Stolen RPPle
Chatterbox: Inkwell
Stolen RPPle
Stolen RP
Please don't let this RP die! I'm not in any RPs that aren't dead, so I wanted to create one that wouldn't die! And this is kind of based on a story I'm writing.
So basically this story is set in a future world, where there is a king/dictator again (History repeats!), and he lives in a beautiful castle and all that, but his kingdom is in a circle around him, and most of the people in the kingdom are poor. Once in a while, a child is stolen from the kingdom and is never seen again. These children are called the Stolen. No one knows what happened to them. It isn't kidnappers, because whenever this happens, silver sparks are shot up into the sky and the next day, there are silver sparkles everywhere, and then the sparkles disappear.
Here's what happened to the children: the king took them. He was taking them to create an army to expand his territory to beyond the kingdom. Beyond the kingdom, it's a forest and there are Native American-like tribes in the forest. THe king wants to kill them or make them his slaves and he wants to use his child army to do it. Some of the army people are grown up, and some still children. In this RP, you can either be one of the Stolen, someone from the village, or someone from the tribes, but only ten people allowed, and at least half have to be Stolen. You can have two charries.
Here's my charrie sheet.
Name: Aiyana
Age (Between 10 and 20): 12
Appearance: Black eyes, black, wavy hair up her waist but usually kept in a bun with a bunch of hair still hanging down, kind of dark skin, like Native Americanish dark, because she's from the Tribes.
Personality: Loyal, fierce, would do anything to protect her tribe from threats. A natural leader among her friends.
Stolen, Tribes, or Regular person?: Tribes
Backstory: She's the daughter of the cheif of the tribe she's in, but still good friends with some of the regular people. She was taught never to leave the forest's protection, because then she would be in the kingdom, where there are dangerous things. Her tribe is the Tiger Tribe, and they are good friends of the tigers. She even has a pet tiger that roams around in the forest, but comes at her call.
Other: She is the chief's only child, and her tiger's name is Fire.
(August 1, 2016 - 5:04 pm)
Can't post Charrie sheet now, but save me a place as a guy for stolen!!!
(August 1, 2016 - 8:02 pm)
My charrie:
Name: Mistique
Age: 12
Appearance: Tall. Long, Braided dark brown hair; Native American brown skin, and strange silver eyes. Has a knowing look that makes people assume that she know all of your secrets and knows your true self.
Personality: Wise beyond her age, understands people.
Tribes (I just loved this charrie, so I couldn't make this charrie as a Stolen)
Backstory: Lives with her 19-year-old sister, because her parents left them when she was only a baby.
Other: Loves to learn, and is very smart.
(August 1, 2016 - 8:46 pm)
She is in the Tribe of Wisdom.
(August 2, 2016 - 7:47 pm)
This looks like the beginnings of some REALLY good action... Count me in! I hope the RP doesn't die...
Name: Wren
Age (Between 10 and 20): 14
Appearance: Waist length, slightly wavy hair that is the color of rich soil, leaf green eyes, small, lithe build. Much stronger than she looks to be. Dark, tanned skin.
Personality: Loyal, doesn't trust easily, observant, smart. You can easily see her emotions on her face, despite her best efforts to hide them. Curious, somewhat tempramental, doesn't always think things through before she acts, adventurous, doesn't like to not have anything to do. Quick to protect those that need it. Caring and empathetic.
Stolen, Tribes, or Regular person?: Tribe
Backstory: Originally grew up in the Tribe of Birds, but most of them were killed by an assassin from the kindgdom. Those who survived scattered among the other tribes in the area. Sveta joined the Tiger Tribe, and became good friends with the cheif's daughter. This happened when she was 10 years old.
Other: Has a pet kestrel that she somehow is able to communicate with called Sasha.
(August 2, 2016 - 9:54 am)
(August 2, 2016 - 9:55 am)
Yay! Some people joined! But I noticed that they were mostly from the Tribes... for anyone else who wants to join, I think no more tribes for now. I think there should be a lot of Stolen ones, more than regular people or tribes.
(August 2, 2016 - 5:04 pm)
Alright! So what happens to the Stolens?
Name: Robin
Age: 12, often mistaken for 16.
Apperance: Dull, limp red hair, sparkly blue eyes. Pale skin.
Personality: Very understanding and caring, kind, brave and loving. Also whip smart.
Stolen, Tribe or Regular? Stolen.
Backstory: Well, depends. Do the Stolens start out stolen? Or does it cover how they were Stolen and what happened after?
(August 2, 2016 - 9:52 pm)
Name: Hazelle
Age (Between 10 and 20):13
Appearance: Extremely pale skin, ice-blue eyes, blond hair that is usually in a long, loose braid. Tall and muscular from years of training in the king's army.
Personality: Distrustful and thinks she can only really rely on herself because of the harsh training. (Alexandra, will that work?) She secretly yearns for a friend, but believes that everyone will betray her eventually.
Stolen, Tribes, or Regular person?: Stolen
Backstory: She was stolen when she was very small. She dosn't remember her parents or her life before being stolen at all. The child army is all she knows, so she believes that the king is correct in trying to vanquish the tribes. (At least, she does now...)
Other: She has a small grey cat called Dream. Nobody knows about him because pets are forbidden (?) in the palace.
(August 2, 2016 - 9:29 pm)
This is Brookeira. I reserve a Stolen female!
(August 2, 2016 - 9:51 pm)
NAME: Rain
AGE: 12-almost 13
APPEARENCE: tall with dirty brown hair she holds back with a woven headband. One blue eye the other brown.
PERSONALITY: Shy, doesn't speak or show her feelings. Knows nothing about the tribes yet.
BACKSTORY: Stolen when she turned four. That's all she remembers.
OTHER: na'in
(August 3, 2016 - 6:45 am)
Name: Alaby Hornstream
Age: 15
Appearance: Long brown hair with a white streak, sea green eyes with flecks of white like errant foam, pale skin.
Personality: Witty, quiet. An observer. Gifted, and loves to read.
Is a Stolen
Backstory: was taken not for fighting ability but for intelligence; the king uses her as a spy. She is thin, pretty, and petite, so no one suspects her. She was the child of a librarian.
(August 3, 2016 - 7:34 am)
The Stolen are regular people for a while, then the king sends his guards to get some young children to kidnap and put in his child army. Some of them were stolen as babies, and some as older children. Some of them don't remember anythign other than the child army, and some of them still yearn for their previous lives.
(August 3, 2016 - 5:52 pm)
The Stolen are regular people for a while, then the king sends his guards to get some young children to kidnap and put in his child army. Some of them were stolen as babies, and some as older children. Some of them don't remember anythign other than the child army, and some of them still yearn for their previous lives.
2 more spots left! Can someone make a regular person charrie? It could be a relative of one of the Stolen.
(August 3, 2016 - 5:53 pm)
Ok, thank you.
Backstory: Was taking when she was 3. She remembers nothing of her younger life, but always wants to get away from the child army. If she did rememeber the day she was taken, she would have remembered her twin, Wren, and her mom and dad, begging them not to take her. Wren still misses her...
(August 3, 2016 - 8:52 pm)
Inktail, do you mean Kestrel's charrie, Wren? Because you might have to ask Kestrel about that.
CAPTCHA says afca. Does she want to go to Africa?
(August 4, 2016 - 1:35 pm)