Chatterbox: Inkwell
STAR WARS RP!!!!! This will be taking place after episode six, and you can be any character from the books or you can make up your own. And please up to two charries!!!!
Name: Jaina Solo
Personality: like a mix of Han and Leia
Weapon: A VIOLET lightsaber!!!!!!!
Other: very techy girl, so she knows how to fly a lot of ships and yeah.
Name: Azea Fett
Personality: like Boba Fett, but a girl.
Weapon: a blaster
Other: smart, lives on her wits. You know she is Boba Fetts kid!!!
submitted by Cho Chang, age 12, In transfiguration
(October 7, 2015 - 9:57 am)
(October 7, 2015 - 9:57 am)
~ Xina
From my hiding spot I hear a ticking sound. Thermal detonators! I run out of the palace grabbing the Fett girl. Her father promised a huge bounty for her. Then I look for the other girl but she's gone! Never mind. That cheat! He grabbed her and then set the thermal detonators. I run with the Fett girl, who's trying to grab her blaster, toward my ship Trickster. I fly away and put the girl in a cell. I am going to get Jaina Solo for a huge reward. I can't let the Hyline get away.
(January 6, 2016 - 2:38 pm)
Quick question folks,
How do I title a post?
I tried to start my Moria RP but it didn't have a title.
Orucio says nobh. He found a doorknob! He also said a word! (But it wasn't four letters.) He said ihid!
(January 6, 2016 - 3:40 pm)
All you have to do is say the title first. That's all you need to do!
(January 7, 2016 - 1:35 pm)
Neither Georg nor the alien know that Rotta's palace was blown up.
My alien acquaintance tells me we can get a pilot if we go to a place called Rotta the Hutt. Alien says he can get us a rebel pilot that Rotta took prisoner (Jaina). Wait, prisoner?! I dismiss the thought from my mind, to concerned with getting Mich and myself to the rebel base. Alien says he will take us to Rotta's in his spaceship. For a brief moment, I wonder why I am trusting him. Then I also realize if I don't trust him, I will be disobeying Regush. "Okay," I say,"Let's do this."
Georg leads me onto alien doofus' ship. I pull him aside,"Why are you trusting him?"I hiss. "I have to," Georg looks pained,"Regush said to." Yeah, Regush was always a soft spot for me. And I don't have many soft spots. "Great," I sigh,"Let's go trust a crazy alien man to get us a captured pilot!"
(January 6, 2016 - 3:41 pm)
I am back and I would love it if Cuiro or Will T. could post.
Kara~ Once I am out of my cell, I make a plan. I have to get back my lightsaber and I have eight minutes at best to do so. I lied about my master coming. He never comes to anybody's aid much less his bungling padawan's. So I am on my own. I first go to the weapon room just in case he left my lightsaber there. No luck but I do find a stun blaster which I grab. Now I have to find the jedi.
I find him walking with an astro droid along a passage that leads to the cockpit. I get back into a passage and take aim. Then I fire. He whips around just before the stun hits him but he doesn't move fast enough. It hits him right between the shoulders and he falls. I fire one more stun that hits the droid and then drag the jedi into the nearest room. Then I grab my lightsaber and lock the door.
Once I have my lightsaber back I sneak towards the room where that family is staying. I still need to complete one stage of my plan. The little girl is in the third room, sleeping soundly. Her parents are sleeping in the room next door and I think they will sleep for a while yet.
I walk up to her bed and ignite my lightsaber. The room is bathed in red light and she wakes up and opens her mouth to scream but I whisper quietly, "If you don't get up slowly, walk ahead of me till we get to the ship then I will be forced to cut off your finger with my lightsaber. "
She nods and walks to the wall where she grabs a bag and stuffs a few things into it. I think I see a knife but I don't say anything. Let's see how far she can get with that. Then we walk to the small ship that is hidden in the hold. It is barely bigger that an escape pod but it is a ship and I can pilot it. I walk the girl into the ship and put her in the back.
(January 6, 2016 - 9:19 pm)
I got no reply from Jack's ship. What was going on in there? I breathe deeply and meditate. Through the Force I can sense something is terribly wrong. I ignore my mission and instead head closer to the ship. Then I see a small ship hardly bigger in a pod in a docking bay preparing for launch. I then sense someone is aboard that small ship in the hanger. Two someones actually. One One seems sisnister. The other person seems small and helpless. I decide to board Jack's ship to figure out what is going on in there. I ready my ship and hook up to a docking bay. I grab my lighsaber and run through the docking bay to the small ship.
(January 8, 2016 - 9:55 pm)
Come on you guys Post!!!!!
