The AE's Pers

Chatterbox: Inkwell

The AE's Pers

The AE's Personal Discussion Room

Many of us have AEs. And I thought, well, we have a whole thread dedicated to discussion for us. But why don't we have a place for AEs to discuss? They have their own personal lives full of fun, adventure, questions, comments, etc. So I created this thread in hopes to give all those AEs who aren't busy RPing to come and relax a little. Topics can be serious, funny, simple, detailed, whatever they want.

My only rule is:

Don't let it get out of hand. I want this just to be a fun place for people to bring their AEs for discussions.

Also, if anyone has not heard yet, I have my own two personal AEs. They are Quill and Zeon, who hate each other, but otherwise are reasonably calm, friendly, and unique. Quill talks in italics, Zeon in bold. So yes, the two will be will be joining in the discussion for sure. Correct? 

A discussion room for us? So charitable of you, Ashlee! Best thing I have seen you done since... Since involuntarily dragging me out of my hiding closet.

Finally! You finally admitted you were hiding, Quill. VICTORY!

Zeon! Don't start another arguement over the closet.

Only if you promise to keep my secret a secret.

What secr- Wait, I remember now. That secret. Yes, I promise. For now. 

submitted by Ashlee G., age 15, The Future
(July 2, 2016 - 1:09 pm)

Pro Surfer? PRO SURFER? Best day of my life! Of course I'll-

Wait, didn't you just say you were sort of second guessing surfing? After hearing about the sharks?

I WAS. "Was" is in the past. It is the future now, bro!

You are crazy. Simply crazy.

Because I want to surf? Yeah, I know. And I am loving it! So yes, I'll take surfing from the best waverider on the CB. No doubt.

And the sharks?

Be quiet.




submitted by Ashlee G., age 15, The Future
(July 3, 2016 - 11:48 pm)

Yeeey! Another talking room! This is gonna be SSOOO much fun!!!!

Don't get excited or anything.  

He has a right to, MewFour.

Pssh, whatever. I'm only here because you promised he'd leave me alone.

I'm... 'sure' he will.

Did I hear quotation marks in there?!... ugh, whatever. Just let me be amazing in peace.

Do you think Hemin'll be here?

I don't know, 8-Piece. I'm sure if you are...


Ohh, wait guys-- before you go, at least greet Zeon and Quill.

Hiya, Zeon! Nice to ZEE you! And you too, Quill. I'm sure I'll PEN for you if you're gone!

Uch. Puns.  And just because Cloud wants me to... *hem hem* Greetings, Quill and Zeon. I am the most splendid and handsome AE on here, 'nice' to meet you, etc.

Oh, stop it. Psst- he's not really mean, he just wants you to think that. Inside, he's a--

I'll take it from here, Clouded.

Also-- nice ta meetcha, Zeon n' Quill. Hope ya have a fine time on CB.  

submitted by Clouded Leopard
(July 3, 2016 - 11:45 am)

NEW. AEs. This is officially the best day ever. I get my own chat room and meet new AEs. 

What do you mean by "new"? They aren't new, Zeon.

I came back to check on you guys. Are you two still fighting?

Well, Zeon thinks these AEs - 8-bit, MewFour, and... the one who talks in bold - are new.

Is that really something to argue about, Quill? You are more responsible one. You should know this by now. 

I am the responsible one. Not more responsible. 

And anyways, Zeon is right. They are new to the discussion room. At least, I believe that is what he meant.

Yes, yes, of course, I meant that! They are new to my chat room.

Boy is stuck in a gaming fantasy.

Mhmm. Now, let's stop this arguing and greet the other three.

Greetings, earthlings. I am Zeon.

Greet them correctly.

Err... Hi, Clouded Leopard's AEs. I don't know the one who talks in bold. But I know MewFour and 8-bit. So hello! Maybe one of you can teach me to surf.

