Rise, my HypQuest

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Rise, my HypQuest

Rise, my HypQuests!

1. What would you do if every time someone told a lie in your presence, your neck got about a foot longer?

Go home and hide in my room where there would be no people around to lie.

2. What would you do if you came home one day and there was a vending machine on the porch, food loaded, with the keys taped to it?

Ignore it and let my parents decide its fate. I probably would be allergic to most of the food inside anyways.

3. What would you do if the following morning, the chicken dinner was trapped inside the vending machine, which someone or someones had placed in your closet?

Free the chicken dinner (Y'all remember him from other HypQuests, right?) and tell my parents that someone had moved the vending machine from wherever they put it (which would definetely not be my closet).

submitted by Joe the Stickfiddler, age 14, HypQuests Vortex
(August 22, 2013 - 9:20 am)

1. I would tape everyone's mouths shut with duct tape.  Just in case.

2. Look online for tips on testing for poison.  If after testing, they proved to not be poisonous (I would also check to see if they were still good), I would pick my favorites and start  eating.  Food jackpot!

3.  Get my little buddy out of there and rejoice.  Food in my room, where I can always access it!  (If it had been determined to be poisonous, I would panic of course.) 

submitted by Melody, age 15, Disney
(August 22, 2013 - 7:49 pm)

Top ill get back 2 this l8r

submitted by D
(August 23, 2013 - 11:16 am)

1. Only talk to my mom. She never lies.

2. Open it and hope there are Snyders Pretzels stocked.

3. Throw out the chicen dinner (I'm vegetarian) and ask someone to kindly remove the buzzing machine from my room!

submitted by Everinne, age 14, Asgard
(August 23, 2013 - 3:42 pm)

According to previous HypQuests, though, this chicken dinner is alive, or rather, undead.

submitted by Ima
(August 25, 2013 - 11:40 am)

1.) Run and find the Blue Fairy.

2.) Jackpot!

3.) Wonder a) where this closet came from, since mine is nowhere near big enough to fit a vending machine, b) call and yell at a friend of mine who's known for doing things like this, figuring it was them, and c) free the chicken dinner, toss it out the door, and have someone remove the vending machine.

submitted by Blonde Heroines Rule, age ageless, Cutters Gap
(August 25, 2013 - 4:39 pm)

For a second there, I thought you meant my sister and I was really confused. xD

submitted by Melody, age 15, Disney
(August 25, 2013 - 7:30 pm)

Oh, yeah! I'd forgotten we had a Blue Fairy when I said Blue Fairy!

submitted by Blonde Heroines Rule, age ageless, Monstro
(August 29, 2013 - 4:15 pm)

1. What would you do if every time someone told a lie in your presence, your neck got about a foot longer?

Well, presumably, I wouldn't know why my neck was growing so much, so I'd just go to the doctor.

2. What would you do if you came home one day and there was a vending machine on the porch, food loaded, with the keys taped to it?

I'd tell my parents about it.

3. What would you do if the following morning, the chicken dinner was trapped inside the vending machine, which someone or someones had placed in your closet?

I'd free the chicken dinner and tell it that it could live here if it wanted. I'd also ask it some questions, like whether it needed food. Eventually, I'd also ask my parents why the vending machine was in my closet, because it would be really weird if they put it there, although it would be weirder if it was in my closet and they didn't put it there. 
submitted by Ima
(August 25, 2013 - 11:44 am)

Ok, so this isn't a great time to jump into HypQuests since it's kinda the middle, but I was reading the HILARIOUS Q&A's, so I kinda know what going on.

So here goes! 

1. What would you do if every time someone told a lie in your presence, your neck got about a foot longer?

I'd become a street vendor and give everyone Truth Serum so they would't be able to tell lies.

2. What would you do if you came home one day and there was a vending machine on the porch, food loaded, with the keys taped to it?

Unless it had Sushi and other yumminess like that, I'd leave it alone. If it did have Sushi, yes I would test it. Then I would have it for whatever meal came after when I found it. YUM! (and yes, SpamBox, I would share my Sushi with you :D) 

3. What would you do if the following morning, the chicken dinner was trapped inside the vending machine, which someone or someones had placed in your closet?

