stop and lick my golden pelt with my chocolate paw. Cats pass me, murmuring a respectful mew or inclining their heads, but I keep an eye out for a particular one. 

I don't see him, though, so I walk over to the freshkill pile and choose a fat mouse. After I enjoy it, I hurry over to another cat. "Excuse me, where is Skytracker?" I ask. 

The cat opens its mouth to answer when there is a great commotion. Instantly, my ears snap back and my hackles rise. In one motion, I leap towards the forest. 

submitted by Daisy the Darth
(November 9, 2016 - 7:21 am)

Guys, I am SO SORRY I haven't been posting! I had a really busy couple of days, and have been trying to read up on everything ever since. Sorry! I'll post soon!

submitted by Autumn Leaves , age 13, Floating on the breeze
(November 9, 2016 - 8:34 am)


"Mistpaw! Mistpaw!" I cheer warmly, along with the rest of the clan.

When the other cats clear out a little bit, I walk over to Mistpaw and his siblings. I brush pelts with Mistpaw briefly, so no one notices the gesture, "Congradulations, Mistpaw," I purr, offering a smile,"I was just waiting for this day to happen."

"Thanks," he replies, then hesitates, as if he wants to say something more.

"Now you'll sleep in the apprentices den. We get to see each other more often now. It'll be just like old times!" I say, a note of joy entering my voice against my will.

I get a strange, fizzy, wonderful feeling as I see how his eyes light up at that.

"Come see me in the medicine den later today. I'll help you set up a nest next to mine," I whisper, glancing at Fawnkit warily.

"Alright! Thanks, Soulpaw," he mews. Then, his new mentor calls for him, and he bounds off. I watch him go for a moment, before turning to talk to Sprucepaw and Batpaw. But Batpaw, apparently, has already been whisked off.

"How does it feel to be an apprentice?" I ask my old friend cheerfully.

"It's fine," she replies. Friendly, but distant. I take a small step back, frowning.

She looks around, vaguely uncomfortable. Just as I open my mouth to say something else, her mentor calls her over. With a flick of her tail, she walks away. "Bye, then..." I mew softly, whiskers drooping. What happened? Why are all of my friends becoming so distant? the thought echoes through my head as I walk back to the medicine den. As I walk into the den, a sigh escapes me.

"Why the long face?' Autumnbreeze meows, materializing from behind the vines that conceal all of our supplies. I look up with a start.

"No reason," I meow, attempting to inject some cheer into my voice. My mentor looks at me, but doesn't say anything for a few moments. I stand still, waiting for instructions that never come. Instead, she says, "Sit down, Soulpaw. Let me tell you something."

I feel a flash of annoyance. Why do mentors always have to poke their whiskers into their apprentices business? I immediately feel guilty. She just wants to help. It's her duty to make me into the best cat I can be. Slowly, I walk across the den and sit down, carefully taking the time to curl my tail over my paws. Finally, Autmunbreeze begins, "Being a medicine cat... can be lonely at first. Sometimes, you lose the friendships you thought would last forever."

"So you noticed," I mew under my breath.

"It is unfortunate that you cannot have a family of your own, yes. I know that you would have cared a great deal for your kits, if you had any. But, with time, you will learn to care for the clan as if they are your kits. Each cat, young or old, must be treated as family. A medicine cat may not have favourites."

"What about friendships?" I query bitterly.

"You will develop some very close friendships, no doubt. Just give Sprucepaw some time. She feels as though you left them in the dust when you became medicine cat apprentice, rather than warrior. Keep your eyes open for the opportunity to befriend someone new, though."

I bow my head. A sudden wave of sadness washing over me. "Thank you, Autumnbreeze. I... I'll go collect some of those dock leaves we saw earlier," I mew, suddenly feeling like I can't breathe.

I get up and leave the den quickly, keeping to the shadows at the edges of the camp as I make my way to the entrance. I nod to a cat coming in, but it doesn't register to me who it was. As soon as I've taken a few steps outside of the camp, I take off at a sprint. I see the newly made apprentices and their mentors blurr as I streak by, but I don't slow down until I reach the top of a rock outcropping just outside of the clan territories. There, I sit down, watching the sun set. Soon, the moonlight washes over my fur, making me look like a warrior of Starclan, turning my fur an even paler silver than it already is.

I stay there, rock still, illuminated by moonlight, until I hear footstep sound behind me.

A sigh of relief and a familiar voice behind me, "Finally! The whole camp has been looking for you, Soulpaw. Where have you been?"


Dun dun dunnn... Who will this voice be? It could be anyone that would normally talk to me. 

submitted by Kestrel
(November 9, 2016 - 1:47 pm)


I noticed the sadness in Soulpaw's eyes as she walked out of camp. You could still quit while you're young...My insides twisted.

