New CB Story!

Chatterbox: Inkwell

New CB Story!

New CB Story!

Plot: Queen Brightstar has graciously bridged the gap between the magical and physical worlds to attempt to heal the wounds made there. A company from both worlds is invited to stay in the castle for as long as they choose. However, some soon begin to suspect that her motives are not so peaceful as they seem...

10 people can join this RP, five from the magical world and five from the real world. If you sign up as a magical after they're filled, I'll let you join as a real world if you want. Just taking the top 10 people who join. 

Charrie Sheet-

Name: (Doesn't need to be your CB Name, but it can be.)


Race: (For Magical, can be, but is not limited to- fairies, elves, dragons, witches, wizards, genies/djinns, or unicorns.)

Magical or Real World: 



If Magical, Powers:




If you post a sheet after they're filled, I can deny you a spot. Sorry. Also, I'll be gone from Sunday evening to Monday morning, so I likely won't start until the following week.  

submitted by Clouded Leopard, age 13, writing
(July 29, 2016 - 9:45 pm)

I'm in way too many RPs.... But anyway, I'm joining! 

Name: (Doesn't need to be your CB Name, but it can be.) Cleo Hartsworth



Race: (For Magical, can be, but is not limited to- fairies, elves, dragons, witches, wizards, genies/djinns, or unicorns.)


Magical or Real World: 



Long, dark brown wavy hair, Hazel eyes, tall, thin.


Very smart, active, "detective" like, can figure things out quickly, but kind and shy as well.  

If Magical, Powers: 



She belongs to a very, very wealthy and distinguished family.  That's why the queen invites her. 


She wears scarlet and gold dresses.

Also, if any guys join, she may or may not have a little teeny crush. Just saying. ;) 

submitted by Daisy
(July 30, 2016 - 6:28 am)

I'll join this, seeing as my HP CB story is dead.

Name: Leafpool

Age: For this, 15

Race: Human

Magical or Real World: Real world  

Appearance: Light brown hair that falls a few inches past her shoulders, dark brown eyes with a twinkle of mischevousness in them, shortish, wears colors such as blue, green, yellow, and such.

Personality: Slightly sarcastic sometimes, will take a dare but is cautious about it, usually is pretty friendly and outgoing but can be shy sometimes, particularly when meeting people older than herself. Likes reading and writing, especially fantasy, so she has some knowledge of magic stuff.

If Magical, Powers: N/A

Backstory: This is not our actual backstory, right? So: Lives in a small village with her parents and three younger sisters. Her parents are rather greedy and stubborn, sometimes lashing out at their daughters, so they have learned to fend for themselves. Leafpool takes care of her younger sisters like a good older sibling, teaching them how to read and write, and find food for themselves. She loves her sisters more than anything else, and will not hesitate to defend them with her life. 

Extra: Ummmm... not that I can think of.

submitted by Leafpool
(July 30, 2016 - 9:00 am)

*screams like a crazy fangirl* (Which I am. I cried when I thought Glory died.) (WoF)

Name: Silvara

Age: No one knows ... but appears to be about 15/16


Magical or Real World: MAGIC!

Appearance: Like Aya, minus le chat ears. And the purple skin. Instead has pale ivory skin.


Personality: Acts cold, and haughty, but can show a loving side. Like Morgan in The Squire's tales. Good series.

If Magical, Powers: Can control and create fear and darkness. However, if targeting specific fears, can only do this to one person at a time. But she can instill an unknown fear in large crowds.

Backstory: At a young age, she was abandonded at a witch's doorstep, and was raised as her own child, locked up in a tower. Soon she learned magic, and used her powers to drive away the witch, and now lives in the witch's cottage, with her familiars (all cats), Nightshade (F), Raven (F) Ms. Eliza (F), Blizzard (M), and Theodorus (M)

Extra: N/A

submitted by Cho Chang, I IS A RAIN/NIGHTWING!
(July 30, 2016 - 10:15 am)

Nice to see Blizzard back for this story!

submitted by Clouded Leopard
(July 31, 2016 - 7:19 am)

Charrie Sheet-

Name: Just call me Brook for this story.

