Chatterbox: Inkwell
Okay, I try not to have two Rps at once, but this is a great idea...I think. So...please join!!
There are only 5 wizards left. The others were hunted down and killed in the year of nanyay. (No magic) They need to find Marits, magic-bearers who can become wizards. They usually don't know of their powers and there are only three left. The wizards have no idea who they are, the only clues they have are;(Interperet as you will)
A diamond tiara.
Dried wheat.
And an emerald.
So the wizards set out to find these people and make them their apprentices. And soon. For something, they know not what, is coming. The only thing they know is dragons. Dragons never are good.
Okay... Some rules!!
)Only 5 wizards!
)Only 3 Marits!
)Be nice!
)For the wizards
--You have to be oldish. But you can still be young for a wizard.
--You don't have to have white hair.
--You can't be OP!!!!
)For the Marits.
--Only three!!!
--You have to be at least 18
--Only one clue per Merit.
--Don't use an already taken clue.
--You can't know of your power!!!
Okay, that is about it!! If the roleplay fills up and you really want to join you can be a servant of sorts. And I need three legitimate reasons to join!!!
My charrie!!/form
Name: Emalyn Frey
Age: 18
Merit or Wizard: Merit
Clue(merits only!!!): Emerald
Appearance: Strange, light Emerald eyes that seem to glow. She has red-blonde hair that tumbles down her back and the bottom kind of curls. She has freckles dotting her cheek and nose. She often smiles and she is kinda tall. She has an Emerald amulet around her neck. She hides it under her shirt. It holds a magic supply tha she is unaware of and that a wizard, when in close proximity. Could sence.
Personality: She is kind of like a bird. Free and happy. When she walks she seems to have a slight bounce. She is always shy at first, but after a while is cracking out jokes left and right.
Other/backstory: She has the Emerald clue because she always wears a strange emerald Jen around her neck. After she was born a the necklace strangely was found on her. When her parents took it away she cried until they gave it back.
(June 16, 2015 - 10:27 pm)
Yes!! Sorry I forgot to mention that!!
(June 19, 2015 - 10:47 pm)
When can we start?
(June 20, 2015 - 7:38 am)
We wait until Daniel makes her charrie and Hermione changes hers(?)
(June 20, 2015 - 12:02 pm)
I'll be quick about this!
Name: Jothar Pelt
Age: 19
Clue: Diamond Tiara
Apppearance: Short brown hair, blue eyes, tall. See picture for clothes.
Personality: You'll see.
Other: You'll see :DDD
(June 20, 2015 - 8:37 pm)
Oh gosh, picture messed up. Right click it, and open it in a new window.
(June 21, 2015 - 11:44 am)
Hermione, please change your charrie so we can start!
(June 21, 2015 - 11:34 am)
(June 25, 2015 - 4:34 pm)
(June 27, 2015 - 2:55 pm)