Chrome Loth RP!
Chatterbox: Inkwell
Chrome Loth RP!
Chrome Loth RP!
The world of Chrome Loth: A world divided by six factions, by six species. The land is divided into thirds while the sky is halved, with the Aer-Loth Clan the messenger between them.
On the land there are three clans: the Uisce-Loth Clan of the seas, the Lasair-Loth Clan of the fire wastes, and the Cloch-Loth Clan of the mountains.
In the sky there are two clans: the Solas-Loth Clan of the angels and the Dorcha-Loth Clan of the demons.
Finally, the Aer-Loth Clan lives on the highest peaks and acts as a bridge between the earth and sky.
Once every thirteen thousand years, a child is born in each clan with the powers of the clan's element in them.
The Uisce-Loth Clan's Child is named Lyata. (I am RPing as Lyata). She is held in high regard as a sign that the Uisce-Loth Clan is entering a new age of wisdom. She has been training in combat in secret for many years and wishes to become the High Scholar, the ruler of the Uisce-Loth Clan. The Uisce-Loth Clan can all breathe underwater and have webbed fingers, plus are bioluminescent in dark water. The Uisce-Loth Clan is highly intellectual and is a democracy-monarchy combo.
The Lasair-Loth Clan is surrounded my nothing but magma and flame; a flat wasteland of obsidian, where farmers who can find good land must defend it ferociously. The Lasair-Loth peoples are immune to very high heat. The Lasair-Loth Clan's Child may not even yet be aware of his or her abilities. The Lasair-Loth Clan is incredibly dangerous, with only one large city with a massive crime rate. The Lasair-Loth is an anarchy ruled by an underground mafia.
The Cloch-Loth Clan is in the mountains, where forests and climates of all types rule. Cloch-Loth Clan rituals are steeped in ancient tradition, and many believe that the Cloch-Loth Clan was the first Clan ever created. Cloch-Loth peoples are naturally strong. The Cloch-Loth Clan is merely a collection of tribes ruled by the largest, the Alpha Tribe.
The Aer-Loth Clan is held in high regard by all. All Aer-Loth Clan members have wings. These wings are the same color as their flesh and look somewhat batlike. Aer-Loth Clan members are incredibly pompous, and flaunt their wealth and power. Their Child is worshipped as a god or goddess. Many Aer-Loth Clan members get tattoos of ancient tribal symbols that glow in the light of the moon. The Aer-Loth Clan is a monarchy, and the ruling family is called the Vashya-Comra family.
The Solas-Loth Clan is rarely seen. They represent righteousness and goodness. All of them have white feathered wings, except the Child, who has black wings. The Solas-Loth hate the Dorcha-Loth with great passion. The Solas-Loth also do not age as long as they stay in their home of white cloud, which means that they are rarely seen. The Solas-Loth is a monarchy, and the ruling family is the Vola-Saa
The Dorcha-Loth Clan is known for its raids on other clans. They represent evil. All of them are varying shades of red with bat-like wings to match and horns the color of their hair. The only exception is their Child, whose skin is violet and has horns made of lapis lazuli. The Dorcha-Loth are a monarchy, with the ruling family known as the Krok-Shakar.
Charrie Sheet:
Name: Lyata Osaa
Age (anywhere from 13-16): 14
Appearance: Pale skin, no freckles, a birthmark on her forehead in the shape of a teardrop. She has long, flowing teal hair that matches her teal eyes.
Personality: Very smart and bookish, loves the ocean and everything in it. Is also a tad bossy.
Clan (one from each unless I say you can be in the same tribne as someone else): Uisce-Loth
Weapon: Trident
(June 13, 2016 - 2:49 pm)
"The Child comes first," one of a Clan answers. "If you do not have it by the deadline, then you will be punished as fits."
The Dorcha-Loth clan, as one, takes to the sky...and the chains tying me to my master snap.
I'm left there, standing in a place where the entire Dorcha-Loth clan once stood, as a young human girl. And I realise...all eyes are on me.
(I have a pic of my charrie right here, let me try to post it)
(June 16, 2016 - 7:57 am)
Just realised my Charrie's eyes are weird in that picture-they're supposed to be blue.
(June 16, 2016 - 8:10 am)
Lyata stood and slid out of her chair, gracefully and silently approaching the child. There was a magnetic pull to her; the same pull she felt near the other children of the tribes. The slave girl was malnourished; her arms looked like they'd break in a strong wind and her thin frame shook as Lyata approached.
"Child," Lyata said, "what is your name?"
The child-or Child?-looked baffled. "I-I serve the Krok-Shakar. I am just... Girl."
