Hogwarts RP!! Enjoy

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Hogwarts RP!! Enjoy

Hogwarts RP!! Enjoy :)








submitted by Moss, age 12, Hogwarts
(September 7, 2013 - 8:28 am)

Anthony was not only found in front of Terrace's bed, but had also skipped class, so while he might've thought it was the prank that landed him there, it could've been skipping class. Of course, with pranks up on the board, Anthony had to assume that was why he was there. Slughorn wouldn't let him protest in the hallways, so Anthony could not say he wasn't the one who commited the crime. What do we know about Anthony? He can sometimes be somewhat bitter. Perhaps Slughorn had noticed this and thought a grudge he had formed against Terrace lead him to do that. He's also pretty studious, so why else would he skip class but to settle something more important? (Like perhaps, a grugde against Terrace, who he frames Griffindor and Ravenclaw for.) Of course, I understand the lack of proff thing. One of my reasons might be to keep the story going.

But why was Anthony skipping class anyways?

Antony: You're in charge of my POV, YOU figure it out!

Me: Thanks Anthony. 

submitted by Theo W.
(September 16, 2013 - 6:54 pm)

GOODY! So, I managed to get some time on here! @JtS: No, it isn't how Hogwarts rolls. My imagination gave out, and I figured it'd be a good way for Evangeline to meet Anthony. She meets/knows everyone in the school one way or another, whether through prank (doing it herself or hired), or just naturally getting to know people since it's in her personalitly.

Evangeline ~

I settled back in my seat, and got to writing when Anthony didn't return to my final message, though I couldn't keep the sly grin off my face. Professor Slughorn looked up at me several times, and I knew I thoroughly wigged him out. I did that to most Professors. After detention, I strode over to Anthony as we walked into the hall. He gave me a dirty look while pretending to be busy with his bag.

"Pranks are fun," I said.

He made a noise at a cross between a scoff and a snort. I stopped and faced him.

"Look, I didn't mean to get you in detention. That was a complete accident. You just happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. I may get in trouble a lot, and it often drags my friends into it too, but that doesn't mean I do it intentionally."

He seemed to come around a bit at this. I smiled, and tried to look sincere. I was sincere, I just always had a hard time looking it.

"So, why did you say Ravenclaw and Gryffindor United?" he asked as we fell in step.

I waved my hand airily. 

"Oh that. I was hoping to throw off suspicion by making them think it was someone who needed a Ravenclaw's brains or something like that. It didn't mean anything." Like I said, I wasn't going to drag people down with me if I could help it. We reached where th halls parted ways.

"See you around," I said grinning.


I sank onto the sofa next to Remus. The other Marauders were sitting in a half circle in front of the fire place.

"Slughorn?" Sirius asked, looking up. I nodded. I grinned and laughed. "You know that prank Emma asked me to play on Terrance?" They nodded. "Well, another Hufflepuff got the blame, and he was in detention with me." James and Sirius laughed, so did Peter, and Remus looked horrified.

"What did you tell him?" Sirius asked.

"Oh I admitted that it was me, though of course I left out Holly. He wasn't amused, of course." I sat forward some, staring into the fire. "Though," I added. "I see potential in him." The others nodded. When I saw potential, I wasn't usually questioned.

"Who are you going to duel tomorrow?" Peter asked, changing subject.

"Cindy Umbridge," I growled. If there was one thing I got passionately angry about, it was other wizards looking their noses down at muggle borns.


I'll keep trying to get on when I get a chance! @ Moss: Thank you! I saw you said you'd help me keep Evangeline in there! Thanks! I'll keep trying to get on when I can! ;)

submitted by Blonde Heroines Rule, age YEAH! On , the internet!
(September 16, 2013 - 7:18 pm)


After my talk with Emma, I entered the dormitory and climbed into my bunk, then screamed! There were frogs in there!

"What idiot placed these frogs in my bed?!" I shouted furiously. Professor Sprout ran in. "Terrence!" she said. "What is going on here?"

"Some idiot put these frogs in my bunk!" I told her. Professor Sprout raised her wand and said, "Locomotor frogs," and they all floated out of the bed into a bag she held out for them. Then there was a quick "Scourgify," and my bunk was cleaned of the stuff left by them.

"I shall find a way to get rid of them later," she said. "Terrence, you go on to bed now. We'll catch whoever did this."


