Chatterbox: Inkwell



OK, so I thought it was time someone did this. 

New people can join, too!

When we last left off,the popular girly girls, smart girls, and artsy girls had the 'incedent.' That ended well... After the incident, Gigi left the girly girl popular group and started her own girly girl group. Everyone in it is super nice, and Gigi is super happy with her new friends, even though there group is only semi-popular. She sometimes hangs out with the popular girly girls, but it isn't the same. The artsy girls and the smart girls became best of friends, and started sitting together at lunch. Brielle and Andy started dating. Nothing really big happened the rest of the year,no one wanted to get in trouble with Brielle's dad. But high school is a different story...

I was thinking maybe one new person could join each group, but maybe two for the girly girl popular group, because Gigi left... I'm also looking for some charries to be part of Gigi's group. We also need some boy charries! Boy charries cna be in any group. If there are lots of new people who want to join, I guess we could start a new group for them... maybe sporty girls popular?

So if you were in the School Drama RP, please tell me if you want to join, and if you do join, please post any updates on your charrie that you have.If you don't want to join, please post if someone new can take your charrie. Otherwise, we can pretend they moved away somewhere. If that's OK with you.

For new people, here's the form:


Age: (14-18)

Grade: (9-12)

Group: (Semi popular, nice girly girls; popular girly girls; (Used to be unpopular,) Semi popular smart girls; semi popular artsy girls; sportsy girls popular; any kind of guy charrie thatt can be in any group.)





Crush(es) if any:


I hope that this is OK with you guys!!


submitted by Joss, age 13, ME
(October 24, 2015 - 12:57 pm)


BRIIING, BRIINNNGG, BRIIINNG comes my alarm clock. Bring what? I think, rolling out of bed onto my red carpet. I got to repaint and redecorate my room over the summer now that it's all mine. I carefully painted the walls so that it looks like it's tinged golden or reddish, like when you have a fire in the room. The red carpet is a sort of homespun style, and I think it completes the cozy look.

I open my closet door and pull out the outfit I chose the night before: a red sweater with two white streaks on each sleeve, slim fitting jeans, and black Converse. I grab the perfume I use and and rush into the shower. I shower quickly, washing my hair with shampoo and the conditioner. Wrinsing off, I quickly towel down. Spraying the rain-scented perfume (it's a specialty perfume my sister got me as a gift when she left for college) in the folds of my skin. I pull on my outfit, towel down my shoulder length curly mess of blue, green, purple, and a bit of my chocolatey colored natural hair mixed in with it all.

Hanging up the towel to dry and replacing it with a clean one, I head to my room and grab my leather messenger bag. My dad, well aware of my stress about going to highschool, decided to take me shopping for school supplies. He was well meaning but my while admittedly cute owl spiral notebook, silm rainbow felt tipped pens, baby blue binder, new pencil holder, and all of that is unlikely to make me have the schedule or friends I want, I doubt it would even make my first day the perfect dream I wish it was.

I carefully pack away a spiral bound notebook complete with gold stripes across the white cover away into my leather messenger bag. I pull the packing off the felt tipped pens and, unzipping the rose-spotted canvas pencil case, dump them inside. I grab my favorite mechanical pencil and two containers of lead and an eraser and zip it up tight again. I strategetically place the pencil case vertically to the right of the notebooks and binder, which I placed on their edges so they took up less space. I grab my phone, which I rarely use nowadays but still keep handy for safety, and tuck it in next to the pencil pouch. I run into the kitchen, open the refridgerator and grab the lunch I made- homemade sushi (it was only my third time so they were kind of messy), a vanilla and banana smoothie, and a cupcake. I tuck it away, then find the locker decor I bought and tuck them inside as well. Shutting the leather messenger bag with a bit of work, I grab a pair of socks. 

There's a knock at my door. "Kat, just reminding you, there's only five minutes before we leave, you need to eat breakfast."

"I don't have time to make something!" I tell her, as I lace up my shoes. "Do we have a bar or something?"

"How about a granola bar?" she suggests.

