D&D RP!!!!!!

Chatterbox: Inkwell

D&D RP!!!!!!

D&D RP!!!!!!

We each make our characters and we go into the dungeons! We'll do them in order, starting with Ashardalon. Please make up your own character. And we can't have them automatically awesome. Fairness, OK?


Name: Selena Duelth

Race: Elf

Powers: Fighter

Weapon: sword

Appearance: chain mail gloves and leggings hat slow me down a tiny bit. Black hair in a ponytail.  


And from here, we'll go to fighting monsters. Follow my lead! 



submitted by St. Owl, age 10, Dungeon
(January 27, 2015 - 9:59 am)

Name: Navy

Race: Dwarf

Powers: Cleric

Appearance: small, long blonde hair, iron helmet, chestplate, and leggings.

Gender: M


submitted by Alex C., C.I.A headquarters
(January 27, 2015 - 1:04 pm)


submitted by TOP!
(January 27, 2015 - 4:24 pm)


Name: Nellethiel Farronel

Race: Half snow elf

Powers: Druid!

Weapon: Scimitar (swords aren't allowed in the druidic culture except these.)

Appearance: In a long white robe, has a staff carved from obsidian. Porcelain skin, white hair, green eyes from the human parent. 

submitted by Brookeira
(January 27, 2015 - 6:39 pm)

SO I figure we just start, and if you want to join you zoom in on a magic carpet or something and join the game.



I tap down the steps into the dungeon, Nellethiel at my side. It's so dark and we can only see what our lanterns allow us to, which is not much.

"Well?" I say. "We have to reach Ashardalon. Any way to make some more light?"
I take a few steps. They echo loudly throughout the chamber. That's going to alert monsters to our presence quickly.

I sit on the bottom step and start to think.


submitted by St.Owl, age 10, Dungeon
(January 28, 2015 - 8:22 pm)

Oh and btw Alex won't be joining us anymore. He told me.

submitted by St. Owl, age 10, Dungeon
(January 29, 2015 - 4:34 pm)

I see amazingness incarnate with no arcane magician in the party. Therefore, charrie time.

Name: Lia Dragontongue du Galanodel

Race: Elf (sylvan)

Class: Wizard

Weapon: Quarterstaff (light crossbow occasionally), and of course, spell book.

Appearance: Very long black hair, emerald green eyes. Wears a forest green tunic, brown trousers, a hooded cloak of unadorned blue wool (not magical, just so you know), sturdy leather boots, and a harness-like leather garment around her chest with a great many pockets for spell components.

submitted by A Curious Dragon, age 14, New Hampshire
(February 3, 2015 - 8:14 am)

We all start at level 1, I assume?

submitted by A Curious Dragon, age 14, New Hampshire
(February 4, 2015 - 8:33 am)

Yeah, I'll just assume that.


"On it," I whisper. We all seem to be thinking the same thing: it's too echoey in here. The chamber must be huge, which means it could hide any number of unsavory things. "Is there a rock around- ow! Found one!" My stubbed toe is throbbing, but I ignore it and pick up the rock. Fishing out a pinch of flash powder from one of my myriad pockets, I say the spell and snap my fingers, making the powder spark. The light sinks into the surface of the rock, making it glow with a steady white radiance even after the powder has fizzled out.

I believe everyone is surprised at what the room looks like. It is indeed huge, and if walls could talk, these ones would scream "Arotharian!" as loud as they could. Arothar was an ancient empire devoted to Hextor, god of tyranny. The walls are black stone, carved in gigantic friezes: slaves and overseers, people being convicted in court. The runes describing speech and the scenes themselves are in an ancient form of Common; the language was more heavily influenced by Dwarven in elder times, which makes it hard for elves like me to read the nearly-Dwarven letters. Massive pillars hold up the ceiling, which is veiled in shadow, as is the other end of the room. A few bats, the small harmless kind, flutter through the edges of the light.

I look at Selena and Nellethiel in turn. Both nod, and we start moving. Selena is in the lead, Nellethiel in rear glancing back from time to time, and I in the middle, holding our rock lantern high. Our footsteps echo loudly off the cold, somber stone. The room, dwarfing our circle of light, is giving us all the creeps. Perhaps just the atmosphere of the place, perhaps a magical echo of past evils. I desperately hope it's the former. After about half a minute's walk past carved scenes of twisted justice, the opposite wall comes into sight. The entire expanse, maybe sixty feet wide by who-knows-how-tall, is filled with a gargantuan bas-relief image of the six-armed god Hextor himself. Each hand that I can see (only four are illuminated) holds a different object: a bundle of arrows, a judge's gavel, a whip, a flail dripping with blood.