Are you crazy? Medicine cats have a responsibility that just can't be given up on-for a cat! I tried to assure myself.

It's happened before...I shuddered and walked in the den quickly. My memories came flooding back once more, but this time, I couldn't push themdown in time. Waves and waves of sadness came over me once more.


Later that night...

"Autumnbreeze! Have you seen Soulpaw?" Mistpaw walked into my den.

"N-no, not for a while. I sent her to gather dock leaves about an hour ago..." My voice shook with sadness. Mistpaw saw and backed up slowly.

"I'll ask for a patrol. Thanks, Autumnbreeze," He quickly scampered towards the warriors den. I sighed and walked outside, knowing I should help.


Even later that night...

"Soulpaw! The whole camp has been looking for you. Where have you been?! Autumnbreeze, guys, I found her!" Mistpaw's voice called through the forest. I raced towards the source. Mistpaw was standing next to a forlorn and stiff Soulpaw. I sighed with relief. The two other warriors came through the woods. Owlwings looked ready to scream, but I laid my tail on her shoulder.

"Mentors can handle thier apprentices," I whispered.

More l8r. My keyboard is acting up... 


submitted by Inktail
(November 10, 2016 - 10:12 am)


as i wake with a prodding paw it was beetlepaw

" Good morning sleeping beauty"he chirped "I'm going to do battle practice " 

"you needs to do as well " clearpool advised

"REALLY"i squealed as we walked into the clearing laughing and talking their pelts brushing slightly as they went for battle practice...


srry its short but i want the plot rolling

submitted by Lea
(November 10, 2016 - 7:35 pm)

Littlestar~ I lay my head on my paws. I'm back in my den and the sun has set, leaving us relieved of the heat for the night. The night is always kind to us. I sigh. I miss Bigstar, my mentor, my leader, my only friend. I wish I had never taken his place. I look to the hole in the ceiling of my den, where the stars shine through. Is Bigstar there? Is he watching me, proud of me? Does he think that I am a worthy leader for his Clan? 

My loneliness has never bothered me before. I may lead my Clanmates, but I do not really know them. I am so disconnected. Is this what a leader should be? Isolated amid so many familiar faces? Am I doing the right thing, shutting myself away? Should I spend more time with the cats I lead, get to know them? Would Bigstar have wanted this for me? Would be want me to have a family? I shake my head. I don't need a family. I have StarClan. 

I tuck my nose under my tail, but I do not sleep yet. There is too much on my mind. And so I wait out the night. 

Wait... for what?  

submitted by Scylla
(November 10, 2016 - 8:25 pm)

Hey Lea...quick comment.... ugg I feal so bad. This shouldn't be comming from the, litteraly though, the worst speller on Inkwell. No seriuosly, I couldn't spell of right until middle school. I spelt it ov and then got confused and fusterated because I knew there were only two letters but it needed an e at the end! Now that I look back its quite amusing.... anyway, got lost there! Back to the point, we would all really like it if you tried to...um...grammer? (don't you just love me inglesh ;) anyway, it's really hard to read your writing. Its quickly wrote, bearly any puntiation marks, you're not cappitilizing, and I coild care less about de spelling. But please try. It gets confusing and hard to read and people leave when people write like that. (Again this shouldn't be comming from me and feal free to critizice me on everything autocorrected and misspelled in this lecture ;) 

Oh one last thing, I was super bussy yesterday, didnt even have time to do my homework (that didnt turn out well with my teachers and....detention D: so i didnt post on anything and am catching up now. SORRY!

Oh one lastly last thing, CL, love that idea! I will make it happen! 


"I was worried. You promised to help me build my nest next to your's." I tapped her ear with my tail playfully.

She slowly turned to look at Atumnbreeze behind me and my mentor, Owlwings. She looked with an expretonless eyes at me. then with one move as quick as lightning, leaped off the rock cropping. 

My eyes flashed in fear. I lunged for her, but I was so small. I managed to grap her tail. But she was already falling, and her tail got stuck inbetween my teeth. Before I knew it we were both falling, flaling our paws and tails. Well atleast I was, she seemed strangly calm about it.

Like she was already a warrior of StarClan.

Her eyes were glazed over. Her pelt and libs flew loosly past her. Her tail dissloged from my teeth and wacked me in the nose before streaking up to the sky. It seemed like I was frozen in time, that it took forever to reach the dirt beneath us. But we were only in the air, falling, for merriley seconds.