"Sure," I reply, finishing lacing my left shoe and moving on to the right one. As soon as I finish I grab my messenger bag and sling it over one shoulder, heading out of my room. My mom hands me the granola bar. I unwrap it and start eating it. "Where's Dad?" I ask.

"He already left for his work."

Chewing, I follow my mom outside. She opens the passenger door for me, like a chaffuer, bows, and then enters the driver door. I know she wants me to laugh so I giggle but it sounds kind of fake.

The drive to school is silent except the sound of my chewing. When we finally reach the school, my mom gives me a hug and a kiss. "Good luck, Kat! Try to find some friends, being friendly never killed a person!"

"Being a loner never killed anyone," I reply, hugging her back.

She laughs. "Good luck!" She pulls away.

All I know about my schedule is that my homeroom is Math. Clutching my leather messenger bag for comfort, I navigate through the crowds of older, taller students into the hall I think has my locker. I check the map my sister drew for me. Yep. I unlock it and put the shelf I bought into it. It fits perfectly, seperating the locker into one shelf that is much taller than the other. On the taller shelf I put my lunch, in the lower shelf I put my binder and notebooks. In the upper shelf I also put my phone and pencil case. Then I remember that I have Math so I'll need some of this stuff. Leaving my messenger bag in the smaller shelf, I grab my grid notebook with the gold stripes on the white cover, baby blue binder, and pencil case. Shutting and locking my locker I stroll to homeroom. I still have four minutes and I know where my homeroom is so I take my time, people watching.

I notice a group of seniors with ombre dyed hair, chocolate at the top and golden at the bottom. If it were boys, it would be a gang, and I mentally tag them as threats. The clump of makeup clad, confident seniors is one clique to avoid.

I glance at my watch. Only a minute! I speed up considerably, sprinting across the wax floor and sliding into Math, stopping just barely before banging into a desk. Only half of the class is here, I think that a bunch of people got lost. I sit down in a desk near the front, next to an asian guy with a mohawk. He gives me an annoyed look, but I shrug, putting my stuff down.

The teacher starts passing out the schedules, barely talking at all, stalking among us.

He passes me mine. 

8:00-8:45 Math Advanced

8:50-9:35 Gym

9:40-10:25 Social Studies Advanced

10:30-11:15 French

11:20-12:00 (Lunch)

12:05-12:50 Science

12:55-1:40 Career elective (culinary arts)

1:45-2:30 Art

I grin. It's a beautiful schedule, I got all of the electives I wanted.

The teacher steps to the front. "So first of all, here's the supplies list for this class," He hands that out.

Supply List

Spiral bound grid notebook

Red pen, blue pen, black pen

Pencil (mechanical only)

    Next he passes out the textbooks, which are rather hefty. I flip through it, trying to get an idea of what he's going to be teaching.

   "Ok, now that we have gotten all that done, I want you to all to stand up and say your name when I point to you."

   Typical, I think, watching boredly as the class introduces themselves. 




submitted by Indigo
(October 31, 2015 - 10:01 am)


My alarm clock trills, and I push my hand in its general direction, finally finding the smooth top, and then the button, to shut it off. I feel around on my nightstand until I locate my glasses, put them on, and get out of bed. The world spins into focus.

I change into a dark magenta long-sleeve, dark violet jeans, and then pull the thin, dark purple shawl with monarch butterflies on it that my mom got me for this new year over my shoulders. 

I run downstairs, catch some breakfast, and make a mad dash for the bus.


Sorry this was short, I can't think of much 

submitted by Somebody, age Who cares, Various places
(October 31, 2015 - 10:41 am)

Okay, just a side note, Booksy is pretty much the same as in middle school, except a little more shy. She also gets picked on a lot.

Emma (Booksy)-

It's six a.m. when the alarm rings. I put down m book momentarily to turn it off. I've already been awake for hours. I can't help it! Sleep just won't come to me! Not that it's unusual, anyway. Today's the first day of high school, after all! I quickly change into a skirt and shirt, and rush down stairs. My mom is already there, spooning oatmeal into three bowls. I grab one of them, eat it up, and kiss my mom good bye.