The next day, during the lunch feast, Emma and I ate quickly, and ran to the library with about 20 minutes to spare before the feast was over.

Emma cast Dissolusionment Charms on both of us, and we entered the library. There was Madam Pince, sitting at her desk. My book was sitting on the shelves behind her. I crawled back behind the desk and grabbed The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. So far so good.

I felt around for Emma, not being able to see her, and then accidentally stuck my hand in her mouth. She pulled away. "You have it?" she whipered to me.

"I have it!" I said quietly, but Madam Pince must have heard us. "Who's there?" she said. "Sonorus!" The spell was thrown in our general direction, and she hit both of us. "DON'T TALK, EMMA!" I said loudly, knowing what the spell did. "WHAT?" she shouted. "WHAT DID SHE DO TO US?"

Emma apparently hadn't heard of this charm before. It caused the target's voice to be amplified. My dad had used it once back home when he'd been trying to get my attention.

"SHE MADE OUR VOICES LOUDER!" I told her. "RUN! DON'T SAY ANYTHING!" I ran out of the way as Madam Pince, following my voice, made a lunge in my direction. Emma leaped out of the way, then said, "TERRENCE-"



Madam Pince grabbed Emma, now in plain sight (as was I as well) by the wrist, and shrieked as there was a loud buzz. She let Emma go. "WHAT HAPPENED?" I shouted. Emma smiled as she rolled down her sleeve to reveal her prank hand buzzer strapped to her wrist. "CLASSIC MUGGLE TRICK! LET'S GET OUT OF HERE!"

We ran, and I ran to the dormitory and replaced the book in my bag before Madam Pince could catch me. Then I ran out, to be greeted by the furious librarian, who pointed her wand at me and said, "Quietus!" She had Emma held tight by the other wrist. "Mr. Repwillson, both you and Miss Holmes will receive DETENTION!" she shouted angrily.


Well, there we go. Now what will the rest of you make of all this?

submitted by Joe the Stickfiddler, age 14, Library Vortex
(September 17, 2013 - 4:37 pm)

HELP THIS RP IT IS DYING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

submitted by WRITE HERE PLEEZE!!!
(September 18, 2013 - 11:10 am)


Evangeline said that she didn't mean to get me in trouble then. I believed her, for even though she was a prankster, truth shone in her eyes.

"See you around," she grinned.

I hope not, I thought. 


I had missed lunch in detention, and most of the Hufflepuffs were in the common room, doing their class work. My stomach growled and I sighed. Just when I thought the day couldn't get any worse...

"Why is there no ice machine in here!?"

"ICE!" I yelled at my younger sister. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE? YOU AREN'T EVEN A HUFFLEPUFF!!!"

Ice shrugged. "I was just poking around the building, geeze Anthony."

"But how did you get in?!"

"Someone let me in. Besides, it's not like I'm going to get in trouble."

"Jolly good you are. Ice, if you want to hangout, do it in the Griffindor common room!"

"But they don't have an ice machiene either," she grumbled as she left the common room.

I sighed in relief. If I couldn't keep out of trouble, I should at least try to keep my sister out of it. 

submitted by Theo W. , Dark, Dreary Places
(September 18, 2013 - 5:57 pm)

I finally finished reading the whole thing last night and I was going to post today but I had to wait before I saw Theo's post. So, let's try out Victoria!

Hogwarts was as exactly as I remembered it- a great deal of useless humans milling about, classes that only served as minor chances for learning, and a sickening amount of English food. (AN: Victoria will be Swiss, for those who care) The weather was beastly cold as always and made me shiver. I was able to sneak away on the second day instead of going to lunch and go visit the trees. I found a pine I commonly conversed with- he considered himself to be someone like my older brother. Trees don't talk the same way humans do and speak with pre-established ideas instead of words. They tried to keep it simplistic and human-ish when they were talking to me but they sometimes used tree ideas I didn't fully understand.

I wrapped my arms about his thin trunk and smiled up at his branches. "I'm back!" I called. 

He expressed great joy to see me again. Trees don't understand why humans move around so much and it confuses the older ones a great deal. Some of them never can remember who I am becuase I move around so much they can't pinpoint me. My tree is still young so he can keep track of me if I come near the forest. He has a pretty good grasp of human time and knows when i'll leave and when I'll come back.

