You have just
Chatterbox: Inkwell
You have just
You have just recieved an Email. It is now talking to you.
You have been invited to stay at Pietel in NoWhere Nebraska. You may bring anything you wish, but make sure to have your AE and Capatcha along! There is no chance whatsoever that there will be any deaths, sudden, instant, painful or otherwise. In ten minutes, you will travel forward in time to the starting point, where you will meet your fellow Piers and begin your travels. See you there!
P.S. Someone needs to post as The PieManager, who will be the GM. I can't write every day like some people can.
P.P.S. I will be joining this, so try to guess me! I will post as the PieMaster when we should start.
Thx! See you when we start!
submitted by Pie Master, age 12, Pietel
(November 18, 2015 - 11:25 pm)
(November 18, 2015 - 11:25 pm)
I have already revealed that I am the Pie Master, so I'm gonna do that diary/journal/recording thing.
Is this thing on? Ok I think it is. I can't believe this is happening. Maybe the Pie Master is TTT's twin or somehting. I hope that if we CBers die, we can all watch what happens as ghosts. I can't really think of anything else to say right now... I really need to cheer up St Owl. balletandbow, over and out.
The Very Distinguished And Easily Readable Journal Of BABTMP
T%^$^(&%^%#H*%*^%67442748I97785635I()%%#$S P*^$@&^%&*(L?>:":}{__A*%#@?C>":"?">(&&%E I**^S M#@$?":A^%^>">D?>:>&%^&4E O^$^&>?>F P$^%&^?>:I%$&:>:E!!!
{balltenandbow's easy translation: THIS PLACE IS MADE OF PIE!!!}
Diary of PieSlingerXtreme
[}=[}=[}[} [}[} [} [}=[}=[} [}=[} [}=[}[} [}=[}=[} [}[} [}=[}[}[} =[}[}[}[} [}
=[}=[}[} [}[} =[}[}!!
{This is in Pie Morse Code. Look it up. [} is a dot, =[} is a dash. The letters are in order.}
Meox's Note:
(November 24, 2015 - 3:10 pm)
Leafmist:(secret agent style)
We've only been here approximatly 48 hours, and one Cber and one CAPTCHA have died. It's only a matter of time before the rest of us perish as well. Sweet Tea and Misty are staying in different rooms, but I am still keeping them close, (trying to) make sure they don't die. If only I could know what tomorrow holds....
Sweet Tea prefers to use voice memo. She stole Leaf's iPad to make a memo
OHMYSUGARPACKETS. A CAPTCHA and a CBer have already died. They said we need to find the murderer. No one knows who it is yet. What if it's me?!?!?!?!? AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
Misty's memo
(November 24, 2015 - 3:43 pm)
Pie Journal
I think I'm going to paint murals of dragons. I sketched some designs in my sketchpad already. I forgot to post in my inventory: A sewing machine, several twists of deep purple silk, a lathe, aluminum cylindars, a welding mask, some silver soldier
The backpack is magically expandable and doesn't feel heavy at all. I sewed some curtains for my bunk and soldiered them up using the aluminum. It was hard to set up the lathe but I got it going. I am sad that Sidney died because I felt that she would be my only link to sanity, with Twinkle's constant chatter about chestnuts and hazelnuts etc. and Cyclone seems pretty destructive. Perhaps I can tame him... Or kill him. I'm not that sad about Sidney's death though because I am not a very sensitive person. Hopefully tomorrow will be more fun.
I feel so bad for Scylla! Her only CBer roommate died! It's depressing. I hope I don't get killed. I probably will, seeing as I am not a killer. Oh well.... Perhaps I should organize Clode and Sidney's paperwork.
I like chestnuts. I like hazelnuts. I like almonds. I like walnuts. I like cashews. I like brazil nuts. I like peanuts. I like pecans. I like macadamia nuts. I like pine nuts. I like.....
(November 24, 2015 - 4:43 pm)
The Now-Dead Sydney C.'s notes:
I stay at school an extra two hours for drama practice to make a couple suppositions and objections in fairy tale court, and I DIE?
Well. Okay. I guess I'm a ghost. Oh, cool, I'm a ghost! Maybe I'll invade the bathroom. How does "Moaning Sydney" sound?
Or perhaps I'll float back on a cloud and advise you all to "Remember who you are..." Because Hakuna Matata is all well and good until hyenas take over the Pridelands, though we do get a couple awesome Broadway-version songs out of it.
Also, note that Fflewddur is a captcha. Sorry if that was unclear. Ha! Unclear. I'm a ghost, I'm transparent, get it?
Well then. Anytime you need a ghost who can recite Lewis Carroll poetry, call on me! I've got nowhere else to go but the afterlife! (*runs off to read The Candymakers because the afterlife reminded her of Miles)
Fflewddur says wumf. Oh, Fflewddur, did you bump into someone? That sounded kind of painful.
