Underwater Sci-fi

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Underwater Sci-fi

Underwater Sci-fi RP


Has anyone read The Neptune Project by Polly Holyoke? So basically it's about (SPOILER)





these kids whose parents decided to genetically change them (a little) to make them able to breathe water, see underwater, etc. so that they could live away from the Western Collective (the govt. that is controlling what used to be the western US. Oh yeah, and a long time ago (like several centuries) global warming flooded the earth so cities like LA and SF are underwater now. The kids have telepathy, with other humans and with dolphins, which by the way they collaborate with and have tamed, and so they're basically building an ocean society to escape the Western Collective.




Okay the spoiler's over. Anyway, the book is awesome and I was thinking we could maybe do an rp based on some other group of kids (not nere's group) that is in The Neptune Project.

Read the book and join the rp! Here's my character:


Name: Kalina Swift

Age: 13

Appearance: Asian, black hair in a ponytail. She always carries a backpack or some sort of storage (that'll be her seapack after they transform).

Personality: She's an obsessive but good note-taker who excels at research, kind of stereotypical Asian nerd (that's me!), okay at the telepathy but not a controller, etc. 





submitted by Air
(September 30, 2014 - 9:33 pm)

Hi, sorry I haven't been on much -- we have a big school project due tomorrow and I've been busy, sorry...


She swam up to Moa and her trainee, Mopy. "Hi Moa! Hi Mopy! How's training?"

"Good," replied Moa. "But you know, it's hard trying to keep Mopy secret. We have to hide him in the pod of other dolphins we're training." 

 "I agree," nodded Kalina, shaking her ponytail back and forth. "By the way, have you seen that solo dolphin Myr around? She was hanging around the tip of Point Scope when I was driving our zode out there. She seems super friendly!"

submitted by Air
(October 8, 2014 - 11:10 pm)


submitted by TOP
(October 11, 2014 - 2:40 pm)


I shake my head. "No. That dolphin hasn't been seen in a while. You know where she is?" Kalina sighed. "No. i wonder where she went."

submitted by Danie, and Squeak
(October 11, 2014 - 2:42 pm)
submitted by Top
(December 10, 2014 - 10:50 am)

top top top

submitted by top
(December 14, 2014 - 6:08 pm)


"Well, I guess I've got to go now," she said regretfully. "Mom keeps getting after me to check the  Point Scope seismographs. I'll tell you if I see Myr!" With a wave, Kalina pulled her underwater vision mask over her eyes and began swimming along the coast. 

submitted by Air
(December 14, 2014 - 6:11 pm)