Smuggler's Rest RP!

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Smuggler's Rest RP!

Smuggler's Rest RP!

I know I don't make RPs very often, and there's too many new as it is, know how plot bunnies are. ;)

This is a Star Wars RP, but not in the traditional sense. The Smuggler's Rest is a seedy little inn on the sketchier side of Coronet City, the planetary capital of Corellia. Most spacers will blow through Corellia eventually, despite its inconvenient proximity to the Core, so as you can imagine, the Smuggler's Rest serves a lot more than just smugglers. All the characters are staying at the Smuggler's Rest, wanting nothing more than to get off Corellia but having no way to do so. They're forced to team up, and fast, because the days of the Smuggler's Rest might be numbered: with the new Imperial government came new crackdowns on health and safety codes, of which the Rest is clearly in violation of several. Everyone has his/her/their own motives, preferred destinations, personalities, etc., so working together could be...troublesome. I have a bad feeling about this...


-ABSOLUTELY NO FORCE-SENSITIVE CHARRIES. This is meant to take place in the "normal" galaxy (such as it is), and under the Empire, Force-sensitivity is a death mark anyway.

-If you're going to be leaving, please let us all know. It's no fun when someone makes a charrie then just...disappears.

-We'll start once 6-8 people have joined; further joining will be considered on a case-by-case basis (though the chances of getting in are good). 

-Make your charrie reasonable. I have little patience for Mary Sues (incredibly OP and/or clichéd characters).

-Could people think about changing up their usual charrie formula? Try making a charrie whose gender is opposite from yours, or a charrie in their thirties instead of their teens, or a charrie from one of the more unusual alien species. Be creative!

I think that's it. Here's my charrie, and may the Force be with you! 

Name: Tisaneh Roell

Gender: Male

Age: 24

Species: Twi'lek

Appearance: Orange skin, dark brown eyes, teeth sharpened in traditional Twi'lek style, very subtle pale striping on shoulders and lekku, quite short. Wears a pretty typical off-white tunic and trousers, many-pocketed brown synth-leather vest, equipment belt, rather beat-up boots, and a black fabric headwrap (unusual for male Twi'leks, but common for females).

Personality: Like that of the stereotypical geek, complete with smarts, social awkwardness, and tendency toward obsession. Excellent with academia and all manner of technology, but with other people, he's hopeless: shy, gawky, oblivious to social cues, and completely guileless. Often acts like the little boy he was not so many years ago.

Background: Grew up on Herdessa, where he met his girlfriend in secondary school. They spent almost a year together before her passion for him began to cool, and she went to Coronet City to pursue a degree in Republic law. (This changed to Imperial law during her first semester, but she didn't really care.) Tisaneh, desperate, followed her and began an apprenticeship as a mechanic at Corellian Engineering Corp. She welcomed him at first, but officially broke up with him and kicked him out of her apartment a couple weeks ago. He's now living at the Rest because it's got the lowest prices around, but wants to go somewhere else to pursue his real dream: designing the coding for datapad games.

submitted by Curio
(August 22, 2016 - 5:27 pm)


submitted by Top!
(August 30, 2016 - 1:46 pm)

Let's start! RP, you are go for launch!


Busy night tonight. I mean, relatively busy. I've only been here two weeks, I'm kind of a stranger to these little sorts of underworld bars, so I guess I don't have the best frame of reference. In any case, there's hardly a seat in the entire place, except at my table. The one in the corner with the morose orange Twi'lek guy and nobody else. Yup, that's me. The morose orange Twi'lek guy, I mean.

A couple women walk in, one Togruta, one Twi'lek, both looking disheveled and not in the best mood. The Togruta stands at the bar and orders something from the droid barkeep whose name I can never remember; the Twi'lek looks around, scowls - I mean, more than she was already scowling before - and plunks herself in the seat next to me, not sparing me a glance.

Immediately I notice the dark brown stripes on her shoulders and lekku, kinda like a nexu's or a tooka's. They must be clan tattoos, which means- Mother of Mountains, she's a curiate! The old caste system is only a shadow of its former self, even on Ryloth, but there are those who still recognize it; the curial caste, the only one whose members get tattoos like that, is the highest one there is. Oh stars. I mean, it's not like most Twi'leks who live off Ryloth really care about the castes, including my family, but if this were Ryloth she'd have some real authority over me. Just my luck, that the one person who decides to actually sit with me is technically my social superior.