(November 24, 2015 - 5:30 pm)
That's ok Sydney. Fflewddur will still be in with the rest of the AEs though. Did I get anybody else's AE/Capacha wrong?
(November 25, 2015 - 9:57 am)
Notes of Hacker Dee
You wouldn't BELIEVE how much stuff I've got up my sleeve. Snap brought... Well, I don't know what it is, but it certainly seems volatile. I spilled some earlier and it melted the table. And I have the legendary artifact, the +5 Banana Of Smacking Things. Lastly, anyone who tries to log into my PC will be scanned by anti-murder sensors. If they're not murder-free.... It'll be hard to find what's left of them.
(November 24, 2015 - 7:38 pm)
Micearenice's journal:
Two dead! I knew something was fishy when the paper said, 'nope, no deaths!', (just to paraphrase). 'Cause usually people don't mention that kind of thing unless they're lying. Or they didn't know people would die... I hope Mortif isn't behind all this. Mortifero means deadly in Latin, after all. I would've thought if she was the murderer she'd take me first by means of revenge for packing her in my suitcase! So it's probably not her. And Chip... He's so delicate, and feisty! If someone took his wheel, he'd probably die. So, I'm very very worried that the murderer will take his wheel. Or drop him into chocolate... I can't imagine it was Leafmist, since she's so nice normally. Booksy was the first to to reach St. Owl, though... And we were all turned staring at the Pie Master when it happened! I have no idea.
I AM So exCiteD RighT NoW ! This is SO ExciTInG, EvEN tho I cant really SpelL RighT. AnD thrOWING PiEs at FeatheR'S face Was FUN ! EveN ThoUGh I DidN't ThrOw aNy, PSXtreme Threw THEM alL. SO NoW I'm GoInG To SEE If ANYOnE WiLl PlaY CatCH the HeaVy BoWLInG baLl .
~~~~~~~~~__________-------------_-_-_ (Translation: The paint is making my nose get stopped up. Why don't I get my bed ripped up into tiny shreds so I can make a nest? Okay. I'd better stop doing this so the others don't think I'm talking to myself and think I'm mentally unstable.)
(November 25, 2015 - 8:51 am)
Ok, I am freaking right now. I mean, Sydney C is DEAD!?!?!? And by Lima beans too... *Sniffle sniffle* I really like Lima beans.... That was even worse than the NCIS episode when Kate died(No offense Kate, but I'm kinda glad you died cause now Ziva can make Tony puke all the time)! It really was too grisly to discribe. The worst thing about it though is that we all know that the next victim could be any of us...
P@$*&?L{:I*(^^$%^?>">"*E W&^#&>?>"A$@^$:>"R! P%#%&^?>I%#%^&?>:E W%^#%^?>:"A^$^*&"?>R! A&*%^%$W?>:"%E^%*?>?S%^$*?>O&^$>?M#%$E!!
{balletandbow's easy translation: PIE WAR! PIE WAR! AWESOME!!}
The Diary of PieSlingerXtreme
[}=[}=[}[} [}[} [}! [}=[}=[}[} [}[} [}! [}=[}=[}[} [}[} [}! =[}[}[}[}! =[}[}[}[}!
{Once again, Pie Morse Code. Should I put in a translation for this too?}
Meox's Note
(November 25, 2015 - 9:55 am)
Pie Master/ balletandbow, could you not make one of your teammates the murderer? That would kind of be unfair to the rest of us, like you're showing favoritism to yourself and you don't want to die.
(November 25, 2015 - 1:01 pm)
Sorry Scylla, I didn't mean to come out like that. I am trying to space everyone dying out evenly, and trust me, I die VERY soon(Like, in the next two days).
Also I totally lied, I am posting today. My mom told me that we were leaving this afternoon, but she didn't say when. I won't be posting tomorrow though.
Day 3
The CBers were now terrified. They had now realized that no matter what, they were going to die. Shadow Dragon in particular seemed to dread the next day and was running around the main aquarium shouting something about burning honey.
Rooms 1 and 2, after eating, *cough cough* sorry excavating, tunnels throughout almost the entire Pietel, had finally run into each other and started their pie war. Conversation was as follows.
BABTMP: There they are! PIE THEM!
Fflewddur: There THEY are! PIE THEM TOO!
Rooms 1+2: PIE WAR!!!
And so on.
Rooms 3 and 4 had decided that they would explore a bit, but stay together at all times. Micearenice was still very nervous about leaving her room, but glad that the Capachas weren't going down first, so she allowed herself to be dragged off by Shadow Dragon, balletandbow, Hacker Dee, and St Owl for some fun.
They found a room full to bursting of computers and video games,(They almost couldn't drag Hacker D out of there) a room made entirely out of marshmallows,(Shadow Dragon's paradise) a humongous library with a new Percy Jackson series called The Apollo Trials,(St Owl could stay here forever) and a room full of cute little mice that helped reassure Micearenice.
