Werecreature RP

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Werecreature RP

Werecreature RP

Many of the rps out there that i attend die out, and the only one i am doing right now is the spirit animal rp. Hope this one thrives!

Anyways, let's get onto it!

You wake up in a cell. You have no idea how you got there, and why. You remember your name age and birthday though. Too speed things up, let's suppose you have been living here for a few months now. There are scientists there who tell you what to do, and you always have this urge telling you that you should follow their orders. They make you do things, like for example, lift up this sandbag. Some things you are terribly terrible at, like a normal human would, but some things you are exceptional, like a human wouldn't be able to do. Nobody knows why, but don't usually bother to bother with it. Now, the urge is wearing off, and you begin to question things, but the urge is strong enough to prevent you from doing anything bad, until you get a good reason too. One day, you find a letter in your cell, which is your home, attached to the assignment board. It says:

Dear Reader,

I don't know who you are, and you son't know who I am. I need your help. In case this is intercepted, I'll be using a code name. I can help you as well, for i can give you information. Meet me Midnight, on thurday(three days form now if you forget), in the lounge. If you prefer to visit me, ask the dim-witted guard Rob to visit the M cell. He won't be suspicious and dosen't fill out the suspicious activity forms. DO NOT TELL ANYONE OF THIS!

Sincerely, Peter Scupp

From your knowledge, all of the cells are numbers, not letters, and when you check the assignment board, nobody named Peter Scupp is doing anything. Not even on the special event days where they get to interact.


So for the powers thing, that's their werepowers coming through. Everyone has a were-form. Like a were-wolf, there are were-tigers, were-gazelles, and other werecreatures, but no magical creatures or non-existent ones. I want this to be a bit realistic as possible. Some things:

This is going to work kinda like were-world, a book series. The bite dosen't spread the were-ness, except for this serum the scientists injected into you, which you don't remember. Nobody can have the same were-creature. You can transform into the were-form whenever you like, but it is kinda difficult when you don't know you are one in the first place. The more experienced werepeople can transform entirely into their werecreature, but it will be slightly larger than normal. You are able to harness any ability your animal has, in combination with your own. No magic. Ask any questions you want! Here's the form:


Age (only ages 11 & up were allowed in the experiement):



Background Info (optional):


Here's my charrie:

Name: Cadman Drake Porosus

Age(only ages 11 & up were allowed in the experiement): 17

Werecreature: Saltwater Crocodile

Personality: Secretive, and not entirely trusting of everyone, but cares for others. 

Background Info(optional): Cadman was an athlete, he's the star in the school swimming team. Knows some martial arts, and wants to be a navy SEAL. 

Other: He's the one who sent the letter, and is considered so dangerous, he is kept in the special cell M.

submitted by Storm Windwhisperer
(October 24, 2016 - 8:03 pm)

~Cadman Drake Porosus

After finnishing up my speech, everyone soon started freeing themselves from their cages, and the alarm blared. I transformed, and prepared for the battle to come. Small tid bits of information came back to me, and I learned that I could fight pretty well. Some of the people were not transformed, and tried helping all they can, and some just hid behind the weres for protection. Some of them seemed to be new to their wereforms, like Daniel, who was unsure at first, but suddenly his head became that of a cobra, and took a scientist down. I decided not to eat them, for crocodiles only eat once in a while, so I snapped any scientist that came close to me, and they were smart enough to stay away, but that didn't stop me from punching and kicking them. Then I suddenly felt a bit bad. They were only doing their job. So I pinned one of the scientists down. "please don't kill me please don't kill me please don't kill me" he was whinning to himself. I snarled at him, and he curled up tighter. "I want an explaination why you wanted to test us. Give me an explaination!" I growled. "I-I was on-o-only d-d-doing-in my j-job!" he stammered. Just as I thought. "Where's your boss then? There must be a mastermind behind this whole operation." I growled. "H-He is-s v-v-very secretiv-ve. Pl-please let me go!" he whimpered again. I sighed. The true enemy must be pretty close. "Stop the fighting!" I commanded, then everyone, even the guards stopped to look after a last few struggles and cold looks. "Let's not lose any lives. You scientists have now seen what we can do." I pointed at the employees. "If you can show us where your boss is, then we may just stop attacking. It would be better for both of us if we do this peacefully." I growled.