Kara~ After I have secured her I walk back up to the controls. When I look out the viewport I see a small figure running towords the ship. She has an jade green lightsaber in one hand and the other is reaching out with the force. I shoot at her with the small laser gun on th eship but she sidesteps. I punch in the code adn we back into space. She lowers her lightsaber and concentrates. I feel the ship moveing foreword at a slow pace, back towords the ship! I jam the controls back adn feel the ship stop. It is hanging there, suspended between the force and technology. One must give way soon. With one hand still holding the control I reach towords the navacomputer and hit the hyperdrive button then I tap on the screen. i don't know where I tapped but anywhere is better than here, The navacomputer sets the corse well I reach out with the forcec and push. I send the girl flying backword as we rocket into hyperspace.
(January 9, 2016 - 9:53 pm)
Come on you guys, you need to post! Are you still doing this? Please post really soon. Cuiro and Will T. and Cho Chang and Codesmith (and anybody else who is doing this) please post!
(January 10, 2016 - 12:18 pm)
As I enter the ship, the girl shoots at me. Suddenly I know exactly who she is. A Sith. She was behind the destruction of the Naboo spaceport. And then I use the Force to keep her ship from flying away. I feel the ship hang between Her and Me. Jedi or Sith. But she wins using the hyperdrive to get away. I am stunned and bang against the wall. I am breathless. My only thought now is to find the cockpit of this ship and start to follow her. She wouldn't win again.
(January 10, 2016 - 4:16 pm)
Jaina ~ His ship is rather comfortable, and high-tech, I will give him that.
"So what's been going on in Naboo?" I ask, climbing aboard the ship.
"A droid factory got destroyed. Some Jedi have been sent after the thought fugitives."
"Are you one of them?"
"No. Of course not."
"You could be lying," I say. I close my eyes, trying to reach out with the force. I don't think he's lying.
"What makes you think that?!" He sounds alarmed. I stifle a grin.
"It's a dangerous galaxy."
"That's why I'm armed."
(January 10, 2016 - 5:16 pm)
Sorry I disappeared off the face of the galaxy, Elvina- I've taken a royal whacking from Darth Real Life of late!
To say I am scared would be the understatement of the millennium.
Unlike Naboo, however, I know exactly what my situation is. I've been captured by Kara, who was using a stun blaster -- odd, that. My parents use real blasters, the kind that can do lethal bolts, and I didn't see Jack with a blaster at all. I have no idea where she'd have gotten one. We're in hyperspace, in a tiny ship hardly bigger than Knight 'Soka's old Aethersprite. I, for my part, am huddled in a miserable ball under the dejarik table in the back of the ship. I have nothing but a bag Kara let me pack: toothbrush and toothpaste, fresh underwear, a couple emergency protein bars (yuck, but at least they're nutritious), a random sonic screwdriver Dad must have left in my room (I might be able to use it as a weapon, not that I have any idea how or anything), and - wonder of wonders that she let me keep it - my datapad!
This last is the only thing keeping me from bawling my eyes out in a fit of hopeless despair. And not just because all my homeschooling lessons, plus the novel I've been reading, are on it so I won't be bored. If I can tap communications at a planetary capital's spaceport, I can certainly slice the navicomputer of a miniature ship that looks like it's seen better days.
My fingers alternate between flying across the datapad screen and wiping away stray tears. It's hard to concentrate on slicing that navcomp without Kara's notice and not panicking abjectly at the same time. This will take more finesse than I thought: though she hasn't got an astromech to sound the alarm at the first sign of something being up, the computer may still display something if I touch the wrong security program or breach the wrong memory bank. If I get caught...well, I don't care to contemplate the possibilities!
Aethersprite = a type of Jedi starfighter used during the Clone Wars.
sonic screwdriver = references, anyone? ;)
(January 10, 2016 - 10:23 pm)
Just to clarify, Chesa is not trying to disable the ship- she's not that stupid! She is only trying to figure out where the ship is going, and to tap the commsat array if she can, so if Kara receives or sends any transmissions, Chesa can listen in.
Koda says oook. Do you want to go play with Ookz?
(January 12, 2016 - 9:27 pm)
I run through the ship heart pounding as I run. Then I stop because something has caught my attention. I walk over and see Jack lying unconscious. He's been out for several hours. Then I hasten my steps toward the cockpit. The astromech droid beeps at me for touching the controls. "Jack's unconscious." I explained. The astromech looks sad. "I need to follow that Sith." The astromech looks startled and allows me to grab the controls. I turn the ship around and prepare to make the jump to light speed.
(January 11, 2016 - 11:07 am)
(January 13, 2016 - 7:19 pm)
(January 13, 2016 - 8:16 pm)