Mermaid/Merman RP 2!!!
Chatterbox: Inkwell
Mermaid/Merman RP 2!!!
Mermaid/Merman RP 2!!!
i know there was a mermaid RP once and it was very successful. Maybe we could do a plot where the siren king will start a war with the mermaids and the kids of the original cherries? And like there is a prophecy about the kids of te originals will defeat the sirens and they are called the golden tails. And the golden tails can control all the elements? Even not the original ones from the first. We will start when we get five people.....So yea... Join!
1. You CAN be a siren's kid.
2. No teasing
SHEET ( I will use my cherrie as a example)
Name: Avery Harpsol
gender: girl
kid of : Megon Harpsol
element: can control a bit of all but is best of earth
apperance: light green eyes, black hair with blond highlights, always wears a blue dress
Age: 12
personality: Youll see ;)
lives: in the house Megon and her mom lived on on the shore
plot ideas: said above
other: has a pet
"I need to talk to you," Mom said.
We walked up to my room, and pushed a ceiling panel up. We went into the attic. Wait? A attic? Since when? I open my mouth.
"I'll explain. We. We are mermaids."
"Wha-" I try to say.
"Come," she says hopping down into my room, opening.
"You have no idea how crazy this sounds," I say.
"Well Dad's a mermaid," Mom says jumping over the balcony.
I hop over the balcony and land flawlessly. Mom dives into the water, her dagger appears attached to her pants-wait - shirt and tail? Ok... Not weird at all.
i look down and I see my legs transforming into a tail. A shiny golden tail.
Mom looks at my tail and gasps, "The prophecy. The golden tails." She gasps as a white blouse appears and a golden cape appears on me. "We must go visit the king," she says. Grabbing my hand she looks around and calls out to a mermaid sculpting coral, "Etta! We need to see your husband."
(January 17, 2015 - 11:40 am)
Can I join if I wasn't in the old one?
(January 17, 2015 - 2:43 pm)
Yep! Top!
(January 17, 2015 - 3:17 pm)
Sure, I'm keeping Thyst.
(January 17, 2015 - 3:51 pm)
I think my character was Jackie...
Name: Miley
gender: female.
kid of: Jackie.
element: Everything, but is best at air.
appearance: bluish/grayish eyes, black hair with green streaks. Loves her jeans. Wears light gray necklace.
Age: 17.
Personality: Dark, clever, loves tech, hates going outdoors. A loner, but likes to show off. Very bossy. VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY MYSTERIOUS.
lives: On a small house near the beach.
plot ideas: Er... Not much.
other: Is scared of the sea. She also sometimes go into visons and flash backs.
I watch the water, it's waves swishing and swashing.
I can't go there. Anything could happen.
But I'm a mermaid. This make no sense. And I'm a golden tail.
(January 17, 2015 - 3:53 pm)
Thyst is so good at water it makes up for her being less powerful than you two. Btw, Air, Thyst is blonde with turquoise eyes, is super smart, and is generally friendly. Her tail is purple.
But, she can go into an avatar state type thing where she controls all of the elements if she gets angry.
(January 17, 2015 - 4:20 pm)
OK, I wasn't in the first one, but I'll do the best I can.
NOTE: She's based on the Emily Windsnap series.
Name: Alica Songling
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Kid of: Honey, I have nooooo idea
Appearance: Long, Wavy, Blonde hair with bright pink highlights and blue eyes
Personality: idk
Lives: next to Avery (dis ok?)
Plot ideas: Again, nothing
Other: Mom is mermaid, and thinks Alica is too, but she's fifteen, swims almost daily, and no tail is appearing.... don't worry though she really is a mermaid, just late
I roll over in bed. Why is it so hard to sleep? I reach over for another drink of water, but my glass is empty. Being careful not to wake my parents up, I walk into the kitchen, only to see they're already awake. "But she's fifteen! Most girls are only twelve when they find out! I..... I'm starting doubt she is a mermaid..." WHAT? I drop my cup in surprise sending glass everywhere. A MERMAID?!?!?!? "Alica?" my dad asks. "I... um..... was getting a glass of water and.... um...... accidently dropped the cup...." I felt blood running down my leg where some broken glass had cut me "No kidding! Did you.... happen to hear anything we said? By any chance?" she looked hopeful. "Only the fact that I could be a mermaid!!!" I half-yelled. "Sorry we didn't tell you sooner it's just........ Scales." What? "Oh my gosh! Alica, honey, get to the ocean, quick!" my dad said. I looked down at my legs slowly. Scales. I bolted out the door and dived straight into the water. "Oh my Gosh!!!" I exclaimed as my legs stuck together and grew more scales. "OH MY GOSH!!!!" I shouted louder as I saw it. I huge, high-tide wave was coming to suck me up into the depths of the sea. "AAAHHHH!!!!" was all I could seem to get out as the 20-foot wave crashed over me. I plunged down very deep as I struggled to hold my breath. I soon realized that this would be the day I died. My face was probably very red when i gave up. I expected to inhale a whole bunch of salt water and die on the spot, but what I felt was much different. I could breath. It was odd, wet, and exhilarating, but it was breathing none the less. Then it hit me. I really was a mermaid. And I really could breath underwater.
Is this okay???
(January 17, 2015 - 3:58 pm)
Umm, soo I wanna join but I don't have time to write. Could someone else write for me???