"Try to be a little more social this year, OK?" she asks as I head out the door.

"Sure," I smile, "I'll try." Not that it's going to work. 

As I walk to school, I think of all the things high school holds for me. If only everything were to go well! 


I arrive at school half an hour before the first bell. After leaving my book bag in my locker, I head off to the office to check my homeroom. MacDonald, 113. I hope Someone I know is there with me. I sit down in front-row seat, and look around. Gigi and some other girl are chattering away, and a few others are talking too. No one else who I know is around. I sigh, and begin to read my book.

A while later, Mr. MacDonald hands out our schedules. Silently. He's a little strange, but I suppose I'll get used to him. I scan mine over.

7:10-7:55 (zeroth period) Honors Math 

8:00-8:45 Honors Literature

8:50-9:35 Honors World History

9:40-10:25 Gym

10:30-11:15 Honors Chemistry

11:20-12:00 (Lunch)

12:05-12:50 Honors English (Yay! I got two English classes!)

12:55-1:40 Creative writing

1:45-2:30 French 2


That looks good. All honors classes, French 2, creative witing, two English classes... Sounds good to me! I just hope I have some classes with Viola.

submitted by Booksy Owly
(October 31, 2015 - 12:59 pm)

All honors? Seriously?? I mean like, a few advanced classes is fine but you shouldnt make your character overpowered...

submitted by ...
(October 31, 2015 - 4:02 pm)

She's in gifted, so's my charrie. 

submitted by Somebody, age Who cares, Various places
(October 31, 2015 - 6:14 pm)

I'm sorry, but it's a big part of my charrie! 

submitted by Booksy Owly
(November 1, 2015 - 11:54 pm)

I'm adding more for Penny.


The bell rings and I sigh, slowly standing up. The boy with yellow teeth smiles at me again and I wink, walking out of the classroom with my snazzy blue satchel slung over my shoulder.  Suddenly two girls stop me, their eyes scanning me. "Who are you." The taller one more demands than asks.

"I'm...uh...I'm Penny."' I grin widely at them.

"Nice lashes," they say before turning on their heels and walking off. I sigh and look down, making a mental note to avoid them.

Suddenly another pair of girls run in to me. One looks up and gasps, her little ringlets bouncing as she smiles. "Omigosh, I LOVE that mascara!!!"

The other one agrees hurridly, "Yes. It's super pretty! And it matches your satchel!!"

I smile and nod. "Thanks, I suppose. I'm Penny."

"And a beatiful name too!" The ringlet girl giggles, "I'm Gigi! So nice to meet you. This is Taylor," she adds, gesturing to the lovely girl beside her. 


submitted by Katydid
(October 31, 2015 - 2:04 pm)

Character editing... GO! Before, Tay was in 10th grade but let's change it to 9th so that she can be in classes with your guy's charries. @Joss: Taylor was great. Nothing wrong with your portrayal. 

Er, I'm not in high school. And my middle school is a private-reform-artsy school, so I don't know how homerooms work. Is it like, Math would be her homeroom because she's in Gigi's class or, homeroom is a different class that comes before math? I'll asume the first option for now. Correct me if I'm wrong.  


Phew. I made it to homeroom. Now I have a whole forty-five minutes until I can get lost again. The teacher is saying something about class expectations in a low, bored Southern drawl, but I'm not listening. So far, the first day of high school has been a not comeplete failure. I unfold my schedule under my desk and peek at it.

The teacher sure doesn't notice. He's too busy scrawling something on the whiteboard.

8:00-8:45 Math

8:50-9:35 Career elective (Acting industy)

Wait, who signed me up for THAT elective? I was so sure I put down Finance... Dad. Of course. I know dad is a sucker for the stage. He should know better. He knows I hate crowds. Of people. Watching you as you do something stupid ONLY FOR THEIR ENTERTAINMENT. I continue reading the paper.

9:40-10:25 Science

10:30-11:15 Elective (Dance) 

Dance rocks. I can be up on stage as long as I don't have to talk. Or, HEAVEN FORBID, sing. 

