CBer Story!

Chatterbox: Inkwell

CBer Story!

CBer Story!

I really want to write a long, epic tale, and I think the CB would be the perfect place to do that! 

Here's how it's going to work:  

I will write about...7 of you. I'm sorry about the small limit, but I think that those are the most characters I can handle, if that. I'd prefer less...however, there are around 100 CBers currently active, (or maybe around fifty) and it would be unfair to restrict this more.

Anyway, first I need a charrie sheet from you. This should be your CB persona.

CB name:




Hobbies, Talents/powers (only if we are doing fantasy), and Pet Peeves:


Then, please vote on what kind of story you would like this to be.

Your choices are:


Realistic Fiction

(Maybe) Sci-fi/Dystopia

The only reason I say maybe is because I don't read a lot of Science Fiction and have never written any. I also don't really like the genre anyway. Please only choose that option if you are strongly opposed to both realistic fiction and fantasy.

A few rules:

-Heed the people limit.

-If I don't post every day, don't worry and keep topping the thread. My schedule is pretty busy.

-No AEs. As much as I love all of the snarky, silly, whimsical alter egos around here, I don't want to write a story about them.

And that's it! Once I have my characters and genre, we will vote on worldbuilding topics!

After we get everything established (which will happen by vote, by the way), there will only be votes from time to time, or maybe not at all. This is mostly just motivation for me to write something long and interesting. I put some insentive in for CBers, because I want you to enjoy this as much as I will!

Have fun! 

submitted by Over the Rainbow
(May 28, 2016 - 8:10 am)


Xiao tuzi sasys hyka. That sounds remotely Japanese...Xiao tuzi, you are a Chinese bunny! 

submitted by Mei-xue (May-shreh), Fairyland
(June 22, 2016 - 8:59 pm)

Top! I was looking forward to this!

submitted by Topsy Owly
(June 23, 2016 - 7:00 pm)
submitted by Top-xue
(July 1, 2016 - 1:24 pm)
submitted by Top-xue
(July 1, 2016 - 1:26 pm)


submitted by Mei-xue (May-shreh), Fairyland
(July 1, 2016 - 1:32 pm)

Oh my goodness, it's been over a month since I said I would do this! I've been super, super busy, guys. BUT! From now on I will post the story! I have a basic plot worked out. Here is the prologue! Again, I am so sorry. I have modified many of your powers, because I did not want anyone to be OP, nor did I want people to have two or three completely unrelated powers. The only person who has two powers listed is Brooke, because those tie in closely together. Also, making her very powerful works with the plot. Some of you have completely different powwers than you posted, and I apologize for that. I just didn't want two people to have the same power.

Here is the power list!

Natalie: Teleportation

Brookeira: Cryokinesis, Hydrokinesis

Booksy Owly: Whatever she writes comes to life

Cho Chang: Flight

Scylla: Telekinesis

Mei-Xue: Time control

Abigail: Invisibility

Again, I gave you the powers that will work best for the plot. 


Booksy Owly was talented.

She could act as anyone: Young, old, dramatic, shy, and everything inbetween. People believed she was talented on that basis alone. They would proclaim her “the most talented young actress of her time!” and would invite her to sponsor or promote this and that. She would always say no.

She could sing with such passion and such sweetness that birds were hushed with awe whenever they heard her. People would call her “a talent so rare that it is near miraculous!” and would ask her to sing at big events like coronations and royal balls. She always politely declined.

She could also dance with exuberant energy and joy. She leapt as high as the stars, and when she came down to Earth, she would land like a gazelle. She could dance for hours beautifully if given the chance, and people knew that “she is just the most incredible dancer! She must be trained!” And so, people would always ask her to come to their schools of Dance and Acting and Music, and she always blushed, bowed her head humbly, and said “No thank you.” That is, she always said no thank you until Master Brolkin of Brolkin’s School of the Natural Performing Arts gave her a brochure so shiny and filled with wonderful prospects that she just had to join. There, her talent flourished, and she soon became the BSNPA star pupil.

Until one day when headlines in all the newspapers in Farable screamed “AMAZING CHILD STAR KIDNAPPED!”

Booksy Owly, they assumed, was taken for the purpose of a ransom.

They were very, very wrong.

Booksy Owly, you will soon know, was taken for the purpose of safety.

Because Booksy Owly was not talented simply because she had been born that way. Her true talent from birth was magic.

Anything she wrote would come true.

What a pity that she had no idea.

And so, when a plain, innocent girl received a journal with a dainty gold cover for her birthday quite a few years before she was kidnapped, she wrote, “My name is Booksy. When I’m older, I will be able to act like anyone, I will sing so sweetly that birds will be hushed, and when I dance I will leap to the stars and land like a gazelle.” A year later, when she was older and the first page in her journal had been forgotten, she was suddenly able to sing, dance and act stupendously. And that eventually led to her kidnapping.

Six other children had similar backstories, though none were quite as famous and none were quite as recent. Everyone always ignored Abigail, and she thought that is was because she was hated. When she was kidnapped, she was told that she had the power of invisibility. Cho Chang was an excellent gymnast and, like Booksy, rose to the top of her gymnastics school. When she was kidnapped, she was told that she had the power of flight. Brookeira never needed swim lessons, and could float atop water for hours. Her kidnapper divulged to her that she had the power of hydrokinesis, and cryokinesis as well. Mei-Xue was a perfect scheduler, and she managed to make time for everything in her schedule. Instead of feeling that time went too slowly when it should have gone at tremendous speeds, she somehow knew that time was on her side. When she was kidnapped, she found out just how right she was. Natalie was fast, so fast that the world vanished when she ran. When she was taken away, she discovered that she was able to teleport. And Scylla was strong enough to lift a grand piano like a feather. When she was kidnapped, it became clear that telekinesis was the reason for her strength.

All of the kidnapped children had the same reaction. “No! It isn’t magic!” they cried. “Magic is bad! Magic doesn’t even exist! I hate it!” Meaningless propaganda that had been shoved down their throats now burbled out of them. The kidnapper chided, “But do you want to hate yourself? Magic is good, and it is who you are. If you come with me, you can learn the ways of your special power. If you don’t learn how to control it, you could cause lots of harm to the people around you.” And so, these few gifted ones traveled to an island of the North-West coast off Farable. There they studied and grew. This is the story of their time on that island, and what became of them once they left it. 


Sorry that that was so long! I hope you enjoyed it, and you should expect more soon! 

submitted by OtR
(July 2, 2016 - 9:09 am)

Wow! That is lovely, OtR, I can't wait to read more!

submitted by Booksy Owly
(July 2, 2016 - 10:58 am)

This is so cool! I get to be invisible! Great writing, OtR!

submitted by Abigail S., age 11, Nose in a Book
(July 2, 2016 - 11:17 am)

You know what telekinesis is, right? But other than that the writing is awesome. I look forward to the first chapter!

submitted by Scylla
(July 2, 2016 - 11:43 am)

Yes, I do. What I mean by lifting it is that you were basically able to make it hover over your finger at your basic, untrained level.

submitted by OtR
(July 2, 2016 - 1:36 pm)
submitted by Okay.
(July 2, 2016 - 3:37 pm)



submitted by Cho Chang
(July 2, 2016 - 12:49 pm)

This is fantastic. I will keep on reading.

submitted by Swummer
(July 2, 2016 - 1:35 pm)

Lovely story! Keep it up!

submitted by Brookeira
(July 2, 2016 - 2:57 pm)

This is so good!

submitted by Mei-xue (May-shreh) , Fairyland
(July 8, 2016 - 10:50 pm)