Chatterbox: Inkwell



So!  Tovah made something like this once, then BHR recreated it, and now I'm recreating it cause it's an AWESOME storyline!!

Basiclly, we are each a fairytale hero or heroine, and you can make up the fairytale if you like.

After our tales ended, we all decided to go the high school, so we are currently enrolled in a privates high school especially for fairytale charries. I'm BHR's version they were training to fight aliens, which I have no problem with, but I think it seems a bit odd to have fairytale sand aliens in one RP, so I'm going to change that.

The school(which I need a name for), has twelve principles, each a fairytale veteran. It functions just like a normal high school would, but sometimes there are these challenges. A siren goes off, and everyone has to go change out of their uniforms into some more comfortable clothes in the secret room enclosed in their locker. Then you go talk to a principle, and they give you your assignment.  

My plan for the plot is that something weird happens in a challenge, and the principles qualify us for a mega challenge thingy, maybe with other schools or something. Anyway, here's the sheet.


Age:(It is a high school, keep it realistic, maybe 14-16 for our purposes?)


Backstory:(the fairytales should be a bit different from the originals, just to make it more unique.)


I will post my charrie later, and then FIVE MORE PEOPLE MAY JOIN. 


submitted by balletandbow , age 12, Moon
(March 24, 2016 - 7:33 am)

I already said that I said "Belle" by accident......I was typing at school, and the bell rang.

thanks for letting me know!

Xandra will be my only charrie. 

submitted by Owlgirl
(March 25, 2016 - 10:23 am)

Here's my charrie! I'm doing it from a lesser-known tales by the Brothers Grimm called "The Three Army Surgeons". The true story is a little weird and grotesque, but I'll change the backstory. 

Name: Darius Crenshaw

Age: 16, a junior

Appearance: Darius wears camoflague pants, as he was once an army surgeon, and usually a sandy-colored T-shirt. He has dark brown, almost black, hair, and (now) green cat's eyes. Construction boots are usually seen on his feet, and he has a few freckles spattered across his nose.

Backstory: He was an army surgeon before the war ended, and was very famous for it. It was said he could gove himself any wound and instantly heal it. The truth is, he has a magic potion that would heal the wounds. When he was at a hotel one day and was doing some tricks. for the crowd, he removed (may get a bit nasty) his eyes, hands and heart, and took the eyes of a cat, the hands of a thief from the gallows, and the heart of a pig, put them in his body and healed himself. Originally, he planned to replace them the moment after, but a crook who had witnessed him healing with the potion nipped it and vanished into the night. Unable to restore his proper body parts, he is stuck with the misplaced ones bestowed upon him.

Powers: He can see very well in the dark, but too much brightness will leave him temporarily blind. He can nip almost anything away from someone, but gets caught (more often that he'd like to admit). He has a very good and accurate instinct and gut feeling about certain things, but unfortunately he often gets too greedy and stubborn. 

submitted by Amber, age 12, England
(March 24, 2016 - 9:56 pm)

Weapons: A short and jagged knife is hidden in his left pants pocket in time of emergency; and because he has thief's hands, he can punch and fight particularily well. 

submitted by Amber
(March 25, 2016 - 1:33 pm)

I guess I'll add this on, too.

Personality: As he is constantly being stared at by strangers for his odd features, Darius has a slightly aggressive and offensive personality. He can be blunt sometimes, but will help anyone if they're injured, even if they're the enemy. He also has a sense of nobility, but it can get in the way of his trusting, as he may be cold and sharp, even bordering on rude.

submitted by Amber
(March 26, 2016 - 1:33 pm)

@ Hermione A

You don't have to drop out!  You can still join!!

@ Owlgirl

Once again, really sorry, but this is a one charrie RP.




I know that is not that much time, but I have the (Whatever state I live in: Secret) Assessments next week, so I will only be able to get on really early, or pretty late.  

Also, our charries are required to wear the school uniform during school hours, but during challenges or after classes are over we can wear anything. 

@ St Owl

Principles, principals, I don't know which way to spell it. I'm homeschooled, so I don't have one!