11:20-12:00 Lunch

12:05-12:50 English

12:55-1:40 Social Studies

1:45-2:30 French

Not a bad schedule, I suppose. Maybe. I glance at Gigi. She shows me her schedule. We have homeroom, Dance and French together. 

She grins at me and I smile back. It's certainly possible this new town and my new life isn't as crummy as I first thought. 


submitted by Abigail S. , age 11, Nose in a Book
(October 31, 2015 - 4:34 pm)

Abigail, homeroom is pretty much a ten-minute peroid before school begins where not much happens. The morning announcements are said, and you sit around and read. In PM homeroom, notices are handed out and the afternoon announcements are read. Normally, you sit and read. And in my school in the morning we do the Pledge of Allegiance, but I don't know if that's true for every school.

Then again, that's middle school, so I have no idea what the difference is in high school.

submitted by St.Owl, age Recarnated, Everywhere
(October 31, 2015 - 6:17 pm)

That's not at all how it works for me. Homeroom is the first period of the day, nothing really special about it, same length, etc.  

submitted by Indigo
(October 31, 2015 - 8:57 pm)


"Ok, so classwork is fifteen percent of your grade, homework is fifteen percent, quizs are twenty percent, and tests are fifty percent. We'll be having a quiz every week on Wednesday, and every four weeks a test," he explains. "I don't care how you handle your notebooks generally, if I can't read something or understand something I don't give credit for it."

I bite the inside of my lower lip. This might be a hard class...  

submitted by Indigo
(October 31, 2015 - 7:51 pm)

Ariana ~ As the teacher passes out the schedules I take a look at mine.

8:00-8:45: Advanced math

8:50-9:35: Gym

9:40-10:25: Science

10:30-11:15: Social studies

11:20-12:00 Lunch

12:05-12:50: English

12:55-1:40: Career elective (culinary arts)

1:45-2:30: Art

Perfect. Everything looks awesome.

Rianna ~I've got an awful homeroom teacher, Mr. Moore. Well at least I see the girl we were talking to earlier, who might live across the street from Bri.

8:00-8:45: Math

8:50-9:35:Career elective (Modeling industry)

9:40-10:25: Science

10:30-11:15: Social studies

11:20-12:00: Lunch

12:05-12:50: English

12:55-1:40: Gym

1:45-2:30: French

Hmmmm . . .I suppose it's pretty good except, why do I have to take gym! It's horrid. I hate gym. And science. 


submitted by Cho C., age 12, In my dormitory
(November 1, 2015 - 8:59 am)

I can't think of anythiiiiing. 

submitted by Somebody, age Who cares, Various places
(November 1, 2015 - 11:43 am)

I couldn't either for awhile. Try just sitting your charrie down and giving him/her their school schedule.

submitted by Cho C., age 12, In my dormitory
(November 1, 2015 - 1:31 pm)

Can I please join? If so, here's my charrie:

Name: Kristen Lindgren

Age: 14

Grade: 9

Group: Semi popular artsy girls

Personality: Kind, protective of friends, smart, artsy

Appearance: Middle-legnth blonde hair, natural tan skin, blue/grey/green eyes, usually doesn't comb hair.

Background: Just moved in, Dad's in military, Mom takes care of baby Kari. Has an identical twin named Hannah

Friends: none yet, unless you count sister (see backstory)

Cruush(es) if any: none yet, see backstory

Other: has a identical twin (below)

Name: Hannah Lindgren

Age: 14

Grade: 9 

Group: Semi popular smarty girls

Personality: Funny, smart, kind

Appearence: Middle-legnth blonde hair, natural tan skin, blue/grey/green eyes, usually doesn't comb hair. 

Background: Just moved in, Dad's in military, Mom takes care of baby Kari. Has an identical twin named Kristen

Friends: none yet,see backstory

Crush(es) if any: none yet,see backstory

Other: has an identical twin (above)

My dragon Swift says "cmaf" 

submitted by Coconut the dog, age I forgot, In the bed
(November 1, 2015 - 4:35 pm)