'Ello! I have

Chatterbox: Inkwell

'Ello! I have

'Ello! I have a update, a rp, and a surprise!

So, let me start with the update. It's almost my birthday! WOO! Oct. 13, is ze date. I am going to turn 11.

Now the surprise. I'm related to Squeak. We are twins, but not identical. (cause you can't have a boy and girl be identical twins.)

Since it's almost Halloween, Squeak and I decided that we would do a Halloween rp. It is about how these people don't believe in ghosts or other Halloween stuff and then are sucked into Hallowian. They are also turned into ghosts, skelly, witches, and other creepy stuff. They try to get out before they are stuck forever.

My character:

Nadia Menmore (nothing to do with my diary girl)

Halloween form (ghost, skelly, witch, etc.): Witch

Personality: Hates Halloween and candy, bossy, creative, a bit creepy at times

Appearance:  short Black hair, brown eyes, never wears a dress

Squeak's character: 

James Anderson

Halloween form: skelly

Personality: Loves to scare people, doesn't believe in anything Halloween, is scared of everthing, very geeky

Apperance: Short blond hair, blue eyes, torn jeans



Please join! It would be a nice birthday present! 

submitted by Danielle
(September 9, 2014 - 6:05 pm)



Sunny stared up at the small ring of people in front of her, talking angrily to a tall ugly witch. The witch started to talk menacingly and Sunny heard the gasps of the others as one boy was sucked up into the witch's pendant. As if the boy being gone made Sunny's brain release ideas, a very heroic one popped itself into her head. If she could turn into a vampire at the right moment, when she was behind the witch, then the witch's blood would be sucked, and she would die. Prime example of an eight-year-old's logic. So Sunny crawled behind a huge rock, inching around to the other side, near the witch. She felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand up, but she suspected that it was just her vampire-ness returning. How wrong she was. 


I watched the top of the mossy rock with my alternate vision, silently commanding my army of invisible bats, sitting atop it. A wicked smile crossed my face, a devious smirk. Fool. How dare the eight-year-old vampire girl attempt to smother my life? I nod to my bats. Then I make a mock concerned face, pointing to the group of silly teenagers in front of me. "Oh dear," I say with utmost sappy expression, "where has your vampire friend run off to? Looks like she wanted to get away from the things that scare her!" Right on cue, my bats pick up the girl, still in human form. Perfect. They suspend her next to my right hand, and I hold her hair, implying evil strengh. The children whirl around to look where she was, not noticing where she is now. Then they turn to face me again, and their eyes widen as they see poor, little pathetic Sunny, being held by her hair. "Catch me if you can, silly children!" I whip out a bit of warp powder and throw it on the ground. I'm off to where the quest doesn't end.


Anybody can write from Witchy's perspective, but I just thought I'd do that.

So maybe they get off course and find Witchy on the quest insted of the death pit (or something) at the end?

submitted by Creepy Little Sister, age SCARY AGE, Halloween Landia
(October 18, 2014 - 12:27 pm)

Wait, I'm confused by sister's post. Who's witchy?

submitted by Danie
(October 19, 2014 - 11:35 am)

the evil witch who's Ellen's mom

submitted by Creepy Little Sister, age SCARY AGE, Halloween Landia
(October 19, 2014 - 12:49 pm)


I watch as the witch takes the poor kid, who happened to be a vampire, away. I pick myself up and wipe tears off my face. Tears don't bring anyone back, Nadia. I feel something crawling on my leg and I look down to see a imp. It carries a small scroll where I can barly make out the words "the Quest" on it. I grab it from the imp, sending it flying off my leg.

"Sorry," I say and open the scroll up.

The Quest

To save Sunny and James, you must follow these steps.

1. Go through the forest and find the hidden gogalin, a large cave that is covered which gems. There, you must defeat the troll.

2. You will get an another scroll from that troll. Use the scroll to help you defeat the other monsters and save your friends.

Good Luck!

I read it again, frowning. Ellen peeks over my shoulder and I sigh.

"So, it seems like we are doing a quest.



submitted by Squeak, and Danie
(October 20, 2014 - 5:37 pm)

So do you like my idea that Witchy is not where the quest ends?

submitted by Little Sister, age SCARY AGE, Halloween Landia
(October 21, 2014 - 7:49 pm)

Yes, very good. Ok, here goes.


Ben blinked and shook his head mournfully. The girl was staring her scroll, not realizing how close they all were to being killed. You see, what Ben could already sense what that the rock was very close to sinking down into  the swamp where it lay. All around, there was nothing to save them from their fate. The imp could probably magic its way out. That was right! Magic! The girl was a witch now!

Hastily, he turned to Nadia. "The rock!" he tried to say, but he only managed to growl. He tried again. "We're sinking!" The words wouldn't come. But the imp seemed to understand, and frantically began to hop around, whacking Nadia in the knee. She absentmindedly swatted it away, knocking it into the swamp.

Watching the imp about to drown, Ben leapt in after it, sinking as well. The imp clung to his tail, shrieking. Nadia finally realized what was happening and dropped the scroll with a gasp. 

submitted by Book Wizard
(October 22, 2014 - 2:49 pm)

Ellen sprang into action, teleporting them away.

"That was close!" gasped Nadia. 

submitted by Brookeira
(October 22, 2014 - 7:04 pm)


I sighed and thought about the scroll I dropped.

"i dropped the scroll... We are doomed," I moaned and covered my eye, trying to remember what it said. Ellen sighs and pats me on the back.

"We'll find a way," she says and sits down. I take the moment to grasp what I see. A forest is surounding us, jutting branches this way and that. I feel something pull its way into the front of my brain and I gasp.

"Yes! This is where that evil monster thingy lives! We are supposed to kill it or something... I think. Or maybe we are supposed to find something... Urgg, I can't remember.  Something to do with a cave and a monster." I bang my head aganist a tree and groan. Stupid memory problems.

submitted by Danie
(October 22, 2014 - 8:09 pm)


I look around and close my eyes, trying to keep the scroll's message in my head, but it's no use. I can't remember, and I doubt anybody else can either. Maybe the witch had a spell on it? Normally I can remember anything.



submitted by Little Sister, age 11, New Hampshire
(November 2, 2014 - 3:52 pm)