Chatterbox: Inkwell
STAR WARS RP!!!!! This will be taking place after episode six, and you can be any character from the books or you can make up your own. And please up to two charries!!!!
Name: Jaina Solo
Personality: like a mix of Han and Leia
Weapon: A VIOLET lightsaber!!!!!!!
Other: very techy girl, so she knows how to fly a lot of ships and yeah.
Name: Azea Fett
Personality: like Boba Fett, but a girl.
Weapon: a blaster
Other: smart, lives on her wits. You know she is Boba Fetts kid!!!
submitted by Cho Chang, age 12, In transfiguration
(October 7, 2015 - 9:57 am)
(October 7, 2015 - 9:57 am)
I saw the new movie! Also, I'm assuming this is before the new movie so it's the Rebels and the Empire, right?
Regush turns to me. "Georg," his wise eyes rove me, "you must help the Rebels defeat the Empire. For good." I nod mutely. "I don't have a ship," I manage to spit out. Regush shrugs," You will find a way. Goodbye Georg, now that I have trained you, kept my promise to your father, I will go. Become one with the Force." I watch in horror as my teacher, mentor, and friend disintegrates. "Aoaugh!" Mich shrieks. I hadn't even noticed that she'd walked in. I blink back tears, turning away from my sister so she can't see my tears. "Why-why did Regush just disintegrate?!" she stutters. When I don't respond she shakes me. "Georg!" she screams, like she did this morning, but now she is wearing a stunned, tearful expression. Wow, my sister never cries. "Georg. Please?" Her pleas break through my foggy stunnedness. "He l-left. Be-became one with th-the Force. He promised our Fath-er," my voice breaks, but I continue, "that he would train us, until we were old enough to become Rebels." Mich hugs me in a death grip. I notice she is holding our lightsaber, which reminds me... "Mich," I say, "we have to get a ship and find the Rebels." Her mood changes instantly. "Ship!?," she asks, incredible hope in her voice. "You mean something different than that heap of hover junk?" Mich bounces excitedly on the balls of her feet. "Um, yeah."
Will type from Mich's POV later, gotta go!
(January 2, 2016 - 1:21 pm)
@Codesmith, and Pixargirl, you can both join.
@Codesmith, Cron and I have been in contact over the phone (he is my thirteen year old uncle, and I told him about Cricket (hope you don't mind Cron.)), and I am currently waiting for his charrie to save, (at least Jaina) my charries.
(January 2, 2016 - 2:43 pm)
Cho Chang, Pixargirl and Codesmith are the same person. I accidentally posted twice with different usernames.
(January 2, 2016 - 5:42 pm)
Hey Cho, I am leaving for three days. Please don't stop posting!
(January 3, 2016 - 11:10 am)
@Codesmith, thanks for letting me know. And welcome to the Cb!
@Elvina, We WILL keep this RP ALIVE!
@Elizabeth, it takes place about 15/20 years after episode 6. We aren't going use episode 7, so you don't need to worry.
@Cron, POST!
(January 3, 2016 - 4:11 pm)
Hey, Cho, could my charries meet Jaina somehow? I think the Marcuses need a Rebel trainer, even if she is barely older than Mich ;). Here is the continuation of my earlier post.
Our hovership couldn't take us very far, even on Tatooine's sandy ground. And, halfway to the nearest settlement, it broke down. Ugg. So, the brilliant Marcuses arrived sweaty and dusty, looking like fools for not having a ship. Double ugg. Mich rolls her eyes as the citizens stare at the dusty, ridiculous kids. Kids without an adult, or even a recognizable Jedi or Sith trainer. "Great, we look like kid refugees, probably fleeing from the scene of our crime," I whisper in Mich's ear. She rolls her eyes again. We find the landing area where Regush once told us we could always find a pilot. All we find are some aliens, so I walk up to one."Um, do you speak English?" I question him. He nods. I grin."Where can we find a reliable pilot?" I press him with more such questions.
Oh, gee. We're in a strange town, I'm covered in dust and my big brother is talking to an alien. Who knew farm life could be so difficult? Anyway, while Georg talks to the creepy alien dude, I ponder the thought I had earlier today. Today? Really? It seemed so long ago that I was little dependant Mich, begging Georg to teach me lightsaber skills. Oh man. I sigh, thinking about the lightsaber again. I realize it is still clipped to my belt. Hmm. I take it out and study it.
More later!
(January 4, 2016 - 5:10 pm)
Queen Elizabeth, I believe that it is my job as of now to get Cho's characters to where she can control them, so yeahhh.... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Sorry, I was falling asleep there.