(January 17, 2015 - 4:55 pm)
Oh well, I guess I'll join . . . .
Name: Merella Muthen
Gender: girl
Kid of : Etta Muthen
Element: Can control all, but not so great at water and best at fire and wind.
Apperance: Brown hair with a bunch of bronze highlights, dark blue eyes, tan skin like her mother.
Age: 14
Personality: A bit sassy, she isn't interested in mermaids and thinks humans are cool. She's a bit rebellious and bit of a girly-girl.
Lives: In a house carved into the coral which is styled like a very modern aparment but sea-themed.
Plot ideas: Umm . . . The sirens and mermaids are still fighting ?
Other: Her father is secretly a siren, without anyone knowing, and she likes to collect things.
~ Merella ~
I was slouched on the sofa, rearranging my collection of bits of sea things. Fossils of old fish, bits of sea glass worn smooth by the waves in shades of translucent red, deep green, brillant cobalt, a pale pink pebble I had found on the sandy occean floor, a mangled iron figurine, a few shards of coral and a multitude of seashells in varying shades of pastel pink, blue, green, red, gold, and cream.
Just then, my mom, Etta, came rushing in, an awkward-looking mermaid with a golden tail and her mother, a friend of my mom's, in tow. " I have to get your father. Keep Avery and her mom entertained, " she ordered, hurrying off.
Avery sat down on the sofa next to me. An awkward silence settled, and then she blurted out, "Aren't you going to ad- I mean, aren't you suprised about my tail? Isn't it so cool I'm one of the chosen ones ?"
"I don't care, " I answered. I truly don't. I have a golden tail, too. I never knew until six years ago, because I spent the first eight years of my life out of the water. I went in by myself, and I've been carefuly disguising my tail's golden sheen ever since. As for the cape -- it's in my room, in a locked closet in a locked cabinet in a locked box.
Avery looks hurt, so I apologize, and she brightens quickly. I show her my collection, which she thinks is cool. I guess she's seen only the dull gray shells the human beachs have.
(January 17, 2015 - 4:19 pm)
Please join! You can join but we will start!
I look through the vivid shells and look around the house. On a wall of coral I see a necklace in a frame. I swim over to the frame to get a closer look.
"Oh no you don't," Merella says swimming in front of me.
"That's very important to Etta," Mom says. "I gave it to her exactly 12 years ago. I was 20 then!" she exclaims.
I look at Merella's tail and see that it's golden too, only with coral paint smeared over it. "Why do you try to hide it?"
She looks hurt and swims upstairs. I hang my head and flip into the sofa and sigh. "Can I go to Alica's after this?" I ask.
"No. It will be around sunset after this," Mom says.
"But it was 12 when we got here!" I say.
"Time passes by underwater," she says and we hear the door open.
(January 17, 2015 - 6:07 pm)
Can we do six or seven? If so this is my character.
Name Sornina Nassatela
Gender F
Child Of Ferina Nesserta
Element fire if thats alright with you
Appearance blue eyes black hair green dress
Age 11
Personality strange, mysterious, keeps to herself a lot, good reader
Other Both her parents died and she lives in an orphanage on the coast of Florida.
(January 17, 2015 - 5:28 pm)
Yep you can join!
(January 18, 2015 - 8:14 am)
OK so I was reading fast and didn't see the element part. Not sure what it means, but my fav element is water, but is that allowed since they alreafy live in the sea? If not, I like electricity also...............
(January 17, 2015 - 6:37 pm)
Well if your cherrie is a golden tail she can control all elements and be best at electric for example.
(January 18, 2015 - 8:16 am)
Electricity is included with fire, you can have that. My Charrie has completely mastered water and can go into an avatar state where she uses all elements if she's fighting a powerful opponent.
A siren snuck. Up behind Thyst. Thyst whirled around, and her eyes turned gold. Her violet tail turned bright gold and she electrocuted the siren! knocking it out.
Suddenly a guard swam up to her. "Thyst! The king wishes to see you."
(January 18, 2015 - 9:26 am)
I looked out on the bright moonlight sea. I had just finished an amazing book on mermaids and sirens. Suddenly I saw two figures crawl out of the water onto the beach. I gasped and rubbed my eyes--they had no legs! They had tales and scales! All of a sudden I felt in my heart of hearts that I wanted to go with them, to see there castle or die. I put the few things I owned in a bag and climbed down the trellis onto the shore. After I had gone a few steps my courage failed me. I stood still, not able to move an inch. Then one of the mermaids raised her head and looked at me. "Come," she said, "we have been waiting for you." Then the other one said and did something, and my legs grew together and gold scales grew on my legs. Then one of the mermaids screamed, "He has the ten black scales in a line down her back!" Then leaving me behind, they both dived into the water. I tried to follow them but a wave knocked me over and filled my mouth with salt water. Then remembering, I ran towords the diving bord and dove into the water. When I got my bearings I started swiming in the deretin the other two mermaids swam. I could still see them up ahead but they had been swiming all their life and I had only just learned. I soon lost them but I kept on swiming. After swimming for what seemed like several hours I turned a corner and saw an amazing castle. I stayed in the shadows and saw a girl fighting a siren. Suddenly a guard came out and spoke to her. She went in with him, then all was quiet.
(January 18, 2015 - 11:39 am)