
Chatterbox: Inkwell




You may have noticed that I have not been joining anything bedsides (bedsides? Seriously autocorrect?) RPS... of my best friends had a crush. I don't have crushes, really. And.... I was talking to her crush and because of one of my opinions he.... said some things to me that involved dirty words and swearing. 

My former friend never spoke to me again, ever since one of my friends told her he swore at me.

Then my dog got put down. I had had her literally all my life, and there was nothing wrong with her except that she was deaf. My mom told me that she would be put down and I hugged her, crying, on the floor. My mom was taking pictures of me bawling, hugging my soon to be dead dog. I was mad. She just was deaf. She got along fine. 

I know, she was old and didn't do anything. But when I was lonely, I talked to her. When I was scared, I would go to her....

And my life's been a mess ever since. My brother wouldn't bring me along on Pokémon Go when his friends were there, just because he thought I was too much of a dweeb. Bad dreams every night. My friends having problems I can't fix.

I just need some encouragement right now. 


Oh, Icy, we're so sorry! Especially about your dog. Your parents may have had a good reason to make that decision, to spare her future problems. I don't know. I do know it's hard to make that decision and to lose a pet. I've been through it. As time goes on you will gradually feel less sad and remember the good times you had together and smile about them.


submitted by Icy, age 11, The Forest
(July 16, 2016 - 8:41 am)

Oh, Icy. Icy, Icy, Icy. I wish I could hug you, but, you know, we're online? So you'll need to settle for virtual hugs instead. I understand it must feel good to just pour out all that tightness inside, to tell someone. I don't know if there's anything I can do about it for you, but maybe telling us was all you needed.

submitted by Scylla
(July 16, 2016 - 2:01 pm)
submitted by Spinning Top
(July 16, 2016 - 2:03 pm)

Why would your parents do such a thing? Take pictures of you crying? If she thinks that your family is going to look back at it and laugh, well.... Maybe you will, but that's no excuse.

You should really talk to your parents about this. I know it's hard to do that, but I really think that you should.

And all siblings are like that. I'm really thankful that my own big sister goes with us to look for pokemon--though I know she would rather not. However, if you have a little sister or brother--Like I do--You would also like some alone time from them.  

You probably feel pretty alone right now; there are those moments in life! However, that doesn't mean you should just brush this off. You should definitely talk to someone besides us--though you could also just show your parents this thread and all the comments we're making.

I do believe your parents should have done something for you, and should have guided you out of the situation. However, many parents need to understand this--We never tell them they're doing anything wrong! They still love you no matter what. 

Anyways, you are an AMAZING person! Whatever decision you make, I know it will be right. Keep your head up, Icy!


submitted by Danie
(July 16, 2016 - 2:31 pm)
submitted by TopTopTop
(July 16, 2016 - 2:49 pm)

I am literally crying right now. I'm so sorry, Icy. It seems like you're having a really hard time. I know what it's like to lose a pet; our cat died about three years ago. I don't have Pokemon Go, I don't even have a phone, but it sounds really fun because my older brother talks about it all the time. Here's a hug!


submitted by Leafpool
(July 16, 2016 - 6:55 pm)

I'm sitting here, on the verge of crying. 

And I thought my day was the worst in history.


It's not your fault your friends have problems you can't fix! If you can't fix them, you can at least be there to support them, right? That's the way it should be, anyways. 

Sloth say dinr. Yes, it is dinnertime! 

submitted by Cho Chang
(July 16, 2016 - 4:20 pm)

I know I've said this before. Here it is again.

When feeling lonely, sad, or depressed, run into the welcoming, virtual hugs of the Chatterbox.

We are here for you.

We'll read you rants. We'll give you advice.

You always have friends on the CB. 

*HUGE virtual hug* 

submitted by Mei-xue (May-shreh), Fairyland
(July 16, 2016 - 5:23 pm)

YOU ARE IN MY PRAYERS! I'm so sorry! The sun will eventually shine! Keep hope!

submitted by Brookeira
(July 16, 2016 - 5:54 pm)

Icy, I am so sorry about your dog. I'm also sorry about your friendship problems, your bad dreams, everything. I give you my sympathy and empathy and compassion. I am here for you, and so is everyone. You are a really great person. We enjoy having you on the CB. You always manage to brighten the day, whether it's by being funny or cheerful, or bringing in your hilarious AEs. So now I want to do everything I can to brighten your day, or at least make it a little better.


submitted by Owlgirl
(July 16, 2016 - 6:06 pm)

gosh that's bad. 

That's also mean. Did you say something to your mom? I would've gotten really angry.... what is it with this thing that animals shouldn't suffer over a minor problem? Once you thibk about it the logic makes no sense.  

*refrains from ranting about animals*

Anyway, it's okay, Icy. We're here for you. That was also bad, your friend ignoring you. It was probably her crush dreams were broken.

Did you try talking to your parents? (I know this actually doesn't work much but it's worth a shot)

 Maybe you can get a new dog in the future!

Try not to think about bad things when you go to sleep.  Think about something, anything that you're looking forward to. 

submitted by Novelist , The Secret Forest
(July 16, 2016 - 6:21 pm)

Icy, I am so sorry! Sounds like you haven't had much luck. I cannot imagine why your parents would take pictures of you crying with your dog, even if it is to hold that last memory. I am very sorry about that. I never had a close pet, or had one put down, but I can only imagine the pain. I know a girl at school who's dog - which was her best friend - got put to sleep due to age. It can be hard to let the things you love go. And I am sorry about your friends, too. And being excluded by your brother and his friends. 

Just remember: no matter what, you are a brilliant, wonderful person, Icy. I wish you the best of luck to get through your situation, and we will always be here for you.

When it rains, look for rainbows. When it's dark, look stars. 

submitted by Ashlee G., age 15, The Future
(July 16, 2016 - 6:27 pm)

I AM SO SORRY! Just sit down, take a breath, and push everything away, We're all here for you, Icy. Remember that.  Your dog will always be a memory you can turn to whatever happens. And you'll always have friends; the one you're talking about... well arguments pass over quicker then you know it. Soon enough you'll wonder how it ever started in the first place. You got it girlfriend!  

submitted by @Icy
(July 16, 2016 - 6:37 pm)

Oh Icy! I'm so sorry. Like Scylla said, I totally wish I could hug you right now. 

Your friend's crush was wrong to start swearing at you over one of your opinions. I know that for a fact. 

There's probably nothing I could say right now that could comfort you, but, I hope you know that the CB will ALWAYS be here for you.

*Hugs* *Hugs again*

Also, like Danie said, I reccomend talking to your parents about this. They will most likely be the ones to help you through these times of trial. 

Puck, Ariel, and Sir Galahad give their love as well.  

submitted by Joan B. of Arc, age 14, Camelot
(July 16, 2016 - 6:37 pm)

Oh Icy! I'm so sorry you had to deal with that. I can't imagine what it must of been like for you to get sweared at by the guy. What that guy did was NOT okay, and don't blame yourself. Don't be afraid to tell an adult about it either. Saying goodbye to a pet is super hard, but it does get better. I've lost a few pets, and it's hard at first, but eventually, I stopped feeling sad everytime I thought about them. Icy, your awesome, and we're here for you. *Hugs*

submitted by Mirax T., age 12, The Errant Venture
(July 16, 2016 - 8:13 pm)

Omg Icy..I am so sorry. 

I...I literally don't have words for my feelings right now. I can only respond this way.



submitted by Inktail
(July 16, 2016 - 9:59 pm)