Evernaught City RP

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Evernaught City RP

Evernaught City RP


You never meant to move here. Beneath the facade of the bustling work city you live in, there lies a plague: a plague of crime. In the stone labyrinth that is Evernaught city, five vigilantes have risen up to take on the crime.

The vigilantes don't have superpowers, aren't even all perfect. They wear masks. They have code names. They fight crime. The similarities to superheroes stop there.

Seven people can join. The positions are:

5 vigilantes

2 main villains



No superpowers under any circumstances.

No OPness or impossile tech (like invisibility cloaks, none of that).


Name: Willomena Zora Bartholomew

Name as a "superhero": Will o' Wisp


submitted by Brookeira
(September 11, 2016 - 9:46 am)


The world is a blur. Chaos erupts around me. Viligents, villains, and scientists. Who is on who's side? And where is Will?  

(March 16, 2017 - 11:28 am)

Here are my ideas:

-I don't want to decide the fate of Rex and Saana. It should be around the same as whatever happens to Shaia and Skylar, unless they die. And anything that happens to Saana affects Rex drastically, and vice versa.

-Will recovers from her Subject Beta freakout thing. Since Brookeira seems to be gone for a long while, we should probably just resolve this.

-Zandibar and Dawnstreak both survive.

-Gem has a final confrontation with her mother (this one is up to UNSUSPCTINGSTRYTLLR)

I can't write right now, but I think we should just get back to posting after this.


submitted by Zeus, Idaho
(March 18, 2017 - 7:16 pm)
submitted by top
(March 18, 2017 - 7:17 pm)
submitted by top!
(March 19, 2017 - 12:01 pm)
submitted by please post
(March 19, 2017 - 2:45 pm)

I like your ideas Zeus 

(March 19, 2017 - 4:10 pm)

Hey, all, this is Cockleburr! I just want to tell you that I am currently working on a post, so don't freak! I just need to finish, then edit, but as it's currently 12:20 I should probably go to bed. G'night, and I will do all in my power to post tomorrow!

submitted by Top!!!!!!!!!!!!
(March 19, 2017 - 11:21 pm)
submitted by Tooooooooooooooooop!
(March 21, 2017 - 6:43 pm)

I shall! Hey- brainstorm! What if Will's power's control over her was actually Leopold the whole time?! Now he's dead, maybe her control over herself can return. How's that sound?


Nobody moves. I have the scientist pinned to the floor. Shaia has Gem and Skylar has Dawnstreak. It's a stalemate. 

Shaia slowly starts pressing down on her knife, drawing a thread of deep scarlet beads across Gem's neck. She cackles and I feel sick. I don't care what Rex said about recognizing the villians as fellow humans; what kind of human laughs while slicing a little girl's throat? 

If she's going to try and intimidate me, I will too. I twist Gem's mother's arms tighter behind her back until she gasps with pain. I shouldn't be doing this. What am I doing, I'm the hero! I'm not supposed to hurt people, I think, as sharp twangs of panic, regret, and alarm shoot through me. I fight them down. No. I'm doing what has to be done. For the greater good. That's Grindelwald's motto, and he was a murderer. I should not be using it. But it's so true. I need to do some bad things for my friends. For my city. For the greater good. 

Suddenly, she cries out, then goes limp. Shocked, I gasp sharply through my nose. I didn't mean- wasn't trying to- I mentally stammer an apology. Stop, Zan. This, too, for the greater good. I cut off my regrets. Anyway, it's not like I've killed her. She'll be ok. Though, truthfully I have no idea at all.

At least this frees my hands up. Shaia is still pressing her knife into Gem's neck. The blood is starting to drip down her collarbone and her eyes are wide with fear. If I attack Shaia, she might slit Gem's throat. Might. But that isn't a risk I'm willing to take. 

I spring at Skylar, gripping her wrists and throwing her to the ground. Dawnstreak immediatly leaps free.

"Attack!" screams Shaia, swinging the arm that isn't holding the knife upwards. Gem takes advantage of this distraction to jab backwards with her elbow, catching Shaia in the ribs. Shaia sceams, reflexively loosening her her hold on Gem to clutch at her bleeding side. Gem darts away as Shaia stumbles backwards. I catch a glimpse of her regaining her feet and throwing herself at Gem, but then I see a flash of motion on the ground. Snakes.

I start to curse, but a sudden, jarring pain makes me bite down on my own tounge and focus on the fight. Skylar has punched me in the side of the head. I lunge at her, slashing with my own knife. The greater good. The greater good. The greater good. 

submitted by Cockleburr
(March 22, 2017 - 10:16 pm)

I love the idea that Leopold was controlling her (not the controlling part, but the idea). Cause I seriously think we need some saving ; )

submitted by Starbringer
(March 28, 2017 - 3:07 pm)

sorry guys, most of my posts are random feelings and reflections on injuries 



(March 23, 2017 - 9:18 am)

If you get a chance, could you please have your character wake up and post?

Sorry, you haven't done anything wrong. I just have writer's block and Saana is the only one who really relates to Rex and could help me figure out what to write.



submitted by @TheRiddler
(March 24, 2017 - 3:58 pm)
submitted by @The Riddler?
(March 27, 2017 - 8:07 pm)


I'm being attacked by a villain. My 'mom' is limp on the floor. Snakes slither in all directions. Weapons clash like the sound of breaking bones. What do I do? I know my mom isn't my real one. And I know she wasn't awesome. But, it doesn't feel right to just leave her there. So I take the chance. I spring as fast as I can into the air, using every skill I've learned from Master Tse. I drag Mom into a safe corner and then stand up, tense and ready. Movement catches my eye. The snakes. I have to think fast, yet think thoroughly as if I have all the time in the world. I have to get past the snakes. My mind goes back to the time when Master Tse taught me to untie bonds. Work them slowly and carefully. But what if... it comes to me in a flash. Quickly and carefully, I grab a snake just below the head, a place where, if I hold it properly, it will not be able to bite. A hiss rises from the others. I grab another, and weave them together, forming a knot they can't get out of. That's two snakes of the lists. Now if I can get the others, without being killed.

(March 28, 2017 - 5:04 pm)
submitted by TOP, Ultimate Toppertown
(March 29, 2017 - 6:45 pm)