And then we hit the earth. I heard a yowling behind me, now that the wind wasn't consealling it. My whole body sprang to life with pain seconds after I had impacted. My sight and hearing started to fade. I remebered looking to the side and finding Solepaw laying limply by me. I remember our tails somehow twisting togeather. I remember her head falling onto my chest as she grew limp. But the the last thing I remember seeing was my mentor's fear-striken eyes staring into mine. And the words that echoed through my head. When Mist and Sole become one, our plan has begun. 

Love will haugnt and slaughter....

I open my eyes to a forest darker then our own. No moon was shinning from above. Only the eyes of the cats, watching me. 

No us. I brushed Solepaw's pelt next to mine. We twined tails and stood as one against the cats around us. Somehow I felt powerful. I felt like all these cats should bow down to us. Somehow...

"Are we dead..? Is this StarClan?" I finally whispered. 

"I'm sorry, Mistpaw. I didn't mean to drag you down with. But I thought, if I died...then we could be togeather."

I looked into her eyes with a twisting heart. We both jumped as a new voice from the cats around us spoke. "You're not dead. We won't let you die. You're part of a very special....plan..."

We turned to see a cat that looked as if she was giving off light the color of the moon. Her pelt was dark, but her eyes like shards of peircing blue. "Who are you?!" I demanded stepping foward.

"Why, younge one, I am no other then Moonstar. The leader of the dark side of the moon."

"You mean, this isn't StarClan?" Solepaw whispered.

"Oh no, this is better then Sunstar's pettyfull StarClan. We train warriors here. We save them. Just like we saved you two." She smiled a welcoming, but alltogether menicencing grin. "We'll train you things even your clan leader doesnt know. We'll help you win every battle. Working with us you can be together. The clan won't be here. They won't know, unless you tell them. It won't matter if you're a medicen cat or not. Your part of the greats now."

We glanced at eachother and looked at Moonstar with aww. "Now, you need to wake up to show them you aren't dead. You are invincible, now my apprintences! Because now you're part of ussssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss."

"The DarkForest." 

I woke up with sharp pains echoing and aching throughout my body. I yowld in pain as my mentor lept over a root. "He's alive!" My mentor almost dropped me as she exclaimed the words happily.

Atumnbreeze dropped her broken bundle and growled, "be careful with him! WE don't need to brake anything else!"

Owlwings nodded and picked me up again.

The ride was painful but we finally made it ito the clearing. My mother yowled as she saw me and I felt Owlwings shrink in her pelt as everyone turned to us. "You found her!" It was Littlestar. "Now please look at Jaydream. He didn't wake up when I trid to wake him to get ready for the gathering. We may have to go deptyless tonight, unless you can wake him."

"Slow down, Littestar! I have two broken spprintences I need to take care of before I can look at Jaydream." She mummbled around Solepaw, not slowing pace.

"I'm sorry." No he actually sounded concerned. "Will they be alright?"

But Atunbreeze had already vanishd into her den. Owlwings followed and I black out from the pain.


"Nightstalker, was that Mistpaw and Solepaw?"

I saw Moonstar give Nightstalker a look. (This could mean he's not ready to learn the plan he might slip something or something like that). "No, those were two kits from....StarClan. They....erm...was challenging our ways again."

"Just like Littlestar." I hissed, lashing my tail. If it wasn't for Nightstalkr, I wouldn't have a mentor. I would probably have never been made an apprintance. "I'll show him how much a blind cat can see one day."

I released my claws and let them sink nto the marshy, trampled undergrowth beneath my paws. "Before we go on, do you remember that nightmare you had? Could you repeat those words?"

I looked at her werdly, but didn't want to argue. "Alright. Dark and nigh t will stalk the moon and sun, many they will steal. When Mist and Sole become one, the plan has begun. The rest will shreik and cry, and love will haunt and slaughter. Um...." I knew there was more. But it slipped my mind. "That was it." I lied, not planning to make my mentor angry on the first day. 

She smiled wickedly. "That's great news, Batpaw. You jave a desteny."

I beamed. How did that have to do with my desteny again? Before I could think Nightstalker lashed out with her claws unshelded ad caught my ear, ripping it, but just a little. "Ow!" I hissed. "WHat was that for?"

"You must be ready for battle at all times. You enemy could be anywhere, or everywhere." SHe lahed out again and I ducked, charishing how good it felt to see. "Good! Learning already. Now, Batpaw, here we will work on you fighting skills while being able to see. Then we will train in waking and aply what you learned to my special fighting plan. Again!"

I ducked, and lashed my tail. She paused and I relaxed, thinking that it was over. As I did I heard something. "Hello? Hello?"

My vison flashed and I saw a wondering cat in the forest around us with the words...