He said something like, "The cold queen wants to see you again." Of course she does. The cold queen, what I call her, is an old apple tree. She never flowers but has a remarkable understanding of humans and smaller creatures that move around in the forest. She often assigns me missions.

"I wouldn't want to keep her waiting," I told him and set off deeper into the forest. I know the forest better than most of the other people at Hogwarts. I know many of the trees here. They could see me coming through and they began to whisper exictedly,"She's back, Toria's back." I called out hellos to some of my favorites and found the cold queen. 

"I don't have anything for you that's important," she said crossly. "I do have a puzzle for you though. It might amuse your little human mind." I'm used to her condescing ideas about humans. "There's a thing in this forest. It comes in sometimes." She talked about a lot of images- a time of a lot of light and white (the moon) and a sad-wise-human-not human-cursed by destiny. I tried to make sense of what she was saying. 

"A werewolf?" I finally asked. She seemed annoyed, as if I was just repeating what she had said. There was a werewolf? Here, at Hogwarts? "Well," I said, "If you don't have any missions for me, I'll figure out who the werewolf is. If you need me for something, send Helena for me!" I called and set off back for the castle. I really wanted to see someone else, but she lived deeper in and I didn't have enough time if I wanted to be at the next class. 

I arrived back just in time for Transfiguration. I didn't really focus that much on the lesson. Someone was a werewolf? I'd have to watch carefully. I wouldn't be able to rely on the trees. They don't bother with faces and use feels, auras almost, instead. 

After dinner, a positively boring one, I tried escaping to the Slytherin common room, but was unfortunatrly ambushed. By Professor Slughorn. He came up behind me and threw a large arm around me. "'Toria, my dear! How's term getting on? Settling in allright? Now, you'd best listen! There's to be a lovely little gathering, nothing too formal, in my office on Saturday after dinner. You'll come, of course? It's only a little Slug Club, get-together, my dear."

I smiled sweetly. "Thank you of course, sir. I'd be delighted to attend."

He laughed and boomed, "That's my girl! Now, right after dinner! And don't fill up too much on pudding! Ta-ta!" He drifted off, most likely to accost another "Slug Club" member. professor Slughorn was obnoixous, but he flattered well.

"And you do like flattery, don't you?" Helena asked lazily when I told her about the party later.

"So do you," I told her unabashed.

"But I am a cat. I can get away with it," she purred. "Not that you aren't pretty cat-like yourself, Queen Victoria."

I would rather die than tell Helena I love it when she calls me a cat. "Never mind that. I spoke to her Highness today"- that's a rude name we have for her- "and she siad there was a werewolf at Hogwarts?"

"Oh, is that what it is?" Helena asked as she sat up straight. "I knew there was something that would attack you if you went out at night during the full moon. Srimger told me." Scrimger is a molting old grey cat. He's disgusting. Helena and I both don't like him. It figues that he would go and get himself attacked by a werewolf. "Never thought it was a werewolf, though. Mad house-elf with a cooking cleaver, maybe." 

I laughed, a full out girlish shriek of laughter. "You never made the connection? And you call yourself a cat!"

Helena bristled. "You never noticed."

"That's becuase I can protect myself. I'm a witch, I don't need to worry about werewolves." 

The door opened just then and an apathetic Azalea Prewitt came in. I wouldn't be caught dead talking to my cat in front of her. Helena yawned and stretched and said, "Well, I'll go see if that flea-bag Scrimger knows anything about our mystery wolf. Maybe some of the other cats might know something, too. Or the owls. I'll ask around."

She sauntered out the door as Azalea sat down on her bed in a huff. I ignored her and began getting ready for bed.

(I know the trees made no sense but I'll explain more next time. Or soon. Oh, and what day is everyone else on?) 

submitted by Ruby M., age 14, Somewhere
(September 18, 2013 - 8:39 pm)

I doubt I will be on for the coming week due to camp; see my thread on DtE.

submitted by Joe the Stickfiddler, age 14, Camp Vortex
(September 19, 2013 - 11:02 am)

TOP! TOP! TOP! This thread is dying!!! 

submitted by Top
(September 21, 2013 - 11:45 am)

Since this has died, I'm going to go ahead and post, though it'll likely just be rambly.