Jarvis, Biblophile, St Owl, please enter your sheets!  Next week is gonna be really crazy, but after that I get spring break so I can actually write a lot!

submitted by balletandbow , age 12, Moon
(March 25, 2016 - 7:24 am)

Even though I quit this, I am still going to read it and keep up with it...seems like a really cool idea!

submitted by Hermione A.
(March 25, 2016 - 10:27 am)

Since Hermione quit, can I join?

submitted by Mei-xue (May-shreh)
(March 25, 2016 - 10:54 am)


Knife. She's pretty good with it never know what you'll stumble upon in the ocean. 

submitted by Owlgirl
(March 25, 2016 - 12:34 pm)


I'm not trying to be rude, but I'm sorry, no. Hermione and Owlgirl posted so close together that they couldn't tell that the other had joined, and I was willing to make an exception for her. However, the RP joining in now closed. Sorry!

submitted by balletandbow , age 13, Moon
(March 25, 2016 - 2:35 pm)

Also, are there any friend or crush requests?  We're all going to be in this together, so we can be friends or not. 

Ben is a bit of a lone wolf and doesn't have any girl interests, but who knows, maybe it'll change! 

submitted by balletandbow , age 12, Moon
(March 25, 2016 - 2:38 pm)


Oh, you forgot something important on the charrie sheet: personality! I did it anyway for Xandra.

That goes into the friends and crushes thing....

I would be happy to give Xandra friends (and maybe a crush later on) but I have to know people's know, to pair them up. 

submitted by Owlgirl
(March 25, 2016 - 3:30 pm)

Oh, really, thank you so much, balletandbow! I guess I will do a charrie after all. I added "Personality" and "Skills"


Name:  Rapunzel Evanfallow

Age:  15

Appearance:  She has light brown hair to her ankles, but she keeps it up in intricate braid-based styles. She also likes to dye her hair, changing the colors frequently from blue to purple to pink to all of them to purple to get the point.  She has green-blue eyes, freckles, rosy cheeks. Is short.

Personality:  Rapunzel, even though living mostly in solitude and acknowledging being lonely at one point, is generally very upbeat and happy. She is imaginative, and when she is in distress or has to overcome a difficult task, she usually escapes into another world, pretending to be someone else who is fit for the role.  She is also known for her shyness. To add, she is very dependent on others. She enjoys listening to music and watching sitcoms, and daydreams often.

Powers:  She doesn't have powers except that her hair goes down to her ankles and always stays at that height, even when she tries to cut it. 

Skills: She's very skilled at making potions.


Until she was eleven, she lived in a huge mansion with no windows or doors. She was visited once a month by her "mother" who wasn't actually her mother. (She was this lady who caught her father stealing medicine from her house that she didn''t even need. He needed it for his wife, who was pregnant and sick. Her mom died giving birth to her, her dad was killed by the lady who TOTALLY overreacted and was a bit insane. The lady took Rapunzel and locked her up in teh mansion, just kind of as revenge.) She would have been fine and would have continued living there if it weren't a computer she discovered beneath the flooboards. Using Google, she discovered there was actually a world beyond her home. She grew very lonely, adn yearned for the outside world.

She told her "mother" about this, who freaked out, spilled the whole thing about killing her dad, etc, and put her in a closet.

Rapunzel (using tricks she had learned from Google) managed to break out of the closet, and then the house. She ran away and never saw the woman again.

(Maybe this could be a plot twist somewhere....where she ends up meeting "Mother"...but later in the story.)

Weapons: None. If needed, she can fight with her fists, but not very well. 



I think she could have a crush at some point. 

submitted by Hermione A.
(March 25, 2016 - 3:53 pm)

Yay, I found out how to do the anime thing.

Here is Rapunzel with one of her many hairdos.


submitted by Hermione A.
(March 26, 2016 - 6:48 pm)

This is Rapunzel in her more formal outfit.

Rapunzel formal hairdo

submitted by Hermione A.
(March 27, 2016 - 3:21 pm)

Alrighty!!  We now have a full RP, and we're now just waiting for the charries sheets to be finished. So glad you decided to join Hermione! 

submitted by balletamdbow, age 12, Moon
(March 25, 2016 - 9:03 pm)