Never-ending st

Chatterbox: Inkwell

 Never-ending st

 Never-ending story?

Write in this never-ending story? Please post! Here's the start:

The boy looked about ten or eleven but the grime encrusting his hands and face made it impossible to be sure. Between pinched finger and thumb he held one end of a length of green string. The other end was tethered to the ankle of a wailing infant, equally grimy, that floated a few feet above the boy’s head.

The boy smiled at me with brilliant-white teeth.

“I won him at the funfair,” he said, his voice old and gravelly. “You wanna come to the funfair? You can win all kinds of stuff.”

The infant stopped wailing.

“Don’t listen,” it said. Its voice, neither male nor female, was soft and chiming and I felt myself go a little weak at the sound of it. “Don’t listen to a word this lying little toe-rag says. He’s filth and dirt through and through. Don’t listen.”

All kinds of stuff,” said the boy.

submitted by Madeline T., age 13, Idlewild Acres
(January 22, 2014 - 6:38 pm)

Again my primitive mind drifted into escape plans. Plans that didn't exist yet. Yet was the keyword of that sentence.

submitted by Katie, age 11, NH
(February 17, 2014 - 8:17 pm)

top top top top

submitted by TOP, age 11TOPS, topvill
(March 8, 2014 - 6:20 pm)

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submitted by TOP, age 11TOPS, topvill
(March 8, 2014 - 6:23 pm)

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I am keeping this alive, ontel I am done writing for it    

submitted by thing of this post, age 100,000, Elwood
(March 14, 2014 - 5:47 pm)

Aww, poor Elwood. Thanks for trying to keep this thread alive. I don't think you'll ever see this, but it was fun. Are you someone else, or did you just come here to do this? Or are you Katie? I loved your riddles.

submitted by Elwood's Friend.
(July 12, 2014 - 4:16 pm)