Chatterbox: Inkwell



The longest thread EVER has been found! It is that game "Last To Post Wins" with FIVE HUNDRED AND EIGHTEEN POSTS!!!!! 

The longest thread in the first 10 pages of the Inkwell is.....(drumroll please!)


submitted by balletandbow, age 12, Moon
(November 18, 2015 - 4:09 pm)

By all the gods, what am I doing here!? And in this outlandish garb!

Ruineth glared at her clothing. Wearing men's clothing. How adomidible. And her hair! Stiff with gunk. Where did everyone go? And why was she here? ... Wherever that was. Quickly she muttered the silfin charm. Must hide her true identity, as Aglardis' heir, as an elf, as a law-breaker under the elves' sight ...

Ah, such a long list of accomplishments. 

submitted by Ruineth Sharia
(September 16, 2016 - 12:12 pm)

AA No, Cho Chang!!!

If you are ze Glory than I shall be ze Mudwing, comprendo? Zank you, zorry for ze confuzion.


I look down nervously at my talons. I'm in a little scavenger building, and I feel claustrofobic in this tiny room. Hopefully we'll get to the top soon. *DING!* I quickly shuffle out of the tiny room and stop in my tracks.

We're in a giant building with columns surprisingly huge for such tiny creatures to make. There are thrones in a giant semi-circle all different colours. I walk over to a majestic sea-blue one shaped like a sea shell and sit, folding my wings in. I watch, interested, at the multitude of scavengers, squeking hysterically. Then something strange happens. I hear nothing for one second, then I can hear. I understand what the scavengers are saying. "Sorry about that, but we all have to undersand one another....." Says a voice out of nowhere. I look around, but no one looks like their adressing me. I settle down, perplexed, and listen to the scavenger's conversation. I can still hear the squeks, but I understand the MEANING behind them. I wonder if there are any other dragons here.

Then I glimpse a definitely dragon-like form in the doorway. 



Okay, Cho Chang, STILLGLORY! If you want to be her, though. uh oh....... maybe I just messed up everything!!!! sorry for grammar just gotta go right now 

submitted by Chinchilla
(September 16, 2016 - 3:54 pm)

Oh yeah! I just realized that since David Michael is a character from the story I'M writing, no one will know what he looks like. He's a 14 year old with messy red hair, golden eyes, glasses, and big red-gold phoenix wings with shreds of black tape on them. Also he's an android. 


David Michael


This is so strange. Oh, I'm so worried... I only came here because I thought info about the Apto might be here... but it's just the Empire State Building. Oh... well, I might as well go on up. "600th floor?" I murmur out loud. "Nuts..." Suddenly, I suddenly saw a large figure pass by me. Shock hits me like a wall as I realize it's a dragon. But... how? Dragons aren't real!! But then I correct myself ruefully. But then again, I didn't think hybrids were, either. I guess anything's possible in wherever I am. I step inside the elevator, thank goodness no else is in there. Patiently I wait for it to bring me to the 600th floor, then I step out into an ornate room full of large thrones. Several people are already there, and I notice the brown dragon from earlier too. 


Sorry for the short post, I'm up way too late.  

submitted by David Michael
(September 16, 2016 - 11:09 pm)

No, no I changed it! You claimed Glory before I posted, you keep her, I'll have 'Neth.

submitted by Cho Chang
(September 17, 2016 - 12:09 pm)

I clicked my talons across the upholstered elevator carpet, careful to keep my tail twined underneath me.  It was bad enough I was surrounded by tiny, snack sized scavengers, especially since they seemed to enjoy stepping on my tail.  

The elevator let out a cheery ding before the large iron doors unbolted, revealing a huge room filled with scavengers.  

"Great,"  I breathed, they're little squeals cleavedbthrough my brain, promising a maniac head ach   tommorow.  I silently slipped them into the back of my head before continuing into the room.  


submitted by MOONWATCHER!!!!!
(September 18, 2016 - 1:17 pm)
submitted by top
(September 18, 2016 - 12:12 pm)
submitted by TOP TOP TIPPER!
(September 18, 2016 - 12:12 pm)

Okay then................ let's see................. everyone, uh, the story I posted earlier is now, uh, uh, um, actually, still true.

