D&D RP!!!!!!
Chatterbox: Inkwell
D&D RP!!!!!!
D&D RP!!!!!!
We each make our characters and we go into the dungeons! We'll do them in order, starting with Ashardalon. Please make up your own character. And we can't have them automatically awesome. Fairness, OK?
Name: Selena Duelth
Race: Elf
Powers: Fighter
Weapon: sword
Appearance: chain mail gloves and leggings hat slow me down a tiny bit. Black hair in a ponytail.
And from here, we'll go to fighting monsters. Follow my lead!
submitted by St. Owl, age 10, Dungeon
(January 27, 2015 - 9:59 am)
(January 27, 2015 - 9:59 am)
No, you're not too late! Welcome to the party (pun intended)! My posts, as it turns out, are misinformed and incontinuous, so really we haven't got much except we're in a dungeon and the dark room sounds too echoey for comfort. And as it turns out, right now we've got a fighter (Selena), a divine magician (Nellethiel), and an arcane magician (me), but no rogue. Not only are we willing to welcome another character, the party actually needs you!
(February 14, 2015 - 9:08 am)
It's never too late to join!
The carvings chill me to the bone, and I step back. Something catches my eye. Elfian.
"Guys," I say, "there's something over there."
I go closer to read it. Even if you can read Elfian, it's gibberish.
"'The Palace of the Elves holds the Jewel of Immortality that is the top's dream.' What the heck?"
I mean, of course I know about the Palace of the Elves and the Jewel of Immortality (note: I'm making legends up as I go along). The Palace of the Elves is a sacred place, lost until a special group can find it and retrieve the Jewel of Immortality that lies in its walls. But it has dangerous traps to make sure no one gets to the treasure, and if they do they can live until the end of time. But what's "the top"?
I bet you guys could guess! ;)
(February 14, 2015 - 10:16 am)
I guess we're just going along with it.
I gasp. That's Elfian. Ancient Draconic. Arcanic. Whatever you call it, it's THE language of arcane magic. Along with Supernal, the language of divine magic and the gods, it was one of the first two languages to exist. It's all but dead, spoken by only the very oldest dragons, and its written form is so complex that scholars have devoted their entire lives to learning it. It's impossible to translate it literally into any modern language, but Selena is making an admirable effort. "'The Palace of the Elves holds the Jewel of Immortality that is the top's dream.' What the heck?" She's butchering the grammar, but that can't be helped. Even being a wizard and knowing modern Draconic, a direct derivative of Elfian, I couldn't grasp a couple of those characters. How in Corellon's name did she get that, which is more complete than what I ever could have said? Elfian is entirely conceptual; there is no alphabet to speak of. We may not be getting the whole message. But at the moment, it's the best we can do.
Then my well-trained mind smells a rat. Why would there be a line in Infernal and a line in Elfian, not five paces from each other in an evil temple antechamber lost to time? Who carved these here? Was it an Arotharian priest, one of the temple's original occupants, or some Kend, or someone else altogether? Then I notice something: the Elfian words are carved atop a broken section. They were put there after the Kendric army ransacked this place! These aren't original. The Arotharian priests didn't write them. Like as not, the Kends didn't write them. So who did? They'd likely have to be an elf, or closely affiliated with elves, to be writing something about the oldest of elven legends. And they'd have to be amazingly good with languages to write anything in Elfian. Examining the stone up close, I notice several places where the chisel slipped, or made a choppier line than truly necessary. This is the stonecarving equivalent of a scrawled note; whoever made the message was in a hurry, which was obviously not the case with the Infernal text.
I turn back around to consult with the others, only to notice Thistlewater scrutinizing said Infernal (and clutching his stomach). He springs up suddenly, yelling, "Great Yondalla! I've got it!" Inexplicably, he cracks up, laughing for over half a minute straight and sending echoes all over the room. When asked to explain by a slightly-creeped-out Selena, he chuckles, "Whoever wrote this doesn't know Infernal very well. There aren't any ideograms; this is only the phonetic alphabet, which is much easier to read! And do you know what it sounds out to?" With a smug expression, he turns back to the stone and reads, "'Thou shalt find the door where arrow flies to end the traitor's life.' Hey, didn't we see something like that in one of the carvings on the wall? Two cloaked men in a forest, and a soldier loosing an arrow at them?"
If he expects an answer, he does not get one. We are all speechless.
(February 26, 2015 - 10:34 am)