Lyata smiled. "That's hardly a proper name for the Child of the Dorcha-Loth."
Shouts rang out across the Hall; the Solas Loth scowled at the Dorcha-Loth, the Lasair-Loth began calling out to each other and picking up weapons, and the Uisce-Loth gasped collectively. Only the Cloch-Loth and, oddly, the Dorcha-Loth remained silent.
The shouts died out, and Queen Daea Krok-Shakar whispered, "Insolence."
A spear flew at Lyata's head; her instinct kicked in and she created a wall of ice. The Dorcha-Loth's Child still looked dumbfounded.
Lyata pushed aside the Dorcha-Loth Child's hair and saw two stubs; two shorn lapis-lazuli horns.
"You ought to make a name soon," Lyata whispered
(June 16, 2016 - 10:31 am)
Pure shock.
That's all I felt. How could I not know this? I thought I wasn't one of them! "I- I..." No! I can't be!
The leader of Solas-Loth stood. "And did she know this? Did they know this?"
Master grabs my shoulders. "She is not the Child," he insists, pulling me back. "Explain the horns then!" someone from Lasair-Loth calls.
"Even if she is, she's still my property," Master hisses angrily.
(June 16, 2016 - 1:24 pm)
I have five questions (wow, that started out as two):
1. What sets Xylo apart as the Cloch-Loth's Child? You know, like Ariel's black wings and Girl's lapis horns?
2. Why do we need the Children? What are they for? What is the main plotline? I need to know so I can write towards that in my next post.
3. St. Owl, can Ariel like Xylo?
4. Brookeira, if you don't have anything in mind, could I create Xylo's unique characteristic?
5. Because he's the Cloch-Loth Child, does Xylo have full Earth magic? Like Geokinesis, Botanokinesis, Dendrokinesis, Florakinesis, et cetera?
(June 16, 2016 - 8:02 pm)
Brookeira, I know this is very out-of-the-blue, but seeing that the Uisce-Loth are a "democracy-monarchy combo" got me thinking. Tell me if this charrie isn't alright. I'm not trying to usurp you; let me make one thing clear: this charrie has no powers, and is not a Child!
Name: Kaili
Age: 19
Appearance: Skin of unremarkable tone, long dark indigo hair, green eyes, rather tall. Webbed hands and inconspicuous gills, like all Uisce-Loth.
Personality: Intense, protective, ferociously loyal; won't use two words where one will do, or none at all. Humble but strong-willed, though her passionate nature has gotten her in trouble.
Clan: Uisce-Loth
Weapon: Double daggers, usually concealed
Other: Kaili is a member of the Cadre, a group of seven elite servants/bodyguards who serve the High Scholar. The current Scholar, Mistress Taiyaa, is the youngest High Scholar in centuries at twenty years of age. Kaili has no last name because she foreswore it upon joining the Cadre. No one outside Mistress Taiyaa's inner circle knows what Taiyaa's first name is. This is actually for the Scholar's protection: the members of the Cadre were chosen not only for their excellent comportment and combat prowess, but for their physical resemblance to Mistress Taiyaa. Any one of them could take her place at any time, with Mistress Taiyaa posing as one of the Cadre.
(June 16, 2016 - 11:09 pm)
@Curio: That's a really neat character!
@Scylla: Some answers:
1. Nothing really sets him apart that I thought of; you can make something up.
2. There is a person held in the core of the Earth; a demon so powerful that even the Dorcha-Loth helped stop him. Unfortunately, it has been thousands of years, and small fragments of the demon that escape have been possessing people and making minions. It is our job to stop these minions from using the Arch Staff to free their master. We must also find a way to seal the cracks through which the master is escaping.
3. Eh, this is St. Owl's to answer.
4. Yes.
5. Yes, but mastering delicate arts like florakinesis and botanokinesis is very difficult. Dendrokinesis isn't easy either. Geokinesis is relatively simple.
Also, you can't simply make a tree/plant grow out of nowhere. There have to be existing trees/plants in the area.
(June 17, 2016 - 8:03 am)
Ok, continuing on?
(June 17, 2016 - 5:33 am)
Double objective today. As if it wasn't obvious: protect the Scholar, protect the Child. But even doubly obvious means doubly difficult.
Potential threats: every Dorcha-Loth, every Lasair-Loth, the Aer-Loth retinue, Cloch-Loth only if they do something to bring down the building. Potential escape routes: Seaward Tunnel (though anyone attacking would probably think of that first and block it off), through servants' quarters, South or East Gates, call in the Albatrosses only as last resort. Potential battle plans: if ground fight breaks out, Kami, Seizi, and Tili encircle Mistress, Dasai, Vashi, and myself encircle Child, Scholar's Guards engage on the offensive if necessary. If air fight breaks out, Guards cover with netcasters, Cadre encircle Mistress and Child, all make for Seaward Tunnel.