"Uh...'scuse me, miss...?" I venture, quietly. She doesn't react at all. Must not've heard me; her headwrap's the kind that covers your ear-cones. I try again, "Hello? Miss- uh, Madam, uh-"


Just to be clear, Kinah probably isn't a curiate. She's just in a foul mood and didn't bother to hide her stripes, leading Tisaneh to the wrong conclusion. 

Sorry it's a little short, but I wanted to keep as many options open as possible, especially for Cho.

submitted by Curio
(August 30, 2016 - 3:30 pm)

Thanks, Curio! 


As we walk towards "The smuggler's rest", the fight starts winding down.

"The Pheonix did not break down!" Cyla objects, for the fifteth time.

"I know, what I'm trying to say is-"

"Well she didn't!"

"Are you trying to make me break out with my choisest swear words?!" I snap.

Glowering at each other, we storm into the bar. Cyla walks towards the barkeep, and I sit down in the only seat I see, waiting for her. "Uh...'scuse me, miss...?" someone says. "Hello? Miss- uh, Madam, uh-" Wait. Whoever's talking, they're talking to me.

I whirl around, searching for the speaker. Finally, I spot him. A timid looking orange Twi'lek, sitting in the seat next to mine. "What?" I snap, rather unkindly. "Er ..."

I sigh, barking, "What do you want?! Spit it out!" he shrinks back, appearing to flip out or something, and mumbles, "Oh, goodness, of course it's just my luck that a curiate is sitting next to me."

I look around in bewilderment. My mother raised me with some manners, thank you very much. "A curiate? Where?" I hiss to the Twi'lek.

He stares at me, looking quite bewildered. "But you're- you're a curiate, aren't you?" I let out a harsh bark of laughter, which sounds wrong in this place. "Me? A curiate? I'm flattered." At this, he looks quite embaressed, and tries to stammer out an apology.

"No. Stop." I say. I hate apologies. They make me feel like I'm getting soft. "But your markings ..." I frown, twitching my lekku so that I can see it.

Haar'chak. I forgot to put the dye on. "Listen, I'm not one hundred percent Twi'lek. My father was a Cathar, and ... these are markings, not tattoos." I say, guesturing to the stripes. 

The Twi'lek nods. "Thanks. For letting me know." I shrug. "Sure." Cyla stalks up to us. "Apparently it'll be a long wait, and expensive to get the replacement hyperdrive." she says grumpily. 

"I'm afraid I don't have much either. You'll have to wait until I get a good bounty somewhere. Which'll be hard to do without a ship."  

Cyla's gaze flits over to ... the Twi'lek. Haar'chak! I've forgotten to ask him his name. Smirking smugly at me, she says, "Come on. You'll be fine with him around here." I know I'm blushing. I just know it. 

I am so tempted to stun her. 

""Bye ... what's your name?" Cyla lets out a snort of laughter, but I ignore her. "Tisaneh. Tisaneh Roell." I nod. "I'm Kinah La'rich."


Hopefully I can convince Coco to post soon ... 

submitted by Cho Chang
(August 31, 2016 - 3:42 pm)


Kinah La'ric. Well. Color me surprised.

On the one hand, you don't meet a lady like that every day. On the other hand, I put my foot in it rather majorly, as usual. On the third hand, if you're a Besalisk or some such, I'm pretty sure she was blushing when she left. On the fourth hand, that could just be the embarrassment of getting caught fraternizing with a total loser.


Great. Just great. No one, not even Siury when we were still together, uses that awful nickname, except for...

"Hi, Hal," I groan as my sickeningly enthusiastic fellow mechanic weaves through the throng. He's got a mug of...something...and it's sloshing all over his sleeve as he half-slides, half-topples into the seat Kinah just vacated. It's not his first something, judging by the smell of his breath.

"Nice to see ya, ol' pal!" he slurs, taking a swig from the mug. I wouldn't call him my friend, much less my ol' pal. In my personal opinion, Hal Purkeene is one of the most annoying beings in the entire known galaxy, but once he's decided he's your friend there's no escaping his attentions. Might as well grin and bear it.

"Nice to see you too, Hal. I take it you were at one of the places up top first?"

He claps me on the back with his free hand, spilling more of his drink in the process. "Ya know me too well. I was, uh, actually chasin' a coupla nice girls. Togruta 'n' blue Twi'lek, but too dangerous-like fer you, Tissy." He winks. "Seen 'em anywhere?"