Onlu the one who can truly see, 

Can save the jay dreamer...

My vison flashed back to my mentor, who's claw was already at my nose. I was thrust back into the dirt. My nose singed with pain where her claws had left a mark. I shook my nose and growled at my mentor. "You can never get distracted in battle! Even when you think your enemy has surenderd you must keep fighting!"

"Wounding!" A few voices joined her.

"Crippling!" Many more voices, probably every can in the clearing, joined her.

"KILLING!" There voices echoed in my head, getting louder and louder. 

Suddenly I saw two eyes flashed before my eyes. One eye was ice blue, the other was a warm, bright amber.  

Then I woke with a gasp to the dark, misty forest around me. My eyes were cloudy again, and all I could see was the outline of the shadow of my mentor. But, something was different. Her shape was dark, and her eyes. I could see her eyes. They were a dark, blood red. Was I still dreaming? Fear lurched through me and I blinked, and everything was normal.

I was probably still half-asleep. I concluded as we started back to camp. That nightmare wasn't a phrophocy. It was a normal, blind cat nightmare. 

Wasn't it? 

submitted by Claaws
(November 10, 2016 - 10:02 pm)


OK im sorry but i cant type that well and it takes me a while mk jo i try and thats what matters please forgive me... PLEASE Xd 

submitted by Lea
(November 10, 2016 - 10:39 pm)

I actually don't use the traditional way of typing. It's probably awful for me, but I just use my pointers for the letters, pinkies for caps, and thumbs for the spacebar. Hope this helps!!

submitted by Cho Chang
(November 11, 2016 - 10:37 am)


I don't know why I did it. What compelled me to jump. It was as though some outside force took over my mind. Everything that happened after that passed in a blurr. Pain. Moonstar. Wake up. More pain. Sleep. Deep, dreamless sleep. Waking up. I gasp as Autumnbeeze's face comes into focus.

"I'm sorry, Autmunbreeze," I meow, "Please don't disown me as a mentor. I love being a medicine cat. I love helping others. It just gets so lonely when all your friends turn their backs on you..." I fade off.

"Shh, I know. I know. Shh... Rest. Save your breath and stay alive, Soulpaw," my mentor tells me quietly, but I see something in the depths of her eyes. Some painful memory that I know she won't talk about.

The world fades to black around me as I fall asleep again. When Mist and Soul become one... From sound and smell comes sight... A soul becomes shrouded in Mist... Bits and pieces of prophecies float through my head, blurring together. I open my eyes and find myself in the Dark Forest again. I don't see any cats around me, so I run turn and walk straight forwards, hesitantly. I slowly gain speed until I'm running, but am careful not to lose my sense of direction. Out of nowhere, I see a familiar pelt. "Jaydream?" I meow aloud in surprise.

"Soulpaw! What are you doing here?" he replies, walking towards me.

"I-it's hard to explain. Why haven't you woken up? You know everyone's getting worried," I tell him.

"I got lost. Now you are, too aren't you?" wory creeps into his voice.

"No, I came straight from that way," I turn back the way I came. I hear jaydream begin to follow me, and I pick up the pace until we arrive back at the clearing I first woke up in. Almost immeditely, drowsiness overtakes me and I'm swirling through darkness again. When I wake again, I'm at the top of a lush, green hill. I'm alone, but I don't go anywhere. After a few heartbeats, a silvery cat materializes and makes thier way towards me. With a start I realize that it's Willowlight, a past medicine cat of Moonclan.

"Soulpaw," she greets.

"W-willowlight," I stammer in reply.

"You have had an internal struggle. You wish for things to remain as they were, yet you also want to see the wonders of the world and help those around you to see them as well."

I don't reply, taken aback by how true it really is.

"Follow your heart. Be willing to ask for help. If you withdraw within yourself, your free spirit will be dampened. Your mentor understands much more than you realize about your situation. Do not be afraid to open your heart and open your ears. You will find answers within the cats that you surround yourself with..."

A feeling of joyful serenity fills me. So similar to the carefree happiness that all kits have.

"Wait, don't leave!" I meow as Willowlight begins to fade.

"I must go. But I will be watching over you. Remember, you may need to struggle before you can flourish. Even the strongest cats need to ask for help. Don't shut yourself away..." And then she disappears completely, and I am plunged back into the swirling darkness of dreams.

I wake just in time to see Thornkit's tail tip whisk out of the den.

From somewhere behind me, a voice I never thought I would hear again rings out, "You're awake! Oh, Soul, you have no idea how scared I was when I saw you getting carried through the forest."

My sister, Ebony, has returned. 

submitted by Kestrel
(November 11, 2016 - 11:52 am)