No time to think about contingencies. With the sheer amount of doors, powers, and politics in this room, it's almost useless anyway.
The Dorcha-Loth fly, as if attempting to break the roof. Everyone tenses. A tiny girl is left alone: age eleven or twelve, height four-foot-seven or so, weight uncertain but too low in any case. Positively petrified. Our Child, Lyata, crosses the circle to approach her. Dasai's feet shift to defensive position; Tili makes as if to follow Lyata, but Seizi holds her back. Double objective, Tili. Don't forget the Mistress.
"Child, what is your name?"
"I-I serve the Krok-Shakar. I am just... Girl."
"That's hardly a proper name for the Child of the Dorcha-Loth."
Mistress gasps. The rest of us follow suit. One of the Guards, behind me, actually says "What the - ?!" before remembering his place and falling silent.
Daea Sasshix pon Krok-Shakar, Queen Mother of the Dorcha-Loth, crouched in the rafters, whispers something, too softly to hear. Without warning one of her retinue throws a spear directly at Lyata! Tili and Dasai actually do start forward, half-drawing daggers, but before they can get more than a step Lyata freezes the spear-tip in a shield of solid ice, casting the shield aside before it can fall on her. We all crowd a little closer around Mistress.
Lyata does something with the trembling girl's blonde hair. I can't see what, but it must be significant, because the entire hall reacts.
A shouted conversation between Lyata and one of the Dorcha-Loth. The Lasair-Loth put in their two coppers: "Explain the horns, then!" Horns? What? Oh, right. The Child of the Dorcha-Loth is supposed to have "skin like palest amethyst, and horns of lapis lazuli," according to their Prophecy. Are this girl's horns just tiny? What happened to amethyst skin?
The Dorcha-Loth Lyata was talking with jumps down from the rafters with catlike agility, grabs the girl roughly by the shoulders, tries to take her back. Mistress has had enough. "Stop this at once, Lord Jas-Tavor!" she demands. "I recognize the marks of sthi-paalako well enough! You have permitted a child to be scourged of her name, her house, her very identity, simply to keep what was never yours to begin with. You have committed unspeakable atrocities upon her person, to hide the fact that her power exceeds yours a hundredfold. She will require healing, and even when her physical state is long restored, the fear you have caused her may still remain in her mind and heart. What do you have to say for yourself?"
Sthi-paalako. Stars above. I thought that beyond even the Dorcha-Loth, to perform the Ceremony of Banishment on a child. How bold of Mistress, to accuse him of such.
"Scholar Taiyaa. You forget your station." Queen Krok-Shakar's hiss carries across the entire chamber so that even the Solas-Loth shift their feet, looking worried. "Matters of Dorcha-Loth house conflict are none of your concern. Lord Jas-Tavor is my subject, in good standing. The girl in question is his property; you yourself admitted at the last Consortium that attempting to end slavery among the Dorcha-Loth by force would likely end in an all-out clan war. You cannot interfere without provoking me to...further action."
Murmurs around the circle: do you think she'll - clan war? - but the Child - such talk in the Hall of Concordance - Uisce-Loth have never - should we - Limbo, if they've really - poor thing, she looks - we need to -
"This is not an internal Dorcha-Loth matter, this is a matter that pertains to all of us!" At the sound of Prince-Consort Tamir Vola-Saa's voice, the murmurs still. "The Great Horde is rising. The evidence of this is irrefutable. Unless we put aside our differences, unless we can unite the Children and find a way to defeat this enemy, none of us will survive. You cannot afford to withhold your Child, Queen Krok-Shakar. Nor can we; why else do you think we trusted you enough to bring our Child here today, instead of keeping her safe in the Palace of Light?"
Dead silence.
(June 17, 2016 - 12:44 pm)
@Scylla: I think yes, although it would develop later on in the RP, when Ariel gets to know Xylo better.
Of course, it's a known fact that the Dorcha-Loth, the pure embodiment of evil, have slaves. But it's more than I could possibly tolerate. It's not just evil; it's fithly, monstrous, and honestly rather shallow. I can feel rage building inside me. They enslaved a child! A mere child! The talk that goes on is not all clear to me; I, after all, grew up in a rather lower-middle-class family, and was never one for politics. But the bare minimum is simple: this girl is enslaved. A living person is owned.
It's disgusting.
