NaNoWriMo is upon

Chatterbox: Inkwell

NaNoWriMo is upon

NaNoWriMo is upon us...



*insert ominous screaming here*

So, dramatics over, this is a cold hard fact we need to get used to.  NaNoWriMo in slightly over a month.  Start thinking about it, everyone.  If you have a username on the YWP or regular website, please share it below so we can all buddy each other if we want to and/or start a thread on the forums page or something so we know of our whereabouts.  Novel ideas to bounce off everyone are also good. 

I'm The Penultimate Bookworm on the adult site.  Please don't pay attention to vgbass on the YWP, I'm not using it.  I think I might be either a) rewriting a horrible fantasy I wrote a couple years ago b) doing Leviathan or Harry Potter fanfiction or c) Starting the "What do you mean, you don't want bacon?" method identified by Hank Green in a very old vlogbrothers video.

Now I am going to dodge all the novel ideas bouncing at me.

submitted by Gollum
(September 28, 2013 - 6:35 pm)

ARGH! I know! *groans while rubbing forehead* I've been thinking on this all the time. I know a plot idea, but I'm just not sure what I'm going to write for it. I've been SO focused on my Dehlia Pan novel, (which I have recently deleted everything I was writing cause I hated it, and am going to start entirely over), that I'm finding it pretty hard to suddenly change trains of thought. I'm considering making that my November novel.

But anyways, on both YWP and Nanowrimo, I'm Anne Shirley101, though I will be doing adult Nanowrimo.

submitted by Blonde Heroines Rule, age ageless, Stressing
(September 28, 2013 - 7:10 pm)

*sigh* I'm still developing my plot, although I have a good idea of what I'm going to do.

I am dancingshoes on both the ywp and adult site, but I am using the adult site this year. 

submitted by Teresa, age 14, Michigan
(September 29, 2013 - 2:46 pm)

I don't think I'm going to be doing NaNoWriMo this time around, because I'm currently trying to focus on refining my short fiction and nonfiction because of my creative writing class.  I will still be here for moral support though, and maybe I WILL end up doing it last second.  Just wondering, what is this Hank Green bacon method?

submitted by Melody, age 15, Disney
(September 29, 2013 - 2:53 pm)

I have a new username. It's HannahJoya. I think I requested you as writing buddies, but I'm not sure.

submitted by Ivy
(September 29, 2013 - 3:45 pm)

*Curls up in a ball*

Okay..... so cross country ends right before NaNoWriMo....


...but fencing and piano are both on Wednesday....

....and my parents are trying to talk me out of it....


I have no ideas whatsoever. I might write a story about my character from the anime off, because she was fun to draw, or maybe a story about Tobias the waiter. It's very probable I'll start writing and get off track and create something like my Camp NaNo disaster. I could do something science fictiony or steampunk or *flinch* I could attempt realsitc fiction.

CandlemanRobotGenius is going to be on the adult site. Now I must go write stories about two characters based upon lego creations with my friend.

submitted by Theo W.
(September 29, 2013 - 7:24 pm)

I am also doing NaNoWriMo for the first time in November. I think I am doing 50,000 words but it could be 30,000, I cannot remember which. I still have no idea what to write about. I was going to do a sand portal but I ended up doing that for my online, college writing class final project instead. I hope to write a fantasy fiction story because that is my favorite type to read and write.

submitted by Ashlee G., age 12, Washington
(September 29, 2013 - 7:55 pm)

I don't know what I'm going to write about, but I'll think of something. Probably. . . 

Well, anyway. I haven't done NaNoWriMo before, but I'll start this November! My username on Camp Nano and NaNoWriMo is Knight of Dawn277.

Ick, I'm scared. 50,000 words, in a month?! Like I said, I'm scared. Very scared.

Sounds hard. November is my birthday month too. I'll probably have most of my novel done by the 29th, though. So I'll write a novel by my birthday!

But I will do it! Hopefully. . .

Any tips for helping me finish my novel and not start panicking? 

submitted by Corina, age 11, NaNoWriMo
(September 29, 2013 - 8:11 pm)

*beats head against wall* Several plot ideas have come, with potential. My biggest problem is how far I can expand each. I pretty sure I can do Dehlia, but my Faery/Fairy plot is hardly shapen at all. Other ideas have pricked me, which excite me, so I really don't know.

@Theo: I searched you on Nano, but nothing came up. See if you can buddy request me first.

Cappie says hexu. No Cappie, do not hex me!

submitted by Blonde Heroines Rule
(September 29, 2013 - 9:17 pm)

Same about Theo.

submitted by Ivy
(September 29, 2013 - 10:39 pm)

I also can't find you Theo.

submitted by Teresa, age 14, Michigan
(September 30, 2013 - 5:33 am)

What's the adult site? is it just NaNoWriMo? Or it is something else?

Hmm. . . I'm very confused. All I know of is Camp NaNoWriMo and just NaNoWriMo.

What's the difference on Young Writer's Program and the adult version? Should I do Young Writer's Program instead? 

submitted by Corina, age 11, NaNoWriMo
(September 29, 2013 - 8:45 pm)

The adult site is just  It's the regular nanowrimo website.  The YWP is a website for 17 and under and you can choose your own word count.  You have to be 13 and write 50,000 words on the adult website.

Spamster in his spamster cage says ozkr.  Oz kills red?  Are the winkies implied?  Are the winkies even the red ones?

submitted by Gollum
(September 30, 2013 - 10:27 am)

Ahhh, I only have half of my novel planned out. Most likely I'll just kill of one of my main characters and be done with it.

I'm bluemoon7 on the ywp site if anyone wants to be my writing buddy. I really want to do the adult one, but my school gives a crazy amount of homework every night, plus I'm taking an extra class early in the morning this year.

Good luck everyone!

submitted by Blue Moon
(September 29, 2013 - 10:28 pm)

I'm not doing Nano (becuase I write stories by hand can't exactly count words on paper with scruntched up hand-writing), but I am aiming to finish the novella I started by the end of November anyway, just to be in the the spirit of the thing.

submitted by Everinne, age 14, Fantasyland
(September 30, 2013 - 2:51 pm)

Gollum wrote by hand at Camp NaNo this year. So you can do it, but I don't think it's the effort.

Stupid auto correct! It just tryed to change Gollum to Hollingsworth. What!?!? 

submitted by Ivy
(October 1, 2013 - 10:19 am)