Chrome Loth RP!
Chatterbox: Inkwell
Chrome Loth RP!
Chrome Loth RP!
The world of Chrome Loth: A world divided by six factions, by six species. The land is divided into thirds while the sky is halved, with the Aer-Loth Clan the messenger between them.
On the land there are three clans: the Uisce-Loth Clan of the seas, the Lasair-Loth Clan of the fire wastes, and the Cloch-Loth Clan of the mountains.
In the sky there are two clans: the Solas-Loth Clan of the angels and the Dorcha-Loth Clan of the demons.
Finally, the Aer-Loth Clan lives on the highest peaks and acts as a bridge between the earth and sky.
Once every thirteen thousand years, a child is born in each clan with the powers of the clan's element in them.
The Uisce-Loth Clan's Child is named Lyata. (I am RPing as Lyata). She is held in high regard as a sign that the Uisce-Loth Clan is entering a new age of wisdom. She has been training in combat in secret for many years and wishes to become the High Scholar, the ruler of the Uisce-Loth Clan. The Uisce-Loth Clan can all breathe underwater and have webbed fingers, plus are bioluminescent in dark water. The Uisce-Loth Clan is highly intellectual and is a democracy-monarchy combo.
The Lasair-Loth Clan is surrounded my nothing but magma and flame; a flat wasteland of obsidian, where farmers who can find good land must defend it ferociously. The Lasair-Loth peoples are immune to very high heat. The Lasair-Loth Clan's Child may not even yet be aware of his or her abilities. The Lasair-Loth Clan is incredibly dangerous, with only one large city with a massive crime rate. The Lasair-Loth is an anarchy ruled by an underground mafia.
The Cloch-Loth Clan is in the mountains, where forests and climates of all types rule. Cloch-Loth Clan rituals are steeped in ancient tradition, and many believe that the Cloch-Loth Clan was the first Clan ever created. Cloch-Loth peoples are naturally strong. The Cloch-Loth Clan is merely a collection of tribes ruled by the largest, the Alpha Tribe.
The Aer-Loth Clan is held in high regard by all. All Aer-Loth Clan members have wings. These wings are the same color as their flesh and look somewhat batlike. Aer-Loth Clan members are incredibly pompous, and flaunt their wealth and power. Their Child is worshipped as a god or goddess. Many Aer-Loth Clan members get tattoos of ancient tribal symbols that glow in the light of the moon. The Aer-Loth Clan is a monarchy, and the ruling family is called the Vashya-Comra family.
The Solas-Loth Clan is rarely seen. They represent righteousness and goodness. All of them have white feathered wings, except the Child, who has black wings. The Solas-Loth hate the Dorcha-Loth with great passion. The Solas-Loth also do not age as long as they stay in their home of white cloud, which means that they are rarely seen. The Solas-Loth is a monarchy, and the ruling family is the Vola-Saa
The Dorcha-Loth Clan is known for its raids on other clans. They represent evil. All of them are varying shades of red with bat-like wings to match and horns the color of their hair. The only exception is their Child, whose skin is violet and has horns made of lapis lazuli. The Dorcha-Loth are a monarchy, with the ruling family known as the Krok-Shakar.
Charrie Sheet:
Name: Lyata Osaa
Age (anywhere from 13-16): 14
Appearance: Pale skin, no freckles, a birthmark on her forehead in the shape of a teardrop. She has long, flowing teal hair that matches her teal eyes.
Personality: Very smart and bookish, loves the ocean and everything in it. Is also a tad bossy.
Clan (one from each unless I say you can be in the same tribne as someone else): Uisce-Loth
Weapon: Trident
(June 13, 2016 - 2:49 pm)
Xylo~ I try to stay calm as the shadows overwhelm the council room and envelop everything. A heavy cold settles over it like a blanket. But then, rays of light reach through the darkness, searing and defeating them. I watch, stunned, as the source of light is revealed. It's the Child of the Solas-Loth. Her black wings spread behind her and her hair ripples beautifully as light pulses from her body, illuminating the room and destroying the remaining traces of shadow.
The clans evacuate the room in a panic and the Uisce-Loth and Dorcha-Loth Children disappear somewhere. The room is warm and bright again, but nearly empty. I can sense my clan outside, waiting for me to follow. But before joining them, I approach the Solas-Loth. "Thank you," I murmur. "I'm Xylo."
"Ariel," she replies, smiling.
"That was... impressive," I say carefully.
She blushes but says nothing.
"Well, I'll be off," I say uncomfortably. She nods and waves as I walk outside to meet my clan.
"Goodbye, Xylo," Ariel calls.
"I hope we meet again," I answer.
Her response is lost in the wind.
(June 19, 2016 - 12:47 pm)
TOPTOPTOPTOPTOPTOPTOPTOPTOP. Seriously. TOP. This RP cannot die SIX DAYS after starting. I should let someone else write for now, Brookeira or Icy maybe, but still, TTTTTTTTTOOOOOOOOOPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!
(June 19, 2016 - 6:25 pm)
(June 19, 2016 - 7:03 pm)
Everyone is accounted for; the Lasair-Loth Child, the Solas-Loth Child, the Uisce-Loth Child(myself), the Dorcha-Loth Child, the Aer-Loth Child, and-
where is the Cloch-Loth Child?
I groan and rub my shoulder. The Cloch-Loth likely left to avoid any further confrontations. They are by far the most passive of the races.
