CBer Story!
Chatterbox: Inkwell
CBer Story!
CBer Story!
I really want to write a long, epic tale, and I think the CB would be the perfect place to do that!
Here's how it's going to work:
I will write about...7 of you. I'm sorry about the small limit, but I think that those are the most characters I can handle, if that. I'd prefer less...however, there are around 100 CBers currently active, (or maybe around fifty) and it would be unfair to restrict this more.
Anyway, first I need a charrie sheet from you. This should be your CB persona.
CB name:
Hobbies, Talents/powers (only if we are doing fantasy), and Pet Peeves:
Then, please vote on what kind of story you would like this to be.
Your choices are:
Realistic Fiction
(Maybe) Sci-fi/Dystopia
The only reason I say maybe is because I don't read a lot of Science Fiction and have never written any. I also don't really like the genre anyway. Please only choose that option if you are strongly opposed to both realistic fiction and fantasy.
A few rules:
-Heed the people limit.
-If I don't post every day, don't worry and keep topping the thread. My schedule is pretty busy.
-No AEs. As much as I love all of the snarky, silly, whimsical alter egos around here, I don't want to write a story about them.
And that's it! Once I have my characters and genre, we will vote on worldbuilding topics!
After we get everything established (which will happen by vote, by the way), there will only be votes from time to time, or maybe not at all. This is mostly just motivation for me to write something long and interesting. I put some insentive in for CBers, because I want you to enjoy this as much as I will!
Have fun!
(May 28, 2016 - 8:10 am)
CB Name: Natalie
Age: I don't want to tell (sorry).
Appearence: I don't want to tell, so you can make it up (sorry).
Personality: Introvert, very talkative to close friends and family, participates in school lot, likes school, smart.
Hobbies: CB, knitting (sometimes), writing, reading, if powers: Lightning and teleportation (if to OP, just teleportation)
Other: I'm sorry that I don't want to share some information, but it is personal!
I definitely want this to be Fantasy!
(May 28, 2016 - 9:28 am)
Natalie, you don't have to tell me your real appearance, but please make something up so that I don't have to work with nothing.
(May 28, 2016 - 2:14 pm)
Long, orange hair, green eyes, pale, freckled skin.
Here's a picture of 'Random Person.'
(May 28, 2016 - 4:27 pm)
Another hobby of mine is the violin.
Also, I forgot to add Pet Peeves: When someone says 'funner' not 'more fun,' when people think something about another person and it is wrong (this usually happens on TV, and I hate it), when people spell things wrong/I find something of mine from when I was learning how to spell and things are spelled horribly wrong/when I realize I spelled something wrong.
(May 29, 2016 - 7:41 am)
CB name: Cho Chang
Age: 12, almost 13
Appearence: See below.
Personality: Uh... I can't describe myself very well. Most people say I'm a kind, fangirly person.
Hobbies, Talents/powers (only if we are doing fantasy), and Pet Peeves: I would have something similar to the force ... I don't really care for people who try to take control of something which I'm doing or in control of. I also hate it when someone messes up an accent of a charrie.
Other: Mm ... Nada.
Then, please vote on what kind of story you would like this to be.
Your choices are:
Sloth says ohiz. You want to go to Ohio?! WHY?!
(May 28, 2016 - 9:29 am)
So we're doing our CB appearances? Because I know you said you have brown hair.
(May 28, 2016 - 2:47 pm)
I am, at least. Besides, I like my CB appearance. XD
P.S, good eye!
(May 29, 2016 - 7:19 am)
CB name: Brookeira
Age: 13
Appearence: White-blonde hair, porcelain skin, sea green eyes
Hobbies, Talents/powers (only if we are doing fantasy), and Pet Peeves: Smart, good writer, wise, telekinesis, hydrokinesis, cryokinesis
Other: Has a yellow cat named Crypto who longs for the destruction of humanity.
Crypto just said dope! Who are you calling a dope?
(May 28, 2016 - 11:15 am)
Please vote on a genre!
(May 28, 2016 - 2:15 pm)
For some reason my personality was combined into my powers... oh well.
(May 28, 2016 - 3:03 pm)
(May 30, 2016 - 7:27 am)
CB Name: Icy
Age: 11 1/2
Appearance: Long, dirty blonde braid down her back, wears dresses all day (cuz she likes fantasy and relates dresses to fantasy) and actually looks like a normal girl, completely--except for her eyes. They're blue but have gold streaks in the middle, like the sun against the sky.
Personality: Withdrawn, shy
Talent: I have 1 talent & 1 Power: writing & ice controlling (if fantasy of course. AND I DO NOT LIKE FROZEN IN ANY WAY, JUST THE ICE POWERS.)
Other: Has a little sister named Chilly, who basically is a normal person except she has the same power as Icy. She's sort of like an AE (I hope this is ok!) but she's not crazy or whimsical...just a normal personality.
What if we did a Fantasy-Sci-Fi mashup? I love those!
(May 28, 2016 - 2:29 pm)
*turns caps off* but sorry...forgot completely.
(May 28, 2016 - 2:30 pm)
Great idea, OtR!
CB name: Scylla
Age: Anywhere between 10 and 16
Appearance: See the picture. Sorry, I used a chibi avatar factory, so it isn't very accurate, but whatever. It's my appearance as I'd want it in the book.
Personality: A little testy, very smart, loyal, but also independent. Definitely someone you'd want on your side. Apparently emotionless, save for a gleam in eyes. Weakness is animals. And family.
Hobbies, Talents/powers (only if we are doing fantasy), and Pet Peeves: Hobbies: drawing, writing. Powers: flight (that's why there are wings in the picture) and telekinesis. Pet Peeves: Idiots.
Other: None.
Then, please vote on what kind of story you would like this to be.
Your choices are:
Realistic Fiction
(Maybe) Sci-fi/Dystopia
This shall be exciting!
(May 28, 2016 - 2:40 pm)
CB name: Mei-xue
Age: My CB age is 3.141592653689793238462643383279602884197169
(By the way, typed that from memory.)
Appearence: I'll post a pic of my CB APPEARANCE ONLY. No, it won't look exactly like me. No, not all Asians look the same.
Personality: I doubt that I need to fill this out. If you must, check the Compliment Thread.
Hobbies, Talents/powers (only if we are doing fantasy), and Pet Peeves: I'm really good at math and writing, love to read, and hate when people are misinformed. For powers, I would love the power of time.
Other: None.
(May 28, 2016 - 2:54 pm)