Underwater Sci-fi
Chatterbox: Inkwell
Underwater Sci-fi
Underwater Sci-fi RP
Has anyone read The Neptune Project by Polly Holyoke? So basically it's about (SPOILER)
these kids whose parents decided to genetically change them (a little) to make them able to breathe water, see underwater, etc. so that they could live away from the Western Collective (the govt. that is controlling what used to be the western US. Oh yeah, and a long time ago (like several centuries) global warming flooded the earth so cities like LA and SF are underwater now. The kids have telepathy, with other humans and with dolphins, which by the way they collaborate with and have tamed, and so they're basically building an ocean society to escape the Western Collective.
Okay the spoiler's over. Anyway, the book is awesome and I was thinking we could maybe do an rp based on some other group of kids (not nere's group) that is in The Neptune Project.
Read the book and join the rp! Here's my character:
Name: Kalina Swift
Age: 13
Appearance: Asian, black hair in a ponytail. She always carries a backpack or some sort of storage (that'll be her seapack after they transform).
Personality: She's an obsessive but good note-taker who excels at research, kind of stereotypical Asian nerd (that's me!), okay at the telepathy but not a controller, etc.
(September 30, 2014 - 9:33 pm)
(September 30, 2014 - 10:47 pm)
(October 1, 2014 - 8:11 pm)
Anyone joining?
(October 1, 2014 - 8:14 pm)
Can I have a charrie who's a dolphin ?
(October 2, 2014 - 9:47 am)
Yeah that'd be so cool! The dolphins can use telepathy with the humans (those that have grown up with telepathic humans can speak in words, the others mostly in images), and they can also use sonar. I didn't even think of that! That's an awesome idea!
(October 2, 2014 - 8:16 pm)
I've never read the book. I'll read it, then join!
(October 2, 2014 - 5:22 pm)
My charrie the dolphin :
Name : Myr
Age : 15 in dolphin years
Apperance : Long, thin, silver, rounded snout and slitted fin
Personality : Playful, fast, kind, clever, loves humans but will never carry one inless asked.
(October 3, 2014 - 9:59 am)
(October 3, 2014 - 11:43 pm)
When should we start?
(October 3, 2014 - 11:43 pm)
Joining! Must keep up with my rping!
Now, this character won't be human. Mopyers is... Strange.
Name: Mopyers
Age: 1 year
Apperance: Mopyers is kinda like a dolphin/loch ness monster thing. The same size as a dolphin, but looks like nessy.
Personality: Very playful and funny.
^ Squeak's post.
v Danie's post.
Hello! Joining!
Name: Moa Junca
Age: 14
Appearance: short, curly Black hair, big eyes, slightly long legs. A girl.
Personality: Stubborn, very nosy, sacastic. Good at joking around, and can be funny when wants to.
(October 4, 2014 - 10:15 am)
Thanks Danie and Squeak!
Do you guys want to start now, b/c if anyone else wants to join then they can just meet up with us on the way.
(October 4, 2014 - 10:28 am)
Danie's post:
I think we should.
I jumped into the water, pulling and pushing my arms. It was nice in the water, where fishes swam and dolphins sing. I pushed my bangs out of my face, squinting in the water. Oh brother. There goes Mopy.
Squeak's post:
Mopy swam through the water, or rather, pushed his tiny fins up and down. Even if he didn't look fast, he was speedy, and did a 360 in the water. Moa sighed, bubbles coming out of her mouth. Mopy squeaked and snorted, flapping his fins crazily.
(October 4, 2014 - 3:42 pm)
(btw all this is before we transform. we'll probably have some dramatic transforming scene later, with more ppl, but for now just checking out who we are.)
Kalina tied her hair back in a ponytail and slipped her feet into flip-flops. Stuffing a towel, snorkel stuff, and some snack into her well-worn leather backpack, she shouldered it and began her hike down the beach cliff. At the bottom of the rocky path, she saw the dock, with the speedboats and solar zodes of all in the town. The fishmaster wasn't there guarding it though -- all the ships were in the harbor because of the grey cloudy day which kept the solar panels from working. It was a good day for swimming though.
She saw Moa, one of the girls from the village, already pretty far offshore. She seemed to be with one of the dolphins from the town's trained pod... but something seemed strange. Whatever, thought Kalina. With a strong stroke, she pushed off from a rock and started swimming towards Moa.
Ladeda says fzod. free zode? btw a zode is this research boat thing, like the size of a speedboat but it's solar powered, super quiet, used by the dolphin trianers (oh yeah, and moa, do u want to be a dolphin trainer? We'll need one for all the dolphins/loch ness dolphin monsters ;-) in this crew)
(October 4, 2014 - 6:40 pm)
(October 5, 2014 - 6:32 pm)
(And yes, I will be the trainer. In this post, I kinda proved that.)
(October 5, 2014 - 9:41 pm)