Guild RP&nbs
Chatterbox: Inkwell
Guild RP&nbs
Guild RP
Two guilds control: the Reaper Clan and the Ordre du Soleil.
The Reapers believe that historical disasters must be prevented before they can start. They assassinate those who they view as evil, or a threat.
The Reaper Clan was founded in England in the Victorian era. They are at odds with the French organization Ordre du Soleil.
The Reaper Clan wears all black, and has four groups: Omega Reaper (weakest, no powers),Brawler (is given super strength and agility, plus batlike wings, third strongest group), Mentalists (second strongest group, telekinesis and telepathy, and the batlike wings), and Alpha Reapers (strongest by far, have all powers and powers of darkness).
The Ordre du Soleil was founded in France a while after the Reaper Clan. They believe that human life is too sacred to assassinate, no matter what. They prevented the Reapers from killing Hitler (whom the Reapers rightly viewed as a threat to world peace) and have been at polarized odds since.
The Ordre du Soleil wears all white and has three ranks: Faible (weakest, no powers), Moyenne (they can fly and have super strength), and the Fort (strongest, have all pwoers of moyenne plus powers of light and minor mind control).
Plot: A person who could be a threat to world peace is targeted by the Reapers. The Ordre du Soleil believes him/her innocent.
The person, like almost everyone in the world, had no idea who the Reapers or Ordre du Soleil was until they were targeted.
This person is referred to as the Variable.
Three Reapers (including myself)
Three Ordre Members
One Variable
Name: Xi Aisu
Age: 14 (oldest you can be is 16)
Gender: F
Reaper, Ordre Member, or Variable: Reaper
Appearance: Long white and black hair, green eyes, very pale.
Rank/Group, if applicable: Mentalist
Personality: Cold to all strangers, cunnning, intelligent and wise.
Fighting Ability (out of ten): 7
Intelligence (out of ten): 10
(August 3, 2016 - 1:03 pm)
I am the Variable
Name: Flyyn Alexander
Age: 11
Gendre: Male
Appearance: Tall for age, spiked hair, blue eyes. Wears a leather jacket and slacks.
Personality: Immensly self dependent, realist, sarcastic, loves puzzels.
Fighting ability: 8
Intelligence: 10
This is sooooo cool.
(August 3, 2016 - 1:23 pm)
Extra note: My charrie did fencing and karate before he was tageted, for recreatonal purposes. Also, please do not ship him.
(August 3, 2016 - 1:27 pm)
(August 3, 2016 - 3:19 pm)
Name: Cleo Hartsworth
Age: 15
Gender: F
Group: Ordre, faible.
Appearence: long, white blond hair, blue eyes, short and thin.
Personality: very kind, innocent, yet mature and smart.
Fighting ability: 2
Intelligence: 7
(August 3, 2016 - 3:24 pm)
Ohh, I have a question: can we connect the Order De Soile to French history? They could have come out of the Napoleonic Wars, and gained power during the Crimean War.
(August 3, 2016 - 3:24 pm)
Spots left:
2 Reapers
2 Ordre Members
Also, Gared, the Ordre du Soleil was started in May 1856, only two months after the Crimean War, and the Reaper Clan was started back in the 1840's (no one alive knows exactly when).
(August 3, 2016 - 5:09 pm)
Wait, so the Reaper Clan started in the Industrial Revolution?
(August 3, 2016 - 6:26 pm)
Yes. The enchantments that the Reaper Clan developed rose in power along side of technology.
(August 3, 2016 - 9:33 pm)
Ok, question: when will we start?
(August 3, 2016 - 10:19 pm)
We start once we have at least one more person.
(August 4, 2016 - 7:39 am)
Gared: This will be cool.
Lilliana: Wouldn't it be terrible if Flyyn and Xi were shipped?
Bob: But Flyyn is 11.
Alexander: So: make him older.
Bane Ally Broker*: Yes, yes. Good point
Lazav*: We must ship them, then use them to invade the Orzhov Syndicate!!!
Alexander: And useing master Belerin, we can invide the Simic Combine!
Elliot: And using Innistradian bats, we can invade the entire Second District. Then rally the GAteless-
Gared: We will be right back... BOB, WE NEED TO STOP THIS PLOTTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*Look on the AE nicknames thread.
(August 3, 2016 - 6:47 pm)
Name: Ravine Li
Age: 13
Gender: F
Rank/Group: Fort? If you don't want that, I'm good with being a Moyenne.
Personality: Kind, caring, hates all killing, but understands the Reapers ways. Slightly symphizises, but knows it is still wrong. Often though, she is the one who will vote in their favor if they are correct. A fair and just person.
Apperance: Long white hair,(white blonde, I mean) Dark brown eyes, tan ish skin. If she has wings(for the flying part-I don't know if it's like hovering or with actual wings,), they are white as well.
Fighting Ability: 6.5
Intellegence: 8(I didn't want to come off as op...)
(August 4, 2016 - 7:50 am)
(August 4, 2016 - 11:57 am)
Ok, Brookeria, can you start?
(August 4, 2016 - 6:50 pm)
@Gared: I ask that you change your charrie's age to 15. As an 11-year-old, he is too young to be a 10 in hand-to-hand combat or a 10 in intelligence, and the Reapers wouldn't stalk him unless they had evidence, which would have to come from multiple years.
@Inktail: I'm also having you change your charrie's age to 15. No 13 year old, no matter how talented, could EVER become a fort.
I watched as the leather-jacketed boy walked down the road, fighting the autumn wind. The sky was the color of unpainted plastic, and leaves swirled in the boy's wake.
I communicated mentally with my superiors at the Reaper Clan. Alpha Reaper Ghostlight, is this boy worthy of death? He is not yet grown.
Mentalist Frostling, he has had dangerous thoughts. We ask not that you kill him but watch him.
Yes, Alpha.
The boy began to turn. Xi curled her batlike wings around herself and dropped into the foliage soundlessly.
Xi's wings were a dark, shifting color; made to camoflauge with almost anything. The boy took no notice and walked on.
After he vanished into the fog, Xi picked herself up.
A footstep resounded behind her. Two white-clothed girls stepped out of the shadows, angels in the mist. Members of the Ordre du Soleil.
"Reaper," one spat.
"Ah, I see someone ordered some French Ordreves," I said, smiling sardonically.
"I am Ravine," a girl with long whtie hair and tan skin said. Uneasily, I prodded her mind and found what I already suspected; she was a Fort, the strongest type of Ordre Member.
"I'm Cleo," the other girl said, eyeing me warily. She was a Faible, the weakest type of Ordre Member.
"We aren't killing that boy," I sighed, "just watching him."
The Ordre Members looked at each other and began to back away. I smiled, waved and when Cleo was the only one still looking at me, I bared my teeth and hissed.
She jumped. I laughed and vanished into the fog.
(August 5, 2016 - 7:39 am)