'Ello! I have
Chatterbox: Inkwell
'Ello! I have
'Ello! I have a update, a rp, and a surprise!
So, let me start with the update. It's almost my birthday! WOO! Oct. 13, is ze date. I am going to turn 11.
Now the surprise. I'm related to Squeak. We are twins, but not identical. (cause you can't have a boy and girl be identical twins.)
Since it's almost Halloween, Squeak and I decided that we would do a Halloween rp. It is about how these people don't believe in ghosts or other Halloween stuff and then are sucked into Hallowian. They are also turned into ghosts, skelly, witches, and other creepy stuff. They try to get out before they are stuck forever.
My character:
Nadia Menmore (nothing to do with my diary girl)
Halloween form (ghost, skelly, witch, etc.): Witch
Personality: Hates Halloween and candy, bossy, creative, a bit creepy at times
Appearance: short Black hair, brown eyes, never wears a dress
Squeak's character:
James Anderson
Halloween form: skelly
Personality: Loves to scare people, doesn't believe in anything Halloween, is scared of everthing, very geeky
Apperance: Short blond hair, blue eyes, torn jeans
Please join! It would be a nice birthday present!
(September 9, 2014 - 6:05 pm)
"No!" Ellen said, "I'm not killing him!"
The witch mother scowled. "So be it."
(October 8, 2014 - 1:03 pm)
Okay! Hold your horses!
The wind picked up, and the head witch continued to scream, the chupacabra bite on her leg shriveling and distorting, until her leg was naught but a disfigured stump. Ellen, James, Nadia, and even the other witches cowered in fear. Her screams were ripping apart the night, the sky churning in a broiling mass.
"You will!" she screeched at Ellen, almost delirious. "You will kill me! I see it prophecied! But first," she began to gasp, "You will fetch me the killing stone, or die by the hands of the witch order!" And with that, she collapsed. The sky ripped open, revealing...
Please continue!
And also, for a quick summary, Ellen is the daughter of a witch- she just found out. Ben is a snarky Chupacabra, Nadia is a witch with a possible romantic tie to James, the skeleton. Someone else is a harpy/manticore, I think.
(October 8, 2014 - 2:36 pm)
Do you want Sunny to fall out of the sky and suck somebody's blood?
(October 8, 2014 - 6:44 pm)
(October 9, 2014 - 3:14 pm)
(Just not mine, I have a blood phobia.)
Well, I can do it if no one else volunteers.....
(October 9, 2014 - 7:41 pm)
Brooke, that was a joke.
I lurk around the old mansion that gets so many intruders on Halloween. Why must my house, which everybody belives is deserted, be so Halloween-ey? I don't even want to think of that terrible night even to explain. I wear a black dress, glancing at the broken clock on the wall every now and then. The time draws near. 9:04. Almost. 9:10. I hurry down the stairs to the memorial I made for my parents. I look at the newer, black clock in this room. 9:11. perfect. I kneal down on the black velvet cousion that sits before the alter. I pull a match out from the cousion, and strike it on the floor, forgetting the floor is wood. A loose twig of the floorboards catches fire, but I don't notice. I stand up, singing te mourning song I wrote. My voice pierces the night, and I see a flash of fire and hear an explosion just before I'm falling into nothing, still singing that mournfull melody. A tear trickles down my face. Fall, fall. Into blackness without you. You leave me, I love you, You're waiting in the stars. The song floats through me, through my soal. I feel a tingling sensation in my mouth and my eyes are burning. Fall, fall. Into blackness without you. You leave me, I love you, You're waiting in the stars. I feel the cold of the outside air, enveloping me as I fall to the ground in The Halloween Place.
Man, that was really sad. I almost shead a tear. Almost.
(October 10, 2014 - 4:25 pm)
A girl fell in front of them. Suddenly they were teleported away.
"How?" asked James.
"I don't know...... I just wanted to leave. Now who's this girl?"