I don't know what reaction they should do... 

submitted by Storm Windwhisperer, age not availa, De Beast
(November 10, 2016 - 7:52 pm)

WHen camdan commands us to stop fighting my breath was very shallow i was hardly brearhing at all i was the only one who got hurt i felt my life slip away from me very slowly and painfully i feel my leg jerk with a painfull motion as my bady was carried and treated in my cell the scientists kept the others still with their weapons 

"WHAT WILL YOU DO TO HIM" one person cried

"We need to put him down of cource" the scientist replied

"WHAT! " cadman's voice rang in my head

"you cant do that to him!" another pleaded then i heard a metal door clang as i was carried slowly to the scientist's office


submitted by Tyberious Firestone
(November 10, 2016 - 10:23 pm)

Isabella Romave


*A  sudden rage omes over her and she attacks the door and sclices it open with her cat claws also she attacks the nearist scientists and kills one*


*someone needs to restrain her then she suddenly has a dart in her side and falls over, unconsios* 

submitted by Isabella Romave
(November 11, 2016 - 1:17 am)



89 a sudden rage comes upon her and she runs at the door scliceing it open with her claws when she runs in she attacks a scientist and clearly must be stopped* MMMMMEEEEEOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWLLLLLL

*then she falls over unconsios due to a tranqualiser* 

submitted by Isabella R., age
(November 11, 2016 - 2:10 am)

(sorry the post diddnt show up until i had posted the other one)

submitted by Isabella Romave
(November 11, 2016 - 2:09 pm)



*a sudden rage comes upon her and she runs at the door scliceing it open with her claws when she runs in she attacks a scientist and clearly must be stopped* MMMMMEEEEEOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWLLLLLL

*then she falls over unconsios due to a tranqualiser, then she has a flashback about her family and the night they died* 

Moooom!!!!!! *she screamed as the flames engulfed her house, her cat Harpurr was with her. Then she took the invatation and her cat was allowed to come with her to her new home then... she could remember nothing* (end of flashback btw someone do something soon plz)

submitted by Isabella Romave
(November 11, 2016 - 11:15 am)

as they walked me away i heard the scientist yell something 


thats when cadman replied "You better keep him alive" i heard a scientist whisper to a guard  

"we have to run tests we need to see how he adapts to those new changes"



srry its short but i want to say u guys need to come look for me cuz ya kno its obvious thatthey want to run tests... ye 

submitted by Tyberious Firestone
(November 11, 2016 - 11:10 am)

*as the scientists take Tybirious away they also take Isabella Romave away saying that she will be put down as well*


short post and more stuffs should happen or imma get bored 

submitted by Isabella R.
(November 11, 2016 - 11:18 pm)
submitted by guys post
(November 12, 2016 - 12:32 pm)


I gasp as fighting erupts around me, I had managed to pick the lock with a bobypin to escape. Sundly the fighting stops and I see a guard taking away some people. He turns his face to me  and I see he has an eyepatch on his left eye, but there is no mmistaking him, he's the dog master who controlled the dogs that killed Prince. I feel a rage surge threw me and sundly my eyesight goes dim, but my hearing and smelling is enhanced. I bring my lips back in a snarl and growl. I'm no longer a scared little 11 year-old. I'm a Great Pyrnees. I jump onto the guard in an eye patch and growl to him "Remember me?"

I smile at his terrrafed look. Somone moves to stop the unstoppable.

"Stay back! This is persanal." I growl to the Peter Scupp.

I then bite down hard, but not before he calls his hounds. The whisle pierces my ears, and I hear the barking of the hounds waking up. Sundly I'm a human again, but the dogs' barking is getting closer.

"Every body! We have to leave now!" I shout. "The shadow dogs will me hear soon!"

People run around in a panic, someone opens the door, and picks up the two people. I stare at the wound on the boy. I quickly grab a piece of cloth and wrap it around his cut. That should hold the blood untill I can clean and treat the wound. Then everybody is running out of the prison, away from the shadow dogs.  

submitted by Moonfrost, age Who Cares?, Mars
(November 12, 2016 - 2:22 pm)


I hesitate. As chaos erupts below me, I voice tells me to remain in the air and hidden. Tyberious gets taken away. Then the Romave girl is taken in the same direction. I follow them, silent and unnoticeable as a ghost.