Before I get outside the door, I toss two thermal detonators back into the palace to stall the security from filing out after me. "BOOM!! Krunchle thud whatever destructive sound effects there are." I don't look back as the building collapses behind me. The girl with the lightsaber yells at me: "What in the galaxy do you think your doing?!" She yells at me. "Now we're going to have all the bounty hunters in the galaxy after us!" I sigh. "Why do they all have to yell at me, I only try to impress a little and then they all just blow up at me. Woman... even little hotheaded girls." I mutter under my breath. "More like half the bounty hunters in the galaxy." I say to her. "Why?, They're always all after you if you kill one of their highest payers." "Because half of them were just blown up!" I try to hint to her that I just told her a joke but she just rolled her eyes. "Very funny, now where's your ship?" "My what?" "YOUR SHIP!!" "Oh, I left it behind that hill, it'll come in a second. Now what about that other girl?" I ask her. "Her? She's Boba Fett's daughter, and apparently there's a bounty on my head, a BIG one, because otherwise, they woudn't be after a stupid little padawan like me." She tells me with great disgust. "My name's Gilnean Longstar, what's yours?" "I'm Jainia Solo." "Are you by any chance, perhaps, related to Han Solo?"
"Yep, I'm his daughter."
"Oh. Well, here's my ship. She's named Thalia, ain't she a beauty?"
"I don't see anything."
"That's because she's cloaked with the best cloaking device in the galaxy, took me awhile to get, but definetly worth it. Now, where to?"
Okay, Cho. I expect you to make somthing out of this now.
Btw, yes I am Matt L.
Orucio says idrf. Are you a derf, Orucio?
(January 5, 2016 - 4:45 am)
BTW I'm thinking of starting a Lord of the Rings roleplay which will be after the return of the king, it will be called The Retaking of Moria In which a random handful of heros from Middle Earth, the twins (The two blue wizards), and Gandalf go on a quest to RETAKE MORIA!!!!
Anyone interested in joining?
(January 5, 2016 - 4:53 am)
Okay, Cron, I would LOVE to join this roleplay you're thinking about doing (no really), and I WILL make the most of this opportunity.
Jaina ~This "Gilean Longstar" is sure driving me crazy. Although I AM grateful to him for getting me out of there. "The best ship in the galaxy, huh? Wonder where I heard that one before." I say, almost muttering to myself. "Wait a sec. Can I borrow a datapad?" I ask. "Sure." He says, shrugging his shoulders.
"Either that are can you get me up to date on what's been going on in the galaxy?"
"Mmm . . it depends on what you want to know about."
"You know, stuff that might make history. That's the only type I'm really interested in. Dad says it's a weird obsession. Mom says it's natural. And Uncle Luke says it doesn't matter."
"Well, there's been some odd trouble in Naboo . . . where we going again?"
"I didn't tell you before. But now I know I want to go to Naboo."
"Are you crazy?!"
"I've been called that before."
(January 5, 2016 - 2:41 pm)
Gilnean and Jania acually exchanged false names to each other (Doesn't that sound more resonable?), so I made a mistake there.
Orucio says wffy. Woof! He's a dog now!
(January 5, 2016 - 3:58 pm)
Good idea. Her fake name is Derycu Freykaa.
(January 6, 2016 - 10:27 am)
Name:Kylo ren
Age: 30
Personality: Cruel
Weapon: Red lightsaber with crossguard
Other: I dont know what to put here
Species: Human
Is it too late to join?
(January 5, 2016 - 5:17 pm)
I didn't make it, but uh, we're 13 pages in already. Sorry, Robert.
(January 5, 2016 - 7:59 pm)
I don't run this RP, but I'm inclined to think ... is right. (Whoever ... is.) Also, this RP was started and the plot established long before Force Awakens came out, so it has nothing to do with Kylo Ren or any such TFA personage. Even the resemblance to the old Expanded Universe is slight. It's mostly OCs. I can't help thinking that your character wouldn't fit in.
Again, sorry.
Koda (that's my captcha, the four-letter anti-spam device at the bottom of threads, in case you're new) says uowy. Sorry if ... or I hurt your feelings, though I can't imagine what Koda's feelings would be hurt about right now.
(January 5, 2016 - 10:49 pm)
Hello Robert. You can join, but . . . you can't use that charrie. Sorry, but it would mess up the entire plot. You can take over St. Owl's character though. She hasn't posted on this roleplay forever so, you can do that instead. The charrie sheet is on page one.
(January 6, 2016 - 10:25 am)