Guild RP&nbs
Chatterbox: Inkwell
Guild RP&nbs
Guild RP
Two guilds control: the Reaper Clan and the Ordre du Soleil.
The Reapers believe that historical disasters must be prevented before they can start. They assassinate those who they view as evil, or a threat.
The Reaper Clan was founded in England in the Victorian era. They are at odds with the French organization Ordre du Soleil.
The Reaper Clan wears all black, and has four groups: Omega Reaper (weakest, no powers),Brawler (is given super strength and agility, plus batlike wings, third strongest group), Mentalists (second strongest group, telekinesis and telepathy, and the batlike wings), and Alpha Reapers (strongest by far, have all powers and powers of darkness).
The Ordre du Soleil was founded in France a while after the Reaper Clan. They believe that human life is too sacred to assassinate, no matter what. They prevented the Reapers from killing Hitler (whom the Reapers rightly viewed as a threat to world peace) and have been at polarized odds since.
The Ordre du Soleil wears all white and has three ranks: Faible (weakest, no powers), Moyenne (they can fly and have super strength), and the Fort (strongest, have all pwoers of moyenne plus powers of light and minor mind control).
Plot: A person who could be a threat to world peace is targeted by the Reapers. The Ordre du Soleil believes him/her innocent.
The person, like almost everyone in the world, had no idea who the Reapers or Ordre du Soleil was until they were targeted.
This person is referred to as the Variable.
Three Reapers (including myself)
Three Ordre Members
One Variable
Name: Xi Aisu
Age: 14 (oldest you can be is 16)
Gender: F
Reaper, Ordre Member, or Variable: Reaper
Appearance: Long white and black hair, green eyes, very pale.
Rank/Group, if applicable: Mentalist
Personality: Cold to all strangers, cunnning, intelligent and wise.
Fighting Ability (out of ten): 7
Intelligence (out of ten): 10
(August 3, 2016 - 1:03 pm)
Ok, but I would prefer to be as young as possible.
Gah! The nightmares. WHat happened? The fog- always the fog-
I wake up with a start. I was dreaming about the thing I saw in the fog, or thought I saw.
(August 5, 2016 - 9:29 am)
(August 5, 2016 - 12:44 pm)
(August 5, 2016 - 1:02 pm)
I didn't like that Reaper. Normally, their ok, but this one...this one was odd. I felt her prod my mind, and I pulled up my barriers.
"I'm Ravine," I said when Cleo prodded me. I nodded warily as Xi talked. When she finished, we walked off. I was lost in my thoughts and didn't realize it until Cleo scared me by running up to me.
"I hate Reapers," Cleo muttered. I nodded absently.
(August 6, 2016 - 7:17 pm)
(August 5, 2016 - 4:42 pm)
(August 6, 2016 - 10:04 pm)