Anything RR: We

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Anything RR: We

Anything RR: We will see

I choked, gasping for air.  My arms waved, trying to swim, to get back to the surface, but I couldn't.  The hand dragged me down and my lungs burned.  I gasped and tried to breathe, but I couldn't.  It dragged me even further.  I couldn't take it.  And then I blacked out.  When I woke I could feel myself falling.  I was still only half-conscious.  Finally, I was able to force my eyes open.  I wasn't underwater anymore.  What?  That didn't make sense.  I was dying.  That's what was going on, I was dying and I was having a dream first.  But it couldn't be, I never had full memory of my life, and I never did in dreams.  No, this was real.  Then I had to figure out what to do.  I looked around me, it was completely bright, and I appeared to be falling down a tunnel.  The tunnel had puffy pink walls.  I needed to find a way, I couldn't just keep falling until I hit the ground.  Or could I?  There didn't seem to be anything else to do.  I was still falling, and then I looked down and I  could see the ground coming at me fast.  


1. Don't write more until someone else has posted.

2. Make your part as long as you want.

3. Keep it interesting. 


submitted by Echo, age Infinite, Couch
(February 5, 2016 - 9:41 pm)

Ooopsss.... didn't mean to post that twice and sorry about the confusing run-on sentances! Sorry!  

submitted by Cockleburr
(February 11, 2016 - 12:03 pm)

No, that was cool.  We're not re-doing that.  Hey, I have an idea.  Let's make this really long, edit it a bit, then possibly try to get it published. (I realize that that sounds a bit crazy.)

I followed Martin out of the room.  Although I had planned to escape, I was very curious now, which overwhelmed my fear.  I decided to stay... for the time being.  Martin led me through an intricate series of twisting and turning hallways.  It was beyond me, how he could remember the route to wherever we were going.  I could sense it's energy now.  Her energy.  We were going to the room.  I couldn't escape now, I would never be able to find my way out.  As we entered the cavernous room, I instantly noticed that she wasn’t trying to get into my mind anymore.  She lay on a tall stack of matresses, squirming and writhing about.  Eleni was clearly in a lot of pain.  She loudly muttered to herself, but her words weren't audible.  Someone else entered the room.  A tall woman, her hair twisted around her head, in a very strange way.  She was blond and thin, bearing many human features, but she was clearly not human.  There was just something about her, I couldn't quite put my finger on it.  She looked human, but wasn't.  

She spoke to me in a harsh, rasping tone.  "I'm sure that you have many questions."  I nodded, otherwise stock-still.  "I will explain.  You are an experiment."  A look of bewilderment crossed my face.  "You were born in this world."

My awe dissolved.  I protested, "No I wasn't!"

She laughed a sarcastic, raspy laugh.  "I think I know better than you, daughter."  My head was spinning.  It was difficult to  comperhend.  Was she really my mother?  What purpose would lying serve for her?  None, I was pretty sure.  It had to be true.  I took a deep breath.

"Explain, you said that I am an experiment?"

"Yes, as a baby you were sent to the World Above to see how you would adjust to having normal human parents."  I tried to grasp it.  When I did it wasn't pleasant.

I cried out, "How could you?!  Don't you love me?"

"More than you can imagine.  But the previous head said that my fourth child would be sent.  I planned not to have a fourth child.  But I had quadruplets.  A curse was put on me.  If I didn't, all of my children would die, including you."

She was surprisingly calm.  "Then who are my sisters?  Who am I?  Why don't I have memory if my life Above?"

She quickly answered my questions.  "Eleni, Raina, and Bess.  You were previously Anne Fitz, but your real name is Asha Luna Marlin.  You don't have memory because crossing into this world takes away memory, which is good because it would be too painful to be seperated from your false parents."

Anne; that name bounced around my mind.  It did feel familiar.  "Eleni is my sister?!  Where are the others?  Why can't I do the mind thing?"

My mother's face saddened for a moment.  "They were sucked into Eleni, by someone.. she hesitated; very bad.  You can, it is just that you lost your power in the Above and Eleni took all of it.  We need you to take some power, and help get your sisters back!"  Her sober face melted into a grin.  She scooped me up in a big hug.  Martin looked shocked, he clearly hadn't been in the know about any of this.  She whispered in my ear, "I'm very, very glad to have you back.  And it will be painful, trust me I don't want to do this to my daughters."  I walked over to Eleni's mattresses.  Gripping the side, I scrambled up, Eleni still squirmed on the mattress, oblivious of me.  I knew how to take the power.  I gently placed my hand on hers.  She crackled with power.  It was like bathing in warm, wonderful light.  