Suddenly, I stop, causing Nellethiel to nearly run into me. A sudden thought has just occurred to me: what is the point of this gigantic room? I saw no altar or place for one, so it can't be the temple proper. And yet it's too huge, and too elaborate, to have been built for no particular purpose. I voice my thoughts to the other two. We discuss it for a moment, our voices echoing in an eerie manner that makes me seem small and insignificant. And then Nellethiel gasps, pointing to a line of characters along the curve of Hextor's left calf that I hadn't noticed before. I try to read them, and immediately wish I hadn't; just looking at characters in Infernal, the language of devils, makes me feel a little sick. I don't know the language, though, since I obviously never wanted to learn it. I fall back, asking Nellethiel if she could decipher it and could she spare an herb or two to settle my stomach?

submitted by Curio
(February 8, 2015 - 5:00 pm)

And a ONE, and a TWO, and a TOP!!!!


Nellethiel winces. "I can get you some peppermint and chamomile, but I don't know Infernal. Yech, great Obad-Hai, I do hate that language."

"Don't we all?" I joke with a grim smile. Nellethiel is opening her mouth to respond when Selena cuts in, "Lia! Nellethiel! Don't you see? This room is a decoy! The path to Ashardalon is hidden in the walls, or somewhere else entirely!" I am taken aback, and a little embarrassed. She's right, of course. Why didn't I see it before?

"You're absolutely right, Selena," I say slowly. "The Arotharians must have built this huge antechamber for the general public to worship it. They thought they were in Ashardalon, but it's obvious to us now that this isn't it. If there was an altar here...did anyone see anything? Why would it not be here still?" Nellethiel joins the think-out-loud party. "Maybe...the Kendric soldiers! When Arothar was overthrown, the Kendric army must have gone and ransacked all the temples, since they were all for Heironeous and the Gentle Mother."

Selena nods. "And I did notice as we came in that some of the carvings were damaged at the bottom. That may have been the soldiers, too." I decide to go back to the middle of the room and check. If there was an altar here and it was later broken, there'd be something, some patch of rough stone in the floor...Aha! There! A small area of jagged stone, as if it was broken or blasted away instead of carefully hewn and shaped. It's looking like our theories are correct. But there remains one essential question left to answer: if this isn't Ashardalon, where is it? Where's the secret door?

submitted by A Curious Dragon, age 14, New Hampshire
(February 11, 2015 - 8:17 pm)

And sorry if these posts don't fit the dungeon you're thinking of. By context I hadn't noticed before, we're going with published adventures, right? If that's true, I've never seen Ashardalon or any adventure involving it before. Ignore my posts if they seem totally incongruous.

Koda says iydi. Ooh, cool fantasy name!

submitted by Curio
(February 12, 2015 - 4:52 pm)

I was honestly going by the board games. Ashardalon is a gigantic monster master-- a dragon.

submitted by St.Owl, age 10, NY
(February 12, 2015 - 8:14 pm)

That's kinda what I thought too. I remember seeing a reference to Ashardalon as a "dread dragon." What board games are you talking about?

submitted by A Curious Dragon
(February 13, 2015 - 6:24 am)

There are three official board games for Dungeons and Dragons: The Wrath of Ashardolon, Castle Ravenloft,  and the last one I don't remember. Basically, the characters and monsters and quests and everything are ready-made, including a set that's kinda like a puzzle for a board. It's pretty neat; you should look it up!

Also, I don't know anything about D&D besides the board games. Even though they're played basically the same way.

submitted by St.Owl, age 10, NY
(February 13, 2015 - 9:04 pm)

Bleh. Wait, there are waaay more than three. But the ones that I've played and owned (well, I've played two out of the three that I own) are those two, which I've played, plus The Legend of Drizzit.

But the one I know the most about is Ashardalon. Tell you what, let's mix it up and do the original-- our own monsters, our own legends. But we still seek out Ashardalon The Doom Dragon to bring peace to the people of... um, Resmenestarre (rest-men-eh-star-ray).

submitted by St.Owl, age 10
(February 16, 2015 - 1:52 pm)

Is it too late to join?

I feel like I'm always late to the party with these things.

If yes, then ignore everything below.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Name: Thistlewater

Gender: Male 

Race: Halfling

Class: Rogue 

Appearance: Very short. Wears leather armor (hat is dyed dark green) and carries a bow and quiver at all times.

Talents: Can disappear into the shadows at any given moment, but has a low strength and prefers to attack from afar rather than get involved in close melee combat.


Koda says "dmdk." Dungeon master... something. 


submitted by hotairballoon, age Unknown, a dungeon, hopefully
(February 13, 2015 - 8:30 am)