I sigh and beckon the Children-and one of the Cadre-to me. "This is our divine right," I say calmly, "Dorcha-Loth, you cannot claim your Child while our Quest is active. This Child is, temporarily at least, not your property."
Girl, or Remla as I call her, clutches my hand tightly. I squeeze gently back.
The Dorcha-Loth scowl. "We will remember this, skau-fra," one calls.
I wince. Skau-fra means enemy in their language, but is used as a swear word.
Now to find the Child of the Cloch-Loth.
(June 20, 2016 - 7:29 am)
Umm...Brookeira, I'm a little confused. Haven't we just established that at least the Dorcha-Loth and the Solas-Loth have now left the meeting, if not the other clan delegations as well? Did they all return once they realized the meeting wasn't really over, and this is now several days later? (Am I being too nit-picky, and I should just let the potential continuity glitch go?)
(June 20, 2016 - 8:39 pm)
Well, maybe the Dorcha-Loth left, since they're a temper case, and the Solas-Loth came back...? But the Dorcha-Loth didn't take me with them?
(June 21, 2016 - 8:26 am)
They intended to take you with them, but Lyata foiled that plan quite nicely. Whether or not the Dorcha-Loth are still present, you never left the Fortress of Meeting (where all this has taken place so far).
I would say, just to resolve this, that we've now skipped about a week ahead. I would guess that's approximately how long it would take for an Aer-Loth courier to get to the Dorcha-Loth realm, tell them the meeting isn't over, and get back with the Dorcha-Loth delegation. The Solas-Loth would have no reason to not come back, once they were sure the security threat was over; the Cloch-Loth are a good bit more stubborn and cautious, though, so that makes sense with them being the only no-shows. (The other three clans were on the verge of bolting but decided not to.)
That sound good to everyone? Brookeira, what say you?
(June 21, 2016 - 9:36 pm)
Brookeira, could you start the next part?
(June 22, 2016 - 8:15 am)
SOunds good! We can continue... soon?
(June 22, 2016 - 9:02 am)
Yeah. Glad all this is cleared up.
Also, keep in mind that though Lyata did the right thing by saving Girl/Remla and imprisoning Lord Jas-Tavor (at least temporarily), it would still have caused a diplomatic uproar. Mistress Taiyaa would still be having to put out (figurative) fires, and I doubt the Dorcha-Loth are going to like her or Lyata at all after this. Not that they liked much of anyone in the first place.
(June 22, 2016 - 11:14 am)
(June 20, 2016 - 4:14 pm)
Could some1 else continue? I have a short case of Writer's Block.
(June 23, 2016 - 7:23 am)
(June 23, 2016 - 1:25 pm)
Okay, then I guess it falls to me to write?
Great. Simply wonderful. Just when I thought the Dorcha-Loth were ready to settle down and quit antagonizing us - the entirety of yesterday was basically a protracted shouting match between Mistress Taiyaa and Queen Krok-Shakar, with the Solas-Loth stepping in whenever things looked ready to come to blows - another Dorcha-Loth, not Lord Jas-Tavor as Lord Jas-Tavor has been imprisoned by a combined Solas- and Uisce-Loth force, calls Lyata a very nasty name. Skau-fra is a scurrilous word for "enemy," though literally it translates to "backstabbing coward" or something of that ilk. How ironic- I thought that was what the Dorcha-Loth were?
Mistress makes as if to speak, but then thinks better of it. Apparently even she gets tired of fighting with another clan leader after a while.
"Quest?" someone from the Lasair-Loth asks. I have no idea who; honestly, I think the Lasair-Loth delegation is different every single Consortium, let alone an emergency clanmeet like this. Their leadership - if it can be called that - changes so often, almost no one from any other clan can keep up.
"Yes. A Quest," Lyata replies. "Every few thousand years the Great Horde rises. Some of you among the Solas-Loth may even remember the last time. The clans had no Children to aid them then; it was all the magisters could do to seal the Nameless One away, at the cost of thousands of lives, and even then the seal was weak. That seal is breaking now. All of us, all the Children, need to embark on a Quest, to find the Arch Staff before the Great Horde does and take it somewhere safe."
"Yes, but will you be safe?" asks Princess Shaiona Vola-Saa of the Solas-Loth.
Murmurs. Lyata hesitates, then says with a little more trepidation, "No. We won't. Tales of the last six Children have long descended into legend and myth, but what documents I can find tell of a Quest fraught with peril. The Dorcha-Loth Child turned on the others; the Uisce-Loth and Aer-Loth Children sacrificed themselves in the final battle; after all was well, the Lasair-Loth Child could not live with the memories of that horrible time, and took her own life. We will not be safe. We just have to make sure the Arch Staff is."
Stunned silence.
Then Mistress speaks: "Our Child is correct. This Quest will be dangerous, perhaps more dangerous than any of us can imagine. To that end, I recommend that each clan send a guardian with its Child, to ensure that the Children can see their Quest through to the end. These guardians must be brave, skilled, and unfailingly loyal, willing to give anything and everything for the welfare of the Children. Princess and Prince-Consort Vola-Saa, Queen Krok-Shakar, King Vashya-Comra, Thief-King- well, whoever is Thief-King now, if the position still exists, what say you all?"
By the way, Little Sister says hi.
(June 23, 2016 - 9:01 pm)
So is Xylo completely out of this?
(June 24, 2016 - 9:29 am)