I can feel my wings flaring, extending, and I don't care. I am absolutely furious. Forget the Clan code, those unspoken rules. This is horrible, this is unthinkable.
But everything pauses when our own Prince-Consort, Tamir Vola-Saa, speaks. The gist of it is this: The matter pertains to us all. Us, the Children, must be united. The Solas-Loth had to trust the Dorcha-Loth to bring me here.
The last part irks me. They talk of us as though we are not there, or we are not exactly real. As if we're trinkets for trade, to keep safe. To hold me in the Palace of Light without permission? Of course, the decision would not be mine, and my parents would never deny the opportunity to live in the Palace. But I still do not appreciate his mindset that I would never refuse to stay with royalty.
I am finished with this meeting; I am done. There has been too much to push me past the limits of the Solas-Loth ideas. I spread my wings and beat them: once, twice, not enough to take off, but enough for them to give me their attention.
I am not eloquent. Why did I do this? I am already paling, but I must not. "Please," I say calmly. I don't know what I was expecting or intending-- shouting, maybe? Or perhaps a small squeak that gives off no noise. But this is, rather, simply a soft voice speaking in absolute silence. "We are not merely toys that you toss around and manipulate at will. I would ask, if you have intentions for us, and this Child in particular--" I nod to the Dorcha-Loth girl-- "you should consult us, rather than bicker amongst yourselves."
I'm not sure what else to say. My voice fades away into silence, with no appropriate ending made. Everyone is looking at me, now. What have I done? What have I said?
(June 17, 2016 - 3:33 pm)
Lyata watched as the Council erupted, bickering and shouting like sea lions fighting over a piece of meat. The Aer-Loth Child looked irritated, the Lasair-Loth Child groaned, the Dorcha-Loth Child looked terrified-
Lyata knew that the course of action she was about to take was not the most intelligent descision, but she had to make it.
"Come," she said to the Dorcha-Loth Child. The Dorcha-Loth Child looked frightened.
Lyata thought.
"Remla," Lyata said, "come."
The Dorcha-Loth Child, looking more bemused than ever, rushed to Lyata's arms. Remla meant blessed in the tongue of the Uisce-Loth.
Abruptly the Solas-Loth Child spoke. She steadied her voice and told everyone to stop bickering. Lyata smiled. This Child, Ariel, seemed intelligent.
Lyata stood, still holding the child's hand. The Council was silent.
"The Great Horde is rising," someone whispered.
The Solas-Loth Clan began shouting again; the rest of the hall was eerily silent.
The Solas-Loth parted to reveal one of their own, smiling out at the Council. He had red eyes; the sign of a Possession.
Lyata forced the child of the Dorcha-Loth behind her as he threw a knife-
(June 17, 2016 - 4:35 pm)
When Ariel spoke up, I was surprised. Looking closer at Ariel, I could see she was shaking. Poor thing, she was frightened. No one could really notice it though if you didn't look hard enough. At least for once, everyone was looking at something other than me. When I was born, everyone thought my skin would be blue like my father's, or even pink like my mother's. But, purple? That color was rare. Every single time I went out, people would stare at my purple skin and wings. And them, they would remember who they were staring at and bow or curtsy. I HATED when they did that. I longed to be normal, to be free, just like everyone else was. Unfortunately, that was not the case.
I shook my head out of my thoughts, and watched again. Someone whispered "The Great Horde is rising."
Confusion erupted. I watched silently as the Solas-Loth clan parted to reveal one of their own, whom had red eyes. Lyata pushed the child behind her as a knife was thrown, straight toward Lyata, while everyone else scrambled for cover. She looked up, gasped, and then acted quickly. A protective wall of ice appeared both over the Dorcha-Loth child, and Lyata. I sighed, this was the second, or third time today that someone was trying to attack another.
Someone shouted "He's getting away!"
Jumping up, I again watched as the possessed Solas-Loth man escaped between the crowds of people.
Once the chaos finally died down, Lyata spoke up. "Don't you see what your actions have caused? This, this, madness, this anger has only erupted into something bigger!"
"Yeah, and it's getting worse!" Ariel agreed. "Can't we all just get along for one moment and do what we came here to do? To unite us?"
The counci nodded, and then looked towards all of us.
"Children of the clans, come forth."
(June 17, 2016 - 10:07 pm)
(June 18, 2016 - 9:06 am)
Pitch blackness.