Ugh. He is such a little kid. Welcome to the AE Personal Discussion Room. I am Quill, and that is the peskiest little AE you'll ever meet, Zeon. Nice to meet you three indeed.


submitted by Zeon and Quill, age 15, The Future
(July 3, 2016 - 8:27 pm)
Bro. Yes. I am GOING to teach you how to surf. 
Go for it, 8-Piece. It'd do you some fun to get onto the ocean again.
Wait! Before you go. I'm Nougat. I forgot to introduce myself last time. ;P
Don't use texting language or emojis in front of me, please. They're a disgrace to the proper system of grammar.
LOL k wont do it anymore XD
*muffled sounds of fighting in the background* 
I get to teach someone how ta surf! 
submitted by Clouded Leopard
(July 3, 2016 - 11:31 pm)

Correction, my AEs keep on calling 8-Piece 8-bit. Don't ask me why. I think it is because Zeon knows too much technology, being that it is a memory unit. So apologies, 8-Piece.

Oh, bro! So sorry! I had no idea I was calling you 8-bit. Weird.


submitted by Ashlee G., age 15, The Future
(July 3, 2016 - 11:52 pm)
submitted by Top top topity top, age Topi top, Topland
(July 3, 2016 - 1:11 pm)

My new AE's!

name: Amber


gender: female

appearance: long strait blonde hair 5 freckles dot her nose will never have perced ear likes head bands

personality: kind, beautiful, tends to get into fights with Jay, funny risky 

insanity level: 2

other: talks in bold

name: Jay

age: 18

gender: Male

appearance: Spiky black hair golden eyes that freack everyone but amber out wears shorts and tee-shirts

personality: tends to get into fights with amber funny loner

insanity level: 1

other: talks in all CAPS

submitted by Annabeth C., age 11, CA Sacramento
(July 3, 2016 - 1:16 pm)


Of course I do other things than be polite to the ladies! I do not surf, I despise sharks. 

What he means is that he is afraid of sharks.

Elmodaisy, I thought you left! I thought you trusted me?! And I am NOT afraid of sharks! 

Sorry, Bolton, but I have been watching you. I wouldn't trust you with a bowl of ice cream, to remain sensible, and definitely not with my life. Anyway, you are too afraid of sharks, but I am going now. Don't annoy the girls. Sorry, people.

Finally, you are gone. I like to eat ice cream, like to write, but not so much to read. And don't even get me started on coffee!  

Yeah, he would die, literally die, for a Starbucks frappachino. With whip cream.

Speaking of Starbucks... Do you have any? Wait: I thought you left?

Oh, well, uh. I came and brought you Starbucks though. And some for Beth if she wants any.

Cool, thanks. Beth, my sweet! I have brought you coffee! And it's your favorite, a venti white chocolate mocha! Enjoy the sweet coffee, my sweet. You are infinitely sweeter than even my frappachino.  

submitted by Bolton
(July 3, 2016 - 6:32 pm)

That is, uh, very thoughtful, Bolton. Except, well, never mind. I appreciate it. And I guess I will take it as a compliment that you are comparing me to a coffee? Okay then... I like sharks, Bolt. Just kidding. Bolt, will you do me a favor? Tell Swummer if she winks at me one more time as a write this you will beat her to a pulp. Oh my! I am so sorry! I was VIOLENT! Forgive me! *starts crying*. I am so ashamed of myself! Swummer, I deserve to be fed on salad for the rest of the week. Have mercy! 

Don't stress, Beth. I know you are sweet and know you love me deep down. But as your CB I am a little protective of you... BACK OFF BOLTON!!!


submitted by Clarabeth, age Aka, Beth
(July 3, 2016 - 7:25 pm)

Hi! Your AE reminds me of mine, Jay.


oh be quiet Jay you should be more like Amber


uh huh, sure.

Hey your having a party and you didn't invite me? how rude!

amber this isn't a party!

sure looks like it *mumbles*

Jay go and um, meet Bolton. I am so sorry about sending Jay your way.

Oh finally, I thought he would never leave! now what are we talking about?

Amber, go, um, uh re read Harry Potter

just did

well go maske a friend

I am 16 I have already thrown socal things out the window, I would rather be friends with my book.

Go away please!