Then the pain, the horrible, unbearable pain.  I wanted to black out.  But I couldn't.  It wouldn't let me.  And I knew that this was only half of what Eleni had been going through.  Eleni was much more alert now.  She saw me.




submitted by Echo, age Dunno..., My Bed
(February 12, 2016 - 9:09 pm)

Cockleburr, can we make Eleni 12?  Please?  I just wrote that chapter and I don't want to change it!

submitted by Echo, age Dunno..., My Room
(February 12, 2016 - 9:11 pm)

Sure, I agree, what you wrote was great and I don't want to change that! So Asha is 12? Ok, that definitely works, I wasn't sure what age she was and I was pretty sure she didn't know either!

Eevee says 'xjpk'. Who is this Jpk Eevee? Your new boyfriend?

submitted by Cockleburr
(February 13, 2016 - 8:39 pm)


I could control it. Four more days...

But four days was a lot of time. 

I listened to my mother talking to a strange voice. There was another presense too, a boy. Who was he? What were they all doing in my room? This was my private lair! Worse still, my mother was talking about me. They didn't know I was listening, though. My thrashing was not fake, but I was able to hear. 

"They were sucked into Eleni by..."

How could she have escaped my mindcleansing? I had to remedy that, and fast. Quickley, I reached out with my stolen magic, and changed her memories. It cost me a lot of energy, but I was safe. For the moment.

"Someone..." she was resisting! Finally, she gave in. "Someone really bad."

I sighed with relief. Then noticed the girl bending over me.

"Asha..." Bess said inside my head. It took a moment for me to realize I'd said it allowed. I punched Bess back into my consciousness. Blinking, I sat up. There, standing over me, was my long-lost sister. 

I could barely contain the bubble of triumph that swelled up in me. I'd had no idea that my plan would work so well! Now, I could finally get rid of my bothersome sisters. All of them. Just four more days, and I would be ready.  

submitted by Eleni, aka Jarvis, age 12, (perhaps?)
(February 13, 2016 - 9:06 am)


I stared down at my sister feeling... full. Triumphant. Satisfied. I felt like I had been missing something all my life and now I finally had it. I stared at Eleni and suddenly felt furious. How dare she! How dare she take away part of me! I wanted to destroy her, to set my other sisters free by doing it. I struggled to quell the feeling. I did not want to become like Eleni, going through other people's minds. She had no right to do that! Minds were supposed to be private.

Martin interupted my thoughts saying, "Well then. I guess that makes us cousins."

I started, then said, "Really? Ok then. Does this mean I have other family? How old are you, anyway?"

"I'm thirteen. You have several other cousins, a couple of aunts and uncles, but they are away right now. You also have a grandfather and grandmother."

"If you, your father and your mother are still alive, why does Eleni rule here?" I asked my mother.

"In our family the telekinetic power travels from mother to daughter and leaves the mother after it has been passed on. It only goes to the first born girls. And in our land, Lo Rutzoiy, the throne goes to the oldest girl with telekinesis, but is ruled by the child's mother, who acts as regent, until the child comes of age, at fourteen. By rights, it should go to you in two years. But it was ruled by Eleni beacause she had all the power," she answered.

"If I am the rightful ruler of Lo Rutzoiy then why did you send me away? You said you loved me!" I cried, confused and a little angry.

"I did it to protect you!"

"From what?" 

"From-" here she seemed to struggle to speak, then shouted at Eleni, who was still writhing on her mattresses, "stop that! You can't try such tricks on me!"

"What were you trying to protect me from!" I persisted.

"From the Hogmyre and my fourth child, Eleni!"


I think that if Asha, Eleni and the others are going to be 12 then we need to change that other post I did to Eleni's sisters being gone for 11 years instead of 3. Maybe the reason that Eleni knows the other sisters personalitys is that when they were asleep in their other worlds, they dream that they are arguing with Eleni and it is transmitted to her.

submitted by Cockleburr
(February 14, 2016 - 1:39 pm)

Or maybe they are inside of her because she has been evil for a long time because of the Hogmyre posessing her, the story could be a quest to defeat the Hogmyre and turn Eleni back to good.  Also maybe she sent her away to protect her and lied about the curse thng.


