Werecreature RP
Chatterbox: Inkwell
Werecreature RP
Werecreature RP
Many of the rps out there that i attend die out, and the only one i am doing right now is the spirit animal rp. Hope this one thrives!
Anyways, let's get onto it!
You wake up in a cell. You have no idea how you got there, and why. You remember your name age and birthday though. Too speed things up, let's suppose you have been living here for a few months now. There are scientists there who tell you what to do, and you always have this urge telling you that you should follow their orders. They make you do things, like for example, lift up this sandbag. Some things you are terribly terrible at, like a normal human would, but some things you are exceptional, like a human wouldn't be able to do. Nobody knows why, but don't usually bother to bother with it. Now, the urge is wearing off, and you begin to question things, but the urge is strong enough to prevent you from doing anything bad, until you get a good reason too. One day, you find a letter in your cell, which is your home, attached to the assignment board. It says:
Dear Reader,
I don't know who you are, and you son't know who I am. I need your help. In case this is intercepted, I'll be using a code name. I can help you as well, for i can give you information. Meet me Midnight, on thurday(three days form now if you forget), in the lounge. If you prefer to visit me, ask the dim-witted guard Rob to visit the M cell. He won't be suspicious and dosen't fill out the suspicious activity forms. DO NOT TELL ANYONE OF THIS!
Sincerely, Peter Scupp
From your knowledge, all of the cells are numbers, not letters, and when you check the assignment board, nobody named Peter Scupp is doing anything. Not even on the special event days where they get to interact.
So for the powers thing, that's their werepowers coming through. Everyone has a were-form. Like a were-wolf, there are were-tigers, were-gazelles, and other werecreatures, but no magical creatures or non-existent ones. I want this to be a bit realistic as possible. Some things:
This is going to work kinda like were-world, a book series. The bite dosen't spread the were-ness, except for this serum the scientists injected into you, which you don't remember. Nobody can have the same were-creature. You can transform into the were-form whenever you like, but it is kinda difficult when you don't know you are one in the first place. The more experienced werepeople can transform entirely into their werecreature, but it will be slightly larger than normal. You are able to harness any ability your animal has, in combination with your own. No magic. Ask any questions you want! Here's the form:
Age (only ages 11 & up were allowed in the experiement):
Background Info (optional):
Here's my charrie:
Name: Cadman Drake Porosus
Age(only ages 11 & up were allowed in the experiement): 17
Werecreature: Saltwater Crocodile
Personality: Secretive, and not entirely trusting of everyone, but cares for others.
Background Info(optional): Cadman was an athlete, he's the star in the school swimming team. Knows some martial arts, and wants to be a navy SEAL.
Other: He's the one who sent the letter, and is considered so dangerous, he is kept in the special cell M.
(October 24, 2016 - 8:03 pm)
Isabella Romave
*she follows camadin into a room full of files marked by name*
*she says in surprise then she hears a noise that is very high pitched that makes cats very confused but others cant hear it*
(November 15, 2016 - 3:42 pm)
I change into a dog, jumping around the shadow dogs, and I relise with horror what they're chanting "KILL! KILL!"
I block out there barks and growls and run off to see if I can help anybody.
Sorry it's so short, I'm brain-dead right now.
(November 15, 2016 - 3:51 pm)
~Cadman Drake Porosus
I walk into a room that was filled with files with Isabella Romave. "Woah!" she gasped. I scrabble in and grab a file that said my name. I opened it up and revealed a peice of paper and a two photographs. The first paper was a file that said:
Name: Cadman Drake Porosus
Gender: Male
ID: 75308
Ideal: To join the navy SEALs
Father: David Porosus, Herpetologist
Mother: Sylva Miller, Scientist
Animal Gene Injection: Saltwater Crocodile
Background Info: Senior star in Unity High School's swim team brown belt in martial arts,
Other: Considered dangerous, to be put in cell M.
The first of photographs was of Cadman in a sleep-like state in a bluish liquid tube, the second with a large saltwater crocodile in the same bluish liquid tube. Isabella picked up her file, and Cadman took a peek in it. It contained similar images and the same paper, but the images was of her in the tube and the cougar in the other. Cadman shivered. Something was definitely going on. He put the file back and went in search for the boss. Walking down the hallway, he entered an office with a nice leather chair turned away from him with six suit stands in the corner of the room and next to the doorway. "I've been waiting for you." a deep grumbly voice said, as the chair turned around. It revealed a man in his late thirties with owly glasses looking at Cadman. Cadman transformed and growled. "I wouldn't do that if I were you." the man said, and what Cadman thought was the suit stands stood up and aimed their weapons at Cadman, the two outside locking the door behind them as they entered. The alarms immediately stopped outside. "I'm Derek." the man laughed, holding his hand out.
You guys can join in if you want, like breaking the doors down or something.
(November 15, 2016 - 7:48 pm)
Isabella Romave
*I notice the door shut behind camadin and rush to his rescue by scliceing the door down with her ferrocious claws*
*i yell this*
(November 18, 2016 - 3:52 pm)
(December 14, 2016 - 3:05 pm)