I slip through a doorway just before it closes and find myself in a huge, high ceilinged laboratory.

Quickly, I angle my wings just slightly and go shooting up to the tp of the room on an air conditioning updraft. I land on an empty metal rack and watch for the right moment to strike, my white and black feathers keeping me from being noticed for now. The scientists strap Tyberious and Isabella to metal tables. They do not struggle because they seem to have been knocked out. That must also explain why the straps are made of leather. No scientist could be so unintelligent as to use such weak restraints on were creatures. When the scientists are satisfied that their captives have been properly restrained, they hurry out of the room. Presumably to go get a syringe to inject whatever the amber liquid in the glass vials is. As soon as the door clicks shut, I shift back into human form.

"Hey! Tyberious, Romave. Wake up!" I whisper-yell, shaking them. Groggily, they start to stir.

Tyberious groans, but I smother it with my hand, "Shh! We have to get out of here quickly. The scientists will be back any minute," I look around frantically.Shifting into gyrfalcon form again, I use my razor sharp talons to begin tearing at the leather bindings. With a final tug, Tyberious is free. He jumps of the testing table, rolling his shoulders, then starts to help me with the other girl. She wiggles around, trying to help loosen her bindings. Soon, they're both free. "Run! I'll be hovering at the cieling as a look out. You guys get out of here!" I think to them, not wanting to risk the scientists hearing. They both nod decisively. I swoop back upwards, landing on a beam thicker than my body that is running across the ceiling.

Just as they are about to reach the door, the two scientists return.

submitted by Kestrel
(November 12, 2016 - 4:07 pm)
submitted by TOP!!, POST, ANYONE?
(November 14, 2016 - 3:44 pm)

Isabella Romave


*she jumps up and throws 4 daggers at the scientists sleevs pinning them to the wall*


*she grabs a cat from a cage, a million thoughts are going through her head*

Why is my cat still here? Why am I a cat? Did they take D.N.A. from Harpurr? 

*all thgese thoughts raced through her mind as she rushed out of that terrible room with her friends hot on her trail*


The daggers are from the battle training room

(BTW if there are two posts like this then plz dont blame me) 

submitted by Isabella Romave
(November 14, 2016 - 3:52 pm)

As i run, my shoulder bleeds again. I feel their gaze burning into my shoulder, then I spot 4 knives and fling two of them as soon as the 2 scientists appear i fling them, pinning the scientist against the walls by their sleeves. Then i put the other 2 knives in my belt i turn to see sasha and isabella's secrching gazed thats when i tell them about what i remember about my former life i tell them about the fire deliberatly set to kill me and my parents i tell them about learning to be anassasin. "Thats why," i say "but that was of cource before this." i say as my ears and tail appear again.


ok im srry but my posts r really short but u kno kis backstory now

submitted by Tyberious Firestone
(November 14, 2016 - 3:34 pm)


~Cadman Drake Porosus

When I said stop, everyone stopped for a moment, but one scientist was foolish enough to drag away and sleep dart two of the weres. One was Tyberious(of course) and Isabella. Sasha went to save them, and chaos erupted again. "Remember me?" Leona said to one of the scientists. "Stay back, this is personal." Leona said to me when I tried to go over to help. The scientist Leona was attacking whistled, then the lights blared brighter and louder. "Everybody! We have to leave now! The shadow dogs will be here soon!" she shouted, only bit louder than the screams and alarms. Shadowy shapes went around the room, attacking and dragging people from behind. I realised that the scientists must have worse weapons than these shadow dogs. One dog started dragging me, and when I snapped at it, it only cut through it and resealed up again. I aimed my jaws to it's head, and it fell off, not being repleaced, and went limp. Looks like the head was the weak spot. My belly grumbled a little, and I realised, why not eat one? One of the test subjects that was being pinned by a shadow dog, I ate it up in one gulp. The taste was a bit bitter, but it was quite tasty. It didn't fill me enough, so I gobbled down some more. One scientist tries to sleep dart me, but it bounced off my tough scales. I growled, then went through the hallways in search of the leaders, or at least, some files.

submitted by Storm Windwhisperer
(November 14, 2016 - 4:00 pm)