Let him out and share my sushi! And then be thrilled because it has delicious Sushi inside and it's in MY CLOSET!!!

Also, here's one i made up (Hope you don't mind!):

1. What would you do if you woke up in a Science Lab and discovered that Bacteria were taking over? 

Yank my trusty ponytail holders from my wrists and use them as a slingshot with whatever's at hand.

Violet (wishing myself across the world) 

submitted by Violet, age 11, Here
(August 25, 2013 - 5:47 pm)

Hello! I'm new and I was wondering, what's a HypQuest?


It's a series of hypothetical questions (What if . . . ?) one person posts for others to answer.


submitted by Razily Dazily, Mulligan Stew
(August 26, 2013 - 4:04 pm)

@ Razily Dazily

Hi, welcome to the CB! If you like, you can start a "Hi I'm New" type thread where you can get to know us all, and we can answer any questions you might have! There's already one in Chirp at Cricket right now. But anyway, hope you like it here and stay around for awhile!

submitted by Blonde Heroines Rule, age ageless, Top Gear Test Track
(August 26, 2013 - 8:06 pm)

Normally Joe posts them but I'm sure he'd be happy to let other people post.

submitted by Melody, age 15, Disney
(August 26, 2013 - 9:05 pm)

1. Ahahahahahahaha-I'm in deep trouble.

2. What the...? Okay. I'd leave it for my parents.

3. My old friend the chicken dinner! Hey, buddy! I'd let him out... maybe. Depends on how much he costs.   

submitted by Red, age 14, Elsewhere
(August 27, 2013 - 6:11 pm)

1) Well, I would know they were lying which may be helpful, but on the other hand, my neck is a foot longer, so that's a tad bit annoying. There's no way to aviod people in my opinion, so I don't know what I'd do. Maybe I'd exile myself. Hmm. That would be interesting. Or, I could go to a place where it was illegal to tell lies!!! Hmm. Now I just need to find such a place. Possibly I could use my powers to fight crime...

2) I'd probably walk in the house and ask my parents why their was a vending machine on our porch. Perhaps they'd say no reason, but if there were pork rinds* in it I wouldn't be too sure....

3) I'd be a bit freaked out. "Guess what, Steve?! There's a chicken dinner that's alive in a vending machiene in my closet!" Acutally, I don't know how it would fit in my closet. If I could move the vending machine, I'd just put it in Steve's closet and pretend it wasn't my problem. Parents: "Do you have any idea why there's a vending machine in Steve's closet with a chicken dinner that appears to be alive in it?!" Me: "Uh... no?" Neck grows a foot longer. "Okay, yes. I put it there because it was in my closet." Pulls out quarter from pocket and puts in pork rind number. "See ya! I have a secret meeting of H.E.R.O. to attend!" Vending machine disappears, revealing staircase, which I run down before my parents or Steve can do anything about it. "Well it looks like our newest member of H.E.R.O. is here." "Yeah. My neck grows a foot longer when you lie." Bud** (I thought he was in Powerles?!): "And I though MY powers were bad!" Me: "They are!"

See how that all ties up nicely? Hmm. I guess HypQuests make me reckless. I don't think I could actually drag a vending machiene to Steve's closet.

*For all of you who haven't read SIDEKICKED yet, and/or don't plan to, their secret training program is located below a vending machine that's triggered by the order of the disgusting pork rinds. The program is called H.E.R.O., Highview Environmental Reclamation Orginization, "We keep trash off the streets!"

**Bud is a character from Matthew Cody's POWERLESS who lets off a horrible stench when he gets exited or nervous. The reason he doesn't belong in this scene is... everything. He wasn't even in SIDEKICKED! 

submitted by Theo W. , age 12, Dark,HypQuest places
(August 27, 2013 - 8:25 pm)

Thanks guys. How do you start a thread and where should I start it?

submitted by Razily Dazily, Mulligan Stew
(August 30, 2013 - 10:57 am)