Age: unknown

Race: Frost elf druid

Magical or Real World: Magical

Appearance: Long white hair, sea green eyes, snow toned skin. 

Personality: Very wise and smart, holds nature in high regard. 

If Magical, Powers: Mostly ice, water, and telekinesis, but can do other simple spells like making a very small fire.

Backstory: A druid born, lives in the ancient winter grove of Frostcruac, guards it from tresspassers.

Extra: Carries a staff of rainbow obsidian (look it up) and has a familiar (think a spirit animal, like the ones from the books) that is an arctic lynx named Excelsior.

submitted by Brookeira
(July 30, 2016 - 11:20 am)

Name: Genie

Age: 1,000,000, but looks 13; Female

Race: Genie

Magical World

Appearance: Blue. Blue hair, blue eyes, blue skin. Wears blue belly dancer clothes: baggy blue pants and blue crop top with gold stones on the edges. Her lamp is gold and has an intricate design. Has the same shape as the lamp in Aladdin. 

Personality: Mysterious; friendly; loves to sing. 

Magical Powers: Can grant three wishes, but they can't be: bringing someone back to life or for more wishes.

Backstory: Has been living in a lamp for a million years, and only comes out when the lamp is rubbed. Her lamp was rubbed, but the person wasn't there, so she decided to take her lamp and go on this trip. She will live in the lamp. She doesn't know if she has a name other than Genie.


submitted by Jack-a-Nat
(July 30, 2016 - 11:29 am)

Apologies for not saying this earlier, but it IS a solo write, not an RP.

submitted by Clouded Leopard
(July 30, 2016 - 12:12 pm)

Phew. I'm in too many RPs but I'm excited and I love my charrie. 

submitted by @CL
(July 30, 2016 - 10:17 pm)

Judge the poetry contest on CaC!

submitted by @Clouded Leopard
(July 30, 2016 - 1:43 pm)

Name: Mei-xue Li

Age: 10 (Not really)

Race: Fairy

Magical or Real World: Magical

Appearance: See below.

Personality: I don't think I need to fill out this part.

If Magical, Powers: Fairy stuff.

Backstory: Um, I'm just a normal fairy?

Extra: Nah.

Mei-xue 4.PNG
submitted by Mei-xue (May-shreh), Fairyland
(July 30, 2016 - 2:16 pm)

Joining! This is a CB Story, right? Or is it a roleplay? Those are two different things.

submitted by Owlgirl
(July 30, 2016 - 2:17 pm)

Never mind my question; I saw your note, CL.

submitted by Owlgirl
(July 30, 2016 - 2:34 pm)

Name: Ella Arvidine

Age: 13

Race: Half human (magic world human, not real world human) and half forest nymph

Magical or Real world: Magic

Appearance: I will post that later

Personality:  Extroverted, optimistic, makes negative saracastic jokes but with a smile so it's kind of negative kind of not, likes making friends, loves reading, not popular but she knows who everyone is and everyone knows her. When excited, can come across as a bit weird. She's hesitant when it comes to making big decisions, and prefers to plan things out. But if she must, she'll go with the flow.

If, magical powers: Can talk to animals

Backstory: Lives with mom, a forest nymph, in large treehouse like home in suburbs. Dad is usually away from home for his job.

Extra: Has an owl named Bree, who she talks to, and is never far away from her. 




submitted by Owlgirl
(July 30, 2016 - 2:33 pm)

Her nickname is Owlgirl because she especially connects with owls...

submitted by Owlgirl
(July 30, 2016 - 6:20 pm)

My appearance for this solo write:


wood nymph me for leafpool cb story.PNG
submitted by Owlgirl
(July 30, 2016 - 4:01 pm)