Smuggler's Rest RP!
Chatterbox: Inkwell
Smuggler's Rest RP!
Smuggler's Rest RP!
I know I don't make RPs very often, and there's too many new as it is, know how plot bunnies are. ;)
This is a Star Wars RP, but not in the traditional sense. The Smuggler's Rest is a seedy little inn on the sketchier side of Coronet City, the planetary capital of Corellia. Most spacers will blow through Corellia eventually, despite its inconvenient proximity to the Core, so as you can imagine, the Smuggler's Rest serves a lot more than just smugglers. All the characters are staying at the Smuggler's Rest, wanting nothing more than to get off Corellia but having no way to do so. They're forced to team up, and fast, because the days of the Smuggler's Rest might be numbered: with the new Imperial government came new crackdowns on health and safety codes, of which the Rest is clearly in violation of several. Everyone has his/her/their own motives, preferred destinations, personalities, etc., so working together could be...troublesome. I have a bad feeling about this...
-ABSOLUTELY NO FORCE-SENSITIVE CHARRIES. This is meant to take place in the "normal" galaxy (such as it is), and under the Empire, Force-sensitivity is a death mark anyway.
-If you're going to be leaving, please let us all know. It's no fun when someone makes a charrie then just...disappears.
-We'll start once 6-8 people have joined; further joining will be considered on a case-by-case basis (though the chances of getting in are good).
-Make your charrie reasonable. I have little patience for Mary Sues (incredibly OP and/or clichéd characters).
-Could people think about changing up their usual charrie formula? Try making a charrie whose gender is opposite from yours, or a charrie in their thirties instead of their teens, or a charrie from one of the more unusual alien species. Be creative!
I think that's it. Here's my charrie, and may the Force be with you!
Name: Tisaneh Roell
Gender: Male
Age: 24
Species: Twi'lek
Appearance: Orange skin, dark brown eyes, teeth sharpened in traditional Twi'lek style, very subtle pale striping on shoulders and lekku, quite short. Wears a pretty typical off-white tunic and trousers, many-pocketed brown synth-leather vest, equipment belt, rather beat-up boots, and a black fabric headwrap (unusual for male Twi'leks, but common for females).
Personality: Like that of the stereotypical geek, complete with smarts, social awkwardness, and tendency toward obsession. Excellent with academia and all manner of technology, but with other people, he's hopeless: shy, gawky, oblivious to social cues, and completely guileless. Often acts like the little boy he was not so many years ago.
Background: Grew up on Herdessa, where he met his girlfriend in secondary school. They spent almost a year together before her passion for him began to cool, and she went to Coronet City to pursue a degree in Republic law. (This changed to Imperial law during her first semester, but she didn't really care.) Tisaneh, desperate, followed her and began an apprenticeship as a mechanic at Corellian Engineering Corp. She welcomed him at first, but officially broke up with him and kicked him out of her apartment a couple weeks ago. He's now living at the Rest because it's got the lowest prices around, but wants to go somewhere else to pursue his real dream: designing the coding for datapad games.
(August 22, 2016 - 5:27 pm)
That would be ten Imperial credits, a.k.a. Tisaneh's pocket money. A credit is worth a little less than a dollar, I think.
(September 5, 2016 - 5:36 pm)
(September 7, 2016 - 8:00 am)
Yeah, I heard. :_(
I don't really know the credits/Earth currency exchange rate. That was kind of a guess. *blushes* For the purposes of this RP, let's say 1 credit = $1, and one decicred = 10¢.
Koda says youv. I've what, Koda? Screwed up something?
(September 7, 2016 - 2:47 pm)
Unkey-day. I can't post now, because my dad is downloading a game, but hopefully I can this afternoon.
(September 9, 2016 - 12:51 pm)
I won't be posting very much ( I have school, and a lot of Shakespeare homework, and a lot of writing. My character is going to be sorta in the background most of the time.
Jinx~ I dart into the Smugglers Rest and croutch in a dark courner behind sevoral Iktotchi who are aurguing about how to escape a bounty hunter. I almost snort aloud. If a bounty hunters after you, then you wouldn't escape. Ever.
I sit down and open my hand to see what I got. A few credits and a strange box-like comtraption that is light silver. I turn it around, but can see no opening.
I am so engrossed, that I don't see the Twi'lek until she grabs my arm.
(September 9, 2016 - 3:36 pm)
Please TOP!!!
(September 11, 2016 - 8:41 am)
We started! AH! I didn't know! Sorry!!!
P.S. I'm changing Ariel's age to 13. I feel like she needs to be older.
Ariel Thorax~
Loud arguing and slurred laughter drift from the open door of the Smuggler's Rest Inn. The noise makes my head swim. I stop, leaning against a crumbling stone structure until my head stops swirling. Closing my eyes, I can still hear the raucous laughter, before the heated arguing of two voices break into my thoughts. I crack open an eye. Two women with colorful skin and lekku are entering the Inn. Letting go of the wall, I follow.
Overpowering heat and smells hit me as I enter. The noise pounds on my skull like a bongo, causing my head to begin to spin again. A serving girl passes me as I elbow through the crowd, carring trays of food and drink. The lone credit in my pocket feels like lead. I stick my hand into my pocket, ensuring that if someone tries to take it, I will know. This credit might as well be gold for me. I didn't steal it, I was too well raised for that, which makes it all the more priceless. Reaching the counter, I pay for my meal.
Cool evening air brushes against my cheek as I step out of the Inn. It feels good to be out of the heat and smells. I wander aimlessly down the street, looking for nothing. My stomach is full, and so is my head. I review the things I learned in the inn today. One: don't let pretty serving girls near you, they pick your pocket (Tisanah). Two: don't steal from a Twi'lek, they find you every time (Jinx and Kisanh). Three: don't lose your hyperdrive near Smuggler's Rest, you'll get stuck here for good (Cyla). Four: whenever you're mad use the word ---. It's clearly a cuss word. I'm so caught up in enbrazoning these things in my mind, I don't watch where I'm going.
"Hey! You little ---!" In the next second I'm flat on the ground, and another useful cuss word is being used on me. I spew back a few more at whomever is using them. The person continues to curse but I'm no longer listening. The person I ran into is the ___. (Cyla)
Sorry. I couldn't remember Cyla's species.
(September 12, 2016 - 2:27 pm)
Actually, can I change Sentara to a boy? He'll have the same personality (very proud, doesn't talk very much, incredibly intelligent)
(September 12, 2016 - 7:40 pm)
Top!!! please can someone post?
(September 15, 2016 - 2:48 pm)
Come on you guys!! Don't let this die!!! We need to keep posting!!
(September 18, 2016 - 5:42 pm)