Evangeline ~

I was lazily making my way toward the Gryffindor common room after dinner, when Professor Slughorn stopped me.

"Aw, Evangeline, I was wondering you would attend a small get together in my office Saturday after dinner. A little Slug-club get together, nothing formal!" 

"Me, Professor?" I asked, notching an eyebrow. I wasn't exactly known for being Slug-club material. All of a sudden, Slughorn looked a little unsure.

"Yes," he said cautiously, then plunged on. "You are a fairly remarkable and bright student, despite your, uh, track record."

I grinned. "Of course, Professor, I'd love to!" Slughorn looked relieved. 

"Wonderful!" he said striding off. "Oh, and uh, Evangeline, try not to cause any... disruptions." He smiled, nodded, and continued off to recruit others.


I lounged with my legs hanging off the edge off the arm of the sofa in the Gryffindor common room. It was fairly vacant, with only a few stragglers and the Marauders.

"What did Slughorn want?" Peter asked, looking up at me from his spot on the floor. 

"To ask me to go to his Slug-club meeting," I answered airily.

"You know, that Lilly Evans girl was asked to go too," James said, not meeting my curious gaze. I rolled my eyes. 

"And what don't you know about her?" I demanded. James reddened slightly, sending me into peals of laughter.

"The full moon is getting close," Remus said quitely, silencing all of us. After a moment, I stood up, lightly put my hand on his arm in a reassuring way, and went up stairs.

I sat in my nightgown in a bay window staring out over the Forbbiden Forest. Gigi sat on my shoulder, cuddling around my neck, purring contentedly. I gently rubbed his head, smiling. My thoughts turned to dueling day tomorrow. Cindy Umbridge and Azalea Prewett were so going down.


So, I guess this can lead into dueling day if anyone else wants to write on that too. Also, I hope it's okay I made Evangeline part of the Slug-club. I sort of needed something to write about.

submitted by Blonde Heroines Rule, age ageless, Hogwarts
(September 21, 2013 - 8:07 pm)

TOP! TOP! TOP! Bring this RP back!! I was busy!!

submitted by Moss, age 12, Places...
(September 29, 2013 - 9:51 am)

TOP! TOP! TOP! I don't want this to die...

submitted by Moss, age 12, Places...
(September 29, 2013 - 9:52 am)

Rise, thread, RISE!

submitted by Joe the Stickfiddler, age 14, Camp Vortex
(September 30, 2013 - 11:11 am)
submitted by JtSF has returned
(September 30, 2013 - 4:26 pm)


On the way to detention, Madam Pince told us we would be in separate detentions. "Your detentions will both be the coming Monday at three o'clock," she said. "And as we clearly cannot trust you together; you shall be separately punished. Mr. Repwillson, you will be with Mr. Filch. Miss Holmes, your detention shall take place with Professor McGonagall."

We walked off before we ran into two of my four personal idols and friends, James Potter and Sirius Black of the Marauders. "Detention, eh?" Sirius said. "Well, that's surprising... for you, Emma!" James smiled at us. "What did you two get detention for?"

"Trying to steal back confiscated objects," I said. "You know how it is. She helped."

"Well," said Sirius sincerely, "Take these!" He handed us two mirrors.

"What are these?" Emma asked, taking one.

"Oh, just a couple two-way mirrors. We've got a million of them! We invented them ourselves!" James told us. "No, your dad invented them, and you nicked them!" Sirius corrected James.

"Anyway," said James, ignoring Sirius, "you, Terrence, have one. Emma has the other. When Emma wants to talk to you in the mirror, she speaks your name into it. When you'd like to talk to her, you do the same! Handy when in separate detentions, provided a teacher doesn't look over your shoulder."

I took the other one. "Thanks," I said.

"No problem!" said James. "If you lose your mirror, or if a teacher takes it away... like I said, we've got a million of them!"

They walked off to the Gryffindor common room.

I looked at Emma. "Do we use these?"

Emma sighed. "I really don't trust the Marauders. Only in emergencies."


All right, so there we go! Who's going to write what now? 

submitted by Joe the Stickfiddler, age 14, Terrence Vortex
(October 1, 2013 - 4:42 pm)

This thread is returning NOW!!!

submitted by SOMEONE WRITE HERE!!
(October 2, 2013 - 2:44 pm)