Chatterbox: Inkwell
OK, so I thought it was time someone did this.
New people can join, too!
When we last left off,the popular girly girls, smart girls, and artsy girls had the 'incedent.' That ended well... After the incident, Gigi left the girly girl popular group and started her own girly girl group. Everyone in it is super nice, and Gigi is super happy with her new friends, even though there group is only semi-popular. She sometimes hangs out with the popular girly girls, but it isn't the same. The artsy girls and the smart girls became best of friends, and started sitting together at lunch. Brielle and Andy started dating. Nothing really big happened the rest of the year,no one wanted to get in trouble with Brielle's dad. But high school is a different story...
I was thinking maybe one new person could join each group, but maybe two for the girly girl popular group, because Gigi left... I'm also looking for some charries to be part of Gigi's group. We also need some boy charries! Boy charries cna be in any group. If there are lots of new people who want to join, I guess we could start a new group for them... maybe sporty girls popular?
So if you were in the School Drama RP, please tell me if you want to join, and if you do join, please post any updates on your charrie that you have.If you don't want to join, please post if someone new can take your charrie. Otherwise, we can pretend they moved away somewhere. If that's OK with you.
For new people, here's the form:
Age: (14-18)
Grade: (9-12)
Group: (Semi popular, nice girly girls; popular girly girls; (Used to be unpopular,) Semi popular smart girls; semi popular artsy girls; sportsy girls popular; any kind of guy charrie thatt can be in any group.)
Crush(es) if any:
I hope that this is OK with you guys!!
(October 24, 2015 - 12:57 pm)
I'll adopt Rianna!
(October 27, 2015 - 8:43 am)
Hooray! *hands certificate of adoption*.
(October 31, 2015 - 10:30 am)
(I read the whole entire school rp)
Name: Jennie Perry
Appearance: Fluffy brown hair, brown eyes, tall. Has square red glasses. Usually wears green sweatshirts and sweatpants.
Personality: (Based slightly off of me) Her friends and everyone else see her as a class clown, always making jokes and laughing. Cheerful. However, in the inside, she is stressed and extremely dramatic, and almost romantic. When she is in deep focus, she usually has a harsh temper and a untrustworthy behavior. Intelligent, but relaxed with her grades(Though she gets extremely sad and close to tears when she gets a bad grade.)
Background: Came to the school at the end of middle school, and struck high with the smart kids. Saw Viola as the leader( Perhaps Mellie left at some point of time).
Friends: Viola, and perhaps Booksy if she is here?
Crush: None.
Other: Loves video games!
(October 27, 2015 - 9:46 am)
YAAAAAYYY!!! It's on!!! OK, so I'm going to organise people!
Jennie Perry: A new person. She will be joining the smart girls group.
Rianna: Adopted by Cho Chang. Popular girls group.
Erin: Semi-popular artsy girls.
Christoff: Smart/sportsy boys.
Katie: Semi-popular artsy girls.
Johnston: Popular sportsy boys.
Cherith ORourke: A new person. Will join Semi-popular smart girls.
Kat: No group, but may join the arsty girls. Indigo, if you want to pause it while you do Nano, that's fine with me! If you want, I could write for Kat while you do Nano, but if not, that's fine.
Ariana Levine: A new person. Will be bullied into joining the popular girls.
Viola: Semi popular smart girls. Is now in the gifted program!
Brielle: Popular girls! She's a cheerleader now.
So, here are the slots available for new people:
One can join the semi popular artsy girls
Four or more can join Gigi's group
Anyone can make a boy charrie in any group.
I really need some new people to be in Gigi's group!
Does anyone else feel really excited to start this up, but at the same time, sad to leave the old one behind?
So, now I'm going to post a few more updates:
Gigi: Now has a crush on Jason. Yup. Rianna will have competition.
Willow: She doesn't completely hate the prospect of boys. She also has a... well, as she sees it, an "Admiration" for Johnston. (;
Andy: Is totally in love with Brielle. But also is starting to look at Viola in the same light.. OHH DRAMA!! XD Sorry I'm so wierd.
So, yeah!!! I'm really excited that this is starting up again!!
Oh, BTW, I found a picture that looks exactly like high school Willow!
(October 27, 2015 - 12:46 pm)
I found a pretty accurate picture of Katie! Except with blonder hair, and she only wears her glasses occasionaly.
I actually have those same glasses. That person kinda looks like me....cept....not. XD.'
No, it isn't me, but the girl looks similar and almost exactly like Katie T.! In high school.
(October 27, 2015 - 5:47 pm)
Katie Tremmilo is my charrie :3.
And I guess the picture didn't show up! Probably because it had a face in it. OH well!
Katie usually wears t-shirts, flannel shirts, and bell-bottom jeans. Usually. XD
(October 27, 2015 - 11:31 pm)
Oh sure, I can't resist. I saw the old one and it looked AWESOME.
Name: Taylor Crenshaw
Age: 15
Grade: 10
Group: Gigi's group
Personality: Tay is very bubbly, bright, and cheerful, and a loyal friend. She is a chatterbox and loves to talk but is also a great listener. Also, she is very self concious and too worried about what other people think. She sometimes gropes for attention because she has three siblings and often feels overlooked.
Appearance: She has wavy strawberry blond hair, a freckles, and ice blue eyes. She also has dimples. Taylor is slender and quite short for her age, a subject she is very sensetive about. A typical outfit for her would be hair in a braid, a turquoise tank top, white skinny jeans, and converse sneakers.
Friends: Gigi, whoever else is in the group
Crushes if any: None... yet. She has a history of falling head over heels in love with the wrong guy so she is being very... very... careful.
Background: Her mom died in a car crash and then her dad packed up her and her three siblings (James, age 17, Mina, age 12, and Lorelei, age 6) and moved to wherever-this-is-now. I thought maybe we could start at the beginning of the year when she doesn't know anybody and then meet people, etc. Anyway, her dad has a girlfriend but she still misses her mom a LOT.
Other: That's about it... YAY! A character that isn't perfect in every way! My first!
(October 27, 2015 - 10:24 pm)
I was Booksy, a smart girl, I'm joining, and I can't post till next week.
(October 27, 2015 - 10:41 pm)
Oh yeah, Booksy's in the gifted program too.
(October 27, 2015 - 10:45 pm)
(October 28, 2015 - 9:25 am)
Um, is Rianna like the leader now since Brielle is more mature, but they still do everything at Brielle'?
(October 28, 2015 - 2:44 pm)
They're co-leaders. Brielle's still the Queen Bee, just taken down a notch. :}
(October 28, 2015 - 4:33 pm)
Okay, cool! :) I've got a little sis named Nora!
(October 28, 2015 - 6:25 pm)
Oh, that's awesome! Tell her I say hi! Nora's not a very common name, at least where I'm from, so it's really cool to hear that.
(October 29, 2015 - 5:16 pm)
Everybody thinks she's Laura. :-)
(October 31, 2015 - 8:22 am)