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Chatterbox: Inkwell
You have just
You have just recieved an Email. It is now talking to you.
You have been invited to stay at Pietel in NoWhere Nebraska. You may bring anything you wish, but make sure to have your AE and Capatcha along! There is no chance whatsoever that there will be any deaths, sudden, instant, painful or otherwise. In ten minutes, you will travel forward in time to the starting point, where you will meet your fellow Piers and begin your travels. See you there!
P.S. Someone needs to post as The PieManager, who will be the GM. I can't write every day like some people can.
P.P.S. I will be joining this, so try to guess me! I will post as the PieMaster when we should start.
Thx! See you when we start!
submitted by Pie Master, age 12, Pietel
(November 18, 2015 - 11:25 pm)
(November 18, 2015 - 11:25 pm)
This sounds cool! How do I join?
(November 19, 2015 - 8:44 am)
Ooo this should be fun! I read through the ENTIRE Hotel Le'Fay Ski Lodge thingie last night. I'm so excited I'm making up a new AE just for this! How about PieSlingerXtreme? Yeah, let's go with that! So, I wil be bringing
BowAndBalletTheMechancalPencil(AE one. BABTMP for short. It's a girl. If you've ever seen the Disney version of Alice in Wonderland, BABTMP looks like those pencil bird things, but a mechanical pencil)
PieSlingerXtreme(AE two. PSXtreme for short. Floating Pie that shoots pies on command. Don't ask about the most discusting pie she's ever thrown)
Brand new awesome 6th gen. Ipod with lightning charger cable.
Book and Food and Toiletries summoning backpack.
My favorite Micky Mouse shirt and Jordache jeans.
My fuzzy Micky Mouse Pjs
Meox, my Capatcha(Fluffy, harmless kitten. Maybe)
Oh, and my killer Mechancal Pencil that turns into a sword.
A quick question for the Pie Master,
Should we bring our capatchas along? Or should they just be like our pets not real Murderer suspects.
Meox says cbzz. Meox, you are My Capatcha. CBers don't fall asleep on your command.
(November 19, 2015 - 9:46 am)
I forgot to mention last night that I will be popping in every couple days to mix things up. *Evil laughter fades away*
(November 19, 2015 - 9:48 am)
Leafmist, all you do is say what you want to bring. Whoever decides to be the Piemanager will write a bit of the story every day, and someone will be murdered in every post. This is the best way to explain it I know. This is a link to an awesome stoey like this that acually finished.
If you have an AE(Alter Ego) Bring it along, as well as any capatchas
(November 19, 2015 - 10:39 am)
Hallia and I are joining, plus our new friend Twinkle. He's a squirrel. So...
I'm Hallia, or Eo-Lahallia, the CAPCHA.
I'm Twinkle, a squirrel. I'm not an AE, just a squirrel.
And I'm Scylla. This is Team Scyhalliwinkle! I'm coming up with a better name;)
We'll post an inventory later.
(November 19, 2015 - 10:44 am)
New Update!
You can choose whether to bring your AE(s), or your capatcha. If you choose AE, you can bring a random animal who has your capatcha's mind. Same for AEs.
We have two or three people already. If no one posts as the PieManager by next Monday, I will take over and be the GM.
(November 19, 2015 - 11:46 am)
l will be coming, along with my CAPTCHA, Cyclone.
Cyclone: Kkgz
No long packing list. Nopeity nope.
(November 19, 2015 - 12:41 pm)
What I'm bringing: A bag of personal items, emergency jetpack, phone, my laptop with 54 extra drives plugged into it, a portable Wi-Fi generator, and a watch. My AE, Snap, is coming along too.
What- HEY! No way am I coming with you!
Most of the time, he looks like a golden talking lobster. Odd taste in forms.
Anyway, ready to go!
(November 19, 2015 - 2:01 pm)
I am coming! I am bringing Fflewddur! (*harp twangs in distance*) Pies, whatnot, and Rome et cetera! Fflewddur says omdc. Oh my Disney Channel. Okay.
(November 19, 2015 - 3:22 pm)
Ok, we have eleven (Sorry for the weirdness, I decided to count Capatchas. If you didn't sign up your Chaptcha because of that post I made, this is your chance.) people signed up already! If Leafmist wants to join she can, but no one else please! I have decided that I will be the GM for this, so no more PieManager. I will be making this interesting though! This is the list of people we have.
Shadow Dragon
Hacker Dee
and Snap.
Please enter your AE or Capatcha! We will begin on Monday.
(November 19, 2015 - 3:27 pm)
I'm coming! I'm bringing my CAPTCHA, he's a longhair brown mouse named Chip, and he's got an attitude for a CAPTCHA. He is bringing his running wheel, which he can't live without. I'm packing my water gun, camera, some jars to catch lizards with, a broom, a net, and a survival kit filled with candy. I'm also packing my AE, since she won't willingly go to Nebraska. She says she's scared of the state Colorado... Her name is Mortifero. But she prefers to be called Mortif, or something like that.
Mortif: I'm packing my Latin dictionary, my invisibility cloak, my backpack full of Latin relics, and some gummies. I'm a sucker for gummies. NoWhere Nebraska sounds fun!
(November 19, 2015 - 3:29 pm)
You forgot me! I'm Twinkle the Squirrel! I ride in Scylla's backpack. I'm bringing a bag of almonds.
I'm bringing the traditional bag of Choco Starlights and my backpack. Tha backpack has~
~A sketchpad
~Pencils of varying hardness (8B-8H)
~Watercolor sets
~A blending stump
I'm bringing 50 highlighters of varying colors. I need them to organize murder paperwork. Because I'm that kind of pocket shape-shifter. I like doing things for others!
Hopefully this isn't too long! See you around!
(November 19, 2015 - 7:00 pm)
Ok! Here's what I'm bringing:
* My AE, Sweet Tea
*My iPad Mini 2 with an extra charger cable
*My CAPTCHA, Misty (A gray Mini Rex rabbit. I actually have a rabbit like this, except he's a boy, and hes tan, and his name is William)
* My fave outfit- Levi's jeans, pink low top Converse, a green t-shirt and a vintige-soft jacket with that sherpa fleecy stuff on the inside (I actually have this outfit)
*My red waterproof iPod shuffle so I can jam out along the way (a waterproof iPod shuffle is acutally a thing- I have one)
*My Spider-Girl pajamas (Don't judge)
*a toothbrush (duh)
*Some Hobby Lobby I love this cotton! yarn and a crochet hook (I love to crochet.)
*My entire series of Harry Potter and Percy Jackson books (in case of emergencies)
*The orange stuffed bear I got when I was two
*1 gallon of Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough ice cream
I've never done a story like this! Btw, when you say someone will be "murdered" do you mean like a CBer who joined the story or just a random fake person?
(November 19, 2015 - 4:34 pm)
Are you Cho?
I'm coming, along with Dev, Feather, and Clode!
(November 19, 2015 - 4:53 pm)
I would gladly join you! Of course there won't be any deaths! What are you talking about?
(November 19, 2015 - 6:46 pm)