(October 10, 2014 - 6:18 pm)
(October 12, 2014 - 10:19 am)
I woke up shivering on the hard ground in some sort of... I dunno, ghost town? I hugged myself, feeling like an ice cube in a freezer. But the ice cubes probably don't care, so neither shall I. I let go of myself and rub my mouth instead. Both of my canine teeth feel like they've just been hit with a very cold iron hammer. I run my fingers down them, down, and down, and down... and down... I reach the point and almost scream as I feel the razer-sharp tip. What's happened to me? I crawl over to a puddle nearby. This time I do scream. Where my face should be, sweet, innocent Sunny, I see a red-eyed vampire. Without thinking, I punch the puddle as hard as I can, thinking the water's the problem. I rub my bleeding hand and stare into the ripples. I still see red eyes and fangs. I look at my hands, wondering if they're different, too. My right is bleeding from punching a puddle, my left bruised from landing on top of it when I fell from the sky. "Who are you? Did you fall from the sky a minute ago?" I turn around. Blood.
(October 13, 2014 - 5:49 pm)
While Ellen and the witch was yelling at each other because the witch wanted Ellen to kill the cat thing, a girl popped out of no were. I gasped. She was a vampire! James looked at her, and then shakily said, "Wh-h-h-oo a-r-ree you-u-u?" The girl looked at James for one moment, and then went into this weird trance thingy. Her eyes were rolling around her head, and James let out a small squeak. He must have been deciding to face the witch or the vampire, but he didn't have to argue with himself any longer when the witch noticed the vampire. She screeched and backed away, pointing the the vampire with 100% disgust. James was really fumbling now, and he screaming as the vampire jumped onto him. I just don't understand. Why does this vampire want him if he doesn't have any blood? Ahhh. I see the reason. There is blood on his bones when he came here rather harshly, and landed on some kind of animal remains. You could see it when you looked closely. I grabbed the vampire and kicked her to the ground.
(October 13, 2014 - 8:04 pm)
Ben looked put out that all his problems weren't solved, but he had a heroic streak, and so when the vampire started to try to sink its fangs into Nadia, he leapt towards them, growling. The vampire was picked up in his giant jaws, where she went limp, and he deposited her to the side. Then he began to complain mightily again.
(October 14, 2014 - 6:21 pm)
@Brooke: or maybe it wasn't a joke... mouhaha
A boy kicks me and I'm shaken out of a daze. I feel my eyes and my teeth shrink back to normal, and he stares at me like I'm some kind of mutant shape-shifter, which I suppose I am.
(October 14, 2014 - 8:02 pm)
Ellen grabbed the vampire, pinning her down.
"Listen, I know you're confused. I'm Ellen, I played the oboe, remember? You played bass."
Sunny's eyes rolled back in her head. "S-scared...." she whispered.
(October 15, 2014 - 1:21 pm)
I nervously look at the vampire. I am scared of vampires. And ghosts. And skeletons. And witches. I hear the mother witch crackle behind me, and I jump back. She smiles evily.
"Ohhh, Whittle James is scareedd." My rib bones bang aganist each other uncontrolably and I look at her straight in the eye. She has a rather large wart on her nose. I back away farther.
"I'm tired of lying around here, so let's do something fun," the witch says, leaning herself against a tree. She is looking at me like I'm a play toy.
She grabs and pulls me toward her, whispering, "And we might have a little game you may not like." She pushes me backwards into the mud. Nadia runs forward, but the witch pushes her back with magic.
"Sowee, lady, but I'm afraid you can't do anything to me." She lifts her wand and points it toward me, mumbling words I cannot comprehend. I scream as I feel my body being pulled into her weird globe thing attach to her necklace.
one down, a few more to go.
I cry out, watching James getting pulled into the necklace. I stomp toward the witch, but she just crackles and pushes me back. Ellen finally saw what was happening, and cried out as well.
"You witch!" she yells, angrily looking at her 'mother'. the witch laughs, twirling the necklace around her hand.
"If you want him back, you have to go on the quest I mentioned eariler. It will bring you to sense to what is really happening in the outside world." I feel myself being teleported somewere else, and I black out.
(October 16, 2014 - 7:07 pm)
Ben was feeling miserable. He had tried to kill an evil vampire, but she had turned nice and survived. Now James had been sucked up, everyone was lying around in a heap on top of mossy rock, and he was the only one awake. His head began to pound, and he whimpered before raising his head and howling, a sick and twisted sound. Nadia flipped over, exposing a tear-streaked face. Ben whimpered again and licked the tears off of her nose as a small and somewhat ugly imp began to dance around his feet.
"What?" he growled, but it didn't sound at all like human speech. The imp understood him anyways, and held out a fist containing a small and ink-stained scroll marked The Quest. Ben shivered.
(October 17, 2014 - 3:29 pm)