This doesn't disturb me as much as it would some people. We've all done blind-combat drills; the Cadre must be ready for anything. But those were setups, blindfolds instead of suffocating darkness, we had warning, we had time to prepare-
Wingbeats. Enough wingbeats for an entire delegation. Not half-silent like the Solas-Loth, more like a leathery snap. Either the Aer-Loth are panicking, or-
Thumpthumpthumpthump footfalls, too heavy to be normal. Jumping. The Dorcha-Loth are coming down from the rafters! Everybody's shouting, a Solas-Loth magister tries to make fairylights but they fade out in seconds. I pick out two voices, Mistress' and Lyata's: "Cadre! She's escaping!" and "Get away from her, Lord Jas-Tavor!" respectively.
Our double daggers are out in an instant.
"Seizi! Vashi! Guardsmen! Protect the Scholar! Kami, Tili, Dasai, follow me!" I cry into the din. Three pairs of running feet prove that my fellow Cadre have heard and obeyed. "Lyata! Remla! Where are you?!"
"They're heading for the Shadeward Tunnel! Quick!" Lyata. We dash towards her as one.
"Where's the Dorcha-Loth Child?" someone - Kami? Dasai? - asks.
"Lord Jas-Tavor took her! Quick- I can still sense her presence, but we have to move!"
I don't stop to wonder what in stars' name this means. The five of us sprint through one of the many arches surrounding the circular Hall of Concordance- and abruptly come out into broad daylight! None of us misses a beat, though we all blink to clear our dark-accustomed eyes. The Dorcha-Loth are just ahead, with about a twenty-five or thirty paces' lead on us. Remla, or Girl, or whatever her name is struggles in Lord Jas-Tavor's grip.
Thankfully, none of the corridors between here and the Shadeward Tunnel are open to the sky. If they were, the chase would be a moot point, as the Dorcha-Loth have wings but we do not. We are a smaller party than they, and slightly faster runners; we gain on them, but slowly, too slowly...
The hallway dims, begins to slope downward, red netherstone invading the white marble. We're running out of time. No one but a Dorcha-Loth can pass the Shadeward Door- that's part of the ancient magics that established the Fortress of Meeting, of which the Hall of Concordance is the centerpiece and crowning glory. We have to get the Child before the Dorcha-Loth reach the Door, or she's lost to us until both Jas-Tavor and the Queen give the say-so, which will happen around the same time blue whales fly!
Lyata suddenly puts on a burst of speed. She thrusts her hands outward, at the Dorcha-Loth- and then, without warning, all the Dorcha-Loth's feet slide out from under them! They go down, screeching and howling, the Child screams in panic and then there's another wave of shadow exactly like the first.
Blind again. But like I said, blindness means little for the Cadre.
More screams - I leap forward, daggers out, miss the landing on Lyata's ice slick, slide straight into what I think is a Dorcha-Loth's face judging by tactile sensation and the masculine yelp of pain - a kerfuffle of movement - my left dagger snags in someone's clothing, can't tell who - Lyata cries out, not so much in pain as with exertion, a sound like breaking glass - silence, save for the Dorcha-Loth Child's whimpers. A few seconds pass, Lyata's voice whispering soothingly, and then the darkness begins to lift like a thick black fog.
What it reveals is shocking: my Cadre-fellows frozen in battle positions, Dasai bleeding from a superficial cut to the arm, Kami grimacing and holding her head. Scraps of dark velvet and lost trinkets scattered everywhere. Lyata kneeling on the ground, comforting a trembling Remla as the latter sobs with shock into Lyata's chest.
All the Dorcha-Loth are gone, save her...and a ravening Lord Jas-Tavor, half his body including hands and feet covered in restraining ice, snarling at Lyata with pure, utter hatred in his eyes.
Sorry if I stole anyone's characters too much, especially Brookeira's and Icy's!
(June 18, 2016 - 12:25 pm)
I've never actually done this before, but I have to try.
One of my own is possessed. The Dorcha-Loth girl has cast shadows on the room-- accidental, maybe, but shadows nonetheless. What am I supposed to do when the shadows come?
Well, give light, of course.
That's what I'm supposed to do.
I don't know how, and those doubts creep into my mind, stalking confidence, ready to pounce-- but confidence has sharp senses, and runs.
Before I can even understand what I'm doing, I start to glow.
Is it not funny? The one in the whole Clan who has dark wings gives off light. It is irony, I suppose. But here I am, doing it, and who am I to stop now? I would be a coward.
I am no coward.
So the light spreads, outwards, and my body glows like a human firefly, like the ones in the Cloch-Loth boy's amulet. Light trumps the dark, defeats the dark, and suddenly the room is illuminated by my own sheer will.
Who knew?
Who knew I could do such a thing?
(June 18, 2016 - 11:38 am)