After a few hours, Ballet found another intriguing door.
"Look at this one! It almost looks like the door of the Green Room!"
"What's the Green Room?" Shadow Dragon asked.
"It's how you get from the lobby of the Civic Center into backstage and the dressing rooms."
She opened the door to find that they were backstage in a theater.
"Oh. My. Gosh. This is the Civic Center! Look, there's the door that comes out down by the boy's dressing rooms!" Ballet pointed across the empty stage to a door with the words "Dressing Rooms" above it.
Suddenly, partyish sounding music began blaring from the large speakers and out towards the empty seats.
"Ooo! This is from the party scene!" balletandbow pulled some pointe shoes and toe pads out from her backpack and started to pull them on.
"C'mon Mice! Let's dance!" She pulled out a pair of canvas ballet slippers too. "I would let you use some pointe shoes, but you can break your ankles if you aren't strong enough."
Soon, Shadow Dragon, St Owl, Hacker D, and Micearenice were suited up to be in a ballet. Giggling, they watched the video Ballet provided, and copied the performers actions the best they could. balletandbow was the only one with pointe shoes, so she kept trying to be Clara and two of the dolls at once. Shadow Dragon managed to be a remarkably accurate Fritz, while Hacker D and St Owl were content with being good little party girls.
Micearenice played the Russian doll, and danced her part so energetically that by the end, the others were all applauding wildly. But them she couldn't stop!
She kept jumping around the stage, redoing her dance again and again until she finally collapsed. They all rushed over and Ballet tried to pry the slippers off her feet but they were stuck!
"Go!" She gasped. "Go or you might die too! It's too late for me, just go!" So, to appease their dying friend, St Owl, balletandbow, Shadow Dragon, and Hacker D left Micearenice on the Civic Center stage to die in peace.
At the end of the day, Shadow Dragon called for a meeting of all the CBers. She and Hacker D explained about Micearenice's absence, because St Owl and balletandbow were to grieved to speak. They decided that for every CBer, AE, or Capacha that died, whoever was left would take care of the ashes. So, the sad group wondered their way towards the door of the Green Room.
Once there, all they found was a Micearenice shaped pile of ash, so Ballet produced a mice covered jar, and they had a memorial service right there. At the end, they all helped to scrunch the pile of ash into the jar, and balletandbow stowed in her backpack.
As the grieving CBers turned towards the door, the Pie Master appeared beside them.
"You must find the murderer soon." (S)he said. "The next two days will hit you hard, but you must fight on for your lives."
R.I.B. Micearenice, rest in ballet.
(November 25, 2015 - 2:33 pm)
I'm a boy.
(November 25, 2015 - 3:39 pm)
Sorry Hacker D! I'll change that from now on!
(November 27, 2015 - 9:06 am)
Dear Diary,
Oh no! I can't believe this! Everyone is dying! First Clode, then Sydney, and now Micearenice? I... I can't take it! But the email said no deaths! They must not have known... I... I don't think I can write much more. I'll cry over the pages. But I must write for you, dear diary, are my only comfort.
(The rest of this message was blotted out by tears.)
(November 26, 2015 - 12:22 pm)
Pie Journal
Hmm... I wonder kind of halfheartedly if I can call in for a roomate. It's getting dull. There are only so many ways to plot about shoving someone in a lathe. I think Cyclone is too intimidated by it to say anything. He better not destroy it; it cost a lot. And I'd be listlessly bored for the end of time. I can't really mourn for Mice, but she was kind of nice to me. Oh well. Just another CBer to die, I guess.
Now I have MICEARENICE'S paperwork to highlight, too! Joy! Gody! Yay, I guess... mopm
My almonds ran out.
(November 26, 2015 - 5:20 pm)
Oh no! *sob sob* It's all my fault! Poor Mice! I was so excited about finding the Civic Center in the middle of the Pietel that I killed her! I will never go there again! *sniffle sniffle* At least she died in peace, not like Sydney. I can't say anything anymore, I'm too depressed. balletandbow, over and out.
[P??^%%^&*(I%&#%^#$">:">"E! P%^#&%^">">I^%%#">">E!
P^&$$%^*&>">I%%$&>"<>"E P%#&%^">">I^$^*">"E!
{balletandbow's easy translation: PIE! PIE! PIE! PIE!}
The Diary Of PieSlingerXtreme
[}=[}=[}[} [}[} [}! [}=[}=[}[} [}[} [}! [}=[}=[}[} [}[} [}!
[}[}[} =[}=[} [}=[} [}[}[} [}[}[}[} [}[}=[}[} [} [}=[} =[} [}[}[}[} [} [}=[}[}!
{Pie Morse Code Translation: PIE! PIE! PIE! SMASH FEATHER!}
Moex's Note
(November 27, 2015 - 9:25 am)