I look around, but Kinah and the Togruta have disappeared into the crowd. I wouldn't put it past either of them to have noticed Hal and made themselves scarce.

"They were here a moment ago, but they probably left when you came in," I tell my inebriated colleague. "Actually, do you know anything about them? I saw them, and they looked pretty angry at something, but I have no idea what."

Hal gesticulates wildly and takes another drink. "Oh, gossip up topside is their ship's gone caput. Hyperdrive trouble. Heard it from Kittalyn in Cust'mer Service, I did." He winks again. I suppress a wince of sympathy for poor Kittalyn. Girl's not the brightest bulb in the array, but she wouldn't hurt a fly. Not that I'd wish Hal on her even if she would.

Then something else he said catches my attention. "Hyperdrive trouble? Do you know if it's an issue with the hardware, or something to do with the motivator or the central computer relays? 'Cause if it's the latter, I might be able to do something about it..."

Hal leans conspiratorially close, stinking breath making me wrinkle my nose despite myself. "Dunno what it is, Tissy. But I'm warnin' ya: don'tcha go messin' around with that Twi'lek! She ain't your type! Shoot ya as soon as look at ya! She's a bounty hunter, she is!"

Of all the silly assumptions-! "That's not what I meant, Hal! I just meant- if she's got trouble, I- my workload's not bad right now, I could take an extra project, I only wanted to-"

I don't bother trying to say any more. Hal wouldn't hear me over his own guffaws. Belatedly, I realize my cheeks, ear-cones, and even the ends of my lekku are scarlet.

"Fine." I am done with Hal and his fascination with the opposite sex. "Be that way. Believe what you want about me and Kinah, I don't care! Good night!" I storm off in the direction I think I saw Kinah going, leaving Hal to do...well, whatever the kriff he wants. I don't care. I really don't.

"Oh, so her name's Kinah, izzit?" he calls after me, still laughing. I don't turn around, even when he asks my empty chair in a quieter voice, "Was it something I said?"


Again with the clarifications: Tisaneh might or might not have a new crush. He's not quite sure himself. He's still kinda trying to get over Siury. If anything happens between him and Kinah, and that's a big if, it won't happen very quickly.

By the way, Cho, I couldn't help noticing, haar'chak is a Mandalorian word. This is kind of a long shot, but are you a Mando fan too...?

submitted by Curio
(August 31, 2016 - 7:58 pm)

I hope it's not too late to join! 


Name: Cleo. Just Cleo.

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Species: Human

Appearance: long, dark brown hair, braidied into a high bun, hard blue-grey eyes, tall and gaunt, cheekbones high and prominent, wears tattered tan leggings with a dark, dark almost black, green tunic on top, drawn tight with a rawhide string. She's not noticabley tall nor short, just stick-thin.

Personality: This is complicated. She's very sensitive to her friends pain, and can tell when somethings bothering them, but when she doesn't know someone or knows him and hates him, she has no problem killing that person. She's quick with a knife, and is skilled with her fists. She is completely her own boss, and will go out of the way to show that. She will also do the complete opposite of orders to show her independence. But she may and can do any sort of job for $$$. To survive, she steals from anyone. 

Background: A bit of it is in the personality, but she is an orphan. Doesn't care who her parents are; gave up all hope of finding them. When she was 10, she saw storm troopers kill her best freinds and their families; every since then she's been hard and cruel and tries to kill all the storm troopers she can, while still protecting #1. (herself)

submitted by Daisy
(August 31, 2016 - 6:18 am)

Certainly you can join! It might be a nice plot twist if, just when things are going well, the Empire shows up on the trail of a certain small-time rebel and everything goes you-know-where...

submitted by Curio
(August 31, 2016 - 6:51 pm)

Is it to late to join? if so, then here is my cherrie.

Name: Jinx

Age: 15

Species: Ver (I am making this cherrie after one of my favorite hodgepodge lego minifigures. I made up a name and a species for almost all my lego people.)

Apperance:Orenge skin, large blue eyes, white tattoes over her eyerows and on her cheeks, the middle of her upper lip is white, she has sholdure langth messy black hair, and she wears a brown shirt and pants, with the terditional belt of her species. She wears brown gloves and a silver pendent that us usally hidden in her shirt, Black boots, and collapsable golden trident. She also has a small gun for emergencies.

Personality: A quick thinker, she lives by her wits alone. She often goes to the Smugglers Rest because she likes to watch them. She is very good at fighting with a trident, and escaping, running and hiding. You will find out anything else in the RP.