I gasped.  "I thought you said that a curse was put on you and me."

She put her head in her hands.  "I lied."  She kept muttering those two words to herself over and over.

"Why?  Why did you lie?"

She looked at me, exasperated.  Her face said, Come on!  You should know this by now.  "Because I still want to protect you."  I knew that she just loved me, but this was getting annoying.

"I'm not a baby anymore, and you need to tell me, truthfully what is going on!"

She sighed.  "Alright."  A stream of words came, fast and long.  " Eleni was born fine, but then the Hogmyre broke ancient law and came and possesed her then ran away and no one could follow him and now my daughter is the Hogmyre."  She sobbed.  "And she sucked my other daughters into her somehow and she speaks and argues with them and I need your help to defeat the Hogmyre abd get my three other daughtets back so everything can be really nice."  I was shocked.  First of all, everything that had happened was just really crazy and second of all, this woman who was my mother had seemed so cold and commanding was so helpless and frail.  I comforted her.  She straightened up and spoke again.  "I can tell that you have been avoiding using your powers, but you will need to now.  Also, it helps the pain."

"Then why doesn't Eleni use the power?"

"I don't know.  Hogmyre Eleni had some kind of plan and she is saving up power.  You took your share of power back.  Try to take away the rest."  I set my mouth in a grim line and scrambled up the side of the bed.  I called down to my mother.

"Why is the power pain?"  Her forehead wrinkled.

"I don't know.  The Hogmyre did it."  I turned back to Eleni deciding to read her mind.  Four voices chorused inside her head.  I knew that one was the Hogmyre, two were my other sisters, and that the fourth was the real Eleni.  Eleni's voice was very faint, almost not there.  My other sisters yelled for help.  I told them to be quiet.  I would help, I was trying now.  The voice of the Hogmyre was sickly sweet.  Once I gain enough power I will..  Hey get out!  I was thrown out of the world of Eleni's mind.  It was useless, I could try again later.  Now I would try to take her power.  I placed my hand on hers, as I had done before.  At first the light, then the beginnings of pain.  Yes it was working!  Then I was thrown backwards by its force.  I couldn't take more than my share.  But I had been thrown back physically.  I hit the ground, and the pain in my leg after hitting the floor overwhelmed everything...




submitted by Echo, age Dunno..., My Room
(February 15, 2016 - 9:13 am)

What were you trying to spell when you wrote 'oeg'? Head or leg? Also, let me try to work this out: The Hogmyre posessed Eleni. So the person who has Eleni's body is actualy the Hogmyre? Then who is in the Hogmyre's body? Eleni? Maybe the Hogmyre can stay in more than one person. I am going to make a list of the Hogmyre's powers: 

Absorbs people's conceince

Turns them into shrubs

Can posses people

Can imprision people's conceince in their own bodies (Apparently)

I think the Hogmyre is getting a leeetle bit over powered! I'm sorry about not paying attention to the curse that she said she had, but I didn't know what type of curse it was!

I am still trying to work this out. I wish I could talk to you!

Asha's mother was lying when she said that Asha had been sent away to see how she would adapt to having human parents. The real reason was to protect Asha from getting possesed by the Hogmyre.

She was also lying when she said that Asha's powers were lost in the world above. What really happened was that when the Hogmyre possesed Eleni it sucked the other sister's powers inside.

If the whole mother-to-daughter-power-thingy doesn't make sense here it is: The power has been passed down through the royal family forever. It always goes to the first girl(s) the queen gives birth to. The oldest of these girls is the next ruler of Lo Rutzoiy. When the queen gives birth to the next in line for the throne the power passes out of her. She no longer has it and can no longer pass it down. It is the queen's job to teach the princesses how to use the power. When the princess turns fourteen she is able to rule Lo Rutzoiy, but it is the tradition to let her mother rule until her mother is no longer able. If her mother is a bad ruler then the people can vote to have the daugter replace her mother as queen.

