The AE's Pers
Chatterbox: Inkwell
The AE's Pers
The AE's Personal Discussion Room
Many of us have AEs. And I thought, well, we have a whole thread dedicated to discussion for us. But why don't we have a place for AEs to discuss? They have their own personal lives full of fun, adventure, questions, comments, etc. So I created this thread in hopes to give all those AEs who aren't busy RPing to come and relax a little. Topics can be serious, funny, simple, detailed, whatever they want.
My only rule is:
Don't let it get out of hand. I want this just to be a fun place for people to bring their AEs for discussions.
Also, if anyone has not heard yet, I have my own two personal AEs. They are Quill and Zeon, who hate each other, but otherwise are reasonably calm, friendly, and unique. Quill talks in italics, Zeon in bold. So yes, the two will be will be joining in the discussion for sure. Correct?
A discussion room for us? So charitable of you, Ashlee! Best thing I have seen you done since... Since involuntarily dragging me out of my hiding closet.
Finally! You finally admitted you were hiding, Quill. VICTORY!
Zeon! Don't start another arguement over the closet.
Only if you promise to keep my secret a secret.
What secr- Wait, I remember now. That secret. Yes, I promise. For now.
(July 2, 2016 - 1:09 pm)
Top please
(July 12, 2016 - 11:09 am)
Sigh. ELliot/GAred/Alexander has been difficult lately. I mean, making multiple characters to gain power... Well, and the vampire-mainia. He has been RPing as vampires lately, and I mean, RPing as good vampires. He may switch to world-consuming monsters-mania, and then he will be the most OP person in every thread... He even has made Gared and Elliot vampires! Yes! He will snap out of this. It's just a phase, it's just a phase...
(July 16, 2016 - 12:09 am)
Sorry for posting on a dead thread, but GARED'S ONE TOO!?
(July 16, 2016 - 5:40 pm)
What? One of what?
(July 16, 2016 - 10:23 pm)
Hey, are you the Bob i am going to the school dance with?
(July 17, 2016 - 6:20 am)
No, I am a short purple thing that was stolen from a lab.
(July 17, 2016 - 9:20 am)
okayyyy then... Lol
(July 17, 2016 - 5:08 pm)
I have no idea if this thread is dead, but it sounds fun...
So, to the top!
Crysti changed with Jack-a-Nat left us home alone for four weeks. She started talking in a serious, fancy voice with fancy grammer. Ugh. Annoying.
Hello, fellow AEs. I hope that you will come on this thread again to talk about things.
We haven't looked through any of this, so we have no idea what we should talk about on here.
Let us start this post over with Donut saying her greetings. Donut...
Hey-ya, hey-ya, hey-ya, hey-ya, hey-ya, hey-ya, hey-ya, hi. Hey-ya, hey-ya, hey-ya, hey-ya, hey-ya, hey-ya, hey-ya, hi.
That was lengthy.
Stop talking in that dumb fancy voice!
Start talking in this sophisticated voice.
Goodbye for how, I hope that AEs will come back to join us. Top, please, Admins.
(July 19, 2016 - 1:07 pm)