I don't feel like it and you should be thanking me I am why more intresting than any one you could ever meet.


okay oka- do I smell brownies? Annabeth could I, uh, borrow five bucks

fine here *reaches into pocket* oh great I forgot my wallet at basken Robins I'll go get it. Amber you need any thing?

ohh, Carmal frappachino?

no way! A I am NOT going to starbucks and B that is my signiture coffie!


well nice saying a sentance to you, see you around, Annabeth C. *runs to ice cream place* 


submitted by Annabeth C., age 11, CA Sacramento
(July 3, 2016 - 7:39 pm)
Hi Elmodaisy. I must talk quick before they find m-
There you are, Annabeth!
amber please I am begging you please go away!
I will be quiet, but I will not go away!
fine, anyway Elmodaisy I think your AE bolton is awesome, I've seen some other things you've made but this is most likely my fave
Jay now your here can I not get away from you too you are always fighting and I admitt somtimes it is amusing but other times it is more annoying than,um, somthing annoying.
you are such a muse with words *snickers*
Amber please here is twenty bucks just leave please!
uh, here is a dollar have run
sorry about them anyway I would love to chat, but JAy is trying to steal the twenty bucks I gave
Bye Annabeth C.  
submitted by Annabeth C., age 11, CA Sacramento
(July 3, 2016 - 8:18 pm)


Oooh... I never thought of sharks! I am not so sure about surfing now.

Oh come on, you love watching surfing videos!

Yeah, the funny ones when they fall and land on their face!

And you want to be out there?



Mhmm... Now I should be going. Be nice.

Yeah, yeah. I am plenty nice! Now go on, bug someone else, Ashlee. Anyways, I love ice cream as well! But chips are the best. So before coming here, I was stuck in a giant closet in Ashlee's room for 3. Days. Because I was... sort of freaked out by the... AE war. Didn't want to come. Sort of. But don't call me a chicken! I was playing it safe. Anyways, during that time the only thing I read was the chat in my video games and the back of a video game cover. Yep, video games are the life. I love coffee too, but I can't have it. Ashlee says it makes me too "ENERGETIC", whatever that means.


submitted by Zeon
(July 3, 2016 - 8:34 pm)

Hey guys, it's me Annabeth.

And Me You can't forget me!


Well anyway why don't you guys introduce yourselves?

Sure! well My name is Amber I have blonde hair and...


JAY! You are so rude, I was going to say I am a big bookworm.

you guys, what did I tell you? if you keep fighting... Amber I will take away your books... and Jay I will make you read Amber's books.

I know *shuffles feet*


go ahead try me.

Oh, are those Harry potter books? *Flips hair* 


Jay your not aloud to say anything that would desrupt Amber's life. I thought we went over this at our last meeting "Amber, I want to turn you into Amber"




submitted by Annabeth C., age 11, CA Sacramento
(July 3, 2016 - 6:59 pm)

Hahaha, and I thought I had a hand full with me.

Since when was I a disquieting hand full, Ashlee?

Umm... Let me think. Since you started fighting with Zeon.

Which was the moment you were born, let me note!

But... Oh, whatever, be atrocious, heartless, inhuman being!

Huh? Wait, don't tell me.

Quill, those words mean the same thing.

I know! That is the purpose of it. It adds significance to my sentences.

Well, Annabeth, nice to meet your AEs! Like I was saying before, they sound like a hand full. Mine are pretty well behaved, but hate each other to death. Or should I say, Quill hates Zeon to death. He rather just be annoying her. Sad, though, I always have to keep coming back to check on Quill and Zeon because they are fighting. Disappointing, AEs. 

We aren't disappointing... Are we?


YES! WE. ARE. DISAPPOINTING. Wait, what does that mean again?  

And this is why I just love my AEs. 

submitted by Ashlee G. and AEs, age 15, The Future
(July 3, 2016 - 8:44 pm)

Okay. I have an AE, but I he hasn't been talking much because all of these AE threads are getting out of hand. 

I'm not one for drama.

Pretty much the only trait we have in common.


Yeah... *scratches head* he has a tiny little obsession...


So, this is Eyeless Jack. He is the slighty more crazy version of the creepypasta Eyeless Jack.

Did you call me crazy? I will cut out your-

He is NOT a murderer. I repeat- NOT a murderer.

I might be. Heheheh.

Okay, let's go, before you eat another innocent human's kidney. Watch out, guys. I have warned you... 

submitted by Bluebird and EJ
(July 3, 2016 - 8:20 pm)