Asha is the oldest sister obviosly. Reina is next. Bess is after. (Why Bess? Everyone else has these exotic names and... then there's Bess. I just thought that was kinda funny!)  Eleni is the youngest 

Is this correct? 

submitted by Cockleburr
(February 15, 2016 - 12:16 pm)


The Hogmyre can stay in more than one person.  Eleni is still in her body, but she is stifled by her sisters and the Hogmyre and is slowly fading from existence.  I was also confused by the royal family stuff.  I said that Asha was the fourth child.  That means that she was the youngest.  Let's change it to the youngest gets the throne, Asha is the youngest.  Eleni is the oldest of the quadruplets.  Bess is the second youngest.  Raina is the second oldest, or the second child born.  Asha's mom was lying both times.  The queen rules until her daughter is fourteen, then the daughter takes over, not until the queen isn't capable. 

submitted by Echo, age Dunno..., My Room
(February 16, 2016 - 7:12 pm)

Ok, got it. But why are Eleni's sisters stifling Eleni?

Eevee says azoo! Do you want to go to the zoo, Eevee? 

submitted by Cockleburr
(February 16, 2016 - 8:48 pm)

Hey Echo! Don't let this die! Post something!

submitted by Cockleburr
(February 19, 2016 - 1:03 pm)

Sorry.  I've just been super busy.  Her sisters are stifling Eleni not on purpose just because there are a lot of other minds in her body and there isn't room for Eleni's mind.  Now can we please just write?!

Wow!  Edemame said oich.  That is almost ouch. 

submitted by Echo, age Dunno..., My Room
(February 21, 2016 - 11:06 am)


submitted by Cockleburr
(February 21, 2016 - 4:39 pm)


The ceiling swoops above me, along with Martin and my mother's concerned faces.

"Maybe... not a good idea," I mutter.

"What's wrong with her?" Martin sounds afraid.

"She needs more training, she's never done this before, we need more time," answers my mother.

"My lady, we have no time. The Hogmyre gets stronger daily and will soon break the anceint laws for good. Asha must be ready now." I have never heard this voice before, it sounds nasal and irritating. I do not like this voice.

"I'm... fine," I groan, sitting up. My leg throbs and I still feel dizzy, but I want to see this stranger. My mother crouches next to me and hands me a hot, steaming cup. The liquid inside smells bitter, but when I taste it it is sweet- and cold! I am so suprised I choke and can't breathe until Martin thumps my back. "Thanks," I gasp smiling gratefuly, if a little shakeily, at him.

"Anytime," he answers. I take another sip of the drink in the cup and look around for the stranger. Immediatly, I spot a short, thin, balding man standing by the door. He wears a shabby, fancy brown velvet cloak. Noticing my gaze, my mother says, "Asha, this is Sbarlen Gutren, one of my advisors. He is knowledgeable in the arts of the mind and will instruct you in them." Gutren makes a small bow to me.

"I would like to start teaching immedeatly, if your ladyship approves," he tells my mother.

"Asha, do you feel alright? Would you like to start?" she asks me. Gutren looks at me shrewdly. I feel as though he is judgeing me already.

"Yes. Let's start now," I say assuredly. Something tells me that I want to make this man aprove of me. I get to my feet, resisting Martin's offer of help and follow my new teacher down the hall. 

submitted by Cockleburr
(February 22, 2016 - 2:15 pm)

He seems to know this place well.  The man...whatever my mother said his name is.  He confidently follows the twists and turns of the corridor.  Can no room in this building be simple to get to?  Finally we stop in front of a small door.  So small on fact that I don't think I can fit through it.  "Um excuse me sir.  I don't think that this door is big enough."  My voice trembles addressing this confident and self assured man.  

He looks at me.  "Try."

I step closer to the door.  It shrinks even more.  Only a rabbit could fit through it now.   I twist the doorknob open and try to fit through.  Somehow I do.  The walls don't even touch me, I have plenty of space.  I shake my head, even after being here for a while this place is still chock-full of surprises. Gutren gave me a tight, thin lipped smile.  "Lesson one; never trust your eyes.  Lesson two; don't give up before you try."  I gave an inward groan.  Was he one of those teachers who was always looking for a chance to teach?  One of the ones that never let you catch a break.  Sure seemed like it so far.  We entered the room.  It was small, with high ceilings, shelves lined the walls from floor to ceiling.  The shelves were full of colorful trinkets.  Little carved stone statuettes, amulets, vases.  What were they for?  The floor had big, bulky locked chests all over it.  What was in those?  There was also a small clearing in the middle of the chaotic clutter.  The clearing contained a clear table and two chairs.  What would we do here?  Gutren watched me study the room.  "We will work here.  Sit."


submitted by Echo, age Dunno..., My Room
(February 22, 2016 - 4:53 pm)