Okay Cho, you don''t have to be Glory if ya don't want to. I'll stay with Clay because, let's face it, it's easier to write as a decent guy than a sarcastic guy. Soooooooooooo............... I'll post now. But could someone post a thing stating who is in the room and what they look like? Plus their names? PLEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAASE? Thanks. I get confused easily.



I notice another dragon-MOONWATCHER! From the school! I thought I'd never see her again after she went off with Winter and the others............... I guess not. I lean over to her and whisper; "Hi." She looks at me in surprise, then calms down. "I thought I was the only one here." I nod, wondering if she can understand the scavengers now. I notice one with golden wings (Feathery, like a bird) stare at me. I wave a talon at him and smile. He pales, and I realise how many sharp teeth I have in my mouth. I quickly stop smiling. The seats are filling up around me with scavengers, but none of the ones next to me. Oh well. I geuss they have reason to be scared, especially if they can;t understand-waaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiiiit. What if they CAN understand me? I can understand them now, after that strange voice came and made the meanings of th scavenger squeks intelligable.

I decide to test the theory out. I lean towards another scavenger, in long black robes and a stick in one hand, and I say; "Hi. I'm Clay." The female scavenger stares at me.


Ooooookay, sorry for controlling some characters, hope I didn't do it too much.  


submitted by Chinchilla
(September 18, 2016 - 3:16 pm)

So now I am crammed in a elevator, with weird beings?

What the heck? I thought this stuff was over... 

submitted by Gared M.
(September 18, 2016 - 10:30 pm)


"What the--you're a--DRAGON!?" I black out.  

(Lol, sorry it's so short, but that pretty much sums up my feelings.) 

submitted by MaryClaire/Icy
(September 19, 2016 - 10:12 am)



Uh-oh. The small female scavenger faints. Oops. I carefully pick her up and place her on one of the thrones. Well. That was a catastrophe. Oh well. Let's hope when she comes to, she doesn't try to kill me. 


Sorry so short!

Well.......... I must wait my turn since I need more people to post. Then.............. once everyone is seated, then shall the awkardness BEGIN!!!!!!!!!!! MWHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!! *disappears in a flash of smoke*


submitted by Chinchilla, The Waiting Room
(September 19, 2016 - 2:31 pm)

David Michael 


Awkwardly I shuffle in my seat, looking around hesitantly. This is absolutely nuts. And also terrifying. I mean, come on! There are dragons here! DRAGONS! I didn't even think they were real... I try to dig myself deeper into the seat, futiley attempting to calm my erratic nerves. Beside me, there's a girl in a black robe, slumped over her seat. She... actually looks unconscious. Wonder what happened?


submitted by Clouded Leopard, David Michael
(September 20, 2016 - 3:28 pm)

"you know where I want to go," I say to steve the empire state's (mount olympuse's) gaurd.

"Of course Miss Allison-er-Ally," He says, I've been up to olympus, many times Steve know me pretty well, so, I've told him coutless times to just call me Ally. I smile, as the elavater glows a faint dark blue. the door comes close to closing, when a slight tan hand reaches in and stops it. a tall-ish, teenage boy about my age steps in and smiles.

"600?" he asks, I nod. "I'm Percy," he says (NOTE: this is NOT Percy Jackson, I just like the name, soooo...). I turn and study him, he had dark brown hair brown eyes, and had a slight tan. 

submitted by Annabeth C., age 11, CA Sacramento
(September 20, 2016 - 7:27 pm)

I love this thread!

submitted by Scylla
(September 20, 2016 - 9:37 pm)

Yeah, this thread was great.

Bubbles says rmix, so he must be making a remix of something. Is it the remix of twenty øne piløt's Ride, because that's coming out soon!

submitted by Savvy44x
(September 21, 2016 - 7:26 am)