Never-ending st

Chatterbox: Inkwell

 Never-ending st

 Never-ending story?

Write in this never-ending story? Please post! Here's the start:

The boy looked about ten or eleven but the grime encrusting his hands and face made it impossible to be sure. Between pinched finger and thumb he held one end of a length of green string. The other end was tethered to the ankle of a wailing infant, equally grimy, that floated a few feet above the boy’s head.

The boy smiled at me with brilliant-white teeth.

“I won him at the funfair,” he said, his voice old and gravelly. “You wanna come to the funfair? You can win all kinds of stuff.”

The infant stopped wailing.

“Don’t listen,” it said. Its voice, neither male nor female, was soft and chiming and I felt myself go a little weak at the sound of it. “Don’t listen to a word this lying little toe-rag says. He’s filth and dirt through and through. Don’t listen.”

All kinds of stuff,” said the boy.

submitted by Madeline T., age 13, Idlewild Acres
(January 22, 2014 - 6:38 pm)
submitted by Don't Die, N.E.S.!
(January 29, 2014 - 7:09 pm)

Again I tried to say something but couldn't make a sound. "Of course we need to run a test or two first," Mr. Dismuvet replied as if he didn't care about any of this. "Test 7D should determine everything we need to know," he said and the boy gasped a little and his white teeth glowed in the dark alley. "But... ," the boy trailed off and realized there was no argument, this was final.

submitted by Katie, age 11, NH
(January 29, 2014 - 7:35 pm)

(((((((((P.S. The captcha spelled, 'face'. Smiling face with open mouth and smiling eyes)))))))))))))))))

submitted by It's Dying! :''''''(
(January 31, 2014 - 6:18 pm)

Mr. Dismuvet walked over and untied the green ribbon from the pole, his cold breath hit me like a slap to the face and my small body shuttered. He emerged from the alley and jerked me along behind him. The boy followed a few steps behind still looking a little shaken up. We rounded a corner and before us stood a large building with "Dismuvet Handling Agency" printed above the door. He opened the door and led us through long white hallways that interconnected like a huge confusing maze where every hall looked exactly the same. Finally we reached a desk and a pudgy looking lady behind gasped "You want this one?". "Yes, get me Joriah and quick, Where is that foolish man?" he said. It was all just too much for me to handle and I realized I began to wail.

submitted by Katie, age 11, NH
(February 1, 2014 - 9:44 am)

"Oh, shut up." Mr. Dismuvet muttered. He stripped me of my clothes, all but my undergarments, and yelled, "Someone bring a diaper around here! We don't got all day!"

I kept wailing, especially when he roughly thrusted me into the diaper. How humiliating! My mind was becoming dimmer, and I could feel my now-pudgy hands flailing wildly around.

A tall, lanky man strolled in. He was holding some type of large machine. 

submitted by Madeline
(February 1, 2014 - 7:32 pm)

Mr. Dismuvet took a small blue onesie out of his pocket and leaned against the wall. 

submitted by Madeline
(February 1, 2014 - 7:34 pm)

The man who I took to be Joriah, pulled a lever and the machine sputtered to life. He reached over and grabbed the ribbon I was attached to. His face was long and sad and his eyes showed hints of great fatigue. "Lets get this over with." he said in a suprisingly soothing voice. I knew I somehow needed this person to do something for me.

submitted by Katie, age 11, NH
(February 2, 2014 - 10:41 am)

He placed me in a small metal box and I whimpered insignificantly. "I know I hate this job," he sighed. "This is the test to make sure his procedure will work" he muttered softly. "If it is safe I will then bring you into the Espasky to preform the procedure," he whispered. I knew that if I played this out right Joriah could be my secret weapon.

submitted by Katie, age 11, NH
(February 3, 2014 - 8:34 pm)

again hi

But how? It's not like I could talk, even if I could, how could I talk to Joriah without Mr. Dismuvet overhearing? My thoughts were interrupted by a buzzing noise coming from the machine and a thin blueish mist forming around me. My eyes closed and opened. Opened and closed. Over and over again, and I couldn't help it, it just happened. Then, after what felt like hours, my eyes closed for the last time and stayed closed. The buzzing noise grew louder and louder until I could bear it no more. I let out a shriek and burst into tears. I went on like this until I heard a lisping female voice, “Right-o! I'd like the finest human body for my chick-son here to wear to his birthday party.” another voice replied, “Of course! We just got one this morning. The finest! It has black hair, blue eyes and it's wearing-” he was interrupted. “I don't care what it's wearing! I'll dress it myself, so get on with it and show it to me!” Just then, I realized that they had been talking about me! That was exactly what I had looked like...that is, before I had become this baby-thing. My eyes flicked open and I saw myself – my normal self – and I saw standing before my body, surveying it as one might survey a suit of clothes, wondering how well they would fit, a tall, elegant lady whose face was covered with too much makeup, a sturdy-looking store-clerk, and a strange thing with tentacles was just stepping out of a little boy's sailor-suited body and into my own body. At that moment, the store-clerk glanced up at me, saw that my eyes were open, and let out a series of chimes into a small penny-shaped device. Alarms began to ring, as if from far away, and my eyes sapped closed again as I heard the tromp of running footsteps. Then my eyes opened and I was still in my baby body in the machine.

submitted by ElwoodF., age 100,00, wood of mon
(February 8, 2014 - 10:45 am)

I became curious and confused and scared all at the same time. I felt so beaten down from all I'd been through today. Today? I had no sense of time and hardly a sense of existence.

submitted by Katie, age 11, NH
(February 10, 2014 - 5:50 pm)

I opened my eyes and found that I was moving, although I couldn't feel anything. That was when I realized that I was inside someone, presumably the weird 'lady'. Stuck inside her, again nothing more than consiousness. I did not know what to do about this. All I could do was look ahead at the seen that was being portrayed in front of me. The scene that the lady, who had stolen my body, was portraying, if by accident or on purpose.

submitted by Madeline
(February 10, 2014 - 8:32 pm)

And what a strange scene it was.

submitted by Katie, age 11, NH
(February 12, 2014 - 3:49 pm)

Indeed; the lady had gone too.

submitted by Madeline
(February 13, 2014 - 4:23 pm)

Again hi, again hi, you all. 

Far and I was getting mad, really mad at all these strange creatures.


submitted by Elwood F./E.foun, age forgoten, elvfen tree
(February 13, 2014 - 6:09 pm)

Hi, Elwood. P.S., I think one of the admins added a period at the end of that sentence, sorry :)


Each time the lady passed the creatures, they seemed to cower. This led me to thinking that she had great power over them... 

submitted by Madeline
(February 13, 2014 - 7:46 pm)