Chatterbox: Inkwell



This game is pretty fun.
First, an example:
Person 1: I wish I could run really fast.
Person 2: Wish granted. You run to the store, but hit a wall and get a concussion. 
               I wish I could __________.
So, basically, you take the wish of
the poster above you, and you grant it in a way that's bad. The wish you pick doesn't have to be related
at all.

If you need me to explain more, feel free to ask. :)

I wish I could grant wishes....


submitted by ViviannaQuizMadeline, age 13, Penname Central
(January 28, 2014 - 5:01 pm)

I live in New Hampshire! That's SO COOL!

WISH GRANTED! You move to NH, but the following winter you get frostbite from the sub-zero temperatures. (We've actually been getting sub-zero temps recently; right now it's 2 degrees out- no, not below zero, but it's cold. We're going to get tons of snow tomorrow; I've heard about 16 inches! YAY! :D) 

submitted by Mag Fan
(February 12, 2014 - 9:47 pm)

Hey, I live in Wisconsin, so I think I can handle it! :)

submitted by Madeline
(February 13, 2014 - 4:08 pm)

Wish granted. You must write forever. Your computer's hard drive is now filled with Word documents. You've used up all the paper in the house. You've worn the pencils down to absolutely nothing. You are now tracing words in the fog on the bathroom mirror. "I wish I could stop writing," you whisper.

That ^^^^^sounded like one of the Welcome To Night Vale Facebook statuses.

I wish I didn't care what people thought of me. 

submitted by Maggie, age 12, nowhere pleasant
(February 12, 2014 - 8:02 pm)

Wish Granted! You now care nothing for anything that other people say about you, including the good things. You have no friends because of your non-responsive-ness to their comments, and become an old miser.

Sorry about that, it's pretty harsh, I know... 

I wish for a working TARDIS!!! 

submitted by CaptainRead, age Undecided, AppleHasNoTardis!!
(February 12, 2014 - 8:27 pm)

Wish granted. The TARDIS materializes in your room. Naturally, you walk inside. It does nothing but take you to all of the worst moments in human history.

I wish I could meet you guys. 

submitted by Maggie, age 12, nowhere pleasant
(February 12, 2014 - 9:07 pm)

Wish granted.

We have all turned into birds, and are trapped around the universe in various cages.You must rescue us first.

I wish the other people on the Fairytale RP would come back to it.

submitted by The Chocabookaholic , age 11, Mwawhahaha!!!!!!
(February 13, 2014 - 7:57 am)

Wish Granted: The Admins won't let us show our faces and we walk around with masks the entire time.

That actually wouldn't be that bad, I'd still like to meet everyone.

submitted by Gollum
(February 13, 2014 - 9:18 am)

That wouldn't be that awful.

submitted by Maggie, age 12, nowhere pleasant
(February 13, 2014 - 9:16 pm)

I can't corrupt a wish that I want myself...  The masks would probably make it more fun, now that I think about it.  We've already said what we look like on various "CBzers Looks!" and "Picturing CBers" threads that pop up now and again.  I think the voices and mannerisms and just the sheer AWESOMENESS of real people would be why I'd want to meet CBers.

submitted by Gollum
(February 14, 2014 - 8:39 am)

@The Chocabookaholic

Wish granted. Everyone that used to be on the Fairytale RP came back to it--to spam! Now the RP is so spammed that the admins had to remove it. 

submitted by Madeline
(February 13, 2014 - 4:15 pm)

Cry You are cruel. 

submitted by The Chocabookaholic, age 11
(February 13, 2014 - 7:23 pm)

wishis high

wishis low

wishis dance

wishis glow

I wish that I was a genus and ruled the world  

submitted by Elwood,I am crazy , age insane, chocho
(February 14, 2014 - 9:07 am)

Wish Granted! Artemis Fowl gets jealous and kills you off.

I wish I could unwish wishes. (Good luck on that one!) 

submitted by CaptainRead, age undecided, PardoxiOrParadoxes??
(February 14, 2014 - 12:48 pm)

Wish granted

You unwish every wish here. But the person who created CORRUPT A WISH gets mad at you and you are banned from the site.

I wish lived on the  galafra.  

P.S  no ansering this CaptainRead

submitted by E.Fon or Elwood F., age 100,000, SomewhereInteresting
(February 15, 2014 - 9:18 am)


Yes! I ban you! Hehe just kidding :) 

submitted by Madeline
(February 15, 2014 - 11:15 am)