Rise, my HypQuest

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Rise, my HypQuest

Rise, my HypQuests!

1. What would you do if every time someone told a lie in your presence, your neck got about a foot longer?

Go home and hide in my room where there would be no people around to lie.

2. What would you do if you came home one day and there was a vending machine on the porch, food loaded, with the keys taped to it?

Ignore it and let my parents decide its fate. I probably would be allergic to most of the food inside anyways.

3. What would you do if the following morning, the chicken dinner was trapped inside the vending machine, which someone or someones had placed in your closet?

Free the chicken dinner (Y'all remember him from other HypQuests, right?) and tell my parents that someone had moved the vending machine from wherever they put it (which would definetely not be my closet).

submitted by Joe the Stickfiddler, age 14, HypQuests Vortex
(August 22, 2013 - 9:20 am)

On each section (Inkwell, Chirp at Cricket, etc.), you'll see an image in the upper-left corner that says "Click here to talk (whatever)", click on that. Then fill out the form. Eeeee-zee pee-zee.

submitted by Joe the Stickfiddler, age 14, Thread Vortex
(August 30, 2013 - 12:16 pm)

1. What would you do if every time someone told a lie in your presence, your neck got about a foot longer?

Shriek. Retreat from society. Become employed as a giraffe lie detector.

2. What would you do if you came home one day and there was a vending machine on the porch, food loaded, with the keys taped to it?

I'm charging two bucks a pop.

3. What would you do if the following morning, the chicken dinner was trapped inside the vending machine, which someone or someones had placed in your closet?

Get annoyed at whoever moved it. Relocate chicken dinner. 

submitted by L
(August 31, 2013 - 1:19 pm)

1. What would you do if every time someone told a lie in your presence, your neck got about a foot longer?

Let it go until I could see above the clouds (cool!) but then, when the fun wsa over, FREAK OUT. See a doctor. Do anything it took. 


2. What would you do if you came home one day and there was a vending
machine on the porch, food loaded, with the keys taped to it?

Hm, well, I like vending machine food, anyway. A change from what we usually eat. 


3. What would you do if the following morning, the chicken dinner was
trapped inside the vending machine, which someone or someones had placed
in your closet?

Call my parents to get it out, and send it to the museum. 

submitted by Blackberry E., age 13
(August 31, 2013 - 3:07 pm)

What or who is the chicken dinner?

submitted by Ashlee G., age 12, Washington
(September 3, 2013 - 11:19 am)

1. What would you do if every time someone told a lie in your presence, your neck got about a foot longer?

Freak my siblings out by making them tell a lie and making them watch my neck grow. Then freak out myself. Freak out party, yay!

 2. What would you do if you came home one day and there was a vending
machine on the porch, food loaded, with the keys taped to it?

Show it to my siblings and we'd all wonder where it came from. Then I'd take something from it. I've never taken something from a vending machine (I know, ya'll will be suprised at that, but my mum strongly dissaproves of junk food.) before and it would be weird. Then tell my parents and let them deal with it.

 3. What would you do if the following morning, the chicken dinner was
trapped inside the vending machine, which someone or someones had placed
in your closet?

Ahem. . . that would be weird. Espcailly since my closet curently doesn't have a floor. Or walls. Just beams. Before the hurricane I would have answered, what closet? I don't have my own space, much less a closet. But now. . . my sister and I are getting a room, so I do have closet. Kind of. A closet-in-the-making. So I have no idea how a vending machine would be able to be in my closet.

Anyway, if it could, I would free the chicken dinner and tell my parents about the vending machine mysteriously floating in my non-existent closet.

submitted by Corina, age 11, In a Vending Machine
(September 27, 2013 - 5:56 pm)