Background: Jinx was abandened when she was a girl. She learned to steal. One day, right before the RP starts, she steals from someone who works for the empire. He tries to catch her and startes sending out a buntch of people to find her. She needs a place to hide, so she goes to find a ship. 

submitted by Elvina
(September 1, 2016 - 3:25 pm)


submitted by Top
(September 1, 2016 - 10:38 pm)

Shanna Reath~

An orange Twilek. Looks familiar. Ah, well. I make it my business to forget faces.

I hand him a drink, smiling. He looks surprised, flustered at my show of kindness. Good. They're easily picked of their coins if they're flustered.

"Come here often?" I ask him, smiling. 

submitted by Brookeira
(September 2, 2016 - 1:10 pm)


Yup, you got me. Although I'm still in the learning phase, I really enjoy the Mandolorian culture, language, and EVERYTHING ABOUT IT!! I picked up a bit of the language on "The weermo's guide to (insert Star Wars language)". Very informative site. 

~Kinah La'ric~

"C'mon, Kinah." Clya says, with that large, annoying smirk still on her face. Nobody will notice if I just knock her out and turn her in for smuggling, right?

"What are you doing?" I ask as we head towards the door. "That lady I was talking to about the hyperdrive suggested checking out ..." her voice trails off as a man attempts to sidle up to us. "What do you want?" I bark. "A couple of creds? Sorry, it's all back on the ship." I say, rolling my eyes.

He guffaws, "Sweet 'lil lady, ain't ya?" Is he so idiotic, that he's asking for a blaster in that stomach of his? 

Cyla straightens, then says politely and coldly, "Excuse me, sir. Would you mind moving so that we could move on?" 

I glare at Cyla, and whip out my blaster. At this, he nods, his discombobulated head so much, it appears to almost roll off of his neck. Pushing past him, we reach the door when Tisaneh calls out, "Wait!" Cyla flashes me on odd look, then says, "Go on. Handle lover boy. I'll take care of my ship. I'll meet you back here in a minute."

Tisaneh reaches me right as Cyla leaves, asking, "Where's she going?" I shrug. "Off following a lead where she might get the hyperdrive fixed cheaply."

"That's what I wanted to talk to you about." A hand inching down to my blaster, I ask, "Where'd you hear that? Because I don't recall telling you about it." 

"A friend heard it from a friend of his at customer services over-" Well, then he's fine. I pull my hand up to my hip, and cut him off, because frankly, I'm not interested. But Tisaneh might be smarter than he appears to be.

"Okay, I get the idea. But why do want to talk to me about the hyperdrive?" He looks down at his feet, than says, "Because I thought I might be able to help you with it? Of course, that all depends on what the problem is. I can only help if it's a problem with the central computer relays."

I blink, very startled by all of this. I suppose that does make sense that he's handy with computers, but ... "I have no idea what's wrong with it. Cyla and I were just taking her ship to ... Well, the thing is, we both had the same destination, and a friend was doing cleaning my ship up for me. I had a bounty which I had to take care of right away."

"Oh. Um, alright. If you need help ... just let me know. Who knows how long I'll be here." 

submitted by Cho Chang
(September 2, 2016 - 1:25 pm)

Kandosii!!!! (In proper Basic: awesome!!!!) I'm...actually a rather big fan of the Mandalorian culture myself- and in the process of designing my own kit! Backstory on the character still a bit sketchy...okay, a lot sketchy, but that'll be along soon.

Given the martial nature of her job, I'll run under the assumption that Kinah is at least partially fluent in Mando'a. The haar'chaks were a good indication. ;)


Oh, well. I guess that's a no on fixing Kinah's ship, since it's not even hers.

I make my way back to my seat, glad to see that Hal has taken a hike. I think I saw him over there with Kinah, so it's not hard to guess why. Anybody who carries one blaster openly and two others very badly concealed probably has more even than that, and is not someone you want to mess with.

Even if I'd be better off not messing with her, though, some part of me wants to go do whatever it takes to find her again, just so I have someone to talk to. Siury still haunts my every waking minute: her face, her laugh, even what she said the night she dumped me. That most of all.

I'm usually a lightweight when it comes to alcohol, but I'm contemplating heading up front and just getting whatever when a human woman about my age slides into the now-well-used seat next to mine. She sets a glass down on the table; it takes me a moment to realize it's for me. Half-Cathar bounty hunters, Hal actually being semi-useful for once, and now a stranger buying me drinks? How much weirder is this evening going to get?!

The lady grins, as if at some private inside joke, and asks, "Come here often?"

I take a cautious sip of her offering. Immediately after doing so I realize why this might be a supremely horrible idea, but it's actually rather good, with no ill effects save a slight burning in my throat. "I...sorta live here, actually," I reply, clearing my throat to get rid of the burn. "Beats living in a speeder, if you catch my drift."

"Ah." She edges a bit closer. "Not much else is affordable, on the salary for a...what is it you do?"

"I'm a mechanic," I tell her, and take another sip. That stuff is better than I thought. "At the CEC. Most of what I do is fix ship's computers and stuff, wiring to, uh, the outlying systems. Can deal with hardware too, in a pinch. Not quite so good at that though."

"And let me guess," the woman says sympathetically, "you work hard for every credit, but in the end it's hardly enough for speeder fuel and rent at this place?"

"'S not all that bad, really," I mumble, suddenly aware that she's just a little too close and my mental faculties are not what they should be. "I'm from a big city on Herdessa, seen beings worse off than me plenty of times. At least this place has a little charm." I scoot my chair just far enough away from her that I don't think she could reach me without my noticing.

She smiles again, but unless I'm much mistaken it's not quite as big as before. "Yeah, charming, isn't it? I'll leave you to your drink, Mr..."

"Roell. Tisaneh Roell. Nice to meet you, uh..."

"Call me Shanna." She gets up gracefully and walks away into the crowd.

It's not until later, when I'm up in my room for the night and just getting out of a nice cool shower, that I think to check my pockets.


Shanna probably didn't steal much, if anything, but she could've stolen something small. (Tisaneh's gullible, but he isn't stupid.) It's up to Brookeira what exactly she took.

submitted by Curio
(September 3, 2016 - 4:35 pm)

Jinx~ I slip in through the back door to the bar. Nobody notices me as I slide through the shadows. The Smugglers Rest is a lot fuller then usual tonight. I slip into a shadowy corner and survey the people. Nothing out of the usual, even though most of the people that come here arn't that usual. 

All of a sudden, over the general din, I hear an argument. The door opens and an Togrua with reddish skin and a Twi'lek with blue skin come in. They both look mad.

Maybe I can try and get something off it. People tent to notice that things are gone more slowly if they are destracted by someone else. The Togruta goes to the bar and the Twi'lek goes to sit across from me, next to a Twi'lek with orenge skin.

I decide to study them. It always helps if your going to steal something. 

The Twi'lek has blue skin with chocolate brown stripes. She is wearing a dark colored headwrap and and has a small blaster. It looks like she can use it too. 

The Togruta has golden stripes on her horns and face. She looks angry. On her belt, she has two blasters. Two. She really only needs one. I could use the other one. It would help so mutch. being able to stun people.

I keep on daydreaming until I look up suddenly and see that they are leaving! I wait a few seconds and see the orenge skin Twi'lek call out " Wait!"

The blue skinned girl walkes back and they speak for a few seconds before the girl leaves.  Slowly I follow her. 

When I get outisde, I breath the fresher air with relief. I always forget how bad it smells in there. The Twi'lek girl is hurrying down the street and I have to jog to keep her in sight. 

submitted by Elvina
(September 2, 2016 - 4:02 pm)

;) Yup, she knows a bit of certain languages. A bit o' Mandalorion, some Rodian, Huttese, and a bit more here and there. 

~Kinah La'ric~ 

Only after I've stepped outside to I realize that I have no idea where Cyla went. Haar'chak! I seem to be messing everything up today. I would go back to the Smuggler's Rest, but Cyla didn't tell me where are room is. And when she's conducting buisness, nothing will stop her.

So I can't use my com. Something wriggles around in my pocket. I whirl around, to see a strange looking girl with orange skin tearing off. I run after her, "GET BACK OVER HERE, YOU FILTHY SCUM!" I shriek. She looks back to see me gaining and- darts into the Smuggler's Rest. 


I have to go. Sloth says grbe. Gurgi? Have you been reading The Chronicles of Pyrdain?

submitted by Cho Chang
(September 5, 2016 - 6:59 am)


submitted by Cho Chang
(September 6, 2016 - 7:52 am)



submitted by Brookeira
(September 5, 2016 - 7:56 am)